
Naruto: Harem No Jutsu

[WARNING: R18 CONTENT!] What's the point of being a ninja if you can't have a harem? Yuji has a single dream in this new world: Have a harem. Unfortunately, the ladies around him are both willing and able to gut him like a fish. That's not all. He'll have to survive a demented nine tailed fox, a Shikamaru Nara who's a S-class missing nin and the wrath of a hidden village, not necessarily in that order. No one said it'll be that easy. Will Yuji achieve his dream? Only time will tell. ********** Things to note: 1. Alternative Universe 2. OC not SI 3. MC starts weak but progresses to OP. 4. This is not a joke fic. It might start like that but it is an attempt to show the MC's mindset before reality hits him like a truck. 5. Yes. This means that there's an actual story in which the harem is a major part of. Yes. There's smut. But the story takes precedence. ********* Discord server: https://discord.gg/CuXT9TcsBH Support link: https://www.patreon.com/chakralord

ChakraLord · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Team 7

"Team seven, Naruto Uzumaki," Naruto grinned and stood in anticipation.

"Yuji Mukokuseki,"

"Yeah!" We shared a high five.

"And Sakura Haruno."

We roared our triumph to the sky as Sakura groaned at her seat with Ino. "I'm stuck with idiots, Ino. I'm stuck with idiots." Ino patted her sympathetically on the back.

"Jounin sensei, Hatake Kakashi."

Naruto and I put our arms around each other's necks and began singing; "we got the copy-nin! We got the copy-nin!"

"Shut the fuck up and sit down!" Iruka sensei yelled.

We sat down to the snickers of our classmates.

"You know the copy ninja?" I asked Naruto. Kakashi could have built a relationship with him.

"Of course, he was my dad's student." Naruto said. "Dude's so lazy, I don't think we'll even learn anything from him. But what do I know?" He shrugged. "Maybe he'll be different now as a jounin sensei."

Hmm, seems like nothing changed when it comes to Kakashi. Dude's still a lazy dude. Does he still read porn? Come to think of it, is he still a virgin? If he is, I'll be very disappointed.

At that moment, something flew at our heads at a high speed and we dodged, hitting our heads together.


"Listen, you shitheads!" Iruka sensei growled as he hefted another piece of chalk. At this rate, we'll forever be known as the class clowns.

"Shinobis of Konoha!" Iruka sensei declared and the class quieted down. Some students puffed up their chests in pride for achieving their dreams while I fingered my headband with a soft smile.

"From today onwards, you will be entrusted with the lives of the people in this village. Wherever you find yourself, I want you to remember our three core principles. Team work, friendship, and determination."

"Work hard and support each other, regardless of your individual strengths and weaknesses. That's what makes us strong. No part of the tree is the most important."

"They all work together!" We finished the saying for him.

He smiled at us. "See you on the other side," and left.

Chatter filled the classroom as everybody began to speculate on their jounin senseis.

"The copy-nin, huh?" Kiba grinned. "One of you will have to be Hokage."

"What? Why?" Naruto frowned.

"Haven't you seen the line of succession?" Kiba asked. "The first Hokage and the second Hokage were brothers. The second Hokage trained the third Hokage. The third Hokage trained Jiraiya of the Sannin who trained the fourth Hokage." He paused. "Have you seen where I'm going with this?"

"Come on, that doesn't mean anything, does it?" I folded my arms. Kiba was suspiciously making sense and based on what I knew of the original Naruto, this dude has to be an oracle.

"In Suna, only members of a single clan become Kazekage. In Kumo, only people named A become Raikage. In Konoha only members of team seven become Hokage." Kiba shrugged. "That's the way it is. Our fifth Hokage would probably be Hatake Kakashi or you, Naruto."

We sat in silence, digesting the new information. If members of team seven become Hokage, does that mean Sakura and I also have a chance? After all, didn't Tsunade also became Hokage? That's something to think about.

"What do you think of your sensei?" I asked Kiba.

"Yuhi Kurenai?" Kiba scratched his chin. "I only know her by reputation. I heard she's the best genjutsu user in the fire country. She once took down two members of the Uchiha clan without taking a single step."

"Really?" I was understandably shocked. Yes, the whole ninja arts here was different from the original ninja arts but defeating Uchihas with genjutsu? That's impressive.

"Well, I've seen her in person." Naruto grinned mischievously. "You're lucky Kiba. She's a goddess."

"Really?" What does she look like?" Kiba asked eagerly.

"Dude, words are not enough to do her justice."

"You don't say." Kiba grinned like an idiot who just won the lottery.

We continued our discussion as the different jounin senseis arrived to pick their students.

Suddenly, a hush enveloped the classroom. We turned quickly to notice the person standing at the door of the classroom.

Yuhi Kurenai.

With red eyes reminiscent of the Sharingan, flowing black hair and smooth flawless skin, she really did look like a goddess. She had full red lips that could make a man cry for a blowjob.

She was dressed in mesh and wrapped in bandages that clasped her body so tight, they left little to the imagination.

"Hyuga Hinata, Aburame Shino and Inuzuka Kiba?" Her voice rang out enchantingly.

"I'm right here!" Kiba yelled as he jumped on the table. "See you guys later," he whispered to us and flipped down to meet his sensei.

"Lucky bastard." I whispered and Naruto chuckled.

Before long, it was just Naruto, Sakura and I in the class.

"Is it just me or is our sensei late?" Sakura asked.

"No, it's not you. He really is late." Naruto yawned. "He's always late for everything. We shouldn't expect him for the next three hours."

"Really?" Sakura groaned. "Well, I'm leaving for lunch."

I perked up. "You know, that's not a bad idea. We can all have lunch together. After all, we're now a team."

"Of course." Naruto nodded while trying not to let his eagerness shine through.

Sakura peered at us in suspicion, while we displayed our innocent mask.

"We'll pay," Naruto added.


"Alright," he grinned. "I know this spectacular ramen place...."


Kakashi whistled as he headed to the ninja academy. For once, he was only an hour late. He nodded as he considered his excuse.

Hmmn. Did he get lost today? No. Too easy. Did he help an old woman? Meh. He wasn't feeling too charitable today. How about meeting a black cat? That's it! No one wanted bad luck on a day like this.

Kakashi nodded in triumph as he approached the door of the classroom and entered with his trademark closed eye smile.

To his surprise, no one said anything. No one commented on how late he was.

Come to think of it, why couldn't he hear any heart beats? He opened his eyes to see an empty classroom.

'Well, that's a first.'