
Naruto : Glory of Uzu

Synopsis - Well keeping it simple A Man dies due to the fault of the Supreme God. The God regrets his mistake and gives him a chace to be reincarnated but is shocked due to the amount of the good karma the man has and decided to meet him and fulfill his wishes accordingly to the good karma he has. From there starts The Journey Kaito Uzumaki ======================================= Warning ->> This purely fanfiction. I do not own any of the works or character except the my own. The rest belong to thier original owners, I don't own anything. ======================================= Some Important Points : •English is not my first language, so there may be mistakes but I will try to improve •I may change the original plot line and power levels of some character for better story narrative •There will be No Rape, No NTR, No Yuri, No Yaoi. •There will not be large Harem so that mc will not have time for everyone •MC will be overpowered but slowly =======================================

Fantastic_Rayan_04 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Kaito Uzumaki

[Year 6 After Konoha Was Founded]


[Uzumaki Clan Compund]

The room was bathed in the sterile glow of light. Tension filled the air as the expectant mother, Akari, lay on the delivery table. She clenched her husband's hand as the contractions intensified, each wave of pain bringing her closer to the moment she had been anticipating for nine long months.

The medical team worked with precision, offering words of encouragement and reassurance. Akari's breathing grew heavy, and her body trembled with exertion. Her husband, Takeshi, whispered soothing words, his face etched with concern and love. He had been her rock throughout this journey, and now he was about to become a father.

As the hours passed, Akari's determination did not waver. She pushed with every ounce of strength, her focus unwavering. And then, in a crescendo of pain and relief, a cry pierced the room. The baby had arrived. Tears of joy welled in Akari's eyes as she beheld her newborn child, a tiny, precious life that she had brought into the world.

The medical team swiftly attended to the newborn, cleaning and examining the baby. John stood by, awe-struck, as he witnessed the first moments of his child's life. He couldn't contain his emotions, and his eyes glistened with tears of pride and happiness.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the baby was placed in Akari's arms. The warmth of their new family enveloped them. Her heart overflowed with love as she looked into the eyes of the tiny, fragile being she had carried for so long. It was an overwhelming moment of connection, a testament to the incredible journey they had undertaken together.

As Akari held her child, a sense of completeness washed over her. The pain and exhaustion faded into the background, replaced by an indescribable sense of joy and fulfillment. This was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, a journey they would embark on as a family. The world outside the delivery room seemed to fade away as they embraced their newfound role as parents, with their hearts full of love for the child they had brought into the world.

"Have you thought of name " Akari's husband Takeshi a man with red hair and Grey eyes aksed his wife who was holding thier newborn in her embrace and looking at him lovingly.

"Kaito, Kaito Uzumaki" Akari said with a loving smile and while caressing her child.

However this was interrupted by sudden appearance of man.

A man clad in red armor with a pressure around his body would scare even bijus but the look on man's face completely betrayed his body language.

As he shouted aggressively "Where's my nephew"

He demanded but upon seeing the child in his sister in law's hand, All his aggressiveness and pressure melted away as he delicately grabbed the child, forgetting that he had just angered

his tired sister in law up.

But before she could berate him for taking her child from her without permission, he was clobbered over the head.

"Now look at what you did Hashirama, you've angered Akari and scared Takeshi with your screaming. Give me my grandchild, you don't deserve him." said a red- haired man sternly.

He wore the symbol of Uzumaki behind his back.

"But Father in law" said the now depressed Hashirama

The red haired man glares at him, "You already have stolen my daughter now you want to steal my grandson from me, You wood pecker"

"She's right Hashi, your action simply shows how silly you can be, when will you start growing up. Now give me my nephew." Mito said. She glares at Hashirama and then looks softly to the newborn baby.

Hashirama simply gave Mito the child before drawing circles in the corner while a depressing aura surrounded him.

Many would be unable to believe the God of Shinobi was being bullied by these people however, that would be the truth of the matter.

"Did you two decide on a name?" asked Mito

"Yes, Akari decided to name him Kaito." said Takeshi who was still sweating from the actions of Hashirama

While this was going the baby finally open his eyes and looks at everyone. Memories came back to Alex or now Kaito about his death and his meeting with the God. He watches everyone in the room and understood everything.

"Yeah Baby, I am reincarnated in the patriarch family of Uzumaki and I am family with Hashirama Senju, the God of Shinobi. I can't wait to grow up and start gambling with him."

While he was internally devising a plan to rob Hashirama of his fortunes, a giggle escaped his mouth while he was looking at Hashirama

Hearing this Hashirama eyes brightened up "See he likes his uncle the most." He quickly comes to the baby and pinches his cheeks saying "Oh cute little thing, uncle Hashirama with play with you."

'Hey stop pinching my cheeks, you demon, Wait I will show you what happens when you mess up with me '

And I decided to use the ultimate baby weapon and I started crying.


Everyone glared at Hashirama and then Mito took the baby from him

Ashira, the Uzumaki patriarch "Now you started wood pecking my son, wasn't my daughter enough for you? Get away from my grandson you heartless son in law."

Hashirama goes back to the corner with dark clouds over his head before drawing circles again. He looked like he was going to cry.

'Thats what you getting for piching by baby cheeks.'

Seeing everyone making fun of Hashirama, the God of Shinobi, I couldn't help but smile. It looks like God really gave me a loving and caring family. I will make sure to cherish them.

"Ah little Kaito it's alright, aunt Mito will play with you if you stop crying."

Hearing that I stopped crying.

'Looks like they named me Kaito, it's a good name'

While looking at his family's funny interaction Kaito started feel asleep.

[Next Morning]

When I woke up, I see everyone waving goodbye to Hashirama and Mito, looks like they are leaving. So I am not in Konoha but in Uzushiogakure. I will have to find a way to save them or become strong enough before that event occurs.

"Big Sis and brother Hashi, Can you stay a little longer?" asked Takeshi

Hashirama smiled towards him and says "Well I would love to stay longer and play with my nephew but I have a lot of paperwork on my hokage's desk. That idiot Madara left me to do all the paperwork by myself Hahahahaha."

Hearing this conversation, I realise Madara has already left the leaf village

Hashirama and Mito came near me and picked me up and played for a few minutes and then said "How can I leave my cute little nephew here, Maybe I should send a summon to Tobirama and ask him to do my paperwork."

-Meanwhile in Konoha-

Tobirama suddenly felt a shiver and looked around. When he didn't find anything he said

"Must be big brother causing trouble somewhere, Why should I have to always clean his mess? Ughhh"

- Back to Uzushiogakure-

Mito said to Hashirama "You have duties as a Hokage so say goodbye to little Kaito and get going."

Hashirama reluctantly said his farewell by saying

"I will be leaving right now but you all will have to bring Kaito to Konoha some day." He then suddenly stopped walking to the door as if he had a brilliant idea "When he grows up, Send Kaito to Konoha, I will personally teach him how to gamble uhm uhm I mean how to be a Shinobi."

Hearing this Ashira turned angry "Like I thought, you really want to take my grandson from me. Take this Water style _________" Ashira started weaving hand signs

Hashirama hurriedly walked out "I am going, I am going, Bye Little Kaito."

Seeing all of this, A giggle escaped my mouth and I looked forward to my new life. I fell asleep hoping it was not a dream.

(A/N: I took a lot of inspiration from Charizad6 sepai book Naruto: The Demon Swordman

A huge shoutout.

I would recommend reading this books as it very good and gave me some very good ideas on how I should move on with my novel.

So some thing in coming chapter maybe a lot of thing appear to similar but believe I am writing a different story in mind except for a few similarity there would be nothing in common)