
Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Transmigrating to the Naruto world, yet starting off in the troubled Hidden Mist Village during the bloody mist policy. Uehara Soma found his survival at risk. But luckily, he awakened the Blacksmith System where Completing forging and receive rewards. Since that day, the famous ninjas swords became no different that ordinary swords... 【Successfully forged Kirito's Sword, gaining 300 swordsmanship experience.】 【Successfully forged Murasame, obtained Excellent Water Talent】 ... From then on, the Hidden Mist Village officially entered the era of ninja swordsmanship. The history of the Hidden Mist Seven being defeated by a mere Konoha Genin will never repeat! ... You can read up to 50 Advanced chapters and support me at patreon.com/Lookar ... This is a Translation Original name: 雾隐锻造师,重铸忍刀流荣光!

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Chapter 83: The Upcoming Fourth Ten Consecutive Draws!

"Kaguya Neko!"

A voice full of extreme anger rang out.

Kaguya Hikari glared fiercely at Kaguya Neko across from him.

Upon hearing about the Kaguya Clan incident, Kaguya Hikari and other members of the Kaguya Clan on the battlefield immediately withdrew from the battlefield.

For these Kaguya Clan members, family is more important than the village.

Therefore, when the family encountered such a tragedy, village matters became insignificant.

On the battlefield, they no longer cared about the outcome against Konoha.

Even if their temporary withdrawal put many Kirigakure ninja at a disadvantage, even if it meant many Kirigakure ninja died at the hands of Konoha's ninja, they didn't care.

They only had one thought.

Find Kaguya Neko, uncover the truth of the matter, and then kill Kaguya Neko.

Kill anyone involved in this matter.

However, before they returned to the Land of Water, Kaguya Neko had already come knocking on their door.

Kaguya Hikari and others wanted to kill Kaguya Neko.

Kaguya Neko also wanted to kill Kaguya Hikari and the others.

After putting in so much effort to stabilize the situation of the Kaguya Clan, to allow them to continue integrating into the Hidden Mist Village without the trouble of "civil wars," Kaguya Neko would not allow anyone to disrupt that.

Third Mizukage deliberately arranged ANBU ninja to inform Kaguya Neko of Kaguya Hikari and the others' whereabouts.

And thus, the current encounter came about.

Kaguya Neko alone ambushed Kaguya Hikari and a dozen others.

It was too sudden.

Kaguya Hikari and the others didn't anticipate it at all.

In an instant, several people were killed by Kaguya Neko.

And now, only Kaguya Hikari remained opposite Kaguya Neko.

The rest were all corpses, lying on the ground.

However, Kaguya Neko also suffered greatly.

The injuries on his body were severe.

Dozens of wounds.

Blood stained the chest red.

And more importantly, Kaguya Hikari's current fighting style is restraining Kaguya Neko.

Kaguya Hikari wields Thunder Swords, almost all attacks are mid-range and long-range.

When lightning strikes, if it hits, it will momentarily immobilize Kaguya Neko.

It's difficult for Kaguya Neko to get close to Kaguya Hikari.

And without getting close, he can't unleash the power of Dragon-Bone.

Without unleashing the power of Dragon-Bone, Kaguya Neko is still just at the level he was before obtaining Dragon-Bone.

But Kaguya Hikari can use Thunder Swords extremely well.

"Why would you do such a thing?"

"Why betray the clan?"

"Is power really that important?"

Kaguya Hikari's face darkened.

"Lightning Release: Lightning ball!"

Kaguya Hikari's chakra surged into the Thunder Swords, and in the next moment, at the tips of the Thunder Swords, it condensed into a Lightning ball.

The Lightning ball swiftly sped towards Kaguya Neko.

Kaguya Neko dodged to the side just in time, but Kaguya Hikari's next round of attacks came again.

"Lightning Release: Banquet of Lightning!"

Kaguya Hikari thrust the Thunder Swords into the ground, and in the next moment, lightning grew like branches, spreading towards Kaguya Neko's position.

"Is this the power you gained after killing so many clan members?"

"Just this little power?"

"I'm curious how you managed to kill so many clan members."

"By relying on ambushes and poisoning?"

"Or did someone else help you?"

"Could it be old man Third?"

Kaguya Hikari thought of a possibility.

Then, he became even more furious.

"You actually chose the village over the clan? As a member of the Kaguya Clan, you chose to be a dog for Third Mizukage, that old guy? What were you thinking? What's your motive?"

"Beyond redemption!"

"If it was just for power, I could still admire you."

"But if you did it for the village, then I must kill you!"

"After I kill you, I'll seek revenge on the village and kill that old guy!"

This provoked Kaguya Neko.

Even though Kaguya Neko knew that Kaguya Hikari was saying this deliberately, Kaguya Neko still couldn't control himself.

Protecting the village is Kaguya Neko's ninja way.

A stronger aura than before erupted from Kaguya Neko, and his movements became much faster than before, as if ignoring the injuries on his body.

"It seems I was right."

Kaguya Hikari snorted coldly.

"You truly are a brainless traitor, betraying the clan, siding with the village, disregarding even blood ties, killing your own kin. Do you think highly of yourself?"

"You obtained a Ninjato and think you're powerful?"

"I am above you!"

"Let me bury you with this Thunder Swords in my hand!"

"Let me make you understand, there's not only a gap between individuals."

"There's also a gap between Ninjato."

"When I was in the Kaguya Clan, I was stronger than you."

"The Thunder Swords in my hand will also surpass the Dragon-Bone in yours!"

"That young Blacksmith's created Ninjato is just a gimmick."

"The capabilities of Kiriichimonji, once exposed, its threat decreases significantly."

"As for the Blue Rose Sword, while it may grant the Ice Release Kekkei Genkai, what about its strength?"

"In addition, that Dragon-Bone in your hand poses no threat unless you get close."

"Thanks to that old man Third, he valued that Blacksmith so much."

"I'm glad I got the Thunder Swords."

"The weak link isn't the Ninjato, it's the Seven Mist Swordsmen."

"In my hands, these Thunder Swords are much stronger than they were in Kurosuki Raiga's hands!"

"Let me show you the true power of the Thunder Swords!"

"I'll bury you!"

Kaguya Hikari raised the Thunder Swords high.

"Lightning Release: Lightning Dragon Tornado!"

The lightning almost solidified, taking the form of a dragon.

It resembled the Water Dragon Bullet in appearance.

However, Kaguya Neko could clearly feel that this Ninjutsu posed a much greater threat than the Water Dragon Bullet.

It could even threaten his life.

"You talk too much"

Kaguya Neko looked at the lightning dragon attacking, desperately stepping back.

Butthe lightning dragon was too fast. Much faster than Kaguya Neko's speed.

In an instant, it caught up to Kaguya Neko, its jaws wide open, fiercely biting down on Kaguya Neko.

A large amount of lightning power erupted from Kaguya Neko's body.


A wisp of black smoke drifted from Kaguya Neko's body.

Kaguya Hikari looked faintly at the fallen Kaguya Neko.

"Killing you is just the beginning. I'll go back to the village, kill that old man Third, kill that Blacksmith, kill all the ninjas who have laid hands on the Kaguya Clan."

Kaguya Neko fell into a coma.

But within the depths of his consciousness, he seemed to hear Kaguya Hikari's voice.


"Absolutely not!"

"I've sacrificed so much, endured so much, to stabilize the Kaguya Clan and the village. I absolutely won't allow you to destroy it!"

"I won't allow anyone to harm the village!"

A strong sense of unwillingness surged in Kaguya Neko's heart.

Just at this moment.

A stream of blood flowed down Kaguya Neko's arm onto the blade of the Dragon-Bone.

It had flowed before.

But this time, the situation seemed different.



Kaguya Neko felt as if there were voices resonating in his heart.

Then, his blood began to flow rapidly through his veins.

His body started to heat up.

Kaguya Neko felt an unprecedented power.


White bones grew wildly, piercing through Kaguya Neko's muscles, skin...

All over his body.

Kaguya Neko became like a hedgehog covered in white bone spurs.

Kaguya Hikari sensed something was wrong and instinctively turned around.


Then, Kaguya Hikari heard the sound of bones breaking above his neck.

Kaguya Neko's figure appeared behind him.

The Dragon-Bone in his hand viciously struck Kaguya Hikari's neck.

And Kaguya Neko's body was covered in white bones, looking quite intimidating.

Kaguya Hikari's pupils contracted.


"No, this can't be!"

"You, a traitor to the clan, how dare you awaken the clan's Kekkei Genkai?"

Kaguya Neko struck again, completely severing Kaguya Hikari's head.

"Who knows?"

Kaguya Neko sheathed his sword, kicked Kaguya Hikari's body down, then swiftly left, leaving only a ground full of corpses.

Before long, some Mist Village ninja arrived.

"These are Kaguya Hikari and his group!"

"Someone killed them!"

"The Thunder Swords are here!"



"I'm less than 100 points away from reaching 1000 reputation."

"At this rate, I'll reach it in just a few days."

Uehara Soma glanced at the semi-transparent screen.

A figure approached Uehara Soma.

"Chief Uehara."


"Chief Uehara, I've completed the surgical knife. It follows the same design as you outlined, with the handle and blade separated. Here's the complete set. Take a look."

Arafuni handed over a box.

Uehara Soma took it.

"Chief Uehara, what do you think?"

Uehara Soma examined each item carefully.

"Very good, no issues. The quality is excellent. Take it directly to the medical department for Mayuko-senpai to inspect. If she approves, we'll take on this order at the price we discussed earlier."

"Yes, chief."

Arafuni departed.

He paddled a small boat towards the direction of the medical department.


A medical ninja led Arafuni to Mayuko Ringo.

Mayuko Ringo opened it.

"Not bad, but it seems different from last time?"

"Mayuko-senpai, this is our chief's new design. It's to reduce costs. The integrated design is too expensive, and the chief is worried that the injured won't be able to afford it."

"No, I'm not talking about that. I mean the forging process."

Arafuni paused for a moment, then straightened his chest involuntarily.

"Mayuko-senpai, this set of surgical knives was designed by the chief. The core components were beyond my ability, so the chief completed them. The rest was done by me."

Arafuni felt a sense of pride in crafting such high-quality tools, even if he hadn't completed the entire process himself.

However, Arafuni wouldn't be satisfied with just that.

In his mind, Arafuni set himself a short-term goal.

He aimed to master the entire process of forging surgical knives as soon as possible.

Mayuko Ringo's eyes lit up slightly.

She wasn't upset at all by Arafuni's ambition; on the contrary, she was pleasantly surprised.

Mayuko Ringo was aware of Uehara Soma's situation.

It wasn't realistic to expect Uehara Soma to fully engage in the forging of surgical knives.

But if Arafuni could independently complete the forging of surgical knives, then he could devote all his energy to it, which would be beneficial for the medical department.

High-quality surgical knives could make surgeries smoother, saving and healing more wounded, thus reducing casualties in the Hidden Mist Village.

"What's the price?"

Arafuni quoted the figure given by Uehara Soma.

Mayuko Ringo nodded.

"It's more expensive than traditional surgical knives, but it's acceptable. After all, the quality is on a different level."

"Mayuko-senpai, how many do you need?"

"Let's start with sixty sets for the first batch, and we can add more for the blades later."

"Alright, I'll report back to Chief Uehara right away."

Excitedly, Arafuni left.

Ordering sixty sets for the first batch indicated that Mayuko Ringo was reasonably satisfied with the surgical knives. Moreover, since the blades would be replaced regularly, it meant Forging Island would have a steady source of income.

Back on Forging Island.

"Chief Uehara."

"Arafuni, how did it go?"

"Mayuko-senpai agreed to sixty sets for the first batch."

"Good. Starting tomorrow, you'll commence the forging. I'll take care of any parts you can't complete."

"Yes, Chief."

Uehara Soma continued to dedicate most of his time to researching the Breathing Forging Method.

As for the Water Drop Hammer, Uehara Soma had already mastered it to a large extent.

The Water Flow Hammer has improved significantly compared to before. Initially, the distance and power didn't have any practical effect. But now, while maintaining the same frequency, Uehara Soma has increased the power, making it usable in actual forging. 

"With the Water Drop Hammer, I can achieve about sixty forgings. After sixty forgings, using the Water Flow Hammer, I can achieve almost a hundred forgings. This means that in terms of forging, my current level has already met the requirements of the Skeleton Emperor's forging. 

What's left is the Chakra Smelting Technique. I wonder when Juzo-senpai can bring Kakuzu to the Land of Water. If it takes too long, I might consider finding a ninja in the Hidden Mist Village who is skilled in Fire Release. Even if they're not experts, I can still learn something from their experience."

"Or perhaps, I could research Ninjutsu scrolls myself." 

However, this is not easy. Looking at Ninjutsu scrolls, either the Ninjutsu is very simple or it requires a genius. 

As for finding someone to teach, teaching Ninjutsu that one is not good at oneself is also difficult. 

There are very few ninjas in the Hidden Mist Village who can use Fire Release, and those few ninjas only possess very low-level Fire Release and are not skilled. It can be said that the help they can provide to Uehara Soma is minimal. 

That's why Biwa Juzo suggested Kakuzu as a candidate. Normally, there's no need to seek help from outsiders for problems that can be solved within the village. 

"But progress, even if slow, is better than none at all. Previously, I needed to spend time on the Breathing Forging Method."

"Now, with the Breathing Forging Method, I've pretty much mastered it." 

"Continuing to wait is equivalent to wasting time." 

"No, actually, I can wait a little longer." 

"My reputation is about to reach 1000 points."

"With 1000 reputation points, I can do a ten consecutive draws." 

"If the ninja tools drawn don't have high requirements for smelting, I can complete the forging of these tools before making the Skeleton Emperor. This way, there won't be any time wasted."

Uehara Soma looked at the translucent screen in front of him, at the reputation column. 



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