
Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Transmigrating to the Naruto world, yet starting off in the troubled Hidden Mist Village during the bloody mist policy. Uehara Soma found his survival at risk. But luckily, he awakened the Blacksmith System where Completing forging and receive rewards. Since that day, the famous ninjas swords became no different that ordinary swords... 【Successfully forged Kirito's Sword, gaining 300 swordsmanship experience.】 【Successfully forged Murasame, obtained Excellent Water Talent】 ... From then on, the Hidden Mist Village officially entered the era of ninja swordsmanship. The history of the Hidden Mist Seven being defeated by a mere Konoha Genin will never repeat! ... You can read up to 50 Advanced chapters and support me at patreon.com/Lookar ... This is a Translation Original name: 雾隐锻造师,重铸忍刀流荣光!

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Chapter 80: Leave Pakura To Me!

Uehara Soma nodded.

"That's right."

"Juzo-senpai, you see, my Forging Technique has reached a bottleneck, and to improve it, I must learn new forging methods."

"This requires the use of Fire Release Chakra, so I need to learn Fire Release."

Biwa Juzo showed a sudden realization.

"I see."

But then he frowned.

"As for Fire Release, among us Mist Ninja, very few know it, and even fewer have mastered it."

"After all, we are in the Land of Water."

"The environment here isn't suitable for Fire Release Ninjas to excel."

"So there aren't many people studying Fire Release."

"The ones skilled in Fire Release are mainly from Konoha."

"Such as Uchiha and Sarutobi."

"But our Hidden Mist Village is currently in a hostile relationship with Konoha."

"It might not be easy to obtain Fire Release from Konoha."

"Even other small Ninja villages wouldn't readily share their village's Ninjutsu."

"But as far as I know within Hidden Mist Village, there isn't anyone who has reached a level proficient enough to teach high level Fire Release."

"If you indeed need it, Soma, I have thought of a candidate."

Uehara Soma asked, "Who?"

"A missing-nin from the Hidden Waterfall Village."

Biwa Juzo said, "A missing-nin named Kakuzu from the Hidden Waterfall Village, after leaving the village, became a wandering ninja, frequently operating within the Land of Rivers."

"This person doesn't belong to any faction and he's especially obsessed with money."

"In other words, as long as you give him money and ask him to do something, he will agree."

"And the Hidden Waterfall Village has a tradition of Fire Release Ninjutsu."

"This person has also used Fire Release."

The name mentioned by Biwa Juzo surprised Uehara Soma a bit.

But after careful consideration, Uehara Soma felt it was not impossible.

If the Hidden Rock Village can hire members of the Akatsuki organization for tasks, then...

Moreover, at this point in time, Kakuzu has not yet joined the Akatsuki organization.

He's just a simple wandering ninja.

As Biwa Juzo mentioned, money will suffice.

As for safety concerns, Uehara Soma isn't worried.

They'll fix the teaching location to Hidden Mist Village or its vicinity.

As long as Kakuzu isn't mentally unstable or desperate, he wouldn't harm Uehara Soma.

With the teaching incomplete, Uehara Soma definitely won't pay the full amount.

It would be foolish to attack Uehara Soma without receiving payment.

And Kakuzu has no reason to harm Uehara Soma.

Compared to those within Hidden Mist Village who might only know one or two Fire Release Ninjutsu and aren't even proficient in using them, Kakuzu is undoubtedly a much better choice.

After all, Kakuzu's strength and experience are here.

He's a survivor from the era of the First Hokage.

Relying on the Earth Grudge Fear Jutsu, he achieved an alternative form of immortality.

He has dabbled in various types of Ninjutsu.

"Juzo-senpai, how should we contact this ninja?"

"I'll go pay him a visit."

Biwa Juzo said, "Soma, your overall strength has already reached the level of a Special Jounin, and with Ao here, as well as ANBU ninjas, your safety isn't a major concern."

"Additionally, I heard that a support team for Konoha from the Hidden Sand has appeared in the Land of Fire."

"The leader is named Pakura."

"She possesses a special Scorch Release Kekkei Genkai."

"She's particularly effective against our Hidden Mist Village's Water Release ninjas."

"She's killed many of our people."

"I'll take the opportunity to meet with her as well."

The Land of Rivers is situated between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind.

With the addition of the Hidden Sand, the front line of the Mist Village ninjas has been extended.

Part of it has already approached the area near the Land of Rivers.

Konoha is located in the center of the Land of Fire.

Now the front line of the Hidden Mist Village extends from the southeast of the Land of Fire all the way to the southwest.

So if Biwa Juzo goes to the Land of Rivers, it's indeed on the way.

"Alright, then I'll leave it to you, Juzo-senpai."

"Don't mention it."

Biwa Juzo smiled.

"It just so happens that I can also verify the results of my training after obtaining the Blue Rose Sword."

"Having been away from the battlefield for so long, I have to say, I didn't quite enjoy the war while on the battlefield, but strangely enough, after being away for so long, I find myself reminiscing about it a little."

In his heart, Biwa Juzo added silently.

"I wonder if I'll encounter that person this time."

"If possible..."

Biwa Juzo went straight to the Mizukage's Building in the afternoon.


Biwa Juzo stated his purpose.

The Third Mizukage hesitated for a moment.

"Juzo, are you sure Soma has already reached the level of a Special Jounin?"


Biwa Juzo said, "Soma's basic attributes have completely reached this level, and his talent in Water Release surpasses mine. Therefore, he'll only be stronger than a Special Jounin, not weaker."

The Third Mizukage nodded.

"If that's the case, then Forging Island really doesn't need you that much."

"And the battlefield in the Land of Fire is currently giving me a headache."

"Pakura's Kekkei Genkai is too effective against Water Release ninjas."

"And Yagura can't free himself to go there."

"In this short period, several dozen ninjas from Hidden Mist Village have already died at the hands of that Pakura."

"Juzo, are you confident?"

Biwa Juzo glanced at the Blue Rose Sword at his waist.

"Mizukage-sama, I will never let you down. I will defeat Pakura."


After leaving the Mizukage's Building, Biwa Juzo returned to Forging Island.

On one hand, it was a farewell.

On the other hand, it was to plan the next training session for Ameyuri Ringo.

Uehara Soma watched Biwa Juzo's departing figure.

"If Juzo-senpai goes to the battlefield, he will definitely use the Blue Rose Sword."

"In other words, it will enhance my reputation and bring another wave of growth."

"Perhaps before Juzo-senpai returns, my reputation will once again exceed 1000 points?"

"In that case, I can actually start with a 10x draw."

"Higher-level blueprints have a chance of drawing better ninja tools."

"However, better ninja tools may also require higher demands on Forging Techniques."

"Like the Skeleton Emperor."

"So, I don't necessarily have to wait until I reach 2000 points of reputation to do a 20x draw."

"Even if the drawn ninja tools aren't excellent, they would still be at least on par with the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords, which are top-tier."

"They can enhance the strength of the contractor."

"They can bring rewards for me."

"Once I have mastered the Chakra Smelting Technique and the Breathing Forging Method, I can do 20x or more draws to obtain higher-level blueprints."


Back in the forging room.

"I'll have to wait until I learn Fire Release for the Chakra Smelting Technique."

"For now, I can try the Breathing Forging Method."

"Incorporating breath into the forging process."

Uehara Soma took out a hammer and metal ingot.

Closed his eyes.

On Forging Island, Uehara Soma had no experience to reference.

So, in his mind, he envisioned scenes from Demon Slayer, Tanjiro learning Water Breathing.

Uehara Soma felt there might be similarities he could draw upon.

"The Breathing Technique, created by Tsugikuni Yoriichi, grants humans the ability to combat demons."

"Adjusting the breath, inhaling large amounts of oxygen in a short period."

"Using this to invigorate the blood."

"Instantly enhancing the body's attributes to the utmost."

"Strength, speed, explosive power, all-round improvement."

"Water Breathing is one of the basic Breathing Techniques derived from the Sun Breathing."

Uehara Soma stood still, allowing his heartbeat and breathing to steady.

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale...

For a ninja like Uehara Soma, achieving this level isn't difficult.

Before long, he had adjusted.

It was like a skilled practitioner learning basic knowledge in another field.

"The first form of Water Breathing is Water Surface Slash."

"Meaning, to slash with one's blade as smoothly as the surface of water."

"In this way, the marks left by the slash will also resemble the surface of water."

"The process of the strike is, in fact, a simulation."

"A simulation of water's properties."

Uehara Soma looked at the hammer in his hand.

"To simulate the water surface with a blade, one focuses on stability, the other on smoothness. But, I'm using a hammer. How can a hammer simulate the water surface? Smoothly hammering?"

Uehara Soma swung the hammer in his hand.


The metal ingot on the forging table was directly sent flying by Uehara Soma.

"No, that's not it."

"The first form of Water Breathing is a simulation of the water surface, but I don't necessarily have to follow it. A hammer definitely can't simulate the water surface; our properties don't match."

"And forging doesn't require cutting."

"The water surface is one of water's characteristics."

"Droplets are also one of water's characteristics."

Uehara Soma envisioned the scene of water droplets falling.




Then he swung the hammer.

At the moment when his inhalation reached its limit, the hammer fell.


Uehara Soma looked at the metal ingot in front of him, his eyes brightened.

"It seems different."

"The sound of forging and the changes in the metal ingot are somewhat different from before."

"And it's in a good direction."

"Does this prove my approach is right?"

Uehara Soma recalled his movements just now and tried again.


The same sound rang out.

"Yes, it's not my imagination. Indeed, I'm heading in the right direction."

"Just not mature enough yet."

"I need to observe."

"I need references."

Uehara Soma took a glass from the side, poured it onto the table, and the water flowed along the tabletop, towards the edge, then dripped down onto the floor.

When it touched the ground, it shattered, turning into countless small droplets, splashing around.


"The falling speed is getting faster."

"And the touch, it's just a moment."

Uehara Soma observed the characteristics of the falling droplets.

Meanwhile, in his mind, he simulated the scene of the hammer falling.


Uehara Soma's observation was not limited to just the droplets falling on the table, but also the droplets falling from tree leaves, sliding from grass, descending from the sky, and the droplets formed by splashing seawater...

Uehara Soma became somewhat immersed in it.

Different from learning Ninjutsu and Taijutsu.

Whether it's Water Release or Taijutsu, what Uehara Soma learns are things that already exist, created by others.

Uehara Soma just wants to improve his strength, to learn.

Now, Uehara Soma is creating.

Even if he borrows from others' experiences, what he creates is entirely new.

Moreover, Uehara Soma feels that the improvement of Forging Technique will be more meaningful for himself.

The better the Forging Technique, the better the forged ninja tools, and the better the rewards obtained.



A Mist Village ninja approached Biwa Juzo.

"Why are you the only one here?"

"Back to Juzo-sama, the Eighth Team encountered ninjas from the Hidden Sand Village. Our base was attacked, and everyone else went to support the Eighth Team. I'm the only one left."

Biwa Juzo frowned.

"The Hidden Sand? Lead the way."

"Yes, Juzo-sama."

The Mist Village ninja seemed somewhat pleased.

Even though this Mist Village ninja didn't understand the evolved overall strength of Biwa Juzo.

But, after all, Biwa Juzo was one of the Mist Seven.

Even though he was defeated by Konoha's Genin before.

Returning to the village with shame.

However, the strength of Elite Jonin does exist. And in such a small-scale battlefield, an Elite Jonin can bring about a qualitative change. Pakura's appearance has caused a lot of trouble for the Mist Village ninjas. 

The current momentum has dropped significantly. In addition to this, the matter of the Kaguya Clan has also affected the morale of certain Mist Village ninjas. 

Before long, the sounds of intense fighting entered the ears of the two. 

"They're close!" 

The Mist Village ninja's words had just fallen. 


A kunai flew towards the two. Biwa Juzo drew his sword and deflected the kunai. 


But that brought them to a halt. A scene entered the sight of Biwa Juzo and the others. Immediately, the eyes of the nearby Mist Village ninja turned red. They saw it. Over a dozen Mist Village ninjas had already become corpses.

Moreover, what's even more crucial is that the bodies of several Mist Village ninjas were found kneeling on the ground, hands bound, their heads severed from their necks.


Not only were they killed, but they were killed in a rather humiliating manner. Even more, the Hidden Sand operatives collected the heads of these Mist Village ninjas and stacked them up, forming a wall. 

A wooden stick was driven straight through them, resembling candied fruit skewers. 

Biwa Juzo's face darkened. The ongoing conflict between the Hidden Mist Village and Konoha had resulted in numerous casualties on both sides. 

However, such an atrocity had never occurred before. Regarding his defeat by Might Duy, Biwa Juzo felt ashamed, but he respected Might Duy's strength. What Biwa Juzo truly loathed was his own weakness. Yet now, Biwa Juzo's disgust towards the Hidden Sand operatives before him had reached its peak.

A Sand Jonin seemed to recognize Biwa Juzo. With a slightly mocking tone, he said, "Isn't this Biwa Juzo, one of the renowned Mist Seven Ninja Swords?"


You can read up to 50 Advanced chapters and support me at patreon.com/Lookar