
Naruto: Harem No Jutsu

[WARNING: R18 CONTENT!] What's the point of being a ninja if you can't have a harem? Yuji has a single dream in this new world: Have a harem. Unfortunately, the ladies around him are both willing and able to gut him like a fish. That's not all. He'll have to survive a demented nine tailed fox, a Shikamaru Nara who's a S-class missing nin and the wrath of a hidden village, not necessarily in that order. No one said it'll be that easy. Will Yuji achieve his dream? Only time will tell. ********** Things to note: 1. Alternative Universe 2. OC not SI 3. MC starts weak but progresses to OP. 4. This is not a joke fic. It might start like that but it is an attempt to show the MC's mindset before reality hits him like a truck. 5. Yes. This means that there's an actual story in which the harem is a major part of. Yes. There's smut. But the story takes precedence. ********* Discord server: https://discord.gg/CuXT9TcsBH Support link: https://www.patreon.com/chakralord

ChakraLord · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Fuck This Universe

The heavy clang of the metal door reverberated through the corridor as I stepped out of the Torture and Interrogation Department.

My legs felt unsteady, weak from disuse. The dim light of the hallway seemed blinding after the darkness of my cell, and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust. I sighed.

As I rounded the corner toward the exit, the first thing I saw was Kakashi-sensei, standing there with Naruto and Sakura flanking him. Relief washed over me, cooling the burning anxiety that had kept my nerves on edge. Naruto's face lit up with a wide grin, the sight of it so familiar and comforting.

"Yuji!" Naruto called out, rushing over and practically tackling me in one of his signature bear hugs. "Thank God you're okay!" He released me before looking me over. "Did they do anything to you? Tell me. We'll take it up to the Hokage."

Sakura's smile was more subdued, but her eyes shone with relief. "Let's get you home, Yuji. You need rest."

Kakashi gave me a nod, his eye crinkling in that way that meant he was smiling under his mask. "Good to have you back," he said simply.

We exited the building together. I paused, taking a moment to feel the sun on my face. The sun was so warm, I almost burst into tears. Naruto patted me on the shoulder.

We walked down the street. I sighed and turned my face back to the earth. I raised my head to ask a question and that's when I felt it. The weight of every gaze upon me.

As we walked through the village streets, I could sense the whispers, see the darting glances. "That's him! The one who killed that civilian girl." I heard someone whisper.

My chest tightened with each step, the freedom I'd just regained feeling suddenly suffocating under the scrutiny of the watching civilians.

"Ignore them, Yuji," Naruto said calmly. "That's how they usually are. Speculating on ninja matters and blowing things out of proportion. Don't mind them. They don't know anything."

Sakura gave me a sympathetic look. "People are scared and confused. They'll see the truth soon enough."

Their words helped, a little. But I couldn't help but wonder. Are these not the same people who hated Naruto for fifteen years in the original manga?

We continued on, the familiar path to my apartment never feeling longer than it did in that moment. When we finally arrived, I was mentally exhausted, the relief of being in a safe space almost overwhelming.

"Why don't you take some time for yourself? We'll handle the missions for now." Sakura suggested as we stepped inside.

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, and if anyone says anything weird to you, just tell me! I'll straighten them out."

I managed a small laugh, grateful for his unwavering support. "Thanks, Naruto. I think I just need to sleep for a year or two."

Kakashi lingered by the door. "Rest, Yuji. We'll be in touch soon."

With a final nod, they left, and I closed the door behind them, the sound echoing slightly in the quiet of the apartment. I leaned back against the door, sliding down to the floor as the tension began to drain from my shoulders. Here, in my own space, the whispers couldn't reach me, the stares couldn't follow.

I stood up and walked to my room where I was soon fast asleep.


I woke up in the evening, the hues of the sunlight shining through the window. My body felt heavy, as if I'd only just shed the weight of chains, but my mind was oddly clear. I hadn't slept so deeply in weeks since I was arrested.

With a groan, I sat up, pausing as I caught the murmur of voices from the living room. Tenten's laugh, light and familiar, drifted through the slightly ajar door, but there was another voice, deeper, one that I hadn't heard before.

Curiosity piqued, I stood and made my way to the living room. The scene that greeted me was almost erotic. Tenten was sitting close to Neji on our small couch, their hands intertwined. They were kissing deeply. They both looked up and separated as I entered, their expressions shifting. Tenten's marked with apprehension, Neji's with a firm resolve that did not bode well.

"Yuji, you're awake," Tenten said. She gestured at Neji. "This is Neji, my boyfriend."

We shook hands and exchanged the nice to meet yous.

"Yuji." Tenten started, her tone cautious. "We need to talk."

Uh oh. We need to talk? I nodded, crossing the room to sit in the armchair opposite them. "Sure, what's up?"

"Yuji, given the recent... circumstances, we believe it's best if you find another place to stay."

My heart sank. "Wait, Tenten, I didn't do what they're saying. You know me."

It was Neji who spoke next, his voice even, betraying no emotion. "It's not just about what you did or didn't do, Yuji. It's about the safety and reputation of those associated with you. Tenten has to consider her position, and I need to ensure her safety."

Tenten looked away, her voice small when she finally spoke. "Yuji, I'm sorry. It's just... everything that's happened, it's too much. I can't be caught up in this. Neji's moving in, and we think it's for the best."

The words stung, each one a betrayal. "How can you just believe I'm capable of-"

"It's not about belief, Yuji," she interrupted, finally meeting my gaze. "It's about perception. People are talking, and it's affecting me too. I have missions, responsibilities. I can't afford to be dragged down by rumors and suspicion."

The cold logic of her words cut deep, and I felt the room spin slightly as the reality set in. Shit. Standing abruptly, I clenched my fists, trying to control the rising anger and hurt. "Fine. If that's how you see it, I'll go. But remember, this could have been any one of us. Today it's me, tomorrow it could be you."

Without waiting for a response, I turned and strode back to my room, slamming the door behind me. I began throwing my belongings into a bag, each movement fueled by a mix of fury and despair.

Fuck this universe.