
Naruto : Hentai

I don't own anything inside this book, the cover is also not mine, I just do this for fun.

Im_Casper · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Warlord's captive..

He was standing over her and her mother, dressed in ragged hides that concealed nothing of his muscular heaving chest or his massive, throbbing cock. Like a tower of sinew, Naruto loomed over Sarada and Sakura, a barbarian conqueror who had slain the king and taken his queen and their daughter for himself. Beside him, dressed in black leather that hid nothing of her fair, curvaceous body, Hinata wickedly grinned, surveying the prone, powerless captives and stroking the thong of a long, slender whip while her husband's thick cock stood up from his loincloth in the savor of their triumph.

Behind the two of them lay the ruins of Konoha, much of it still burning in the aftermath of their sudden attack. It had been destroyed, and savage warriors identical to their lord now scavenged through the wreckage, sniffing out survivors and taking their picks of the women. The screams of maidens being deflowered and the sobs of mothers being taken in sight of their children rose high in the air, mixing with the reek of Konoha's destruction to form an ominous pall over all the waste and misery that had been left in the wake of this savage, virile warlord.

Sakura inched in front of her daughter, trembling in fear but resolute at least in her last defiance. She shielded Sarada from the ravening eyes of Naruto and Hinata, the warlord and his beautiful slave mistress, who leered at the queen and the princess of Konoha with equal lust and hunger. With how their dresses had been torn when they were apprehended, it was difficult to call either mother or daughter's clothing "modest", or even "decent", and much of their soft, smooth flesh was exposed for the callous appraisal of their conquerors.

"Mmm… How cute~" Hinata purred, her eyes glittering as she raked them over Sakura's tattered dress, considering the woman's modest bust and her slenderer hips. The captive queen could not compare with the black-clad, half-naked slave mistress in terms of curvaceousness, but she was a beautiful woman in her own right, and what could be seen of Sakura's form was shapely and delectable. Hinata licked her lips and again stroked her whip, the motion suggestive as she peered reverently at her lord's uncontainable erection. "She thinks she'll be able to protect her little girl from us. Fufufu… We'll have to show her just how mistaken she really is..."

"Indeed," growled the conqueror himself, taking an arrogant step forward, removing his foot from the throat of the fallen king, who lay cold and broken, never again to rise. Naruto's chest rippled, and his huge arms rose to suddenly envelop the woman, who gasped at his touch as he closed the distance between them. He forced his lips over hers, catching her in a domineering, irresistible kiss, and he snagged the tatters of her dress with deceptively dexterous fingers, peeling and tearing and shredding this fabric with the barest visible effort. He pulled his lips back from the queen's only when he had rent her dress totally asunder, leaving the woman's body naked, and while he let her fall back down to her knees before her daughter, he hooked his thumbs under the front of his loincloth, pulling it an inch farther down. "You will break her in, and she will become mine like all the rest."

Sakura whimpered, staring up at the full length of the barbarian's pulsing cock, such a huge and heavy thing that rose between his legs. It was like a cudgel, and when he let it fall upon her brow, she was stunned as if by a hammer blow. A faintest, pitiful whimper escaped the woman, and behind her, the princess stared, watching the conqueror grab her mother by the hair and compel her to open her mouth wide. While Sarada watched, Sakura was forced to swallow Naruto's cock, and the warlord grunted and caught the princess's eye as he began to rape the queen's mouth. A slightly cruel smile curved his mouth, and coldly glittering eyes drank in the sight of the smaller, slenderer, raven-haired maiden who cowered behind the gasping, gulping, slurping Sakura.

"Mother…" the princess breathed, watching Naruto fuck Sakura's face. A pink head of hair was shoved back and forth on the barbarian's huge, plunging cock, full lips made to wetly smack about a fat, throbbing shaft, and the sound of her mother whining and groaning, voice muffled by the mass of their conqueror's phallus, made Sarada weakly shiver. "Are you… are we going to be okay…?"

"You will be just fine," purred Hinata, leaning in beside Sarada and breathing on her ear. "Mmm… Provided that you be good girls and obey~"

Her fingers brushed the tatters of Sarada's dress, less torn and indecent than the ruin that had been left of her mother's garments ere her complete stripping, but still a far cry from the modesty and respectability that they ought to have presented. Hinata smiled, finding weak seams in what remained of the dress, and she sealed her lips over Sarada's earlobe while her fingers deftly began unstitching the fabric, pulling out the loose threads and slowly pulling it apart. She bared the skin of Sarada's back, pulling apart the dress to the seat and reaching down to cup the girl's buttocks, then she stripped away the skirts and spread Sarada's slender legs, and then she exposed Sarada's bosom, flush with shame, and caressed the girl's naked body, pressing herself close to the maiden's side.

Sarada was aware of the whip that waited at Hinata's thigh, and amid the gelatinous squash and wobble of the woman's creamy breasts against her side, she shivered with fear, certain that it would be used on her if she protested. But was she willing to let them have their way with her uncontested? She did not want that… certainly not. Still, the thought of that whip was enough to cow her spirit for the time being, and she quietly whimpered and nodded her head, enduring it as Hinata nibbled her ear and kissed her cheek and suckled on her neck, as Hinata pinched her ass and stroked her chest and playfully probed her most private place.

And all the while that the woman molested her, Sarada watched in morbid fascination, powerless, as Naruto raped her mother's face. She listened to the noises Sakura made, gulping and slurping and helplessly moaning, and she observed the movements of Sakura's body, lurching and swaying from the force of Naruto's thrusts. Her insides warmed with shame at the sight of the queen's humiliation, and they twisted in fear of what would be done to her after they had finished with her mother. Horrified, Sarada wanted to look away, but so entranced, she could not. She could only watch in silent wonder, thinking fearfully of what it would be like when her turn came.

And she most certainly did not doubt that her turn would come, whether she wanted it to or not.

Sarada gulped, even as Sakura gulped, and Naruto grunted and pulled hard on the queen's hair as he shot his load down her throat, making the pinkette swallow his cum. Sarada could see the pleasure and the relief on the barbarian's face, and she shuddered at the moan her mother let out, a sound that was less of pain or frustration than of…

No. She didn't want to believe it could be THAT. Not so easily… Not so soon. This man had a reputation that far preceded him, but even then, it was preposterous that he could already make her mother…

Yet whatever Sarada chose to believe, she could not deny that Sakura was smiling when her mouth popped off of Naruto's dick, and she could not ignore the faintly pleased quality of the expression on the woman's face. It was shameful, and it was twisted, and it was pained and reluctant and shadowed by an immeasurable guilt, but it was still there, and Sakura still looked just the tiniest bit happy after getting fucked in the mouth by this big, strapping barbarian warlord.

And it wasn't just out of relief for it finally having stopped, either. So Sarada stared and whimpered, and when she met Naruto's eyes as he looked from her mother to her, she shuddered and shrank in on herself, feeling a heat blossom in her belly. Although she wanted to look away, she found that she could not tear her eyes from Naruto's face.

"Turn around and bend over," the conqueror told the princess. "I want to breed you."

Sarada's heart skipped a beat. The weight of Naruto's stare forced her head to bow, and when she felt Hinata let go of her and move to her mother, Sarada dropped to her hands and knees. Fear gripped her, fear and morbid anticipation, and she stared at the ground, thinking anxiously of what loomed so near over her. Its shadow fell across her brow, and the smell of it wafted to her nostrils, the radiating pungency of a wild, masculine musk. It was overpowering, and her spirit quailed.

Naruto's gaze pierced Sarada, and his huge, pulsing erection cowed her. The girl was terrified of what he would do next, and she was paralyzed by dread. His command still echoed in her ears, resounding inside her skull, and she trembled as part of her whispered to obey. Disobedience would surely cost her much pain and bondage, and compliance now might make the future less difficult. But she was frozen in place by her fear, a blind and unthinking terror that would heed no rational argument.

"Please, don't…" Sarada whispered, staring down at the floor. She didn't want to look up to where she would see her father. That would be too horrible. She didn't want to be reminded that he was dead, that there would be nobody coming to save her. "Daddy… My daddy is…"

His cock slapped her across the face. Stars flashed across a blackened field of vision, fireworks going off behind her eyes as she reeled in a daze. Her cheek stung, burning from the sudden impact, and the smell of his manhood was thickened in her nostrils, so intense that she nearly swooned. Her eyes watered, and she recoiled, whimpering and rubbing her face where he had hit her.

But then his hand fell upon her cheek from the other side, and her head turned, her body lurching with the force of the impact. The strike of his manhood was a light touch compared to this, and the sting of his hand on her face cut through to her heart. A sob rose, strangled in her throat, and she looked up at him in dismay, feeling the tears freely spill.

"I am your father now," Naruto said coldly. "You do as I say, or you will be punished. Right, Hinata?"

Sarada saw the woman perk up from where she had been defiling the prone queen, turning her head to smirk at the princess. The raven-haired lass shivered as the voluptuous slave mistress grasped her whip, pale eyes shining like pearls enkindled, a seductive mouth twisted in a smile of unashamed sadism. With a SNAP she swung the whip, cracking it in the air above her head, and Sarada flinched from the sound and lurched toward Naruto.

Hinata sneered and cracked the whip again, this time swinging it over Sarada's back and just barely missing her. Sarada winced and shrank still further from the sound, the whip scaring her more than Naruto's cock, and she pressed to the conqueror's leg and whined, fearfully clinging to him as if she hoped for his protection.

But instead, she felt his foot rise up suddenly and bury itself in her stomach, and she stumbled back and rolled over the floor, clutching herself. Winded, she wheezed and spat and moaned, experiencing pain like she had never before been subjected to.

"You still haven't done what I said," Naruto observed. "Turn around. Show me your ass. Spread your legs and take it. I am going to breed you whether you like it or not."

"Listen to him, dear," said Hinata in a venomously sweet tone, stroking the whip. "Or you'll be turned over to ME.."

Sarada shivered and rubbed her belly, feeling like she was going to be sick. It hurt terribly… yet she was sure that the whip would be worse, and that Hinata would be far crueler than the merely aggressive Naruto.

With a moan, the girl reluctantly pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, and she turned away from the conqueror and his wife. Up she raised her silky, unmarred peach, and to either side she embarrassedly splayed her tender thighs, shamefacedly causing her virgin flower to blossom. Her pussy was smooth and pristine, her maidenhead visible.

Arms and legs trembled, almost too weak to uphold Sarada in this position. She stared at the floor with burning eyes, watching wet spots form and grow on the tiles. Her knuckles whitened, her chest knotted, and she wretchedly murmured.

"Please… just get it over with…"

The whip cracked, and Sarada felt a line of fire flash blindingly across her ass cheeks, white hot pain splitting her mind clean in two. A scream tore from her mouth as her small frame jerked forward, and her eyes and pussy alike wept from the agony and the shame of this stroke.

"Ask for it like you want it," Hinata coolly purred, her voice like silk and steel. "Beg for your master's cock. Worship it as your new god and offer yourself up as his sacrifice."

Sarada whimpered. Her ass was burning from the kiss of the lash, and she could not think.

"I…" she panted. "No, I…"


Thrice in swift succession fell the whip upon Sarada's hindquarters, the thong cutting like a knife across the smooth, supple skin of her buttocks. Pain, pain, and more pain shot up Sarada's spine, and she moaned pathetically, falling on her face as her arms gave out.

The girl wept, her sobs muffled by the floor, unheeded by the conqueror and his mistress. She heard her mother quietly moan and knew that the woman was aware of her state.

"Don't…" Sakura breathed. "If you must punish someone, please… punish me in her stead. She is too young… She does not know any better."

"Mm… If you insist.."

CRACK. Again, Sarada heard the whip, but this time it was not she who felt it. Her mother's scream split the air, and another CRACK sounded seconds later, and Sakura moaned lowly, heaving and shuddering as her back was marked. CRACK. CRACK.

Sarada squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to think about it. She buried her face in her arms and waited, hearing the intermittent snaps of the whip, hearing the pitiful moaning of her mother.

If she disobeyed, they would hurt her mother even more. If she disobeyed, maybe she would not even have a mother left when they were done.

But if she obeyed, maybe…

"Please, Daddy…" Sarada mewled, making herself heard as best she could. "T-Take me. I'll be a good girl… I am yours."

Something went through her as she said this, a thrill of something twisted and perverse. She closed her eyes and sharply inhaled, not wanting to betray that jolt of excitement. With effort, she raised her hips a little higher, wincing at the pain of her abused buttocks, which felt to her like raw hamburger after Hinata's onslaught.

Naruto laid his hands on Sarada's hips, grabbing her firmly, brusquely. She shivered at his touch, feeling the size of his hands and the strength therein, a mighty and sinuous grip that could snap her like a twig. In his hands, she understood just how small and weak she was. She was insignificant, and she would live or die from hereon out solely at his pleasure.

A shuddering moan escaped her mouth when she felt the head of the man's cock brush her nether lips. For a moment, he was almost gentle as he slid inside, and Sarada was hopeful that it would not be too bad.

But then he smote her ass and blacked out her mind for an instant from the pain this blow inflicted, and even as she cried out in agony, he then swung his hips forward and gored her maiden sex on a fierce and unyielding cock. Her hymen was sundered at the first stroke, and she felt the heat of her virgin blood spilling. He rammed himself into her, bottoming his cock out in her snug, hitherto untouched pussy, then smote the other cheek of her ass to punctuate his insertion and make her squeal again.

Sarada's eyes were sore from the tears, her cheeks raw and burning, and she gnashed her teeth and shuddered as Naruto began to thrust, pumping himself in and out of her. Back and forth swung his hips, in and out his phallus plunging, and she felt her pussy stretch and spasm, blown out by his girth and contracting in response to his movements. Her sex clung to him as he hammered her, a tight and needy pussy desperately gripping his hardness, and Sarada stopped her voice to restrain any utterance of shameful pleasure. She could not stand to betray how this felt, to betray her honor as the princess.

But her hips rocked with his, driven by the motive force of his manful lunges, and her body lurched and swayed, her pussy squelching around his shaft and her abused, stinging buttocks smacking his navel. To and fro she rolled, a slender body supplely rippling from each impact of his loins. Dumbly Sarada received him, passively yielding to his action, with all the agency of an object suffering his attentions. She endured him with shame, and with greater shame still she repressed the feelings that rose inside her as she was fucked. Because many feelings swirled in this maiden's belly, and few of them were creditable. Pleasure niggled at the back of her mind, and it tingled in her nerves.

"You little bitch," Naruto growled, stroking Sarada's ass as he fucked her. "You sound pathetic."

She bit her lip, shivering at his words, but shivering far more from the lunge of his fat cock burying itself inside her. He beat against her inmost gates with a manhood like a battering ram, jolting the sanctum of her womb with each thunderous stroke. Besieged by his sex, Sarada was aflame, burning in the ruin of all her purity and pride. Her body was like a palace taken by the enemy, and he was the barbarian warlord who tore her down to be remade to his liking. All her loyalties to her father and her mother would be scrubbed out like iconography shattered or set ablaze, the marks of royalty torn down and replaced with the marks of her new master.

Toppling little by little, succumbing second by second to this destructive onslaught, Sarada closed her eyes and sorrowfully moaned, yielding another inch, feeling another level of herself laid waste and ransacked. He was raping her, pillaging her body and plundering her spirit, robbing her of all that she had once ben so that she would be reduced to less than a peasant. No longer a princess, no longer Sarada of Konoha, daughter of King Sasuke. Now she would be just a slave, just a plaything for her new master to use and abuse. She had no privileges left, no rights, no privacies. Nothing could she claim now as hers—not even her body. It all belonged to him who had taken her, the great, strong man who now dominated her and her mother alike.

"Daddy…" Sarada mewled, her breath hitching as Naruto fucked her. She was dizzy, and her pussy was gushing. Moistly she spilled her bliss, dribbling loosely between her legs, and she panted into the floor. Her eyes were sore now, but dry, and the pain in her buttocks now barely perturbed her. "Yes… I'm pathetic. I'm a shameful girl, a filthy and dishonorable princess who would… ngh… I don't deserve to be royalty, Daddy… I don't deserve to be a princess."

"No, you don't," he rasped, thrusting a little faster at her words. It seemed to please him to hear her speak of herself thus. "You are just a bitch, little girl. I wouldn't even take you as a wife." He smacked her ass, saying this, and thrust harder, making Sarada's body lurch more dramatically. "But you're tight. Even if you're weak and useless for everything else, you have a nice cunt. A good body. You can be my sex slave, at least."

Something inside Sarada leapt at this statement. It seemed like so much more than a shameful girl like her deserved, and she almost wanted to thank him for the honor. He was too generous.

"That sounds… nnnn.." She moaned as his thrusting quickened, and her eyelids fluttered. Back and forth, in and out, thrust and thrust and thrust. The repetition was mind-numbing, euphoric, and the slow, gradual quickening of their pace excited Sarada in ways she could not possibly ignore. "I'm glad… I get to be Daddy's slave. I can be useful…"

"All you're good for is looking pretty and getting bred," Naruto rumbled, pummeling her insides. He held her so tight that it felt like she was going to bruise, and he fucked her so hard that she thought it would split her in half. "But you're damn good at that, aren't you, you little slut? Look at you… I've barely even started, and you're already addicted to my cock, aren't you?"

"N-Noooo…" Sarada lied as obviously as she breathed. "I'm not addicted to it at all…"

Naruto harshly laughed and spanked her, making stars dance before Sarada's eyes. She squealed from the pain, and her pussy convulsed, clamping down on his shaft in a telltale contraction. He felt the girl come, pushed to orgasm by this blow to her whipped, abused ass, and he bottomed himself out in her with a grunt of satisfaction, feeling his own cock quiver and swell.

"Then take my cum, and BECOME addicted, you worthless bitch," he told her. "You're my property, and you'll never be anything else."

He came, flooding the princess's pussy with his thick, hot semen. Sarada moaned, feeling it, and she nearly came a second time as she was creamed by the conqueror. Her eyes rolled, and she shuddered, submitting to him without needing to say a word.

Naruto smiled and pulled out, taking his sloppy, still hard cock and slapping wetly across Sarada's raw, stinging ass cheeks. She hissed as if from relief, but her eyes showed the pain she felt.

"I love it, Daddy…" she mumbled idiotically. "Break me, Daddy… Rape me more.."

Naruto callously laughed and grabbed Sarada by the shoulder, hauling her up onto her knees. Looking again at his rugged countenance, the girl was struck anew by how manly he looked, and she thought it very proper and fitting that she should have been conquered and claimed by a man such as this…

"Hinata, this bitch is ready to be collared." He stroked Sarada's neck with his thumb, making her shiver. "How about the other one?"

"She has been broken in perfectly.." Hinata tittered, hauling a dizzy, teary-eyed Sakura up onto her knees. "The queen will become your slave without complaint."

"Good." Naruto nudged Sarada to scoot over to beside her mother, and the princess and the queen lined up dazedly, happily, looking at their new master with a mix of love and fearful admiration. "They look perfect like this."

He cast his eyes over the marks the whip had left on mother and daughter's skin, and he held their worshipful stares with a smirk. Hinata, wearing a devilish grin, wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled him from the side. At some point in her punishing of Sakura, she had gotten naked, and her considerable breasts squeezed against Naruto's side.

Idly he grabbed his mistress's ass, giving it a squeeze in appreciation of her hard work, before planting a hand on the heads of Sakura and Sarada both, threading his fingers through the hair of the princess and the queen.

Hinata's eyes lit up, and she whispered eagerly.

"Show them their place.." she purred. "Mark them as your property.."

Sakura and Sarada looked at Naruto fearfully and reverently. They were intoxicated by his cock, and they had been broken in by pain and humiliation. But they weren't yet TOTALLY his. They still needed a little something extra before they would submit completely.

With a more savage grin, a more arrogant motion, he thrust the heads of mother and daughter downward, forcing them onto all fours before him and nestling his cock between their faces. Two pairs of eyes—no, THREE, counting Hinata—were glued to the conqueror's great, throbbing erection, and three mouths gaped and watered, tongues lolling out and reaching anxiously for his shaft.

Hinata knelt beside Naruto, kissing her way down his chest, while Sakura and Sarada bucked their hips as their heads were steered over his length, their mouths pressed roughly to his hardness. The markings of the lash upon the hide of the captive royalty lent their submission a particularly exquisite quality, and the way they kissed and licked his manhood made him grin and lustily growl. He pulled on their hair as they serviced his cock, pulling them to in front of the meaty head, and he bucked his hips as Hinata's rapturous kisses passed his navel.

Sarada was hot with arousal beside her mother, before her master, watching his mistress's lewd, voluptuous body bend and quiver as she bowed beside him. Wistfully she gazed at Hinata's ample bosom, and at Hinata's round creamy ass, and she leaned forward with effort, causing the roots of her hair to pinch as she craned her neck to reach Naruto's cockhead. Beside her, she could see her mother doing the same.

Slavishly, masochistically, the princess stole her mouth over the barbarian's cockhead, beating the queen by just a second. Sakura pouted and softly whined, but then turned to kiss her daughter instead, stroking and fondling the girl in comfort or encouragement as Sarada began to suck Naruto's dick.

"Mm… mwah… mmmph…" Sarada's lips dragged over Naruto's length, and she sucked lovingly on his tip. Something about this felt wonderfully right to her, perfectly natural and desired, yet she burned with shame and roiled with guilt as she sipped and licked his fat, meaty cock. "Mmmmmmm.."

Heart-pupiled eyes rolled up behind drooping lids, and blushing cheeks puffed and caved in shameless alternation as the princess serviced her new master's manhood. And at the same time, her mother stroked Sarada's ass and fondled Sarada's breasts and licked and nibbled Sarada's collarbone. The girl rocked her hips, aroused and enjoying herself, even as Naruto gripped her head tighter, smiling in satisfaction regardless of her disgrace, loving every second of this experience.

Slurping on Naruto's balls, Hinata looked sidelong at the raven-haired princess, and her eyes twinkled with a touch of malice. Skillfully she gargled her master's sack, and Sarada watched with envy. But Sarada was too aroused by her mother's touch and the taste of her master's cock to call herself unhappy, too pleased and too content to care that her father's cold, dead body still lay only a short distance from them.

But Naruto grabbed the girl's head with both hands as she sucked his tip, and he looked down at her haughtily, smirking with a rude intent. Abruptly, before Sarada could prepare herself, he pushed down on her head and swung his hips, and suddenly his saliva-soaked balls were slapping Sarada's chin and his coarse, gilded pubes were stuffing her nostrils and his long, thick, unyielding manhood was stuffing her throat until she gagged.

The princess's eyes went wide, and she made choking sounds as Naruto's cock filled her throat and blocked her airway. He held her callously, and he thrust roughly, ramming his erection in and out of her mouth, fucking her face with a violence the girl could scarcely have been ready for. She was slammed into his navel repeatedly, smacked against his loins, and his phallus thrust in and out, back and forth in her throat, making her gag and gurgle and breathlessly groan.

Sarada felt herself growing weak as Naruto fucked her face. She was faint, and feeble, and utterly powerless in his hands. There was something familiar about this, somehow, something that excited her, but it was terrifying and distressing, even if it was also arousing.

She was afraid. She was confused. She couldn't think straight. Her vision was swimming, and her head was foggy. Her lungs burned, and her body jerked, and her sopping pussy spilled itself and spurted, betraying her slatternly delight.

Her mother's hand wrapped around her neck, and the queen whispered in her ear.

"This is what you deserve, you worthless girl. This is all you're good for."

The words were incongruous, confusing and out of place, yet they felt somehow RIGHT, and Sarada agreed with them. Naruto seemed to share the sentiment, too, judging by how he quickened his thrusting and hammered her face faster, concussing her against his navel and choking her on his cock.

"Take this, you cheating little whore," Hinata hissing in Sarada's other ear, digging her fingernails into a whipped and burning ass. "Did you think he loved you? You're just a piece of meat."

Sarada was happy, somehow, even as her vision blurred, even as darkness crept in at the edges. She was gagging, she was choking, she was suffocating…

She couldn't breathe. She couldn't think.

She was…

… … … … …

An instant before she would have choked out completely, Sarada woke up. Her sheets were drenched, and her skin was slick with sweat, and the air stank of her arousal. It was dark, and her heart was pounding, and she touched herself with a groan as she came to her senses and remembered.

It was all a dream. Of course. This realization was disappointing, but she took it with enough grace. It helped that there was nobody else in her room with her, nobody present to see how her face fell as she comprehended all the patent absurdities of what she had been dreaming. At least of what she could REMEMBER dreaming. And that was, of course, only a fraction of what she had been through over the course of her restless REM.

The girl smiled a little, then groaned as she sat up in her bed. Her pussy was tingling, and it was all she could do to resist the urge to make ignore everything else and make an even bigger mess of her sheets. Aching, burning up, yearning to feel more of that ever so tempting pleasure, Sarada was only barely able to roll herself off the bed, gather up the soiled sheets, and bring them down to the laundry room.

She did not put on any clothes before leaving her bedroom. She was at home, and she saw no reason to hide her body. Even the fact that the seal was visible on her abdomen did not give her any cause to cover up. Sarada knew that her mom would be dead asleep at this time, having just got off her night shift a couple hours ago, and there wouldn't be anyone else in the house this early in the morning.

…Not that Sarada didn't fantasize about someone stumbling across her while she walked down the hall in her birthday suit. With as horny as she was from her dream, she didn't even feel very picky, as long as the person had a big, fat dick…

The girl smiled as she bent over to load her sheets into the washing machine, her bare bottom raised in the air with a sodden, rosy pussy glistening from her lingering, insatiable arousal. She was feeling especially horny this morning. It was doubtful whether she would even be able to fall back asleep.

Well, if she couldn't get any more sleep, she could just spend that time masturbating.

Sarada shivered at this thought and closed the washing machine's door, turning it on. As it began to rumble, she leaned against it, pressing her chest drowsily against its front and sandwiching her fingers between her pussy and the door.

Her eyelids fluttered, feeling the powerful vibrations of the machine at work, and she started to eagerly pleasure herself.

This was how Sarada spent the remaining hours of her morning, and she wouldn't bother to get dressed until it was time for her to go and meet up with her squad for their next assignment.

Even then, she would have a few fun toys secreted away in her pussy and ass…