
Naruto: Getting Rich in Sunagakure

In a thrilling and action-packed journey, follow Hitoshi as he crosses over into Sunagakure, a place where survival depends on eating dirt and generating electricity through love. With the awakening of the random lottery system, Hitoshi seizes the opportunity to lead Sunagakure and embark on a path to riches and glory. As he navigates the treacherous Ninja World, facing formidable challenges and engaging in epic battles, Hitoshi's determination and resilience shine through. Brace yourself for a gripping adventure filled with twists, turns, and unexpected alliances, where survival, power, and the pursuit of greatness take center stage. Prepare to be captivated by this exhilarating tale of ambition, danger, and the relentless pursuit of success in a world like no other. Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel!

Raitei · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Chapter 151

Now, one can only say that sometimes ignorance is bliss, and sometimes it is detrimental.

As for Kumogakure, the reason they enjoyed fighting, particularly against Konoha, was solely because Konoha shinobi had a better life. Meanwhile, their group of dark-skinned barbarians could only reside in the deep mountains and subsist on soil.

In their perception, Kaminari no Kuni was extremely impoverished, with nothing but rocks and mountains. The only thing they had to offer was minerals; they were unable to provide anything else.

However, when these Kumogakure shinobi followed Fourth Raikage Ai to "counter the rebellion," they discovered that the Ketsuryugan clan had accumulated wealth in a short period that Kumogakure could not accumulate in several lifetimes. Yet, in the eyes of Kaminari no Kuni's Daimyo, this wealth was hardly worth mentioning.

If it weren't for the high prestige of Third Raikage, the earth leopard elders of Kumogakure would have already rushed to the Daimyo's mansion, accompanied by Two-Tails and Eight-Tails. Together, they would have launched two Bijūdama attacks to terrify the samurai army. Subsequently, other shinobi would rush in, ransack the entire Daimyo prefecture, and collect Kaminari no Kuni's taxes.

Within the largest storage warehouse in Kaminari no Kuni, Third Raikage, along with his direct descendants, Jonin, and the elders' group of Kumogakure, were currently holding a meeting. In the past, they would convene in a meeting room or the Raikage's office. But today, they sat atop a pile of gold and silver, an unusual sight for a Tsuchitake meeting.

Seated on a throne made of gold, Third Raikage spoke with great emotion: "Look at all this gold; it's nothing but dirt. We're literally sitting on top of it. We've toiled so hard for this dung."

The smug expression on his face made people want to strike him. However, the Kumogakure elders and Jonin were not concerned about Third Raikage's expression; they were more focused on the gold beneath them, feeling as if they were living in a fantastical world.

"I agree, this dung isn't worth our efforts. But the land that produces dung is worth working hard for," a Kumogakure elite Jonin said weakly, his face fixated on the gold as if in a trance.

The entire scene appeared quite peculiar.

"All this wealth was plundered by the Ketsuryugan clan. We are noble Hidden Villages; we have an official background and cannot privately attack the Daimyo's mansion. Moreover, our dignity forbids us from engaging in such lowly acts. Are you willing to forsake your dignity for the sake of looting?" Fourth Raikage Ai said angrily, his face red with frustration.

He felt a sense of sadness for these shinobi, his colleagues, and seniors from the same village whose eyes had been blinded by gold. It was truly disheartening to witness noble Kumogakure warriors reduced to being infatuated with trivial riches.

Fourth Raikage Ai had hoped that his angry outburst would awaken his colleagues and seniors, but he was mistaken. This group of individuals only grew more addicted, their desire for wealth intensifying.

"If it can make me instantly rich, if it can place unimaginable power in my hands, if it means my child will no longer have to desperately fight on the battlefield... Then, why shouldn't I grab it? There's nothing I wouldn't do," an elderly Kumogakure elder said, his eyes gleaming with the light of greed, his voice unnervingly calm.

"Furthermore, we don't even need to do it ourselves. With the Ketsuryugan clan leading the way, others will follow suit. We'll just join in later," a young Kumogakure Jonin added, also speaking in a composed manner.

Fourth Raikage Ai was about to say something more when Third Raikage pulled his son behind him, sensing the brewing hostility in the air. The group of Jonin and leaders from Kumogakure were already teetering on the brink of madness.

Third Raikage realized that he could not allow his son to continue speaking. Otherwise, both he and his son would be executed on charges of "rebellion." Yes, it was considered a rebellion, as it contradicted the intentions of all the Hidden Villages.

"I made a mistake. Originally, I wanted to shift our focus elsewhere, but I never expected it to exceed my expectations," Third Raikage secretly lamented.

"Half of the gold will be used for the development of the Hidden Villages, and the remaining half will be distributed among everyone. Each household will receive a share," Third Raikage declared, stopping his impulsive son from speaking first.

"Brilliant and wise, Raikage-sama," the other shinobi praised in unison.

"Raikage-sama, what should we do about the Ketsuryugan clan?" the elderly Kumogakure elder inquired hoarsely. Some matters needed clarification.

"The Ketsuryugan clan has rebelled, and some members have abandoned darkness and turned toward the light. They will lead their territories and surrender to Kumogakure. Will that suffice?" Third Raikage responded, his gaze fixed on the elder.

"Yes!" a gleam of excitement appeared in the elderly elder's eyes.

"They are currently developing a peculiar island with a group of uncivilized people. I believe we should address it. Additionally, we need to identify talented individuals suitable for governance," Third Raikage calmly announced, casting a glance at the shinobi present.

"Follow Raikage-sama's instructions."

"We should also provide additional protection for Kaminari no Kuni's Daimyo. This incident served as a wakeup call."

"Understood, we will follow Raikage-sama's instructions."

"Very well."

After a brief exchange, the warehouse regained its calm, and the atmosphere of hostility dissipated.

In Tsuchi no Kuni, a massacre was about to begin. Onoki and Lao Zi planned to use Onoki's "coma" technique to thoroughly investigate the twenty-five frontline shinobi from Hidden Villages.

Regardless of the five arduous battles or the seven injuries they may have endured, both Onoki and Lao Zi had resolved to eliminate these twenty-five shinobi.

They wanted to teach these shinobi, who incessantly pestered and complained about not receiving enough benefits, who refused to work unless they personally benefited, who had forgotten who the true ruler of Iwagakure Village was.

Onoki and Lao Zi may have appeared pitiful, but that had to be compared to someone else. The formidable combat strength possessed by the two of them was sufficient to destroy the entire village of Iwagakure.

When it came to punishment, top-down measures were always easier than counterattacks from the bottom up.

At the border of Tsuchi no Kuni, within the frontline troop camp of Iwagakure Village, a shinobi was stealthily making his way through the dark night. Unbeknownst to him, Kitsuchi, accompanied by several masked shinobi dressed in black tight clothes, was closely observing his every move.

"Hateful! In the heat of battle, he was slower than everyone else. But now, he's faster than anyone," Kitsuchi seethed with resentment.

This group was supposed to be elite shinobi, yet they were the first to crumble—a significant factor in their failure. Had they held their ground and not collapsed so quickly, his father might not have suffered so greatly.