
Naruto: God Of The Moon

I can't access my other account that had Naruto: Crescent Moon and Fairy Tail: Goddess Of Darkness so yeah... This novel is currently on break so don't expect any updates since I'm starting school in like a week. :(

Whatupmyfellowkids · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 11: Light Given Life

(Shadow Clone POV)

In the main bedroom I look down at the original body that created me as I begin to test it for any negative effects from the mutation. Green light envelops my hand as a soothing wave of chakra gently caresses the body for any defects.

'Well there doesn't appear to be any problems, Aikaga seems to be completely fine but there is something with his chakra.'

Touching the body I make a chakra scalpel and slice down against the body's finger. The second it comes in contact with the sharp object the chakra in Aikaga's tenketsu floods to his finger and it melts from my touch as a warm white liquid replaces the finger.

'What the fuck? This is similar to the kekkei genkai of the Hozuki clan but instead of water it's a strange liquid made entirely of yang chakra. How did Aikaga change his body into this liquid while being unconscious? An entirely new kekkei genkai that allows the user to transform into a liquid made from yang release automatically without command is absolutely incredible. Yang release gives life to things that don't have it so has it given sentience to Aikaga's chakra itself? If so then that means Aikaga could possibly make thousands of chakra beings made entirely of yang release to do his bidding. Otherwise I can't think of how else his chakra would respond to danger without someone controlling it.'

After rechecking for any side effects again I poof into a cloud and my chakra goes back into Aikaga.


I wake up in my bedroom covered in many different types of seals, noise cancelation, chakra sensors, alarms and more. My apartment has become something of a hidden base while appearing completely normal. I wrap my hand around one of the training weights laying around and crush it with a tight grip. Chakra rapidly flows throughout my body as a sense of superiority washes over me from the extraordinary power laying in my fingertips. From my hand a small vortex of white yang chakra expands into the shape of a bird as I use my finger to carve it.

I separate the organs, muscles and bones, I draw details on everything making it as realistic as that of an actual bird. Slowly I combine all of these parts into a beautiful white bird that flaps it's wings as I manipulate my chakra in an attempt to make it fly.

With every flap the white bird goes higher and higher into the air as I concentrate on making it fly around the room before landing one my shoulder. I take a chakra scalpel and cut the bird in half but when I hit it the bird simply melts back into the white liquid before forming back into real flesh and blood.

'How incredible, this bird has no thought process but can still move on its own without my assistance. It can flap it's wings and fly as well as avoid danger, it purely relies on it's instincts to move and function as a bird normally would. It even shares the same properties as my body as it can transform into this yang liquid without command. My chakra has grown past simply being a tool for me to use and instead has become a type of guardian that protects when I'm in danger. Garra also has something similar with his sand but unlike him my chakra doesn't have emotions nor thoughts it only protects me from harm. After all what he has is something his mother left behind and what I have is a mutation in chakra.'

'My vitality has increased to a tremendous amount, I can confidently say that I will live past 200 years of age simply from this one mutation. My chakra has become extremely dense and heavy once I grow up I should be somewhat like that of a tailed beast with a presence that causes people to fall to their knees.'

I get some bread from my fridge and feed it to the bird as I contemplate how I can exploit this.

'I could start my own summon shop by raising kekkei genkai animals that would collect information for me as spies in different villages. I can have my own personal army of light animals that can guard anything I need them to. I could start a transportation service that would have it's own protection from ninja for free. This can definitely make up for my money issues, I can always steal but not too much at a time otherwise people will quickly notice so this could be the start of a monopoly solely controlled by me. It would give me valuable information on the other villages and it would make absolute bank considering these animals are strong due to being born from chakra. Quite literally light given life to become a chakra summon that can be extremely helpful. I should probably start in some war torn village like Amegakure where I can quickly set up a base of operations.'

Summoning a shadow clone I command it to go towards Amegakure, the village hidden in the rain.

'In the meantime I'll focus on completing missions and experimenting with my new kekkei genkai, something like this is extremely unique as it is one of the few kekkei genkai that use yang release as it's basis. Giving life to light is an extraordinary ability that must be studied for a long time in order to become useful, perhaps I can make my own weapons that fight on their own or cages that trap people by themselves. I have so many ideas on how to use this and all I need is time in order to accomplish my invision, everything has already been set up and now it's only a matter of time. I may not be someone powerful like a Kage but what I do have is the ambition that I'll use to reach the absolute peak of what's possible in this world.'

Probably has a lot of mistakes but I'll fix them tomorrow cause I'm tired.

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