
Naruto: Gojo Satoru Is The Strongest

Translate During the battle against Sukuna, Gojo Satoru was cut in half. “If I have to do it again, I will never lose.” After Gojo Satoru died, he was reborn in the world of Naruto. Initially, he became a disciple of Jiraiya. In this life, he will write the strongest myth. Uchiha Madara: “Gojo Satoru, I, Madara, want to call you the strongest!” Might Guy: “Gojo Satoru is the end of my blazing youth!” Nagato: “Brother Gojo, he is a god.” Otsutsuki Kaguya: “Is that human truly an inferior creature?” Gojo Satoru: “It doesn’t matter, because you are too weak.” Access more chapters: bit.ly/Candra24 Donate: paypal.me/andicand

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Joining the Akatsuki

"You're a very principled person." Satoru mocked, but also respected.

A proud smile appeared on Kakuzu's face. "My principle is money. Don't worry, as long as we have a financial relationship, I'll make everything beautiful for you."

His words revealed a strong belief in money, as if money was everything in his life.

A mischievous smile appeared on Satoru's face. "Oh?"

He was very interested in Kakuzu's values.

"It seems like you're very interested in money."

A trace of seriousness appeared in Kakuzu's eyes. "The essence of the world comes from the corrosion of money. Without money, my life would be meaningless."

Satoru waved his hand gently, interrupting Kakuzu's words.

This time, he turned to look at Konan and said, "Konan, give him a communication scroll so he can contact us anytime he has information."

Konan pouted. Although slightly dissatisfied, she still folded the crane paper and handed it to Kakuzu.

After Kakuzu took the communication scroll, Konan approached Satoru and asked in a low voice, "Satoru, can we rely on this person?"

She was still skeptical of Kakuzu's reliability.

Satoru didn't immediately answer Konan's question, but winked at Nagato.

Nagato immediately understood his meaning, and he called out Kakuzu's name. "Kakuzu!"

Kakuzu raised his head, and his eyes met Nagato's unexpectedly wavy purple eyes.

At this moment, he felt a power that made him shiver unconsciously.

"I've given him instructions through genjutsu." As Kakuzu was still dazed, Nagato turned to Konan and calmly explained, "This way, he won't be able to disobey our wishes. If he dares to defy our orders, the Rinnegan will immediately sense it."

After hearing this, Konan's eyes lit up. She nodded, turned to Kakuzu, and asked softly, "So, our next mission..."

Nagato interrupted her, his voice filled with a hint of comfort. "No. It doesn't matter if this mission fails, there are still many similar people waiting for us to deal with."

Hearing this, Kakuzu finally snapped out of his daze. He looked at these people and felt a deep fear in his heart.

He knew that he had become a part of their plan and couldn't escape anymore.

But forget it, just take the money.

Satoru seemed to capture Kakuzu's inner turmoil very well.

"Our goal is to capture these difficult people, let the name 'Akatsuki' be heard in the ninja world, and let the influence of Amegakure spread throughout the world. Only then can we have a chance to engage in diplomacy equal to other major countries."

"I heard that there's a ninja who defected in Sunagakure that made them powerless, right? Then let's make this mission our next goal. We have to capture that person and show Akatsuki's determination to the world."

"Then I'll go look for him." Konan said, pulling out a wanted paper from her pocket and reading it one by one.

"Found him! This person is a traitor ninja from Sunagakure..." She began reading the information on the wanted paper with a slight frown.

At this moment, Kakuzu beside her suddenly narrowed his eyes and interrupted, "Are you talking about Sasori of the Red Sand?"

After hearing those words, the three pairs of eyes turned to him.

Satoru was the first to speak. "Do you know him?"

"This person entrusted me to procure some materials for him before, but he's a poor man, so I declined." Kakuzu said disdainfully.

"Meaning, is he also coming to this hideout?" Nagato asked.

"I only met him once. When he heard that I refused him, he left me his address and said he would come to me to trade when he had gathered enough money."

"Hmph, how strange. He kept talking about art all day. Only money is the eternal art." Kakuzu sneered, clearly mocking Sasori's words.

"So where is he now?" Konan asked eagerly.

Kakuzu smirked, a hint of cunning in his eyes. "That question is another transaction, and you must pay separately."

Hearing this, Konan stared at Kakuzu and reminded him harshly, "Don't forget, your life is still in our hands."

Kakuzu didn't take it seriously. His voice showed his steadfastness in money. "Life is just a fleeting moment for me. No matter how long I live, I only recognize money."

Konan silently vowed that sooner or later, she would let this money-oriented man feel the loss of everything.

"So, how much reward do you want?" Satoru stepped forward and asked calmly.

Kakuzu was taken aback, clearly not expecting the other party to ask, "Why?"

"Are you willing to join the Akatsuki?"

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