
Naruto: Hanma Yujiro's Legacy

The infamous Hanma Yujiro, the Ogre, was sent into the tumultuous shinobi realm during the era of legendary figures such as Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara in his latter years with a younger body. Naruto, "Dattebayo!" Sasuke, "Hn!" Madara, "Let's dance, Yujiro!" Kurama, "I, Kyuubi, declared you as the Tailless Tailed Beast!" Hashirama, "Senpo: Mokuton: Shin Susenju!" Kaguya, "All chakra…belongs to me and once again, all chakra shall become one!" Yujiro, "Ehuk, ehuk, RaHAhAHahA!” ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at 11 p.m, my local time GMT+8. Dis cord: https://dis cord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Preparation for Relocation

As the night wore on and the restaurant's patrons began to thin out, Yujiro could sense the tension in the air. He had always been a magnet for drama, and he knew that his larger-than-life personality often attracted such situations.

With a sigh, he stood up, his presence commanding the attention of everyone at the table. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a delightful evening, but I think it's time we call it a night."

The group exchanged reluctant nods, acknowledging the need to disperse. As they left the restaurant, the tension seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of relief.

Yujiro walked Raikou and Yuko back to their compound, the two of them lost in thought. The evening had been filled with laughter and competition, but it had also revealed the complexities of their newfound relationships.

As they entered their compound, Yujiro turned to both Raikou and Yuko, his overbearing and arrogant demeanor softening.

"Ladies, tonight was...interesting. I hope you're not too bothered by it."

Raikou and Yuko exchanged glances and then looked at Yujiro, their expressions a mix of emotions.

Raikou spoke first, "Yujiro, as long as we have you, we're content. We may be jealous at times, but we trust you."

Yuko continued, "Although, we will and might see each other as a rival but I don't want to lose you, Yujiro. I'm still pregnant with your child, you know.

Yujiro nodded, his hand gently cupping their cheeks. "Good. Because both of you are the ones I chose. No one else can take your place."

'As they will take place beside both of you as my women, hehe.'

With those words, he leaned in and kissed each of them, their lips meeting in passionate embraces. The night had been filled with tension and competition, but in that moment, all that mattered was the love they shared.

As they disappeared into the depths of their compound, the world outside faded away, leaving only the three of them and Yujiro's son whom still sleeping without any care in the world.


The next morning came, the birds chirped and sun bore down onto the village. Yujiro already woke up by Raikou with her delicious treat.

Then, the three of them break their fast together, served by Yuko's servant. Raikou and Yuko were still fighting for Yujiro's affection, it seemed that they will never stop until they had a clear winner.

Afterwards, Yujiro brought his two women to expedite the storing process for Yuko's goods.

In the heart of the bustling village, nestled amidst the labyrinthine alleys, stood Yuko's Emporium, a haven for those seeking the finest herbs, spices, and ingredients. The emporium's reputation as a treasure trove of botanical wonders was known far and wide, drawing in customers from every corner of the land.

On this particular day, the emporium buzzed with activity. Yuko's employees, a dedicated and skilled group, moved with precision and grace as they prepared to store the shipment of herbs and goods. They understood the importance of this delivery, for it wasn't just any cargo; it was a preparation for another land.

The emporium's interior was a sight to behold, with shelves upon shelves of neatly organized jars, boxes, and containers. Each held a unique assortment of herbs and spices, ranging from the commonplace to the exceptionally rare.

The customers who entered the emporium were greeted by a symphony of scents, a fragrant tapestry that hinted at the wonders contained within.

The employees worked diligently to ensure that every item had its proper place. They handled the goods with the utmost care, for they knew that some of these herbs were delicate and required gentle handling to maintain their quality.

The cargo was divided into distinct categories, each reflecting its quality and rarity. The cheapest herbs, though still of fine quality, were stored in simple wooden boxes.

These were the staples, the everyday seasonings that adorned the tables of countless households.

The mid-tier herbs, a step above the common, were placed in sturdy ceramic jars adorned with intricate patterns. They were the choice of those who sought a touch of elegance in their culinary endeavors.

Then there were the premium herbs, the crown jewels of the emporium. These were carefully stored in ornate glass containers, each sealed with a wax insignia bearing Yuko's emblem.

The employees handled these with an extra level of caution, for they were sought after by nobles and connoisseurs alike.

As the employees worked diligently, they couldn't help but discuss the herbs and spices before them. They marveled at the vivid colors, the aromatic scents, and the exotic origins of some of these treasures.

It was as if they were handling pieces of art, and in a way, they were, for these herbs were destined to enhance the flavors of countless dishes and potions.

One of the employees, a young woman with a keen eye for detail, carefully inspected a batch of saffron—the golden strands were like slivers of sunlight captured in a jar.

She whispered to her colleague, "Look at this saffron, it's unlike any I've seen before. The color is so vibrant; it's as if the flowers were picked at dawn."

Her colleague nodded in agreement. "Indeed, this saffron is exceptional. It's no wonder the nobles request it for their feasts."

At another corner of the emporium, two employees sorted through bundles of dried lavender. They gently crumbled a few petals between their fingers and inhaled the soothing aroma.

One of them remarked, "This lavender is so fragrant; it will make the most exquisite sachets and perfumes."

The other employee grinned, "I heard it's Yujiro-sama order. He certainly has a knack for finding the best herbs."

As the workers continued their meticulous work, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. They were part of something grand, a tradition that had been passed down through generations.

They knew that the herbs they handled would bring joy and flavor to countless lives, and that in itself was a reward.

In the end, as the last jar was carefully sealed, the emporium's interior seemed to glow with an inner radiance. The herbs and goods were now a part of the emporium's collection, ready for the trip.

As the workers stepped back to admire their handiwork, Yuko entered the emporium, her eyes sparkling with appreciation. She knew that her employees had done a remarkable job, and she was grateful for their dedication.

With a satisfied smile, Yuko said, "Well done, everyone. These herbs are a proof to our commitment to quality. Let us continue to serve our customers with the finest ingredients, just as we always have. Tomorrow, we will go to the Land of Whirlpool as it is the center of the world. This is another step for our emporium to flourish!"

The workers cheered with excitement, proud to be a part of Yuko's Emporium. Her establishment wasn't just a place to buy herbs and spices; it was a treasure trove waiting to be discovered by those with discerning palates.

The world was vast, and they were determined to share their passion for exceptional herbs and spices with those beyond their village's borders.


As Yuko delivered her motivational speech to her dedicated workers, Yujiro and Raikou, their infant son cradled in her arms, were in the heart of the warehouse where the goods had been meticulously stored. Yujiro had made a promise to Yuko, and he intended to fulfill it - making the journey to the Land of Whirlpool easier through his Fuinjutsu expertise.

Among the vast array of Fuinjutsu, Yujiro had a peculiar talent that seemed to lean towards utility, particularly Storage Seals. These specialized seals were his forte, designed for the purpose of storing objects in large quantities.

This proficiency was about to prove invaluable in streamlining the transportation of Yuko's precious cargo.

With a focused demeanor, Yujiro began setting up the intricate storage seals. Each seal was a carefully constructed matrix of symbols and glyphs, specifically designed to accommodate and preserve various types of goods. While the process of transferring items into the scrolls was not lightning-fast, it was highly efficient and thorough.

As time passed, the goods that had once filled boxes, jars, and containers began to dematerialize, seamlessly flowing into the storage scrolls like water into a vessel. Yujiro's dedication to this task was unwavering, his concentration evident in the furrow of his brow as he meticulously worked through the process.

Raikou, standing beside him, held their son tenderly, her gaze alternating between her husband's diligent efforts and the child she cradled. She marveled at Yujiro's skill and the meticulousness with which he executed the Fuinjutsu. His abilities seemed to know no bounds.

After a while, as the last of the goods had been successfully transferred into the storage scrolls, Yujiro compiled them into a neat stack. The scrolls, though sizable, were surprisingly manageable in their condensed form, a testament to the efficiency of his Fuinjutsu.

With a nod of satisfaction, Yujiro turned to Raikou, who had been observing his work with admiration.

He spoke to Raikou, "Tell Yuko that the goods have all been stored. Everything is ready for our journey to the Land of Whirlpool. I'll find Madara and Hashirama and inform them of our plans."

Raikou nodded in acknowledgment, her trust in Yujiro's abilities unwavering. She knew that their journey would be a significant one, not just for Yuko's Emporium but for their growing family as well.

Then, Yujiro went outside to search for his two friends. He spread his senses and found both of them located at the Hokage Rock.

Hokage Rock is a mountain overlooking Konohagakure that has all the faces of the Hokage carved into the stone. It was envisioned by Hashirama as a symbol that the Hokage would always watch over the village.

The Hokage Rock is easily the most identifiable feature in the village for its humongous size. It also located so that when people can see it from all location in Konohagakure.

With that, Yujiro first went to grab his glaive and then towards his two friends. As he arrived, he saw Hashirama and Madara talking about something.

He greeted them, "Oi, Madara, Hashirama!"

Both of them had already sensed Yujiro's presence, but to be fair, Yujiro never conceal his palpating aura when he walked.  Then, both of them nodded as they greet Yujiro back.

Standing beside his friends, Yujiro couldn't help but chuckle, for he believed that whatever had their brows furrowed couldn't possibly be of concern to him. Their problems were not his, and he had a journey ahead to prepare for.

He started talking, "I'll depart to the Land of Whirlpool by tomorrow. Just want to drop by and said goodbyes to both of you."

Madara asked Yujiro, "Hn, are you going when the sun rises?"

Yujiro nodded while Hashirama, ever the more compassionate of the two, couldn't help but ask about the formidable glaive that Yujiro carried, "So why do you bring that glaive with you right now, Yujiro?"

Yujiro answered Hashirama's question, "As I have yet to test my mettle in using this baby right here," while showing his glaive.

He continued as his tone then shifted into a mocking tone, he glanced at his two friends, "I'm thinking to find you guys and maybe have some spar. But I see both of you seems troubled, are you both still dreading the future that much?"

The two friends exchanged glances, and a heavy silence hung in the air before Madara finally uttered a curt, "Hn."

Yujiro was not one to accept such vague responses. His hair seemed to dance in the wind as his baleful aura flared up, and he leaned in with a sharp glare, demanding clarity, "HUH?"

Hashirama attempted to calm the situation, speaking with a tremor in his voice, "Yujiro, please, calm down. It's just...complicated. Madara uncovered something within our ancestral shrine, the Naka shrine. It's a message or prophecy of sorts, something that..."

Madara, his eyes bearing the weight of what he had discovered, finished Hashirama's sentence, "The shrine speaks of 'One God seeking stability, split into Light and Shadow, and it is these two polar opposites operating together that give rise to all things in this universe.' Do you grasp the significance of this, Yujiro?"

Madara's tone was unusually somber, and Yujiro couldn't fathom why his friends were so troubled by this revelation.

He couldn't hide his frustration, his voice rising to a shout, "Isn't it just a piece of stone, carved by your ancestors? Why should it matter to us?"

His anger flared even more, his words laced with exasperation, "It's just a carving, a relic of the past! We are not bound by the whims of some ancient script! We are among the most powerful beings in this world!

How can you allow yourselves to be ensnared by the words of our ancestors? Don't act like weaklings, Madara! Hashirama! Do you truly believe that our forebears can dictate our destinies?"

Yujiro, his towering presence almost shaking the very ground upon which they stood, couldn't fathom how his two friends, Madara and Hashirama, could be so consumed by the cryptic words carved into a mere stone within their ancestral shrine.

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