
Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Transmigrating to the Naruto world, yet starting off in the troubled Hidden Mist Village during the bloody mist policy. Uehara Soma found his survival at risk. But luckily, he awakened the Blacksmith System where Completing forging and receive rewards. Since that day, the famous ninjas swords became no different that ordinary swords... 【Successfully forged Kirito's Sword, gaining 300 swordsmanship experience.】 【Successfully forged Murasame, obtained Excellent Water Talent】 ... From then on, the Hidden Mist Village officially entered the era of ninja swordsmanship. The history of the Hidden Mist Seven being defeated by a mere Konoha Genin will never repeat! ... You can read up to 50 Advanced chapters and support me at patreon.com/Lookar ... This is a Translation Original name: 雾隐锻造师,重铸忍刀流荣光!

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88 Chs

Chapter 38: Water Release: Water Formation Pillar Jutsu

[Spirit +1!]

[Physique +1!]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1 Thug Recruitment Token.]

[Physique +1!]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1 God's Hand Blueprint.]


"One blueprint, one Thug Recruitment Token."

"The result of the ten consecutive draws this time is slightly worse than last time, but at least there's one blueprint."

"That's still fine."

Uehara Soma looked at the blueprint.

"And this is the God's Hand!"


Uehara Soma smiled.

Kiriichimonji is a Shingu.

Even if Uehara Soma were to create it, the effect of the Shingu, even if it's just of ordinary quality, would already be very good, comparable to the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords.

And Teigu is even above the Shingu.

"In the World of Akame Ga Kill, the user of God's Hand is named Dr. Stylish."

"A doctor, no, it's more appropriate to call him a researcher."

"In addition to treatment, he's also skilled in Body Modification and the production of precision instruments."

"The main function of God's Hand is to enhance operational ability."

Uehara Soma revealed a peculiar expression.

Because, Uehara Soma thought of someone.

According to the situations of Kiriichimonji and the Blue Rose Sword, the objects recognized by Ninjato come based on the task commissioners.

Hoshigaki Kisame and Akame share similarities.

Biwa Juzo and Eugeo share similarities.

And Dr. Stylish, the first person Uehara Soma thought of was Orochimaru.

Body Modification, researcher, skilled in precision operations...

This undoubtedly matches Orochimaru.

Uehara Soma furrowed his brow.

"Dr. Stylish is skilled in Body Modification, and the appearance of God's Hand further enhances Dr. Stylish's Body Modification abilities."

"Orochimaru is already formidable enough, but if he were to obtain God's Hand, he would likely become even more fearsome."

"However, if God's Hand were to form a contract with Orochimaru, then what rewards could I obtain from Orochimaru?"

"This reward will certainly not disappoint."

Uehara Soma's eyes flickered.

"Orochimaru is a researcher, very persistent in the pursuit of immortality. He's currently a ninja of Konoha, but that doesn't mean he will always be a Konoha ninja."

"In the original plot, Orochimaru will betray Konoha in the future and become a renegade ninja."

"He even personally kills his sensei, Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"In other words, in the future, Orochimaru might not necessarily be an enemy of the Hidden Mist Village."

"If he's not an enemy of the Hidden Mist Village, and if he becomes an ally or even joins the Hidden Mist Village, then contracting God's Hand to Orochimaru wouldn't be unacceptable."

"It just depends on the situation at that time."

With a thought, Uehara Soma made the blueprint disappear.

"Furthermore, this ninja tool, God's Hand, can enhance precision operation abilities."

"This is useful for me as well."

"Perhaps it can enhance my Forging Technique, taking it to the next level."

"As a forger, even if the compatibility is not enough, I can still use it directly."

"God's Hand is definitely worth being forged."

Uehara Soma spent three days becoming familiar with the Water Release Exploding Water Colliding Wave Jutsu.

On the fourth day.

Uehara Soma and Biwa Juzo arrived at the training ground.

"Soma, what I'm going to teach you today is the last Water Release Ninjutsu I can teach you, the Water Release Water Formation Pillar Jutsu."

"You've already learned the Water Release Great Waterfall Jutsu and the Water Release Exploding Water Colliding Wave Jutsu, and the Water Release Water Formation Pillar Jutsu combines the characteristics of these two ninjutsu."

"It has both the impact force of the Great Waterfall Jutsu and the water volume of the Exploding Water Colliding Wave Jutsu."

"In a sense, they can be considered as a fusion of those two Water Release ninjas."

"Very powerful."

"But correspondingly, the consumption of chakr and the demand for chakra control, are both extremely high."

Biwa Juzo said.

Uehara Soma nodded.

Uehara Soma remembered that, in the original storyline, after Uchiha Madara used the Fire Release Great Fire Annihilation Jutsu, Terumi Mei used the Water Release Water Formation Pillar Jutsu to extinguish it.

The Great Fire Annihilation Jutsu is just a B-rank Fire Release Ninjutsu.

But the issue is, the one who used that ninjutsu was Uchiha Madara.

Just this alone is enough to show the prowess of the Water Release Water Formation Pillar Jutsu.

"Let me demonstrate."

Biwa Juzo began forming seals.

"Water Release, Water Formation Pillar Jutsu!"

A mass of water, like a heavy stone, crashed down onto the ground.


A dull sound echoed.

Uehara Soma felt like the entire ground was trembling.

After the disappearance of the ground, Uehara Soma saw a huge crater where Biwa Juzo's ninjutsu had hit, much more severe than the crater caused by the Great Waterfall Jutsu.

"Soma, did you see clearly?"

"Saw clearly."

Uehara Soma closed his eyes, recollecting.

Soon, he opened them.

Forming seals.

"Water Release, Water Formation Pillar Jutsu!"

A strong suction force fell upon Uehara Soma, he felt the chakra within his body being rapidly drawn out, leaving his body.

A large amount of water appeared in front of Uehara Soma.

A ninjutsu identical to the one Biwa Juzo had just used appeared.


A slightly smaller hole appeared on the ground.

A much stronger sense of weakness surged up than when Uehara Soma used the Water Release Exploding Water Colliding Wave Jutsu before.

Uehara Soma quickly sat down against the nearby stone.

"Soma, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Uehara Soma shook his head.

Suddenly, Uehara Soma felt a new surge of chakra appearing out of thin air within his body, spreading outwards, significantly restoring his condition.

"What's this?"

Uehara Soma raised an eyebrow slightly.

Biwa Juzo noticed Uehara Soma's change.

"Soma, did you feel a sudden recovery of chakra?"

"Yes, Juzo-senpai, how did you know?"

Biwa Juzo smiled.

"Because that's the result of your training during this period, I've experienced something similar too."

Biwa Juzo said, "A ninja's chakra is divided into two types, one is latent chakra, and the other is manifested chakra. Usually, manifested chakra tends to be significantly less than latent chakra."

"Manifested chakra is the chakra that ninjas can normally use."

"Through training, manifested chakra can be brought as close as possible to latent chakra."

Uehara Soma understood this meaning.

It's about unlocking potential.

Not only ninjas, ordinary people can do the same, it's just that they're unlocking potentials in other aspects, not chakra.

"Once triggered, the overall chakra limit of the ninja will be increased."

"It's a little trick to boost the chakra limit."

"Oh, by the way, Soma, your friend has completed the mission and returned to the village."

"I heard the mission went well."


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