
Anko and Orochi

"Genin Yuji, you're under arrest for the murder of Hanako Nakamura."

The street went silent. ANBU agents in public arresting a ninja? Everyone wanted to see what would happen.

As for me, I took a step back in shock. What the hell? What are these guys talking about? Is this a plot from Hanako to make me a ninja husband? That can't be it. They said murder. Hanako can't be dead.

"Genin Yuji? Come with us while we're being nice." The lead ANBU in a panda mask spoke as his two companions flanked me. They each grabbed a hand.

"Wait a minute. What's the meaning of this?" Naruto stepped between the panda ANBU and I. "Murder?"

"Stay out of this genin Naruto or this could be seen as obstruction of justice. We wouldn't want that would we?" The ANBU agent leaned forward, speaking with a low menacing voice.

Naruto opened his mouth to retort but Kakashi placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sensei?"

"Go with them, Yuji." Kakashi spoke. "You have nothing to hide." I nodded. He turned to Naruto. "Don't worry. We'll go and find out what's going on at the hokage tower."

With a nod of respect at Kakashi, the panda ANBU turned around and we disappeared into a shushin.


I sat alone in a cold, dark room at the Torture and Interrogation department. I looked around. The room was barely lit, shadows clinging to the corners like a stain. The chill in the air seemed to seep into my bones as I waited, the weight of the accusation heavy on my shoulders. Is this the aura of the T&I?

The door creaked open, casting a sliver of light across the floor before slamming shut behind the new arrival. Anko Mitarashi walked in and the blood froze in my veins. If there was one thing she was known for, it was her sadistic tendencies and her affinity with snakes.

Today was no exception; a large snake coiled leisurely around her neck, its tongue flicking in and out as it sensed the room.

"Genin Yuji," Anko started, her voice as cold as the room itself. She pulled up a chair and sat directly in front of me, the snake's head resting just inches from her own as if listening. "You're in a very grim situation."

I swallowed hard, my throat dry. "I... I don't understand. What's happening?"

Anko leaned forward, her eyes piercing. "A civilian girl, Hanako Nakamura, was found dead early this morning. A witness claims you were the last person seen with her. Quite the predicament for someone who claims innocence, right?"

My mind raced. Hanako? Last seen with her? "I haven't even seen Hanako in days," I protested, my voice shaking slightly. What the fuck is going on?

"That's not what we heard." Anko's gaze didn't waver. She reached up and gently stroked the snake, which raised its head, its eyes fixed on me. "This is Orochi. He's highly venomous. His venom causes excruciating agony for three days straight before the victim dies. A fate I wouldn't wish on anyone. Of course, we won't actually let you die. We do have the antidote on hand. Twenty four hours in and you'll be spilling your gut."

"Thankfully, he only bites when he detects a lie. We wouldn't want that, would we? So, I suggest you think carefully about your answers."

The room felt even colder now, the threat of Orochi's presence looming large. I nodded, unable to take my eyes off the serpent. It flicked its tail and hissed softly. Fuck.

"Good," Anko continued. "Let's start from the beginning. When was the last time you saw Hanako?"

I tried to calm my racing heart, focusing on breathing evenly. "It was... two days ago. We had a mission at her house."

Anko watched me closely, her expression unreadable. Orochi hissed, his tongue flickering slightly. "He thinks you're hiding something. You guys talked right? What did you talk about?"

"Just... just normal stuff. She mentioned something about wanting to be a ninja. Nothing serious. Normal civilian fantasies."

"And there's no reason anyone would think otherwise? No argument, no bad blood?"

"No, nothing!" I insisted. "I had no arguments with Hanako." And that was the truth. I haven't seen her since she fled inside her room.

Anko paused, then her tone shifted slightly. "Did anyone see you with her? Any friends, acquaintances?"

"You can ask my sensei," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "We were there together."

"Hmm." Anko sat back, her fingers drumming on the metal table. "A casual encounter, and yet a witness places you with her just before she died. You see how this looks, right?"

I nodded, feeling helpless. "I understand how it looks, but I didn't do anything!"

Anko stood up abruptly, her chair scraping against the concrete floor. She walked around the room slowly. Orochi's head bobbed with each of her steps, his eyes never leaving me. "Yuji, if there's anything else you need to tell me, now's the time. This could get a lot worse for you."

Panic clawed at my chest. "I really don't know why anyone would say that. I didn't meet her after that day. I've been busy with training and missions."

"Training and missions, huh?" Anko stopped and faced me again, her eyes narrowing. She walked in front of me and slapped something on the table. "What do you say about this?"

I took a look at the object on the table with a sinking feeling. It was the note Hanako wrote to me that day. "Shit." I whispered.

"Yes. Orochi isn't perfect." Anko crooned, stroking the snake's head. "It all depends on the questions I ask. You didn't tell a lie so you could have gotten out of things. I'll ask you a question. Tell the truth or tell a lie. That's your choice. Did you meet Hanako after your mission?"

I hesitated. "Yes."

Anko laughed. "And what did you do?"

"She- she gave me a boobjob but before anything else could happen, Kakashi sensei came and took me away."

"Hmmmn." Anko tapped her chin. "Let me paint a picture for you. Tell me if I'm wrong. A young ninja was seduced by a civilian girl. When he found out her plan to make him a ninja husband, he killed her out of anger. Fortunately, he's a ninja so he's a lot better at covering his tracks. However, due to his inexperience, he left the invitation note at the scene."

"I didn't do it. I swear! Ask Kakashi sensei!" Fuck.

Anko watched Orochi. "Seems like you're telling the truth. Or you think you are. Orochi can be fooled. We'll be calling in a Yamanaka to take a look inside your head. We'll also be verifying your alibi. But remember, any discrepancies, and Orochi here gets restless. And you don't want him restless."

The threat hung in the air, palpable and terrifying. I nodded quickly, repeatedly, my mind racing through every moment of the past week, double-checking my own alibi in my head.

Anko moved towards the door, pausing to look back at me. "We're not done here, Yuji. I'll be watching you. And so will Orochi."

With that, she left, the door closing with a definitive clang, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the faint echo of her words. Shit. Someone set me up. That's the only explanation. Who did this? What do they want? Fuck.

A/N: The plot thickens!

I've got good news! We just received our first patrons. To celebrate, you guys get two chapters today! As for our patrons who motivated me, they also get two new chapters and a patreon exclusive 2,000 word, 18+ chapter, detailing one of Yuji's sexual escapade back at the orphanage.

That's a fair deal, isn't it? Don't forget to leave a power stone or a review! Whatever works for you! The next chapter will be up in forty minutes!

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