
Naruto: Getting Rich in Sunagakure

In a thrilling and action-packed journey, follow Hitoshi as he crosses over into Sunagakure, a place where survival depends on eating dirt and generating electricity through love. With the awakening of the random lottery system, Hitoshi seizes the opportunity to lead Sunagakure and embark on a path to riches and glory. As he navigates the treacherous Ninja World, facing formidable challenges and engaging in epic battles, Hitoshi's determination and resilience shine through. Brace yourself for a gripping adventure filled with twists, turns, and unexpected alliances, where survival, power, and the pursuit of greatness take center stage. Prepare to be captivated by this exhilarating tale of ambition, danger, and the relentless pursuit of success in a world like no other. Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel!

Raitei · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter 23

"Alright, I understand. You can step down for now. Ebizo-sama hasn't returned yet, so I'll oversee these government affairs and keep a close watch on the ongoing projects," Hitoshi nodded, expressing his satisfaction.

He had relatively few demands at the moment. As long as they continued with conventional methods, he believed they would start seeing results within five years. They had already accumulated enough money and food to sustain them for several years, so there was no need to worry.

Not to mention, they were still generating wealth. In a few years, after the Second Shinōbi World War, other countries and Ninja Villages would be eager to trade their products, ensuring that Sunagakure would never face a shortage of food again.

"Pakura, I understand that you find planting cacti and investing in cultivation technology challenging. You can't grasp the purpose behind these seemingly strange orders," Hitoshi said, acknowledging her difficulties.

"Cacti serve a dual purpose. They can stabilize the soil and protect against wind and sand, but they can also be consumed as food. They possess unique flavors and nutritional value. By promoting their consumption, we can justify their cultivation," Hitoshi explained with a smile.

He had heard about the edible properties of cacti in his previous life, and since arriving in this world, he had been studying them. Unfortunately, progress had been limited. However, he refused to give up. He had convinced Shamon that cacti could combat sandstorms and serve as a defensive measure, and had ordered everyone to plant more of them.

Hitoshi's belief in the potential of cacti and his unconventional strategies reflected his determination to explore innovative solutions for the village's development. He was willing to take risks and pursue unconventional ideas to secure a prosperous future for Sunagakure.

Facts have proven the efficacy of his approach. Over the past decade, large quantities of cacti have been successfully planted, leading to a significant transformation of the environment.

What's more, someone has actually conducted research on how to consume cacti. Although it may not be the most appetizing option, it's better than nothing.

Hitoshi now possesses knowledge on how to prepare and eat cacti.

"Stop complaining and just try it. You'll be surprised," Hitoshi replied to Pakura's skepticism.

She couldn't fathom how one could eat something as prickly as a cactus.

"Haha, you won't believe it until you see it for yourself. Just wait and see," Hitoshi assured her.

"Now, give me your next command. In two weeks' time, I'll organize a gourmet tournament. If any Shinōbi wins, they'll be granted a Forbidden Jutsu. If any commoner wins, they can request land or money. And if any Shinōbi desires a companion, I'll arrange that too," Hitoshi said, his eyes gleaming with an enigmatic light, a slightly unnerving smile playing on his lips.

Pakura didn't object and quickly left to convey the orders to the Elders responsible for government affairs.

"At last, Phase One can commence. If cacti can be eaten, we can sustain more people and cultivate our own culinary culture. This food venture is a covert form of monopolizing resources. Guang Jiliang is an integral part of our progress. We can consider building a wall," Hitoshi mused as he leaned back in his chair, contemplating the next steps.

Different perspectives yield diverse approaches to problem-solving.

Pakura, being born into a prominent clan, never had to worry about the cost of living even from a young age. Naturally, she didn't care much about something like cactus.

However, for the ordinary residents of Kaze no Kuni, once they learn that cactus is edible, they will definitely start growing it in abundance. Even if it's not the easiest thing to eat, the fact that it can sustain their lives and prevent hunger will drive everyone crazy.

"It's time to meet with Elder Chiyo. I still need her support in this matter," Hitoshi thought.

Recalling the star effect from his previous life, an idea struck Hitoshi. If he could secure the assistance of Chiyo, an experienced pharmacist, his plan would be even more effective.

With that in mind, Hitoshi headed directly to Chiyo's medical department.

"Oh, Kazekage-sama, what brings you here today?" Chiyo, who had just finished researching a project and successfully developed a new medicine for common use, was sitting in her office. She observed Hitoshi with curiosity and greeted him with a smile.

Chiyo couldn't forget that her current "happiness" was all thanks to Hitoshi. It was this man who had inspired her to make her medicines accessible to the common people.

"It's nothing serious, I just wanted to pay you a visit," Hitoshi smiled, aware of Chiyo's grievances towards him.

Ordinarily, Chiyo should have been enjoying her golden years at home, spending time with her grandchildren. Yet here she was, confined to her research room.

Feeling Chiyo's silent reproach, Hitoshi's expression softened, and he helplessly continued, "Take a look at this."

He handed Chiyo a record containing information on how to eat cactus, then explained, "You should understand the value of this plant. I've organized a gourmet tournament and I hope you can discover its benefits and actively promote it."

"Understood. You want everyone to pay enough attention to it, and I'll be the one spreading the word," Chiyo muttered, pondering the matter for a moment before grasping its essence.

Hitoshi nodded, recognizing that this was not a major issue. It was all about the celebrity effect. Currently, Chiyo was the most prominent figure in Kaze no Kuni, having made several medicines accessible to the common people and saving countless lives. She was widely regarded as an authority in the field.

"I've modified my plans and will focus on studying cactus. Give me a few days," Chiyo said, collecting the scroll and placing it on her experimental bench, her expression grave as she looked at Hitoshi.

A thought suddenly crossed her mind. She recalled Hitoshi's childhood, when he used cactus to survive and endure the harsh conditions. He had even suggested planting a large number of cacti in the desert to prevent sandstorms.

"I wouldn't be surprised if this guy had been thinking about this day for over ten years. Even if he hadn't, he must have done some research. I don't believe a commoner would devote so much time to studying this plant," Chiyo mused, a smile forming on her lips.

She didn't mind being involved in such a plot, especially when it was well-intentioned.

Meanwhile, in the endless desert of Kaze no Kuni, Rasa and his young girlfriend Karura were exploring underground rivers and water sources.

"I never expected there to be such a plentiful water source beneath Kaze no Kuni," Rasa remarked, gazing at the map he had marked, filled with awe.

"Yes, it's unexpected. If it weren't for Kazekage-sama's determination to develop our resources and explore our natural surroundings, we would still be entrenched in war," Karura remarked with a smile, her eyes narrowed in satisfaction.

Utilizing her sand manipulation abilities, she could sense the subtle movements of sand beneath the ground, enabling her to locate the underground river they had been searching for. Finding such a river would allow them to create small settlements and foster greenery through the use of Ninjutsu.

When it came to vegetation, planting cacti was the simplest solution if trees couldn't be grown. The height of the plants wasn't their primary concern; what mattered was the presence of greenery.

"Rasa, have you noticed that all the underground rivers originate from Ame no Kuni and the sea? Konoha's influence seems to be quite limited," Karura observed as she examined the marked directions on the map, a glint of realization in her eyes.