
Expectation vs Reality

I walked under the light of the moon, hands in my pockets feeling the burn of my muscles after training. I don't know how he was able to work us so hard while still being so lazy but that's the gap between us and an elite ninja.

At this time of the night, most of the people walking around were ninjas. I navigated the quiet streets till I got to my destination. Izakaya. Premium relaxation spot for low level ninjas.

Lanterns were hung outside illuminating the sign hanging above the door. The chatter of the crowd within could be heard from outside.

I entered the place to a heartwarming sight. Under the vibrant glow of the lanterns and the lively chatter around, the atmosphere at the izakaya was electrifying, filled with the energy of ninjas unwinding after long days of missions and training. The smell of grilled meat filled the air, mixing with the sharp tang of spiced wine that made my mouth water.

"Yuji! Over here!" Kiba's voice cut through the din, his hand waving enthusiastically from a corner of the room. I weaved through the tables, a big smile on my face.

"Hey, guys. How's it going?" I slid into the empty seat, bumping fists with Naruto to my right and nodding at Shino, who was observing the room with his usual cool detachment.

"What took you so long?" Chouji asked, not looking up as he meticulously grilled the meat. "Naruto got here a while ago." Naruto nodded along. I looked around the table. Kiba, Chouji, Shino, Naruto and I. The boy's night out.

"Sorry guys. I got lost. My new apartment is pretty far from here."

"A ninja getting lost? You should be ashamed of yourself. Why?" Shino asked. "You're a ninja in your own village." Chuckles filled the table.

"Was that a joke?" Naruto grinned playfully. "I'm proud of you Shino."

"Fuck off." Shino deadpanned without missing a beat and the four of us burst into laughter.

"Before we get started," Chouji looked around. "Waiter! Five bottles of plum wine."

"That's the right idea bro." Kiba bumped Chouji on the shoulder. Within a minute, we were eating meat and sipping wine.

"So," Naruto turned to Kiba, "How is it, learning under Yuhi Kurenai?"

Kiba leaned back, a glint of respect in his eyes as he began to describe his training. "It's intense, man. Kurenai-sensei doesn't let up. Her genjutsu training is something else; it really opens your eyes to how much you can manipulate an opponent's senses. Not that I'm any good at that."

"Sounds tough," I commented, stealing a skewer of meat from Chouji's pile, which earned me a mock glare.

"It is," Kiba continued, "but it's worth it man. It makes you realize how much there is to learn. Every session, I feel like I'm peeling back another layer of what it means to be a ninja."

We all nodded in acknowledgement. Fighting Kakashi always highlights how much of a small fry I am.

Naruto nodded vigorously, his face serious. "That's the thing, isn't it? We all came out of the Academy thinking we were ready. Then you get into the real deal, and it's like, 'Oh, I actually know nothing.'"

"I can't relate." Chouji chimed in, turning the meat over the grill. "Asuma-sensei's been making us repeat the basics. It's mind numbing. We spend hours just trying to perfect the simplest techniques."

"That's also what Kakashi-sensei makes us do. Although he's much more brutal." Naruto complained. "I swear he gets some twisted sense of joy in seeing us suffer."

"That's the way it is bro. This wasn't how I thought my life would be going." Kiba sighed. "My expectations doesn't match my reality. Not even a bit."

I glanced around the table, seeing the weight of responsibility settling on my friends' shoulders. "But that's what makes us grow, right? Pushing past what we thought were our limits."

Shino, who had been quietly observing the conversation, finally spoke up. "It's a necessary evolution. The life of a shinobi is a constant test. Adapt or falter. My training with bugs... it's more than just learning techniques. It's about harmony with another form of life, understanding and respecting it."

"You guys are getting deep tonight," I joked, trying to lighten the mood, but I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for the paths we were all on. We might not be doing what we thought we would be doing but it's better than the original Naruto manga where everyone was badly trained.

Naruto, picking up on the shift, grinned and redirected the conversation. "But let's not forget the perks! Like being recognized by the villagers, and sometimes, getting free ramen!"

"I would've expected that from Chouji. Only you would think about food, Naruto," Kiba laughed, shaking his head.

"A ninja can't work on an empty stomach." Naruto grinned.

"He's right." Chouji nodded approvingly. "You're not you when you're hungry."

"So Kiba." Naruto grinned, lowering his voice. "How is it? Seeing Kurenai-sensei up close?"

"Dude." Kiba sighed. "There's no way her skin is natural. How can that shit be so smooth?"

"It's like someone upgraded silk and merged it with the skin." Shino chimed in.

"Exactly!" Kiba nodded. "And her figure? God." He sighed. "Do you know how hard it is to hide my erections from a jounin. I still don't know if she actually knows or she doesn't that I'm hard anytime she demonstrates some moves."

"Man...." Naruto sighed. "Let's switch teams."

"Oh hell no!" Kiba laughed. "I get to see the epitome of sexy everyday. There's no way I'm giving that up! Besides, there's no way I'll ever be able to actually feel the goods. Chouji's the lucky one. He's on a team with two of the most gorgeous ladies our age."

We all turned to Chouji who was busy stuffing his face. "You guys are welcome to have them." He said. "They're the two most annoying ladies I've ever met."

The Ino-Shika-Cho. Chouji was on a team with Ino Yamanaka and a sexy Nara girl called Shikako.

"I'm disappointed in you, bro." Kiba shook is head playfully. "All that access and you're not taking advantage of it."

This seemed like the perfect time to ask about something that's been bugging me.

"Guys. This reminds me. Remember when we first got into the academy? There was this lazy Nara guy who was always with you Chouji. I think his name was Shikamaru. Whatever happened to him?"

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