
Chapter 4 - Welcome to Konohagakure

Surprised come to their face

Rin : "What??"

Kakashi : "This is?...."

Seeing their confused face Shicho continue

Shicho : "It may sounds weird, that is why you guys being called here. Any possibility that could happen right now is either he is impostor or he is truly Obito who is still alive. With that being said we still need to interrogate them while being watch by the one who knew them the best, since one of them said they are one of us. Out of shinobi who know them the best, Minato still on mission, so it's left to you guys." (Explained Shicho)

Sandaime : "With Kakashi here already Jonin, even without Minato both of you good enough to do the mission. Can you guys do it?"

Kakashi : ".....Alright, we accept the mission." (said Kakashi after recover from his shock)

Rin : "....." (Still in daze, confused)

Kakashi : "Rin!!" (Said Kakashi loud enough for Rin to wake from her stupor)

Rin : "Aah, right. We accept the mission Sandaime-sama."

Sandaime : "Good, now Shicho will led you guys to them."

Shicho : "Follow me." (Said Shicho to Kakashi and Rin while left Hokage Office)

(Hall Outside of Hokage Office)

Rin : "Kakashi. What do you think?" (Asked Rin while still feeling dazed)

Kakashi : "I don't know. For whatever happen right now. i hope the result is that idiot still alive." (said Kakashi while holding his left eye)

Rin : "Kakashi." (Notice Kakashi worry)

At same time in Interrogation Building

In interrogation room now three of them are being interrogated in different room

(Interrogation Room #1)

Shinobi A : "So, for what reason you came here??"

Itsuki : "I came here with my sister Akari in hope to reside in Konoha and become one of Shinobi here."

Shinobi A : "Do you know what is happening right now?"

Itsuki : "3rd Shinobi World War."

Shinobi A : "Then why you came here now knowing situation?"

Itsuki : "With one of your shinobi with us and don't mind us following him on his way back to Konoha, we thought it will be easier with someone who could vouch for us."

Shinobi A : "In this situation where spy could possibly come, how could you think he could vouch for you when his situation maybe worse than you?"

Itsuki : "Isn't this interrogation the way you guys check our identity? I'm not doing anything wrong so i could pass this. Even if he couldn't vouch for us, with him coming, it's already good enough for the process being handled faster."

[Same time at different location]

(Interrogation Room #2)

Shinobi B : "What is your reason for visit to Konoha, girl?"

Akari : "We want to stay in Konoha and train as their shinobi."

Shinobi B : "Why Konoha?"

Akari : "Brother said that we're closer to Konohagakure so we think it's better to visit you guys and after Obito came it confirms with our destination since at least we can know Konoha treatment from him."

Shinobi B : "How can you convince me that three of you're not spy?"

Akari : "I don't know. I'm not knowledgeable enough to understand your doing like brother. At least i'm good enough to know that we're not doing bad thing and you guys could do your jutsu thing to us. I mean, you guys part of group that make sure spy doesn't enter Konoha right? Then you guys must have capability to know spy or not."

Shinobi B : "...."

[Yet again same time at different location]

(In Interrogation Building)

Shicho : "Right now, three of them still being interrogated, we check and there is no jutsu that they're using so at least we understand that they're not under disguise to find information."

Rin : "Then after we met him, if we could convince you guys that he is indeed Obito, he will be fine right?" (Said happily already thought that truly Obito come back alive)

Kakashi : "We can't say that yet Rin. For we know maybe there are someone who doesn't need jutsu to disguise themselves."

Shicho : (nod, confirmed Kakashi word) "Just like Kakashi said we don't know about that, even if they're truly your teammate we couldn't forget chance that they're betraying us for other village."

Rin : "Obito won't do that."

Kakashi : "And that's where we come from Rin, to watch them while on probation period to make sure they're not betraying us."

Rin : "I...see."

Shicho : "That will happen after we got our confirmation they're not spy, if possible we don't want to do mind jutsu to the other two since even if they could use chakra they're still new to it. "

Kakashi : "I understand."

(Interrogation Room #3)

Sound of door opening could be heard

Obito : "Man, how many people you send to interrogate me?? I feel like an important person. But you're not wrong, because i am your future Hokage. Still, you guys can just do your job and put someone to watch us."

Shicho : "For someone being interrogated you're quite loud. Well, you are not wrong about that. That's why we also bring someone to watch you guys, especially you."

Obito : "Heeey, don't you see my hand here?? What can a genin do with just one hand??" (Pointing at his non-existent right hand)

Rin : "Obito...."

Obito : "Hmmm!?? Rin, it's been a long time since we meet. A month or two maybe??" (All smile after noticing Rin)

Kakashi : "Well, at least his way of talking that loud like Obito."

Obito : "HEEY KAKASHI!!!!. It's been a long time yet you still act like a prick huh. Of course i am, the one and only Uchiha Obito."

Kakashi : "....." (Stare at Obito)

Obito : "What's wrong? cat got your tongue?? Or 'dog' got your tongue for you?? Surprised??" (Smirk seeing Kakashi dazed face)

Kakashi : "What happen to you?? I thought you....."

Rin : "We remember you're buried in the cave."

Obito : "Well, i don't know much. But hearing from Itsuki word, there is been a strong attack affecting enough the cave where i am located, maybe the ground collapse or something and somehow i got into the waves at the river below kannabi bridge and somehow being pulled by Itsuki while he was fishing."

Kakashi : "What kind of idiotic answer is that?? I think other than our kage fight against another kage or jinchuriki fighting against each other there won't be attack that affect surrounding that much." (Deadpan at Obito answer)

Obito : "What are you saying?? and here i am come back alive only to hear your prick theory." (Stare at Kakashi full of anger)

Rin : "Stop it both of you. We should be glad Obito already back, Minato-sensei must be happy to hear it. But, Obito your arm." (Worry filled Rin face looking at Obito's right hand)

Obito : (Noticing Rin stare) "Hmm this?? As you know my right side crushed by rock. But because it focused on the upper side of my body my right arm totally crushed while my right leg is paralyzed, but after being taken care of by Itsuki my right leg at least good enough to move." (Smile spread at Obito face while aswering Rin's question to ease her worry)

Rin : "I see. Let's ask Minato-sensei after he is done with his mission, i think he will have solution. If not, there is Tsunade-sama. We can consult her."

Kakashi : "For now let's just wait Minato-sensei. Shicho-san, i think we can assure you that this guy is our teammate. So, it's time for us to watch him and the other two?"

Shicho : "Yes, the interrogation already done. For now we will put three of them in same place to make it easier for two of you to watch over them."

Rin : "Anoo, there are three of them but two of us. How can we watch them like that?"

Shicho : "To your question this guy here will also do period visit to hospital. While he is on hospital, both of you could put your focus on the other two. Even while he is not in hospital, with their skill still lower than genin, Kakashi as jonin should capable to handle watch two guys right?"

Kakashi : "Alright."

Obito : "Yossh, now it's already done let's pick Itsuki and Akari."

(Coming out of interrogation room #3 and to pick up Itsuki and Akari)

Rin : "Hey Obito, your companion, what kind of people are they?"

Obito : "Hmm?? Well they are pair of siblings. From what they said, they wish to reside at one of great village after war. After Itsuki find me and know that i want to return to Konoha, they wish to join me to go to Konoha."

Kakashi : "And how do you know they aren't spy?? Just you suddenly coming after 1 month missing, other commander consider possibility of you betraying you know. Now we don't know if both of them also spy from other village."

Obito : "What are you saying?? They save me, and what kind of people put kid same age as us and 4 years younger as spy."

Rin : "Maybe they are trained as ninja from child. I mean it's normal, so we can't put it out."

Obito : "Rin too? Well, i mean, for their skill at least their chakra control good enough to water walking, while their reserve for the brother same as me and sister around you Rin. So, i think it's quite hard to do so"

Rin : "They can't use any jutsu?"

Obito : "Well, when i see them practice it mostly water walking at the river beside the house while doing leaf training. So, i think they don't know even the basic other than that. But, looks like they have some kind of bloodline." (Said Obito while remembering the life in the forest)

Kakashi : "Bloodline?"

Obito : (Nod) "Yes, i think it's like physical strengthening. They coat their arm in black and suddenly their punch strength rise high. I only know that. other than that it's better to ask them yourself."

While walking and talking three of them notice two people in front of them

Itsuki : "Take you quite a long time Obito."

Obito : "You guys already out?"

Akari : "Well, even though we could use chakra, we're not better than children here. So they let us out." 'They still watch us though'

Using Observation Haki, Akari notice some shinobi still watch over both of them.

Rin : "I see, for now let's walk out to your place first."

Itsuki : "Then thanks, my name Hongo Itsuki and this is my sister Akari. How about you two?" (Ask Itsuki seeing Obito two companion)

Rin : "I am Rin, Nohara Rin. This is Hatake Kakashi." (Pointing at Kakashi)

Akari : "Come on oni-chan, i could introduce myself." (Pouting at Itsuki for introducing without her consent)

Itsuki : (Pat Akari's head) "Don't you worry about that, look we are finally inside Konoha and about to live here. Show me smile a bit won't you."

Akari : "Hehehe... Alright Brother. I hope it's really a good place as you said."

Obito : "Of course it's good. Especially in the future since i am the Hokage."

Kakashi : "You still blabbering like that."

Obito : "Huh!?? What did you say Bakashi???" (Staring angrily to Kakashi)

Kakashi : (Smirk at Obito response)

Rin : "Hey hey.... huftt." (Sigh Rin because her teammates doesn't respond) "Well for now let me welcome you two to Konohagakure."

“Your greater purpose is already written in the fabric of your being; your purpose awaits your arrival.”

― Bryant McGill

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