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5 Year Later

It's already been five years since Akira learned the reality of his situation and how this world is different from the cannon.

After years of hard work he became much stronger and now understood that he had a large amount of potential. Atleast he know that one of his powers is talent. He is talented. Like everything comes to his faster and more easily. This plus his hard working personality made him strong. He also know that he is an Senju. Knew that after unknowingly make a flower grow while practicing in the garden.  Plus the most important part is that in this world, the Senju clan does not exist. The Senju was killed off by the Uchiha clan when Madara Uchiha became the leader of the Uchiha clan.

This information was very hard to get because the current Uchiha clan is the absolute ruler of the land of fire. They even control the Daimiyo. And naturally, they erase all the information about the Senju clan.

But besides this, Akira too did not have any more information about what went wrong in this world.

Compared to this, he had more luck and success with his own training.

At first, his chakra levels were normal but now he already has half of the chakra that a genin should have. Not much but this shows that he has a lot of potential. In fact, the more he trains towards a particular goal, he finds himself improving at amazing speed. For example, first, he started with normal physical training and in just under a few months he increased his physical strength to a normal genin level.

5 years of training allows him to analyze his body and mind limits. There are 3 important things he learned which amazed him. Firstly, his body and mind adapt and grow at a very fast speed. He can learn things much faster than others. It's almost comparable to the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan.

He might not be able to copy jutsu at first look but he can easily comprehend the general workings of any jutsu and understands why the hand sign is used and for what purpose, this including with his photographic memory allowed him to learn the jutsu mid-battle just like an Uchiha. The only thing he can't do is that he can't copy the jutsu in real time like how Kakashi did from Zabuza.

The second thing he learns about his power is that his body evolves as time goes on. This was an even bigger shock to him. Like how he tries to learn Rasengan in secret. On the first day, he was able to complete the first stage of the Rasengan which is to pop a water balloon with just the rotation of his chakra. It was not hard because of his perfect chakra control but the Rasengan was rather small because of his small chakra reverse. He realizes the reason why users of Rasengan took a long time to master the technique they do is that the technique itself seriously damages the hand and thus needs some time for the body to get used to the rotation of the chakra at that level.

Akira faces the same issue but on the very next day when he goes to train Rasengan again, he realizes that he can pop the balloon without any issue and his hand does not face the backslash. This means that overnight his body gets used to the fast spinning rotation of the chakra he was practising and also evolves to let him do just that without any delay and backslash.

Well, the fun fact, many of the Jutsu that exist in the original anime do not exist in this world. A very simple reason is that Tobirama Senju doesn't exist in this world. Meaning if he ended up recreating those techniques then it is him who created those techniques.

And lastly, the third thing that shocked him was his mind. He learns that maybe the biggest change he had after getting reincarnated is that he started thinking differently.

The problem which used to feel like a herculean task for him in the past now is nothing but a simple problem of taking out time and coming up with a solution. He learns that as long as he is ready to put some effort into it he can easily analyze, deduct and come up with a perfect solution without any issues.

And he sure did use all the resources he had in his hand to make himself ready for what was about to come in the future. Not like he knows. This world is completely different from the cannon.

And it's not like he can just keep being the bystander here either. He needs to change the situation of this world. Otherwise, Mr. Santa might call him back.

He also wanted to learn the sealing art. Fuinjutsu will help him out a lot in the future as he will need Fuinjutsu to learn the flying thunder god technique. In this world, he can't get the Hirashin technique from someone else. He has to develop it on his own.

This legendary technique which made the 4th Hokage the legend he became was just too good not to learn. Not to mention the real potential of this technique is not shown in the anime series at all. And thus no matter what, he will reinvent this technique.

It was a space-time jutsu which made both Minato and Obito the S-class threat in the shinobi world because no one had any way to stop them because they couldn't even touch them.

Then there was also the problem of powerful genjutsu like Itachi's Tsukuyomi, Susui's koto-amatsukami or the infinite Tsukuyomi in the end game not to mention trapping godly beings like a tail beast and Kaguya herself.

Fuinjutsu can help him avoid and counter all these problems and thus it is essential for his survival.

Other things he focused on were ninjutsu, chakra nature and special element base bloodlines.

According to all the testing he did, he can say that he can become a ninjutsu powerhouse in the future because the speed of his chakra is increasing every day will give him massive chakra and his affinity for all the chakra nature which he learn when he stole a chakra paper from a shinobi shop.

He have an affinity for Wind, Water and Earth elements but he also has an affinity for yin and yang release as well. Combine it with his fast learning and almost hashirama level chakra if he keeps growing at this level he can surely become a ninjutsu master in the future.

The reason why people who might have the necessary elemental affinity can't learn any bloodline release power is because they can't combine them thus the concept of bloodline comes into play where a certain individual who has the right bloodline genes can only master how to combine 2 or more elements.

Akira though was built differently and he is positive that he might have a chance to master all these bloodline powers. He can combine all those elements and use bloodline powers like wood release, mud release etc.

But before he learns that he needs completely mastery his basic elements and yin and yang release. He has already started training but he still has not mastered all the elements yet.

In fact, he was working on other things besides training. Like working on recreating some of the most buggy techniques of Naruto's world and also making some of his own. For Example Shadow Clone or a technique to regulate his body and chakra.

Shadow clone if used correctly is just outright broken jutsu. From learning faster to conducting a risky experiment this jutsu is just perfect for anyone who wants to grow in the shinobi world.

The first thing he wanted to learn after getting his power was shadow clone but was unable to learn so because he found out that if he wanted that jutsu then he had to re-create the Jutsu entirely.

With all this, he rushes toward the ninja academy to start the first day of his shinobi journey as he is already 5 years old now and today is the first day of his Ninja Academy.


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