
Naruto: Hidden Mist's Great Blacksmith

Transmigrating to the Naruto world, yet starting off in the troubled Hidden Mist Village during the bloody mist policy. Uehara Soma found his survival at risk. But luckily, he awakened the Blacksmith System where Completing forging and receive rewards. Since that day, the famous ninjas swords became no different that ordinary swords... 【Successfully forged Kirito's Sword, gaining 300 swordsmanship experience.】 【Successfully forged Murasame, obtained Excellent Water Talent】 ... From then on, the Hidden Mist Village officially entered the era of ninja swordsmanship. The history of the Hidden Mist Seven being defeated by a mere Konoha Genin will never repeat! ... You can read up to 50 Advanced chapters and support me at patreon.com/Lookar ... This is a Translation Original name: 雾隐锻造师,重铸忍刀流荣光!

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89 Chs

Chapter 17: Soma Wants All!

"I'm increasingly inclined to persuade you to switch to being a Water Release Ninja."

Just after one look, one explanation from me, and he can execute Water Prison Jutsu with such high proficiency.

"With such talent, not being a Water Release Ninja is truly a waste."

"But then again, you can forge a Ninjato like Kiriichimonji."

Uehara Soma smiled.

As a blacksmith, Uehara Soma won't give up his identity.

The existence of the system is Uehara Soma's true confidence.

However, Uehara Soma won't give up on Water Release either.

Only children make choices; of course, he wants them all.

But Biwa Juzo definitely doesn't think this way. Otherwise, he wouldn't say such things. Biwa Juzo's mindset should be to specialize in a certain direction.

This is the mindset of most ninjas in this world.

A ninja, if truly dedicated, can learn many ninjutsu.

However, most ninjas don't learn much.

Because when a ninja truly fights, they rely on the few ninjutsu they excel at.

Specialization makes one stronger.

A person's energy is limited.

Wanting to excel at everything often leads to excelling at nothing.

But Uehara Soma's situation is different. Uehara Soma has a system.


The next day.

Hoshigaki Kisame and Zabuza arrived early at the Mizukage's Building.


"You're here, please have a seat."

Third Mizukage pointed to the chairs in front.

"The reason I called you here this time is because there is a very important task I need to entrust to you. I believe you are already aware of the disastrous defeat of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist on the battlefield."

"This has caused significant losses to our Hidden Mist Village."

"It's not just a single defeat."

"More importantly, it has caused the people in the village to lose confidence."

"I need you to help regain that confidence for the village."

"Currently, our Hidden Mist Village is indeed at a great disadvantage."

"The current ninjas are not a match for Konoha's ninjas."

"But at least we need to give the future some hope."

"If we can't even do that, then our Hidden Mist Village will be plunged into darkness for decades to come. We will face our worst era."

"Therefore, I need you to defeat the geniuses of Konoha."

"You are the geniuses of my Hidden Mist Village. If you can defeat Konoha's geniuses, the people in the village will feel that we have a future, that we can become the village's light."

Immediately, Hoshigaki Kisame and Zabuza became excited.

For young ninjas, how could such a mission with a sense of purpose not be exhilarating?

"Mizukage-sama, what should we do?"

Hoshigaki Kisame asked eagerly.

Not only because of the sense of duty of this task, but also because Hoshigaki Kisame had just obtained Kiriichimonji and was eager to demonstrate its power.

"Konoha has several outstanding geniuses."

"One is Kakashi, the disciple of the Yellow Flash."

"The other is Sarutobi Asuma, the son of the Third Hokage."

"In the future, the two of them are likely to become the strongest ninjas of Konoha."

"I need you to defeat them."

"Kisame, Zabuza, do you both have confidence?"

Hoshigaki Kisame straightened his chest.

"Mizukage-sama, please rest assured, I won't lose to anyone!"

Zabuza stood up.

"Mizukage-sama, me too."

Third Mizukage nodded.

"Good, no time to waste, you two leave now. I'll have ANBU ninjas pass on information about Kakashi and Asuma to you, creating opportunities for you to engage in battle."

"Yes, Mizukage-sama."

With lightning speed, the two left Hidden Mist Village.


On the other side, at Forging Island.

Biwa Juzo looked at Uehara Soma.

"Soma, today I'll teach you two more ninjutsu: Water Release Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu and Water Release Water Fang Bullet Jutsu."

"Both are offensive ninjutsu."

"Once you've mastered these two ninjutsu, you'll basically be considered an eligible Water Release ninja, with capabilities in attack, defense, control, and concealment."

"Next, there's no need to rush into learning new ninjutsu. Instead, it's necessary to spend time and energy practicing and mastering these few ninjutsu thoroughly."

"Only then can you truly unleash them in combat."

As with yesterday, Biwa Juzo first explained the details of the two ninjutsu, then slowed down the hand seals and demonstrated them to Uehara Soma.

"Soma, give it a try."


Both of these are B-rank ninjutsu, with a slightly higher difficulty level.

Additionally, they require a higher amount of chakra.

However, Biwa Juzo could see that Uehara Soma's fundamental attributes were already at the level of a Chunin.

So, there shouldn't be any major issues.

Moreover, Uehara Soma has a natural talent for Water Release.

His talent in Water Release was excellent, not only indicating the ability to learn Water Release ninjutsu faster, but also consuming less chakra when using Water Release compared to ninjas with poorer talent. 

There is a problem of conversion efficiency within this. Uehara Soma's first attempt ended in failure, leaving him somewhat disappointed. He had hoped to master it right away this time. It seems that an Excellent-level talent in Water Release is not the limit in this world. 

However, he wasn't too disheartened because Uehara Soma had already found the feeling. This meant that with a few more attempts, Uehara Soma could learn it. Moreover, Uehara Soma knew that having an Excellent-level talent in Water Release was just the beginning for him. 

This reward was obtained through the contract with Kiriichimonji and Hoshigaki Kisame. The reward is related to the contractor of the Ninjato, meaning quite simply that this Excellent-level talent in Water Release was likely copied from Hoshigaki Kisame by the system.

Then in the future, when contracting with other Ninjato, he can also obtain similar rewards. Fire Release talent, Lightning Release talent, Earth Release talent, Wind Release talent... It might even go beyond Excellent level.

"Don't be discouraged, you're already doing great."

"Juzo-senpai, don't worry, I'm not."

Uehara Soma continued to try. Second time, third time... Finally, on Uehara Soma's sixth attempt at forming hand seals, the water above the sea transformed into the shape of a dragon and fiercely rushed towards the nearby rocks.

Ferocious, menacing.


Under the impact of the water dragon, the huge rock shattered.

Not far away, Arafuni looked at Uehara Soma, feeling very unfamiliar. Arafuni didn't know much about Uehara Soma before, but knowing of his existence, Arafuni had always thought that Uehara Soma was a similar, almost equivalent existence to himself.

But now, Arafuni realized just how wrong he was. Uehara Soma not only surpassed him by a large margin in forging technique, crafting a Ninjato like Kiriichimonji, which was on the level of the Hidden Mist Seven Ninja Swords, but also gained recognition from the Mizukage. In terms of Water Release, he was equally formidable. In comparison, Arafuni felt inadequate in every aspect.

"Is the gap between people really this vast?"

Previously, Arafuni considered himself relatively decent among his peers. But now, Arafuni was deeply engulfed in self-doubt.

Ten days later.

Uehara Soma produced the Thug Recruitment Token.


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