
The Ice Country

You should have been an antarctic explorer to truly understand what this country look like, to make it simple every thing is icy here, aka freezing all the time. Located northern of Konoha, further ahead after land of snow. Unlike land of snow that has hidden village Yukigakure, this country only has a house, much more like a castle that has been a shelter for a clan for thousand of year if not millions.

*(check the map https://www.deviantart.com/lady1venus/art/Naruto-world-map-Beta-731997975)

Castle of Garasukame built in an island, the only green part of the freezing land. Yes there is a phenomenon here, that around a hundred kilometer square water is not freezing, instead it has lukewarm temperature so that in this lake many lifeforms being inhabitants, Kame no Shima or turtle islands are seven island that cover 20 % of the unfreezing area, consist of an green island where Garasukame castle stand still and to the west, there are six landmasses that nor green nor icy much more like metallic and glassy. This castle is the only manor for Garasukame Ichizoku and no other humans are live in this country.

Kagayaku Garasukame, the cland head, is 48 age years old this year, but his prince only 5 years old. In two years Hikaru Garasukame, the prince, will be the head clan, but he is still too young, and yet to marry some one, nor he goes to age-coming rites. Kagayaku plan to send Hikaru to the outside world ahead of time and this will be amazing story for Hikaru who will soon be well known as the unseen karih.

*Karih = kris https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=keris