
Naruto : Hentai

I don't own anything inside this book, the cover is also not mine, I just do this for fun.

Im_Casper · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

A Bitch's beginning

When Sarada and the girls in her class were first taken aside for special kunoichi classes, many of them had been understandably disgruntled. Sarada hadn't minded as much as some, being at that time still unenthusiastic about becoming a ninja, but she hadn't particularly enjoyed the special classes either. Not until after they got onto the topic of seduction.

The class contained nothing too explicit, and the subject matter was approached in a detached and professional manner. Kunoichi used sex as a tool—a weapon—and it wouldn't do for young trainees to get all in a tizzy and fluster themselves or start giggling. The curriculum was made as dry as possible to ease them in, and it focused entirely on theory for the first couple weeks. But this was enough to catch Sarada's interest.

She was a bright girl, and she understood the lessons. She did well in all her classes, even if she wasn't especially motivated. But seduction was the first thing to really catch her interest, and she gave it her all. At first she hardly knew why the seduction lessons interested her so, why it got her warm and fascinated to be taught about how men and women sexually interacted. She was, then, still innocent, and if she had a serviceable academic understanding of what she was being taught, she had not internalized it with a full practical comprehension.

Not until they started practicing seduction techniques. They were simple things, at first, innocuous techniques that could be used even for ordinary flirtation. How to make eye contact, when and where to touch, the right tones of voice to evoke the right emotions, the signs that a guy was interested. They were paired off with female classmates to practice on each other, taking turns to get the hang of it. Sarada did very well in these practice lessons, and many of her female classmates even ended up developing very small crushes on her.

But those were just the basics, and it wasn't going to stop there. Once they had a grasp of how to flirt, they were instructed on more adult techniques, on the more serious methods of seduction. The mechanics of sex were explained, and they were taught the things that men most commonly found sexually attractive, and they were introduced to a variety of the most widespread fetishes. They were taught how to kiss, and they practiced on each other. Again, Sarada was the most skillful, and at one point she even caused Sumire to pass out from overstimulation. They were introduced to fellatio (using foods and simple models) and directed to practice this and have their technique judged by their (female, of course) instructors.

As part of their curriculum, the hokage (a clone of his, at least) visited the seduction class one day and demonstrated his sexy jutsu to the kunoichi in training, using variations on it to give a practical demonstrations of the various lessons they had been given so far. The clone adopted many different shapes and proportions, wearing a variety of seductive and fetishistic outfits, and it demonstrated a number of lewd, erotic poses and sex acts.

This was the day that Sarada's interest in seduction class crossed the threshold of innocence. Watching Naruko present her naked body in different poses, watching her mime several sex acts for the class, and watching her mirror the various practices they had done with each other with the female teachers—still in female form, for one reason or another—and reducing them each in turn to red-faced puddles of bliss. Even the most disinterested of the girls paid close attention, and Sarada…


"Hokage-sama!" a blushing Sarada called out, raising her hand once Naruko had transformed back into Naruto. "Will we be doing any practice today?"

"Huh?" Naruto looked at the class, taken aback. He saw Sarada with her hand raised, looking at him with an oddly eager expression. "Well, that's up to your teachers. I just came here to help demonstrate some things. I guess it's easier for me to do that, with my sexy jutsu and all…"

"So… we won't be practicing on you?" Sarada didn't know where she had gotten the idea that they WOULD be doing that, but it had taken root in her mind very early on, and she had been waiting with a barely understood anticipation for the moment she would get to try out everything she had learned, so she deflated a little when she heard this. "Not even a little?"

Naruto laughed.

"No, no!" he said. "I think your parents would have my head if we did something like THAT! No, no… Your teachers just borrowed me for these demonstrations."

Sarada frowned, lowering her hand. Her face was hot, and she felt inordinately dejected. She hadn't been looking forward to it THAT much, had she?

She gulped, looking at the hokage's smiling face and listening to him laugh.

Her heart skipped a beat, even in the midst of her disappointment, and she felt some of the warmth in her face migrate southward. Niggling comprehension cracked open a dark corner of her mind, and she slowly nodded.

"Oh. I see…"

"I'm sure you were looking forward to it," Naruto joked, seeing the look on her face. "But you'd be better off doing something like that with someone you love… at least for the first time, y'know?"

With a last awkward laugh and a sheepish grin, the hokage's shadow clone dispelled, leaving the class to its instructors once more.

But Sarada was going over his final words in her head even as their teachers began the next lesson.

'With someone I love, huh…?'

For a reason she was only slowly beginning to grasp, Sarada blushed as she thought this.

That was how it started.

… … … … …

That night, Sarada dreamed of Naruto. It was a dream of a sort she had never had before, a confusing and wonderful dream. She saw him before her in his sexy jutsu form, striking an enticing pose and giving her a wink.

"Come on, Sarada…" Naruko purred. "This is for your final grade. If you pass, you can do whatever you want with me~"

Naruko spread her legs, and between those creamy, luscious thighs Sarada saw the rise of something long and thick, something that had not been on the Naruko she had seen earlier that day, but something she had seen in the anatomical diagrams for class. Sarada stared at the cock, and she looked up Naruko's body in wonder—only now, it was a man's body, and the Lord Hokage was looking at Sarada with a smile that terrified and delighted her, a smile like he wanted to eat her whole.

Sarada fell to her knees before the dream Naruto, and suddenly she was naked, and as if it was perfectly natural, she slipped her mouth down the length of Naruto's cock, swallowing his meaty length like she had practiced doing with the model phalluses in class. She grew hot in the dream, and hot in her real body, and she moistened in both that fantasy and reality, her pussy wetting itself in excitement, in arousal, in desire to become a woman. And in the dream, Sarada felt Naruto pat her head and tell her what a good girl she was.

"That's it, Sarada-chan… That the way daddy likes it. You're such a talented little slut."

The dream skipped ahead, and Sarada was in Naruto's lap, kissing him and rubbing her petite body against his mature, muscular frame. She moaned into his lips and wiggled her hips, swaying and gyrating in imitation of her instructor's demonstrations as she straddled Naruto's cock. He had a hand on her ass, and he cupped her chin and looked domineeringly into her eyes, fixing her in place with a confident gaze. She sighed into his lips, and she slung her arms around his neck, kissing him more wetly, more imploringly, using all the skill she'd gained in her classes and feeling him not even flinch.

"I want it, Daddy!" she begged him. "Please… I'm a naughty girl, Daddy… Put me in my place, Daddy!"

Naruto grinned at her more hungrily, and he squeezed her ass and pressed her down with an irresistible strength. Sarada felt herself spread, and she felt something give way, and then—

With a POP and a rush of sensation, she was jolted into waking reality, aware of a wetness in her crotch, pajamas soaked and pussy aching. Her face was hot, and she was sweating, and her heart was pounding in her chest. It was like being woken up by a nightmare, except… not bad, but good. Enjoyable.

She wished the dream had continued, but even as she did, she also remembered how she had called the hokage 'Daddy' in her dream. Which was silly, of course. Hokage-sama wasn't her dad, for one thing… and for another, she just didn't say 'daddy'. Even her own dad, she referred to as 'Papa'…

…But somehow, it felt right to Sarada.

She shivered and peeled back her sheets, looking down with a blush. She saw the damp spot in the crotch of her pajamas, and she could tell that it had gotten through and left a smaller patch in the sheet, as well. Maybe it would dry by itself if she left it alone, but she couldn't go back to sleep like this.

"Sheesh… I sure made a mess, didn't I…?" Sarada was rueful as she inched off her pajama bottoms. She saw her crotch, bare and smooth and rosy, clinging with moisture, smelling faintly of herself. "That was… a wet dream, huh? So that's what it's like…"

She touched herself curiously. It was sensitive, but not unbearably so. It felt kind of nice, but also a little uncomfortable, a little unfamiliar. She stroked a finger up and down over her slit as if to brush away the moisture, and she tried to remember as much as she could of the quickly fading dream.

A tingle went through her. She pictured Naruto's face, and she recalled a vague impression of the final instants of the dream, of herself being spread open, penetrated, filled…

She envisioned the hokage's eyes, so brightly and brilliantly blue, and she stroked herself more swiftly, more firmly, gasping and shivering and squeezing her eyes shut.

"Daddy…" she hissed, hardly knowing why. A thrill went through her, and her pussy felt doubly sensitive, her stroking triply pleasurable. She gasped and breathed the word again, "Daddy…!" picturing Naruto's face and shuddering as she touched herself, losing herself in the remembered fantasy. "Daddy…"

It felt good. So good. She just wanted to…

Sarada moaned, and then her breathing hitched. She felt it coming—it was her first one in waking life, but she understood what it was, and she was ready for it.

Smiling shamefully, Sarada came, spilling her arousal between trembling thighs.

Panting, she looked at the mess that she had made, further wetting the sheets and her panties.

She could hardly even bring herself to feel bothered by this.

It was nice. She could get used to this.

Closing her eyes, Sarada basked in the glow. She barely noticed it when she fell back asleep, drifting away in her own juices…

This wasn't the last wet dream she had about Naruto.

Not by a long shot.

… … … … …

Seduction class went as usual. Sarada excelled yet again, and the instructors commented on how adult she seemed during that day's demonstration, complimenting her on her form as she sucked the dildo that was the training dummy for her fellatio.

"I'm impressed," said her sensei. "I've met many grown kunoichi who couldn't give a showing that good."

She marked down a perfect score and commended Sarada on her diligence, then sent her back to her seat. Glowing from that praise, and from the memory of her dream that night, Sarada listened intently to the day's lecture, in which their instructor discussed the use of pain and power dynamics in sex, touching lightly on BDSM and some more extreme fetishes, before dialing it back to something more approachable for the girls.

Sarada listened as their instructor explained how many people enjoyed being spanked. Most of the girls in the class were incredulous at this, having either experienced spankings as punishments, themselves, or simply having no idea why someone would enjoy being hurt. But Sarada thought she had an inkling of why people would like it, especially when she imagined Hokage-sama bending her over and smacking her bottom…

Blushing and feeling that familiar, pleasant tingle, Sarada watched as their instructor slipped down her trousers and got into the lap of the assistant teacher, who smiled at the class and patiently explained the appeal of this for both parties as she spanked the instructor's bare ass, making the cheeks redden and ripple and perforating the air with a rhythmic SMACK, SMACK, SMACKing.

Sarada rubbed her thighs together, seeing the look of enjoyment on their instructor's face.

"Yes, Daddy~" the woman moaned, arching her back. "I've been so bad… oh, I need to be punished.."

Several of the girls in the class blushed, starting to get the idea and feeling a little stimulated. But Sarada's fascination was on a whole other level, and her understanding went deeper than her peers could even imagine.

She imagined herself in their instructor's place, and she imagined Naruto taking the role of the assistant teacher, spanking her bare ass in front of the whole class and calling her a naughty little thing. Sarada chewed her lip, and she furtively sneaked a hand into her lap, inching up her skirt and reaching for a dampening pussy.

"I'm a bad girl, Daddy…" she whispered, her breathing heavy, her body tense with yearning. She pictured Naruto's face, and she imagined the sting of her buttocks, drawing on memories of a few punishments at her mother's hands. It was a vivid, bracing fantasy, and she inched down her panties, reaching for her slit and looking around to see if anyone was watching her. All eyes were on the demonstration, and the rhythmic smacking drowned out her horny whispering. She licked her lips and started to touch herself some more. "Ohh… punish me, Daddy…"

This was the most reckless thing Sarada had ever done, and she was sure that she would get into trouble if she was caught. This class was about seduction and how to use one's sexuality as a weapon, not about learning to become a horny, needy slut. She would surely get a long lecture if she was caught. Maybe she would get suspended. Maybe they would send her to Hokage-sama for him to deal with…

Sarada shivered. Vaguely, fantastically, she imagined her teachers saying she would be no good as a kunoichi like this, and that if she was going to turn into a lustful little pervert, she might as well just become… become… she didn't know what to call it. But she imagined them deciding that she wouldn't make it as a ninja, that she would only be good as a… companion… for Lord Hokage.

"Here. This useless little lecher can't do anything but dream about you and masturbate, Hokage-sama. Do what you want with her."

She whispered this, imagining herself left in Naruto's office, picturing him looking at her with that familiar smile—familiar, yet different, subtly fiercer, strangely marvelous. She imagined him grabbing her, bending her over his knee, spanking her silly, making her scream his name and beg him to… to… to…

Sarada shivered.

"Fuck me, Daddy" she hissed, almost loud enough that someone might have heard it, and she arched her back, eyelids momentarily fluttering and her pussy spasming. She came from saying these words, and her juices spurted, pooling on her chair, wetting her thighs and her panties. "Ah… I need it, Daddy…"

She smiled to herself, panting and slumping in her seat. Her slackness went unnoticed, as did the glow of her face, but she felt like she was on cloud nine, and she felt like it HAD to be obvious to anyone with eyes.

But the only one who seemed to notice anything was Chocho, sitting next to Sarada.

"It's an interesting lesson, isn't it?" said the girl. "If you wanna try that out…"

The offer wasn't unwelcome, but Sarada couldn't work up the energy to agree.

She was still thinking of Naruto…

If anyone was going to spank her and make her call them Daddy…

Sarada blushed, smiling to herself.

"…It's interesting," she agreed. "Very interesting…"

Chocho cocked an eyebrow, noticing how distracted Sarada looked, but she didn't comment on it.

Sarada was still thinking of the hokage.

She was ONLY thinking of the hokage…

… … … … …

When Sarada got home that evening, there was a message from her mom saying that she would be working late today. So Sarada made herself a simple dinner, then went up to her room, head filled with thoughts from that day's lesson and the previous night's wet dreams. She was thinking wistfully of Naruto, and she imagined him doing all kinds of wonderful, frightening, exhilarating things to her as she crawled onto her bed, slipping out of her clothes.

Sarada looked at herself in her mirror. She saw her nude form lying on her bed, and her blushing, bespectacled face staring back at her. The smile she was wearing seemed somehow indecent, and her breathing hitched as she angled her body and lifted her bottom to the mirror, looking over her shoulder at the reflection of her bottom. Thinking of the demonstration in class and her related daydreams, Sarada wiggled her hips and tried giving her ass a smack. The first blow was a little too soft, just a tap, really, but she grew warm as she imagined a variety of scenarios, and she hit it a little harder.

SMACK. With a proper amount of force this time, Sarada struck her backside. The sound rang in her ears, and she felt the stinging of her bottom. She hissed, wincing slightly, but at the same time she felt aroused, and she looked at the reddening spot on her butt and stroked it. Staring at the reflection, lifting her perfect little peach of an ass up higher, Sarada cupped and fondled her bottom, working it with her fingers, rolling it under her palm.

Drip, drip, drip. Moisture welled and fell from Sarada's pussy, plopping onto her blanket. She angled her hips higher and lifted herself to look down under her body, spreading her legs to see the mirror between them, and she looked at the reflection of her pussy and her ass, gazing down past peaking nipples and her rosy crotch. Smiling wider, feeling giddy, she gave her ass another slap, an even harder smack, jolting her own body and making herself squeak.

Almost, Sarada regretted hitting it that hard. But then she imagined that it was Naruto doing this, and that regret evaporated in the face of spiking arousal. She smacked her ass again, and she watched it ripple and redden in the mirror, and she observed how her pussy moistened further, how her lewd little body wriggled and writhed with a shameless, irrepressible need. Her eyes rolled, and she arched her back with a sigh, a groan, a dreamy whimper.

"I'm a naughty girl, Hokage-sama. Are you angry at me? Is it disappointing to see what a slut I am?"

She smacked her ass, answering her own question in a deeper voice, badly imitating Naruto.

"I always knew you'd turn out like this," she growled to herself. "You stupid little pervert… You like this, don't you?"

Again, she smacked her ass, and she reached between her legs with her other arm, resting the weight of her upper body on her shoulder and her head as she gave her ass yet another smack and started to tease her pussy. Her head was swimming, and her lust was brimming, and she couldn't have stopped herself now if she'd wanted to.

"Yes, Hokage-sama! I love it… Spank me harder, Hokage-sama… Punish this naughty little girl, Daddy! I want it… I need it! I love you, Hokage-sama!"

With each sentence, she spanked herself harder, and she all but screamed the final declaration, confident that her mom wouldn't be home until well past sunset. She was all alone, and she didn't have to hold back. She could indulge these burgeoning fantasies to her heart's content.

…Or that was what she thought.

But she caught something reflected in the corner of her mirror, and her heart jumped into her throat. For a moment, she felt terror, recognizing none other than the very object of her fantasies standing in the doorway and staring at her.

Naruto was silent for a long moment, his face red as he looked at Sarada. He hadn't expected to walk in on the girl doing something like this. He hadn't realized she was already old enough to be interested in this kind of thing. He had only meant to ask if she knew where her mother was, as he had come over to see Sakura and ask her about something.

But he had walked in on Sarada in this compromising position, and he had heard her moaning and crying out that she loved him as she spanked herself and fingered herself in front of her mirror. He felt guilty about seeing Sarada in this position. He was sure she wouldn't have WANTED him to see her like this or hear her saying those things. He wanted to apologize for walking in on her.

But at the same time…

Sarada resembled her mother. Naruto had always understood this, of course, but looking at the girl in this position gave him a whole new appreciation of that fact. Looking at her naked body, he saw how much Sarada resembled the Sakura on whom he'd had a crush when younger, the Sakura he'd cased after and asked out numerous times. He'd thought he'd moved on from that childhood crush a long time ago, but seeing Sarada like this and imagining the girl's mother at that age in this same position…

For a moment, Sarada was terrified as she looked at Naruto in her mirror, and she was too afraid to look at him directly. But she noticed how he stood there, and she noticed how he stared. Glancing down to his groin by chance, she noticed a bulge. It was a very sizable bulge, suggesting a manhood to equal or excel what she had envisioned in her dreams and her fantasies.

Her heart fluttered in her chest, and in a lingering high of arousal, Sarada dared to cross boundaries she had never before imagined transgressing.

She gave her ass another smack. Freshly, she felt the sting of it, and her eyes watered. But her pussy also moistened, and she saw how Naruto started at the sound, how his face colored, how his eyes fixed themselves to her backside. He still hadn't moved, and he still hadn't said anything.

Giddily, anxiously, Sarada smiled, and she dared to raise her head to look at Naruto while she fingered herself and fondled her ass.

"Ah…" she said as if only now noticing him, as if not at all bothered to have been discovered by him. She met his eyes, and she smiled wider, thrilling and arching her back. "I'm sorry. If I knew you were coming, I would have met you at the door…"

Naruto stared at Sarada, and he shivered and took a step toward her as if in a trance. Sarada felt a rush, and on a whim, she decided to more seriously attempt to seduce him.

She shifted on her bed, rolling onto her side and striking a skillful imitation of an adult, inviting pose. She ran a hand over her hip, and she fixed her eyes to the bulge of Naruto's groin. Her heart was pounding, and her head was swimming, yet she looked and felt strangely serene.

"Sarada-chan… What are you doing?"

Naruto drew still closer, gawking at the girl, feeling attracted and feeling conflicted about that attraction. He shouldn't be turned on by her. He should have turned around and closed the door the instant she saw what she was doing. But he hadn't, and he didn't want to.

Sarada licked her lips.

"I was punishing myself in advance…" she said. "…for seducing the lord hokage. A naughty girl like me NEEDS to be punished, don't you think~?"

She was nervous, but she didn't let it show. She was excited, she was horny, she was fearful and hopeful and staring at his tented erection. She wanted him, and yet she was scared of him. But that fear was a delight in itself, and she craved to feel a sense of helplessness, longing almost without understanding to be made powerless in Naruto's big, strong arms.

"You shouldn't say that kind of thing to an adult, Sarada…" Naruto told her. "If you aren't careful, you might give them the wrong idea."

"But it isn't the wrong idea, Daddy… I want you to fuck me.."

Sarada almost couldn't believe how boldly she said this, but she didn't regret the words for an instant. They were heartfelt and sincere.

She reached out to Naruto's trousers and grabbed the zipper, pulling it down. He didn't push away her hand, and he didn't tell her to stop. She yanked his trousers down, and he still did nothing to prevent this. She grabbed his boxers, and she inched them down, peeling them away to expose the prize.

Naruto's cock sprang out. It was even more impressive than Sarada had imagined, and she almost lost her cool at the sight of it, almost degenerating again into the shameless lasciviousness she had first unwittingly shown him.

She touched his cock in awe, and she stroked it. She looked up at him, up into his eyes, wondering if she had gone too far. Would he hate her, now that he had seen what she was really like…?

But she saw him smile, and she sensed him relaxing even as his dick throbbed in her hand.

"…alright," Naruto said. "Fine. If you think you're prepared for this, Sarada-chan…"

He was still thinking of the girl's mother, and he almost called her Sakura. It was the resemblance that pushed him over the edge. He didn't know if he would be willing to do something like this with another girl Sarada's age, but if it was Sarada, who so closely resembled his first crush…

Naruto shivered, not even thinking to close the door. He guessed that Sakura wasn't here—yes, reaching out with his senses, he could feel her at the hospital, still busy. She would be working late.

They had plenty of time.

Sarada rolled onto her back, looking up at Naruto as he climbed onto her bed. She spread her legs for him as he straddled her, and she pinched apart the lips of her pussy, exposing her fresh, pink insides for his use.

"Take my virginity, Daddy," Sarada said, shivering as she called him this. "I'm yours~"

Naruto swallowed, accepted the consequences, and took the plunge.

Blood spilled between them, and Sarada gasped. Her eyes watered for a moment, but then she smiled. She relaxed, feeling Naruto slide deeper into her, stretching her out with his big, solid cock. It was almost more than she could bear, and she felt like it would split her in half.

But it was pleasurable, and she moaned as he held her.

"If we're going to do this, you're going to make it worth putting my career on the line," Naruto breathed. "Even if I'm the hokage…"

"I'll be the best mistress you could ever ask for," Sarada moaned. "I'll be as lewd and slutty and perverted as you want me to. I'll do anything for you, Hokage-sama… I love you, Daddy!!"

Naruto shuddered, and his cock throbbed. He couldn't keep holding back.

"Then I'll turn you into the perfect cock slut," he growled. "I'll teach you what I want, and I'll make you my sex slave. Is that what you want, you horny little bitch?" He bucked his hips, thrusting into Sarada with a force that made her yelp, causing her body to lurch and spasm beneath him. "You're going to be my personal cumdumpster, and from now on I'll be teaching you how to satisfy me. If I'm taking this risk to satisfy your fantasies, you're going to make it worth my while."

"O-Of course…" Sarada moaned. "I'll do anything for you! I… oh, fuck! I love this… I love YOU! Fuck me, Daddy! I need it! Ohhh… oh, yesss… harder, Daddy!"

Her eyes rolled dazedly, and she let herself get lost in Naruto's thrusts.

In and out he pumped, bucking his hips, pummeling her insides. He engrossed himself in her body, letting himself get lost in the slight form beneath him. She was tight, unfathomably tight, and he felt like he was going to go insane as he fucked her. Naruto couldn't have stopped himself if he'd wanted to, and Sarada certainly wasn't about to ask him to stop. She jerked below him, bucking spasmodically, frantically, reflexively, clumsily but enthusiastically meeting his thrusts with the rise of her own hips.

A snug, virginal snatch engulfed the hokage. The fit was excruciating, and Sarada gasped as Naruto's manhood destroyed her snug insides. His cock was nothing like her fingers, and his hands were nothing like anything she had known. She'd barely ever been touched by an older man. Her father had been away for almost as long as she could remember, and she could not remember ever knowing his embrace. Naruto was the first man to hold her, even in he held her in this perverse, debauched way, fucking her in her bedroom while her mom was away.

But for the age gap, it might almost have been a normal scenario for a girl's first time. Almost. But there was too deep a deviousness to this, too profound a wrongness for it to be anything but a sin. This was Sarada's first time, and it was a first time that would have been traumatic for a normal girl—a first time that wouldn't have happened at all if she'd responded to the man's intrusion the ordinary way. But she had invited him, she had enticed him, and she had provoked him. She wouldn't blame him for doing this. On the contrary, she would thank him! She was grateful. More grateful than she could express.

Naruto's arms were so big, so strong. She felt so safe against his chest, even if she felt so powerless in his grasp, even if it was so painful and so mind-blowing as he fucked her. It hurt a lot, and it hurt more the faster he thrust, Sarada becoming more and more aware of how agonizingly big Naruto was. It was difficult to take the full length and girth of his cock. Even a grown woman would find it a formidable steed, difficult to mount and taxing to ride, and for a girl like Sarada, it might as well have been physically impossible. But they burst through the limits, and Naruto made her conform to him even if it was painful. And Sarada was grateful for this, glad to become a woman, glad to know a man's touch.

She wished she could have had a father like Naruto. She wished her father could have been warmer and more present, that he could have been there in her life to hold her and teach her and protect her as she grew. But he was never home, and she resented his absence. Maybe it was just a phase, but she hated her father and wanted to replace him. She didn't want to accept that she was the child of someone who didn't even care enough to write.

Naruto had been there for her more than her own father had. Naruto had been there for her more often, and he had been closer with her, and warmer to her, both kinder and sterner. Her father hadn't been there, but Naruto HAD—even if only on occasion, once in a while when he visited her mother or her mother visited him, for a little time now and then, and rarely ever one-on-one. But even that was more than what her father had done for her, more present in her life than Sasuke had been.

As far as Sarada was concerned, Naruto was her daddy. Maybe not literally, maybe not biologically, not unless… no, no, he wasn't her father. But he was as good as, or better, and she loved him more deeply and more keenly than she had ever loved her father.

It was normal, to an extent, for a girl's love for her partner to take the place of her love for her father. They were different kinds of love, and it needn't just be one or the other, but there was an extent to which a girl's lover, boyfriend, husband, or what-have-you would replace her father as the most important man in her life.

But here, as before, that illusory semblance of normalcy was shattered by the brute reality of what they were doing. Naruto was a grown man, the Lord Seventh Hokage, and she… she was so much younger than him, and if anybody found out about this…

Still, Sarada loved him. She loved him all the more fiercely for knowing that it would need to be a secret love, and she loved him all the more intensely for how twisted and wrong this love was.

It was forbidden. It was unacceptable. Yet it was perfect, and it felt sublime.

The joining was painful, but that pain was a pleasure, and pleasure of a purer sort in itself also was felt, the pain ebbing gradually as she acclimated to Naruto, replaced by simple, irrational, mind-numbing bliss.

Sarada was in heaven. She adored what was happening. She loved Naruto. She loved her daddy.

"HARDER!" Sarada gasped out, losing her mind as Naruto fucked her. "HARDER, DADDY!!"

Sarada came. It wasn't her first orgasm, but it was her first time climaxing from intercourse. This had been her first time, and this was the sublimation of her virginity, the end of her maidenhood and the beginning of a low and womanly life. It was no wholesome graduation into maturity, but a corruption and a degradation, turning from a normal girl into a slut and a piece of meat.

It was the start of her real descent, and she wore a smile of perfect contentment when she passed out, swooning with the conclusion of her orgasm.

Naruto pulled out of Sarada a second before she fell asleep, and he looked at her dazed, drowsy, contented eyes as his cock spasmed, throbbing and aching an instant from release. It was inexpressibly lewd, and at the end of his rope, he took aim above the waist and shot his cum onto a smooth, white tummy.

A last happy sigh slipped from Sarada's mouth, and she listened to what Naruto whispered to her before she drifted off to dreamland.

"You look so sexy, Sarada-chan. I want to fuck you so much more, you naughty little slut," She shivered at his words, dumbly nodding her head, accepting the remark and basking in it. "Next time, how about we…"

She was asleep before he finished his sentence, passing into a dream of herself at the altar and Naruto before her, the two of them exchanging rings and…

Sarada was smiling as Naruto finished up in her room, and she peacefully snoozed as he cleaned up, dressed her, and tucked her in. When he was gone, it was like he had never been there. But Sarada knew the truth, and when she awoke, she would cling to the memory, looking forward to the next time.

This was how it started. It was Sarada's first step on the road to complete degeneracy.

She didn't regret a single thing.