
Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Transmigrating to the Naruto world, yet starting off in the troubled Hidden Mist Village during the bloody mist policy. Uehara Soma found his survival at risk. But luckily, he awakened the Blacksmith System where Completing forging and receive rewards. Since that day, the famous ninjas swords became no different that ordinary swords... 【Successfully forged Kirito's Sword, gaining 300 swordsmanship experience.】 【Successfully forged Murasame, obtained Excellent Water Talent】 ... From then on, the Hidden Mist Village officially entered the era of ninja swordsmanship. The history of the Hidden Mist Seven being defeated by a mere Konoha Genin will never repeat! ... You can read up to 50 Advanced chapters and support me at patreon.com/Lookar ... This is a Translation Original name: 雾隐锻造师,重铸忍刀流荣光!

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86 Chs

Chapter 50: Body Modification!

After stitching up numerous wounds on Ao's body, Uehara Soma gained a renewed understanding of his own surgical skills, knowledge of the human body, and Body Modification Technique.

Uehara Soma is confident in making certain modifications to Ao's eyes.

Even if the modification fails, it won't lead to worse consequences.

"Well then, let's give it a try!"

The modification Uehara Soma wants to make is quite simple.

According to the original plot, after Kakashi obtained the Sharingan, he needed to wear an eye mask most of the time to mitigate the side effects of the Sharingan.

Similarly, after acquiring the Byakugan, Ao also wore an eye mask.

And he also used special sealing protection symbols.

What Uehara Soma wants to do is to modify the tissues around Ao's eyes, allowing these tissues to have a certain degree of mobility to control the "switch" of the eyes.

This should help reduce some of the side effects of eye transplantation.

Mayuko Ringo noticed Uehara Soma's actions, opened her mouth as if to say something.

But after seeing Uehara Soma's extremely smooth and confident actions, not seeming impromptu but rather very assured, she thought for a moment and ultimately said nothing.

After a while, Uehara Soma stopped.


"Thank you for your hard work. I'll take over from here," Mayuko Ringo said.

Uehara Soma left the makeshift operating room.

"Soma, how did it go?" Biwa Juzo asked.

"It went smoothly enough," Uehara Soma replied. "The surgery went well. Next, Ringo Senpai will perform Medical Ninjutsu on Ao-senpai. If everything goes as planned, Ao-senpai should recover quickly."

Biwa Juzo nodded.

He had seen Ao before. While they weren't particularly familiar, Biwa Juzo knew Ao was a decent ninja.

However, this time, Ao's performance astonished Biwa Juzo.

He had managed to defeat a ninja from the Hyuga clan and successfully snatch a Byakugan from them, bringing it back to the Hidden Mist Village.

This is something many ninjas aspire to but fail to achieve.

"Compared to Ao, my performance as one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist is far inferior."

"Clearly, we are the ones whom the village has higher expectations for."

"But next time, it won't be like this!"

Shortly after, Mayuko Ringo emerged.

"Mayuko-senpai, how did it go?"

"It went quite well," Mayuko Ringo said. "The main issue with Ao was the surgery. Soma, you did a great job with the surgery, so I just need to handle some follow-up work, which shouldn't be difficult."

"However, there are some matters in the medical department that I need to attend to."

"Since Ao won't be able to move for a while, can he stay on Forging Island?"

Uehara Soma nodded.

"No problem."

Mayuko Ringo turned to leave, but halfway, she stopped again.

"Soma, are you interested in Medical Ninjutsu?"

"Huh?" Uehara Soma paused for a moment.

"If you're interested in Medical Ninjutsu, you can come to the medical department when you have time. I can personally teach you. I think you have great potential in Medical Ninjutsu," Mayuko Ringo said.

Uehara Soma furrowed his brows, understanding that Mayuko Ringo was impressed by his surgical skills.

However, he knew that he didn't have a talent for Medical Ninjutsu, at least not for now.

He only had a bit of skill in Body Modification Technique.

While there were similarities between the two, they were not entirely the same.

Moreover, Uehara Soma gained his expertise in Body Modification Technique through experience, not innate talent.

"Okay," Uehara Soma replied without committing to anything specific.

Mayuko Ringo nodded and left.

Biwa Juzo quickly approached Uehara Soma.

"Soma, it seems your talent isn't limited to Forging Technique and Water Release. You possess strong talent in other areas as well. If you hadn't become a blacksmith, you would surely be an exceptionally strong ninja by now."

"You are a true genius."

"But becoming a blacksmith is also excellent."

"However, Soma, there's no need for you to learn Medical Ninjutsu right now. Medical Ninjutsu is about saving others, and currently, in the Hidden Mist Village, no one's life is more important than yours."

"So it's more important for you to enhance your self-defense capabilities."

Biwa Juzo paused for a moment.

"As for your upcoming training plan, I've thought about it. You've already mastered quite a bit of Water Release Ninjutsu. It's difficult to obtain even more powerful Water Release Ninjutsu."

"Learning those mediocre skills would be meaningless."

"Compared to Ninjutsu, what you urgently need to improve, Soma, are your basic attributes."

"Next, I will devise a rigorous physical training plan for you."

"It will be tough."

"But I hope you can persevere, Soma."

"After all, considering your situation, you will likely encounter many dangers in the future and must have sufficient strength."

Uehara Soma nodded.

"No problem, Juzo-senpai. Whatever you arrange, I can endure."

In this regard, Uehara Soma and Biwa Juzo shared the same mindset.

Uehara Soma was well aware of the dangers in this world.

Without strength, everything was just empty talk.

What was a little hardship in comparison?

Inside the operating room, Ao opened his eyes.


A sound of sharp inhaling echoed.

Ao felt pain all over his body.

Some memories surfaced in Ao's mind.

"I remember, I successfully ambushed a member of the Hyuga clan and brought back a Byakugan, but on the way back, I was attacked several times and severely injured."

"Then, I fell into a coma."

"At one point, I woke up. I was lying down, and there were two people standing beside me, one was Mayuko-senpai from the medical department, and the other, I didn't recognize, was a young boy."

"The two of them were doing something to my body."

Ao raised his arm, and his pupils contracted slightly.

Because Ao saw that his arm was full of suture marks.

Ao opened his shirt.

Not only his arm, but his entire body was covered with suture marks.

Ao: "..."

"My injuries were so severe, but I'm still alive. Did Mayuko and that young boy save me?"

Ao smiled.

"It's really great to be alive!"

But the next moment, Ao became alert immediately.

"I wonder what happened to that Byakugan."

Ao's eyes flickered.

"It's not that I don't want to trust everyone in the village, but the Byakugan is indeed too precious outside of Konoha."

"A single Byakugan can easily cause a bloodbath."

Just then, Ao felt something strange coming from his right eye.


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