

Ye Liang whispered a few instructions into Rin's ear and stepped back, letting her take the stage. The chunin had already thrown his ten shuriken, hitting six in the fourth ring, one in the fifth, and missing three. It was a respectable score, especially from a hundred meters away.

"Teacher, can Rin really do this?" Kakashi asked, concerned.

"Watch and see," Ye Liang responded with a confident smile.

Rin took a deep breath and threw her first shuriken. The result left everyone stunned.

"Five rings!"

"Impossible!" the chunin exclaimed.

The girl who could barely throw a shuriken ten meters had just hit the highest score from a hundred meters. Encouraged by Ye Liang, Rin threw again.


Another five rings!

"How is this happening?" the chunin were astonished.

Rin herself was stunned, staring at her hand in disbelief. Ye Liang's technique was working. He had taught her a precise method: stand upright, feet together, hands and feet tensed, eyes focused. This technique, adapted from his previous life's dart-playing skills, was combined with ninja principles, making it incredibly effective.

Rin continued to throw, hitting five rings five times and four rings five times. Her score was far superior to the chunin's.

"A bet's a bet. Leave!" Ye Liang demanded.

The chunin reluctantly started to leave but Ye Liang stopped them. "People can go, money stays!"

One chunin threatened, "You better watch out. Our elder sister will hear about this!"

"Money!" Ye Liang insisted.

The chunin left, grumbling, but Ye Liang managed to grab their money bag. Though it stung a bit to use force, the victory was sweet.

"Kakashi, how's your arm?" Ye Liang asked, turning his attention to his student.

"My arm?" Kakashi stretched it out. "Oh, you mean this burn? I accidentally burned myself last night."

Ye Liang examined the burn. It was indeed just a small scar. "It's best to let Rin heal it."

"It's really fine, teacher," Kakashi insisted.

"Just do it," Ye Liang ordered firmly, then walked away.

"Lin, I think he just wants you to waste your chakra," Kakashi said, puzzled.

Rin smiled. "I think it's a way to practice. I misjudged the teacher before. From now on, I'll follow his teachings and become self-reliant!"

Kakashi sighed, watching her heal his minor burn. "Women..."


A few days passed without incident. Ye Liang was lounging on a couch, chatting with Anko.

"Hey! You've got money now, why don't you move out? You're so shameless!" Anko teased.

Ye Liang ignored her, lost in thought about his current tasks.

"Talk about life with Anko."

**[Reward]: C-rank Taijutsu: Konoha Whirlwind.**

The tasks had been trivial lately, but they added up. Ye Liang referred to them as daily tasks, like chores in a game. They rarely yielded significant rewards.

Ye Liang reviewed his important ninjutsu. He had mastered several S-rank jutsus like Flying Thunder God and Almighty Push, both requiring intense effort. However, lower-level techniques, like the Body Flicker and Substitution jutsus, had been reinforced so often they were nearly perfect.

One jutsu Ye Liang wanted to try was Summoning. Summons varied in strength with the user's power. Given his enhancements, he hoped for something extraordinary.

"If I can summon something super powerful, it would be incredible!" he thought, excitedly.

Ye Liang whispered a few instructions into Rin's ear and stepped back, letting her take the stage. The chunin had already thrown his ten shuriken, hitting six in the fourth ring, one in the fifth, and missing three. It was a respectable score, especially from a hundred meters away.

"Teacher, can Rin really do this?" Kakashi asked, concerned.

"Watch and see," Ye Liang responded with a confident smile.

Rin took a deep breath and threw her first shuriken. The result left everyone stunned.

"Five rings!"

"Impossible!" the chunin exclaimed.

The girl who could barely throw a shuriken ten meters had just hit the highest score from a hundred meters. Encouraged by Ye Liang, Rin threw again.


Another five rings!

"How is this happening?" the chunin were astonished.

Rin herself was stunned, staring at her hand in disbelief. Ye Liang's technique was working. He had taught her a precise method: stand upright, feet together, hands and feet tensed, eyes focused. This technique, adapted from his previous life's dart-playing skills, was combined with ninja principles, making it incredibly effective.

Rin continued to throw, hitting five rings five times and four rings five times. Her score was far superior to the chunin's.

"A bet's a bet. Leave!" Ye Liang demanded.

The chunin reluctantly started to leave but Ye Liang stopped them. "People can go, money stays!"

One chunin threatened, "You better watch out. Our elder sister will hear about this!"

"Money!" Ye Liang insisted.

The chunin left, grumbling, but Ye Liang managed to grab their money bag. Though it stung a bit to use force, the victory was sweet.

"Kakashi, how's your arm?" Ye Liang asked, turning his attention to his student.

"My arm?" Kakashi stretched it out. "Oh, you mean this burn? I accidentally burned myself last night."

Ye Liang examined the burn. It was indeed just a small scar. "It's best to let Rin heal it."

"It's really fine, teacher," Kakashi insisted.

"Just do it," Ye Liang ordered firmly, then walked away.

"Lin, I think he just wants you to waste your chakra," Kakashi said, puzzled.

Rin smiled. "I think it's a way to practice. I misjudged the teacher before. From now on, I'll follow his teachings and become self-reliant!"

Kakashi sighed, watching her heal his minor burn. "Women..."


A few days passed without incident. Ye Liang was lounging on a couch, chatting with Anko.

"Hey! You've got money now, why don't you move out? You're so shameless!" Anko teased.

Ye Liang ignored her, lost in thought about his current tasks.

"Talk about life with Anko."

**[Reward]: C-rank Taijutsu: Konoha Whirlwind.**

The tasks had been trivial lately, but they added up. Ye Liang referred to them as daily tasks, like chores in a game. They rarely yielded significant rewards.

Ye Liang reviewed his important ninjutsu. He had mastered several S-rank jutsus like Flying Thunder God and Almighty Push, both requiring intense effort. However, lower-level techniques, like the Body Flicker and Substitution jutsus, had been reinforced so often they were nearly perfect.

One jutsu Ye Liang wanted to try was Summoning. Summons varied in strength with the user's power. Given his enhancements, he hoped for something extraordinary.

"If I can summon something super powerful, it would be incredible!" he thought, excitedly.