
Naruto: Gojo Satoru Is The Strongest

Translate During the battle against Sukuna, Gojo Satoru was cut in half. “If I have to do it again, I will never lose.” After Gojo Satoru died, he was reborn in the world of Naruto. Initially, he became a disciple of Jiraiya. In this life, he will write the strongest myth. Uchiha Madara: “Gojo Satoru, I, Madara, want to call you the strongest!” Might Guy: “Gojo Satoru is the end of my blazing youth!” Nagato: “Brother Gojo, he is a god.” Otsutsuki Kaguya: “Is that human truly an inferior creature?” Gojo Satoru: “It doesn’t matter, because you are too weak.” Access more chapters: bit.ly/Candra24 Donate: paypal.me/andicand

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs


"Joining the Akatsuki organization?"


Nagato and Konan looked at Satoru with confusion, clearly surprised by his proposal.

And Kakuzu looked incredulous.

"Everyone, please don't get too excited." Satoru waved his hand and explained with a smile, "He has a strong interest in money, and our Akatsuki organization is in great need of more manpower in financial management. I think his abilities are very suitable for our needs."

"Your understanding of money is something I admire."

This time, Nagato seized him, frowning, "Satoru, what are you doing? Don't you know his identity? He's a fugitive and traitor of Takigakure! How can we let him join the Akatsuki? What will others think of our village?"

He said without hesitation, worrying that Kakuzu would hear it.

Kakuzu showed great interest in this. He listened calmly, silently considering the possibility of this proposal.

"Don't worry, everyone." Satoru smiled on his face and shifted his gaze to Kakuzu.

"Akatsuki is Akatsuki, and Amegakure is Amegakure. Although Akatsuki is an organization affiliated with Amegakure, in the final analysis, what is Akatsuki's relationship with Amegakure?"

He waved his hand and continued, "Akatsuki was founded to explore the world's major secrets and to accomplish difficult tasks. The village can no longer send more manpower to us. Even if we are strong, fatigue is unavoidable. Why not recruit talented people to strengthen Akatsuki's power?"

Satoru's eyes returned to Kakuzu, with a confident smile on his lips, "Although Kakuzu is a fugitive, his obsession with money complements his abilities. As long as we use this skillfully, he will surely become our right-hand man."

"Even if he wants to betray Akatsuki, even if he flees to the ends of the earth, I am confident that I will capture him. After all, personal power can surpass all limits at times."


Applause echoed and Kakuzu's applause could be heard this time, clearly showing strong interest in Satoru's proposal.

Kakuzu looked directly at him, with interest, "So, what benefits can I gain if I join your organization?"

"Benefits?" Satoru smiled thinly, with a dangerous glint in his eyes, "The greatest benefit is that you are guaranteed safety and won't die."

Kakuzu was surprised, not expecting the other party to be so honest.

Satoru changed the subject and continued, "Of course, you can continue to receive job assignments. If you ever feel unable to handle them at times, our organization will send personnel to assist you."

"Furthermore, Akatsuki will hand over all commissions you receive to be secured."

Hearing this, Kakuzu's expression of surprise, which couldn't be hidden, "Hand them all over to me?"

He was keenly aware of the power of these people.

If he faced tasks that were very difficult but had very high rewards, wouldn't it be more powerful if his assistance made money even while lying down?

The temptation was too great for Kakuzu.

"Of course, in exchange for our guarantee of survival and assistance, you must also obey our orders." Satoru added with a smile.

Kakuzu answered without hesitation, "No problem!"

A sly and satisfied smile appeared on his face, as he knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Under the temptation of money, he was willing to pay whatever price for safety, survival, and more wealth.

After all, who in the world has a problem with money?

"Satoru, I still feel something's not right." Konan hesitated about Kakuzu joining.

Satoru gently patted Konan's shoulder and gave her a reassuring look, "Then, welcome to the Akatsuki, Kakuzu."

Kakuzu also extended his hand, "It's an honor."

"By the way, I don't know your real name yet."

Satoru smiled lightly and replied, "That name is just a code name. I told you earlier."

Kakuzu thought for a moment and said hesitantly, "Hyakki?"

Satoru smiled and nodded.

Nagato also extended his hand at this time and introduced himself, "Zero Burial."

Konan muttered discontentedly, "Byakko."

Kakuzu smiled and shook his head, "Interesting, do you all use code names? In that case, shouldn't I think of one too?"

Satoru shrugged indifferently, "Up to you."

Kakuzu thought for a moment, then said earnestly, "Then... I'll call myself Hokuto (North Star)."

He saw some doubt in others, so he explained, "This represents my code of ethics. No matter where it is, north or south, as long as the task is valuable, I will do it. I will comprehensively evaluate the value of the task based on its difficulty, importance, and potential rewards for Akatsuki."

"Then welcome, Hokuto." Satoru expressed his appreciation for Kakuzu's quick integration, nodding, then said seriously to him, "Now, I'll thank you for the fact that Zero Burial is on the list of rewards."

Kakuzu answered without hesitation, "Don't worry, now that I've joined this organization, I will surely do my best to fulfill your trust."

"The illusion of Zero Burial still exists in my mind, so rest assured." Kakuzu added.

This time, Satoru proposed the next goal: "Then we will also go to the Wind Country to find Sasori."

Kakuzu nodded, saying he would fulfill his promise.

"Please wait!"

However, as the three of them turned to leave, Kakuzu suddenly spoke up, breaking the calm atmosphere.

"Hah? Is there something else?"

The three of them stopped in confusion.

Kakuzu scratched his head. There was a question in his mind that he hadn't asked since earlier. So, he stopped Satoru and the others and asked.

"Um... How much salary is there for joining the Akatsuki organization?"

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