
fũčķ you old man(rewrite)

In a dark alleyway, a man with a stab wound in his stomach grimaced. "This hurts. I shouldn't have meddled in other people's business," he thought as his life slowly slipped away.

Meanwhile, in the universe...

"It wasn't his time yet. She's going to be mad at me when she hears about this. Guess I'll have to fix it."

Back to the main character...

"It's dark. I can't feel my body. Am I in a coma? I'm going to go crazy. I don't even know how much time has passed." Cough! Startled, I looked behind me and saw an old man.

"Who are you?" I asked the old man.

"I am God, and since it wasn't your time to die, I'll give you another chance to live. It was partially my fault," he said.

"So, I'm dead because you weren't paying attention?" I wanted to strangle him, but I had to calm down. He mentioned a second chance. "What's that thing you said about a second chance?"

"Oh yeah, you get to pick a world you want to reincarnate into."

"Like fantasy and stuff?"

"Pretty much."

Hmm, which world do I choose? There's Dragon Ball Z, One Punch Man, Beach, and the Marvel Universe. I don't know which to choose. "Um, can you hurry up? I'm on a tight schedule," the old man interrupted.

I have to reincarnate him before she hears what happened, though the old man.

So many to choose from. Then I had an epiphany. The Naruto world. Yup, going with that one. That was my childhood growing up. "I pick the Naruto world."

"Okay, bye," the old man said casually.

"WAIT!" I shouted. "Aren't you going to grant me a wish or something?"

"Why would I?"

This was frustrating. "You usually get a wish or OP superpower when you die from the god that reincarnates you."

"Is that so? But like I said, why would I?"

"If you're not going to give me a wish, can I pick another world?"


I was royally screwed. "Bye-bye."

"WAIT! Can I at least be born into a clan?"

"Yeah, sure," God replied, "I'll reincarnate you as a 13-year-old into the Naruto world because your soul is too powerful for a baby. I'll also give you some talent to help you along the way."

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