
Naruto: Gojo Satoru Is The Strongest

Translate During the battle against Sukuna, Gojo Satoru was cut in half. “If I have to do it again, I will never lose.” After Gojo Satoru died, he was reborn in the world of Naruto. Initially, he became a disciple of Jiraiya. In this life, he will write the strongest myth. Uchiha Madara: “Gojo Satoru, I, Madara, want to call you the strongest!” Might Guy: “Gojo Satoru is the end of my blazing youth!” Nagato: “Brother Gojo, he is a god.” Otsutsuki Kaguya: “Is that human truly an inferior creature?” Gojo Satoru: “It doesn’t matter, because you are too weak.” Access more chapters: bit.ly/Candra24 Donate: paypal.me/andicand

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

The Boy with Yellow Hair

After bidding farewell to the queen, they both followed the servant down the corridor and arrived at their respective rooms.

As both rooms were adjacent, when Satoru entered room, Konan entered the other room.

Upon entering the room, Konan's heart began to beat rapidly. She repeatedly thought about the mistake she had just made in the hall and felt a bit confused by her emotions.

Why did she feel angry upon hearing Satoru's words?

The pinching gesture was entirely a subconscious reaction.

She should hate this man, but the reality left her puzzled.

When did she first develop these unique feelings towards him? Was it the pure white before despair?

Or the days and nights spent together since childhood?

Could it be...

Konan shook her head, trying to rid her mind of these strange thoughts.

She walked to the window, opened it, and gazed at the bustling Kingdom of Roran. Suddenly, she noticed that Satoru's window was also open, as if echoing hers.

She was suddenly surprised; if she spoke, he should be able to hear her from there.

After that, Konan lay by the window, perfectly outlining her figure, and said to herself, "Hey, Satoru."

"I don't really hate you that much. It's just that I think we should be honest with each other and not hide anything."

"I know the incident in Amegakure might have something to do with you, but you still refuse to disclose any information."

"I'm sure Yahiko must know as well. Yes, how could Demigod Hanzo hand over Amegakure without reason?"

"If there's anyone who could make Hanzo bow his head, it must be you who seems the least out of place."

"Although you're unusual, you are indeed a very convincing man."

"Always like this, from the past until now."

"But why do you always like to handle these things alone?"

"Aren't we a team?"

"It's really annoying, Satoru."

"Hey, if you can discuss it with me next time, I won't be able to forgive you."

"Did you hear that clearly?"

After a silent moment, there was no answer.

Konan frowned, and a bad feeling filled her heart.

"Shikigami no Mai."

This was her original ninjutsu, which could turn her body into countless paper fragments, allowing her to move and transform freely.

As the ninjutsu began, her body gradually transformed into countless paper pieces, and each part started to separate slowly.

In the blink of an eye, these flying fragments passed through the window and reached Satoru's room.

They slowly gathered in the air and gradually reassembled into Konan's body.

However, when her figure fully appeared, she found the room empty.

Blood vessels appeared on her forehead, and it was clear that she could no longer contain the anger in her heart.

"Gojo Satoru!"

"You scoundrel!"


On the other side, Satoru's Rikugan was like a silent melody, guiding him to run swiftly towards the east.

His steps were light and vigorous, as if dancing with the wind.


A gentle cold sensation attacked his body at the moment, and a sneeze echoed in his nostrils.

He couldn't help but rub his nose, and a sour smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Why are you catching a cold?"

Suddenly, several puppets appeared in front of him, moving mechanically and chasing a boy with yellow hair.

That direction was the source of a large chakra he had just sensed through his Rikugan.


Satoru's eyes gleamed with excitement. However, this wasn't his only discovery.

He sensed several abnormal chakra fluctuations in the surrounding air.

He was slightly surprised, "Oh, is there someone else?"

Besides himself, there were indeed other hidden powers around him.

Seeing the boy with yellow hair gradually losing strength under the siege of the puppets, Satoru raised his eyebrows and planned to help him.

However, another mysterious man was faster than him.

One of the people he had just sensed.

This man wore a mask and had flowing yellow hair. Though it was only a moment, Satoru still took note of his appearance.

The boy with yellow hair appeared instantly and saved the boy, causing Satoru to pause.

He pondered, reconsidering everything that had just happened.

"This speed..."

Satoru narrowed his eyes, "Is that teleportation?"

Meanwhile, on the other side.

"You're a ninja from Konoha, aren't you?"

The masked man with yellow hair gazed at the boy he had just saved, sensing an inexplicable kindness, and smiled: "I'm also a ninja from Konoha."

As he spoke, the man with yellow hair lowered his mask slightly, revealing the Konoha emblem.

This masked man with yellow hair was none other than Namikaze Minato who had come from Konoha.

As he spoke, he noticed the wound between the thighs of the boy with yellow hair and said, "We need to treat your wound immediately."

Minato handed him the bandage he had brought.

The boy with yellow hair only treated his wound and then followed Minato to a hidden place.

After the boy with yellow hair came here, he found two other masked ninjas here.

"By the way, where exactly is this place?" The boy with yellow hair touched his head and asked with a little confusion.

Minato turned and explained to the boy with yellow hair: "This... is the Kingdom of Roran."

"The Kingdom of Roran?" The boy with yellow hair was stunned, with an unbelieving expression on his face: "How is that possible!"

Minato shrugged and replied, "There's no time to explain."

"I don't know what you're doing here. But I hope you can leave the city while we carry out this mission."

After that, Minato stood up: "Maybe I can tell you after all the tasks are done."

Then he pointed to the door: "You can leave from there."

"May I?"

After saying that, Minato was about to leave.

The boy with yellow hair was stunned for a moment, then exclaimed, "Hey, I'm here to carry out the mission too."

As these words came out, the situation suddenly became awkward.

Minato and the two other Konoha ninjas looked at each other, slightly confused for a moment.

"A mission?" He frowned and exchanged glances with his companions, "The Sandaime didn't send any mission to other ninjas."

"Yes, this mission is conducted secretly, and no other ninja should take over." The other Konoha ninja agreed.

Just as the three of them were puzzled, Minato suddenly stared sharply, looking in one direction, and said deeply, "Since you're here, why don't you come out and meet me?"

The boy with yellow hair and the other two were immediately stunned.

"There's someone else!" The two masked Konoha ninjas immediately took up fighting positions.

At this moment, a man with white hair jumped down from the ceiling and looked at them with curiosity.

This person was Satoru.

He looked at the four people in front of him and took off his Konoha forehead protector: "I don't mean any harm, I just overheard your conversation."

"Look, this is my forehead protector. I'm a ninja from Amegakure and was invited to the Kingdom of Roran to participate in an alliance." Said Satoru.

Upon hearing this, Minato and the other three looked relaxed.

Only the boy with yellow hair looked at Satoru with an incredulous expression: "You..."

"Amegakure ninja, this is none of your concern." Interrupted one of the hefty ninjas.

"I'll be leaving now." Satoru stretched his hand.

However, at that moment, the boy with yellow hair seemed to have discovered something and exclaimed in shock: "Gojo-sensei, you're here!"

"Eh?" Satoru fell silent and looked at the boy with yellow hair in surprise.