
Naruto: Glory to the uchiha

mc is reborn into the uchiha clan and knowing the fate of the clan he was born into his goal to become stronger to protect him clan and in the process becoming a Uchiha supremacist

First_Time_Anal · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The things I do for love

**Shisui's POV:**

As Kyota paced restlessly through the corridors of the Uchiha compound, Shisui approached him with a sense of urgency, knowing that he needed to intervene before Kyota's plans for rebellion escalated further.

"Kyota, we need to talk," Shisui said, his voice gentle yet firm, hoping to reason with his kinsmen.

But Kyota remained steadfast in his belief that violence was the only solution to the Uchiha's grievances, brushing off Shisui's concerns.

"How can you say that, Shisui?" Kyota exclaimed, his frustration evident. "The village has treated us as outsiders for far too long. We deserve better than this!"

Despite Shisui's attempts to convince him otherwise, Kyota refused to listen, convinced that drastic measures were necessary to assert the Uchiha's dominance within the village.

"We cannot continue to endure this injustice. We must take action, no matter the cost," Kyota insisted, his voice filled with determination.

Shisui placed a reassuring hand on Kyota's shoulder, hoping to appeal to his sense of reason. "There is always another way, Kyota," he said, his tone soft yet resolute. "We must seek peace and understanding, not destruction and chaos."

But Kyota's resolve remained unwavering, convinced that rebellion was the only path to securing the Uchiha's rightful place in the village.

"We must assert our dominance, Shisui. The Uchiha are meant to rule," Kyota declared, his eyes blazing with conviction.

Despite Shisui's best efforts to reason with him, Kyota remained steadfast in his belief, unwilling to consider an alternative approach.

And as they parted ways, Shisui couldn't shake the sense of unease that lingered within him. The fate of the Uchiha clan hung in the balance, and he feared that Kyota's stubbornness could lead them down a dangerous path.

**Kyota's POV:**

As I navigated the crowded streets of Konoha, my thoughts were consumed by the weight of the decisions that lay ahead. The events of the clan meeting still echoed in my mind, fueling the flames of rebellion that burned brightly within me.

Lost in my thoughts, I scarcely noticed the figure that approached me with purposeful strides. It was Kiyomi Uchiha, her presence commanding attention as she fell into step beside me.

"Kyota," she greeted me with a nod, her voice steady yet tinged with concern. "I've been looking for you."

I returned her nod with a sense of urgency, knowing that our conversation would be fraught with gravity. "What is it, Kiyomi?" I asked, my voice edged with anticipation.

Kiyomi regarded me with a piercing gaze, her eyes reflecting the turmoil that churned within her. "I heard about the clan meeting," she began, her voice soft yet resolute. "I understand your frustrations, Kyota, but I fear that rebellion is not the answer."

I bristled at her words, the fire of defiance burning brightly within me. "How can you say that, Kiyomi?" I demanded, my voice rising with emotion. "The village has treated us as outsiders for far too long. We cannot continue to endure this injustice."

Kiyomi placed a calming hand on my shoulder, her touch a grounding presence amidst the storm of my emotions. "I know, Kyota. But violence will only bring more suffering," she replied, her voice filled with empathy. "We must seek a peaceful solution to our problems, not add to the cycle of conflict."

I shook my head, frustration boiling over. "We've tried diplomacy, Kiyomi," I argued, my voice tinged with bitterness. "But it's gotten us nowhere. It's time to take matters into our own hands."

Kiyomi's expression softened, her gaze unwavering. "I understand your anger, Kyota. But we must consider the consequences of our actions," she said, her voice tinged with sadness. "We cannot afford to plunge our clan and the village into chaos."

I met her gaze with a sense of defiance, unwilling to back down from my convictions. "The Uchiha deserve better, Kiyomi," I declared, my voice filled with determination. "And I will fight to ensure that we receive the respect and recognition we rightfully deserve."

With a sense of resolve burning within me, I turned to continue on my path, knowing that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges. But with Kiyomi's words echoing in my mind, I couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps there was another way—a way forward that didn't require bloodshed and conflict.

**Kiyomi's POV:**

As I spotted Kyota weaving his way through the bustling streets of Konoha, a sense of urgency seized me, driving me to catch up to him before he disappeared into the crowd. The events of the clan meeting weighed heavily on my mind, and I knew that I had to speak with him before his frustrations led him down a dangerous path.

"Kyota," I called out, falling into step beside him with purposeful strides. "I've been looking for you."

He turned to face me, his eyes alight with determination. "What is it, Kiyomi?" he asked, his voice edged with anticipation.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts, knowing that the conversation ahead would require careful navigation. "I heard about the clan meeting," I began, my voice soft yet resolute. "And I understand your frustrations, Kyota. But I worry that resorting to rebellion will only bring more harm than good."

Kyota's reaction was immediate, his defenses rising in response to my words. "How can you say that, Kiyomi?" he demanded, his voice filled with emotion. "The village has treated us as outsiders for far too long. We cannot continue to endure this injustice."

I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, hoping to temper his anger with reason. "I know, Kyota. But violence is not the answer," I replied, my voice tinged with empathy. "We must seek a peaceful resolution to our grievances, for the sake of our clan and the village as a whole."

His frustration was palpable, his resolve unwavering. "We've tried diplomacy, Kiyomi," he argued, his voice tinged with bitterness. "But it's gotten us nowhere. It's time to take matters into our own hands."

I met his gaze with a sense of sadness, knowing the risks involved in his chosen path. "I understand your anger, Kyota. But we must consider the consequences of our actions," I said, my voice filled with concern. "We cannot afford to bring further chaos and suffering upon our clan and the village."

Despite my words, Kyota remained steadfast in his convictions, his determination unyielding. "The Uchiha deserve better, Kiyomi," he declared, his voice filled with resolve. "And I will do whatever it takes to ensure that we receive the respect and recognition we rightfully deserve."

As he turned to continue on his path, I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension gnawing at me. The road ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, and I feared for the consequences of Kyota's actions. But with a heavy heart, I knew that I could do nothing more than stand by his side and support him, hoping that reason would prevail before it was too late.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the Uchiha compound, I stood before a gathering of my fellow clan members, my heart heavy with the weight of the decisions that lay ahead. The recent unrest within our community had brought us to a crossroads, and it was clear that decisive action was needed to secure our future.

"Gather round, my fellow Uchiha," I called out, my voice resonating with authority and conviction. "We stand at a pivotal moment in our history—a moment that will define the fate of our clan for generations to come."

The crowd fell silent, their eyes fixed on me with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. It was clear that they were hungry for guidance, eager to rally behind a cause greater than themselves.

"For too long, we have languished in the shadows of the village, our voices silenced and our potential squandered," I continued, my words ringing out with unwavering resolve. "But no longer. The time has come for us to rise up and claim our rightful place as respected members of society."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, fueling my determination as I pressed on, my voice growing stronger with each passing moment.

"Our brother Kyota has dared to challenge the status quo, to defy the powers that seek to oppress us," I declared, my words echoing through the night like a clarion call to arms. "And he does so not out of recklessness, but out of a burning desire for justice and equality."

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, their support for Kyota palpable in the air. It was clear that his message had struck a chord with them, igniting a fire within their hearts that could not be extinguished.

"But make no mistake," I continued, my voice rising to a crescendo. "Our journey will not be easy. We will face opposition at every turn, and the road ahead will be fraught with peril. But we will not falter. We will not waver. For we are Uchiha, and together, we are unstoppable!"

With a final rallying cry, I raised my fist into the air, the symbol of our unity and determination. The crowd responded in kind, their voices raised in a chorus of defiance and resolve.

As I looked out upon the sea of faces before me, I knew that our cause was just, and that together, we would overcome any obstacle that stood in our way. With Kyota leading the charge and the unwavering support of my fellow Uchiha at my side, there was nothing that we could not achieve.

The things I do for love I thought

**Kyota's POV:**

As I sat in the dimly lit room, surrounded by the members of my faction, our minds ablaze with plans and strategies for the days ahead, the mention of Kiyomi's name caught me off guard. It was one of our fellow Uchiha who brought her up, his voice filled with admiration and respect for her bold actions.

The realization that Kiyomi had taken it upon herself to gather support for our cause sent a surge of pride coursing through me, tempered by a sense of gratitude for her unwavering support. Though I had not been present to witness her actions firsthand, the knowledge that she had taken such initiative on my behalf filled me with a profound sense of awe.

As my fellow Uchiha spoke of Kiyomi's efforts, I couldn't help but feel a swell of affection for her. She had always been by my side, a steadfast companion in times of turmoil and uncertainty, but her actions had transcended mere loyalty—they had solidified her place as an invaluable ally and confidante.

In that moment, as the members of my faction discussed Kiyomi's contributions to our cause, a sense of clarity washed over me. It was not just admiration that I felt for her, nor was it merely gratitude—it was something deeper, something more profound.

With each passing moment, the realization grew stronger: Kiyomi was not just my girlfriend—she was my equal, my partner in every sense of the word. Her courage, her determination, her unwavering support—it was these qualities that made her truly indispensable to me.

And as I listened to my fellow Uchiha speak of Kiyomi's actions with reverence and admiration, I knew that the time had come to take our relationship to the next level. For in Kiyomi, I had found not just a companion, but a kindred spirit—a woman whose strength and resilience matched my own, and whose love knew no bounds.

As I reflected on Kiyomi's bold actions and the depth of my feelings for her, a question lingered in the recesses of my mind: Should I take the next step and make her my wife?

The thought was both exhilarating and daunting. Marriage was a lifelong commitment, a bond forged in the fires of love and shared experiences. And yet, as I considered the prospect of spending the rest of my days by Kiyomi's side, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within me.

She was more than just my girlfriend—she was my partner, my confidante, my equal in every way. Her unwavering support and fierce determination had seen me through countless trials and tribulations, and I knew that with her by my side, there was nothing we couldn't accomplish together.

But marriage was a serious decision, one that would alter the course of both our lives irrevocably. Did I possess the courage and conviction to take such a monumental step? Did Kiyomi share my vision of the future, my dreams and aspirations for our life together?

As I grappled with these questions, one thing became abundantly clear: Kiyomi was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Her strength, her compassion, her unwavering loyalty—they were the qualities I cherished most in a partner, and I couldn't imagine facing the challenges that lay ahead without her by my side.

With a sense of determination burning within me, I made a silent vow to myself: I would speak with Kiyomi at the earliest opportunity, to lay bare my heart and express my deepest desires. For in her, I had found not just a lover, but a soulmate—a woman whose presence in my life brought meaning and purpose to every moment we shared.


I'm thinking of changing his mangekyou sharingan abilities so if you guys have any suggestions for his mangekyou abilities let me know