
Naruto: Gojo Satoru Is The Strongest

Translate During the battle against Sukuna, Gojo Satoru was cut in half. “If I have to do it again, I will never lose.” After Gojo Satoru died, he was reborn in the world of Naruto. Initially, he became a disciple of Jiraiya. In this life, he will write the strongest myth. Uchiha Madara: “Gojo Satoru, I, Madara, want to call you the strongest!” Might Guy: “Gojo Satoru is the end of my blazing youth!” Nagato: “Brother Gojo, he is a god.” Otsutsuki Kaguya: “Is that human truly an inferior creature?” Gojo Satoru: “It doesn’t matter, because you are too weak.” Access more chapters: bit.ly/Candra24 Donate: paypal.me/andicand

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

The Unexpected Mission

In the long history of the ninja world, some surprising events have recently occurred.

In the 48th year of Konoha, the Konohagakure and the Iwagakure ended their years-long conflict and signed a ceasefire agreement, bringing a glimmer of peace to the ninja world.

However, this peace did not extend to the Kumogakure. After the unfortunate death of the Third Raikage in battle, a young Ai quickly rose to become the Fourth Raikage with his extraordinary power. However, he chose not to sign a ceasefire agreement with the Konohagakure, further straining the relationship between Kumogakure and Konohagakure.

At the same time, the change of power in the Sunagakure also concluded, and Rasa successfully ascended the throne to become the Fourth Kazekage. With his ascension, the search for the Third Kazekage came to an end.

In the Amegakure, a new chapter of destiny has unfolded.

Witnessed by the daimyo of the Land of Rain, Yahiko was announced as the new leader of the Amegakure and appointed as the Amekage.

This news surprised the entire ninja world, especially since Yahiko had not previously demonstrated such strength and influence in the preceding years.



Traces of anger flashed in the eyes of the Fourth Raikage. He slammed the table and shook the items on it. "That small country has a Kage, so what? The war will never cease; I swear to avenge the Third Raikage!"

The entire office trembled at his outburst.



In the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was casually puffing on a large pipe, his eyes observing the information in his hands.

He frowned slightly, clearly pondering something.

"Amekage?" He muttered while looking at the young man with yellow hair in front of him, "This is our neighboring village. You can send someone to negotiate."

Hiruzen picked up another list, listing the candidates for the Fourth Hokage.

"Minato, I have added your name to it. You are a strong candidate to compete for the position of the Fourth Hokage." He said, looking at the young man in front of him with appreciation in his tone. "Your performance in the Third Great Ninja War was truly remarkable."

The yellow-haired youth smiled and nodded.

Wearing a green vest, he looked very handsome. The sunlight illuminated his body, making his smile even brighter.

"This is information about the Roran Kingdom..." Hiruzen handed a scroll to the yellow-haired youth. "They seem to be researching some powerful technique, and you need to investigate it. If you succeed in this task, the position of the Fourth Hokage can be said to be yours."

Minato took the scroll, determination shining in his eyes.


"Satoru, you've been mysterious during this period. You didn't even show up at my inauguration ceremony."

Yahiko had changed his robe, and the four large characters 'First Amekage' on the back caught his attention.

"I've been studying a new technique recently." Satoru yawned lazily, as if he hadn't woken up yet. He covered his unique pale blue eyes with black eye covers. His hair stood upright due to the eye covers, giving him a mischievous and unique look.

Yahiko looked at him and couldn't help but smile bitterly. This guy was always unique, making people love and hate him at the same time.

But he also knew very well that Satoru's research and exploration never stopped, and he always pursued higher realms and deeper mysteries.

Amegakure had carefully built an exclusive office for the Amekage, its desk filled with information, indicating its importance.

Yahiko looked at Satoru and felt a little emotional.

The leader of the Akatsuki organization now was Nagato, who did his best to carry out various tasks and gradually discovered his potential. But as time went on, doubts about Satoru within the Akatsuki organization grew stronger.

Why was this guy just sitting around and not doing anything all day while they had to work hard?

In this regard, Hanzo led by example, managing the ninja in Amegakure and making them respect Satoru.

Yahiko looked at him and understood in his heart.

He knew very well that Satoru played a significant role in their last cooperation. As the companion who lived with him day and night, Yahiko felt that it was Satoru.

This might also be the reason why Hanzo changed.

But he didn't show it.

Satoru pretended not to care on the surface, but Yahiko knew in his heart that Satoru, like him, yearned for peace deep down.

However, Satoru was less suited to be a manager.

"Rumors have been circulating within the Akatsuki organization recently." Yahiko sighed softly and pulled out a stack of information, laying it on the table.

Satoru shrugged, appearing indifferent. "As the boss, aren't you supposed to not care about them?"

Yahiko rubbed his forehead helplessly. "Lately, I've been busy cleaning up spies planted in other villages, and I'm somewhat unable to handle the daily management of the Akatsuki."

"But, to quell those rumors, I want to give you a mission." He said firmly.

"A mission?" Satoru was usually very cheerful, but seeing Yahiko's serious expression now, he also dropped his casual attitude.

Yahiko handed him a scroll and said gently, "This is an invitation from the Roran Kingdom in the Land of Wind."

Satoru took the scroll and opened it slowly, his eyes fixed on the dense writing.

"The Queen of the Roran Kingdom heard about the establishment of the Amekage and specifically sent an invitation, hoping to take this opportunity to celebrate our grand event." Yahiko explained. "At the same time, they invite representatives from Amegakure to observe their grand ceremony and express their willingness to ally with us."

Satoru gently rubbed the scroll, a cute smile on his lips. "The Kazekage doesn't care about us, but this Roran Kingdom is quite smart and actually wants to form an alliance with us."

He handed over the scroll.

"I will go there myself." He said seriously.

Yahiko hesitated for a moment and asked, "Do you need to send someone else to go with you?"

Satoru waved his hand and said confidently, "As a messenger, I am enough. If something unexpected happens, it will be easier for me to handle it myself."

Yahiko was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

He understood what Satoru was doing. Although laughing and relaxed during working hours, he always made wise choices at critical moments.

He was confident that Satoru would successfully complete this mission and bring more benefits to Amegakure.

"Then, I leave it to you, Satoru."


This time, Konan opened the door and glanced briefly at Satoru.

She seemed slightly surprised.

"Ah, this is Konan." Satoru greeted her with a smile on his face.

However, Konan seemed not to hear his words; she just glanced at him lightly and then walked past him.

"Konan, Satoru is talking to you." Yahiko reminded helplessly.

Konan didn't look back and said in a cold tone, "Why don't you give me a mission?"

"Do you also think that I'm incapable of handling these tasks?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone.