
Shiny New Clits (18+)

The figure was cloaked in a dark robe that blended seamlessly with the shadows of the archives.

Carefully, they reached for a book on one of the upper shelves, pulling it out with a reverence that suggested it was no ordinary volume. With the book in hand, they slid down to the floor, their back against the shelves, and began to read.

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I should approach or observe from a distance. My curiosity almost won out until I stopped myself. Dude, this is the ninja world. That could be Kabuto in disguise. Instant death, man. Instant death.

The figure flipped through the pages, the hood obscuring their face. They shifted the book with one hand and the other hand slipped beneath the cloak. Are they reaching for a weapon? Have they found me?

The hand in the cloak began roaming around. They began breathing heavily. After a moment pause, the dark cloak was opened to reveal smooth perky breasts on a petite body. The blouse and bra had been slipped beneath the breasts, pooling around the stomach.

The figure was a lady! At the sight of those breasts, my dick gave a tiny twitch.

Her hand slipped to her short skirt and pulled it up to her stomach, revealing a shaved and tight pussy. The pussy was already wet, dripping juices slowly to the floor.

The lady made a one-handed hand seal, activating a jutsu. I rocked back in anticipation of discovery but it never came. Instead, her hand began vibrating with a low buzzing sound reminiscent of a vibrator.

With a moan, the finger began teasing her clit as she flipped through the pages of the book. Her low moans filled the air, making my dick stand up like a zombie!

Well, only one of us can't be enjoying views. With a single motion, I pulled my hard dick out of my pants. With the amazingly sexy view in front of me, I began beating my meat, my hand beating a steady rhythm.

Her moans made me go faster as she arched forward in pleasure. Her breasts shined with a thin layer of sweat, reflecting the dim white light of the seals on the ceiling.

She dropped the book and began flipping through it as she smushed her clit with her vibrating fingers. "Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh." She began repeating and my tempo increased to match hers. Her other hand left her pussy to grip her breasts, twisting the nipples hard.

Fuck! I wish to grab those breasts, mauling it as I pound that pussy into the floor. The lady shivered violently and began spraying juices from a pussy.

A squirter?! Now I must know who she is. Every man dreams of pounding a squirter. She gave a long low moan and threw her head back in pleasure as she squirted, coating the opposite books in her juices.

Her hood fell off her head to reveal an incredibly familiar face! Incredibly fair skin, beautiful light blue eyes and long, platinum blonde hair with bangs framing the right side of her face.

Ino Yamanaka!

Her hand teased her clit, riding the wave of her orgasm. Her orgasm finally stopped, her breathing heavy.

She cut off her vibrator jutsu and with another activation seal, her pussy juices evaporated into thin hair. She stood, fixing her clothes and then placed the book back on the shelf. Placing her hood back over her head, she left after checking out the place.

I stood there, dazed. I stared at my still erect dick. I was so surprised I didn't even finish. With a start, I pulled myself away from my spot and went to the shelf, pulling out the book. The cover was a faded brown. In dull golden letters was the title. Ying Yang techniques for couples.

I flipped open the book to see different realistic images of a male and a female engaging in sexual intercourse. There were images of different sex positions and even variations on the same positions. The best part of the book? There were tiny texts next to the images, detailing the different things men and women could do to increase pleasure during sex.

I found hints to the vibrator jutsu inside it. Who knew the Yamanaka heiress was hiding such a secret. With this book, I won't just be the king of sex. Why be a king, when you can be a god? Thank you Eminem.

Gears began rolling in my head, a plan forming. If this was a regular occurrence for Ino, there's a way I can definitely hit that pussy.

I placed the book back on the shelf and climbed up, trying to find landmarks that will help me find this spot. Satisfied, I jumped down and continued my search for the scroll, slowly retracing my steps back to the meeting point.

Several minutes later, I joined them at the meeting spot, each of us wearing the signs of our exhaustive searches.

Naruto bounced on the balls of his feet with a laid back enthusiasm, a broad grin splitting his face as he waved a scroll high above his head.

"I found it!" he exclaimed, his voice echoing through the quiet library. The scroll, though worn at the edges, glinted with the faint sheen of preservation seals.

Sakura rushed over, her earlier frustration replaced with relief. "You did? Where was it?"

"In the 'Founding Clans' section," Naruto said, his chest puffing out slightly.

Kakashi, lowering his book just enough to reveal a single eye, gave a swift nod. "Good work, Naruto. That section makes sense. It's closely related to the Early Days."

Kakashi jumped down from his perch, closing his book with a soft thud. "That's it. The mission is not over until we've gotten the stamps on our records. Stay sharp my cute little genins. We still have a long walk ahead of us."

As one, we groaned. Kakashi led the way out of the archive. I couldn't help but glance back. It seems like I'll be visiting this place a lot. I can't wait. I grinned to myself. There's a shiny new clit that needs attention.

A/N: Wassup dudes. Starting from next week, I'll begin releasing one chapter every day. Isn't that great? Right? Drop a power stone to show you mean it! See ya later!

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