
Chapter-15: Timeskip!

(7 months later)

In a giant room, you could see a kid lifting two giant weights, curling them, training his biceps.

After doing that, he did some stretches and did some balance training as well.

This was Junichiro Hyuga, the current him.

The overconfident power hungry brat was gone and was replaced by someone...better.

This was a man whose eyes held the same curiosity yet different approach.

A way befitting a killer, shedding the former weakness away.

He was truly understanding people now.

He could now slowly but surely wrapping his grip around the victim's mind thanks to his arduous training and continuous efforts that compounded themselves to make the foundation of what he is today.

He no longer relied on just luck or momentum and started working on something better.

These 4 months, he used them to recover himself as he restructured everything, looking at them with a new perspective, hiding many details while revealing some, using his cards against the Hyuga upper echelon, diving right into the power struggle.

First step was already being executed during this time.

Many fancy events were organized by him, giving him a grander stage to perform as he flayed his authority and money for the sake of building the reputation.

The idea was to now cultivate an image.

A nobleman, even among the noble Hyugas. Someone similar to a statesman.

For too long, the formlessness had been going on. He needed a form now, for the public.

Something that would assist his identity and actually help his intentions.

This time, each step was calculate more precisely.

Each stone was turned. Everything was going on peacefully.

Junichiro also had a lot of progress with chakra natures.

The thing he did was a very crude way of separating chakra and now he was working on another similar yet completely different method of chakra separation.

The progress, while it was slow, was still beneficial. More intricacies of chakra were being explored now.

Just as he was about to starting to do tricep training, another man entered the room, stiffly looking at him.

This was his father Michikatsu Hyuga, who was very worried nowadays.

The child he could see in Junichiro was now gone. Something that happened very later on in his life, when he saw his father die.

"Training once again for strength?" He asked while still keeping airs.

"Yes. My body is far too weak to utilize the Hyuga techniques effectively and also build anything by my own two hands. I needed to change it." Junichiro responded as he took a small break from his routine.

"Overtraining will not change the fact betrayal happened. Learn to accept the fate and it's mysteries. Acceptance will be better than this flagellation." Michikatsu said he expressed his reluctance at the barbaric way of training.

"I suppose you are correct...However, I still cannot stop. The souls of those damned-" He said as he controlled his anger once again.

"It is fine, son. I suppose I will stop mentioning it again and again. I hope you recover soon. The main family needs you, the future clan leader." Michikatsu said as he left, leaving Junichiro thinking about his future plans.



The skirmishes against the Yotsuki clan were still going on.

One of the lightning ninjutsu clan users with generational enmity against the Hyuga.

Well the story dates back to around 8 or 9 generations but to sum it up...

They are sore losers who think acting like a ninjas makes you less of a ninja.

Basically idiots banded together just for the sake of opposition.

Pointless hate perpetrated against us for a long time that now their reason for existence.

The reason they aren't killed off yet?

They are a strong bunch-

is what I would like to say.

But they aren't.

They are fast. Like Super fast when running away.

Their runner built bodies and insane affinity with lightning makes them too fast to catch up against.

They claim to be strong warriors with honor but are the fastest one to escape. Even their ninjutsu revolves around escaping.

I am planning to attack them by arranging a giant commision with one of the minor clans.

Amagiri clan.

They were a tribal clan who were also wannabe samurais that used poison mist as well as poisonous insects size of a fully grown rabbit. They had a habit of wearing a red triangle on their foreheads and claws made with wood or metal, which took their rank into consideration. A tenacious bunch as well as perfect counter against the Yotsuki clan.

Their main insect?

Poisonous beetles, who were very resistant against lightning ninjutsu and the armor made by their shells were considered a luxury item only the richest could afford.

They were members of Insect Royalty alliance which was made up by several insect user clans and one of the alliance leaders were Aburame clan.

The funds were already prepared and proposals were sent.

Why was I doing all this?

To get the escaping techniques of Yotsuki clan and give myself a popularity surge.

In order for the Hyuga to amass enough influence, I need to wipe them out and propose an alliance between several ninja clans to put the Hyuga as the leader of that clan.

To do that, this was a necessary step.

I cannot allow any opposition to exist.

It was also free merit points.

The Hyuga clan's finances have taken a big leap and the birth rate has been through the roof.

Also, I was funding a few research teams for development towards several fronts from my own pocket, I was able to arrive at more efficient ways to do many things and introduce small changes in our system while spiking out the economic gains as well as my own reputation.

The current propaganda of targeting women for more children and as mothers of world shaking ninjas has been going on awfully good. Exclusive discounts, prizes for best mothers etc. have been driving them insane.

The average Hyuga lifestyle had a qualitative change and the income of household was increasing.

The birth rate was also increasing a lot.

Earlier, women would just hang around 4 or 5 children at best but now the average is around 9 children per household.

I had to go out of my way to increase the food production and doing smaller skirmishes against small settlements and also engage in diplomatic treaties with several food rich regions.

I was able to get a 15% discount on Senju crops as well at cost of 5% off on healing creams.

Yeah Hashirama isn't really a great negotiator but I let him have it for the sake of future.

Creating an ally instead of an enemy is better and Senju crops made up a huge fraction of our consumption.


"So...You want 20% off the crops for a 7.5% off on healing creams? I think that is perfect-" Hashirama said but was cut off by Tobirama.

"Not okay at all." He said as he smiled and secretly pinched his brother.

"Y-Yeah. I meant that as well. How can we even afford to do that?" Hashirama said with a very hesitant yet painful smile.

(flashback ends)

I had to hold in my laughter all the while this was happening.


I started lifting again.

I discovered something very amazing.

Stronger muscles meant stronger punches.


Who could've guessed that?

I am genius, after all.

Well, normally that should've been logical if I were in my previous world but here, in the world of ninjas?

It was considered redundant.

Well chakra could easily vary the endurance levels and strength of the attack so nearly no one wanted to lift any weights at all.

It made you bulky, which was bad for stealth.

It made you inflexible, which was a no no for combat.

It made you a bigger, making you easier to hit.

So why do it?

Well, you see.

In order to create the most optimal build for Hyuga taijutsu and expanding on more styles, I need a lean body that can handle load of those techniques.

Also, the muscle strength and stability were detrimental to Hyuga taijutsu's more non-chakra fighting techniques.

I did exact exercises to promote strength as well as to improve my core strength and control over my body.

It stemmed out of my understanding towards life.

In order to amass power, one needs to learn when to give up what and what to conquer next.

The primary step right now was to establish immense control over my body so that I can utilize my time properly.

Training chakra wasn't optimal for me right now because of the medicines inside my eye as well as the giant blindfold on my eyes.

The previous had damaged my eyes a little so now they were extra sensitive to light and my Byakugan now has many red streaks because of it.

The hit on blood vessels near my eyes had damaged me a bit and the doctor told me to put the blindfold on them for around around 8 months.

I started lifting the weights again.

I had to train my legs. Cannot skip it.






(A/N: Another chapter is here.

Are you liking the pacing? Personally I think the diplomatic side as well as plotting against each other was a big part of the era. Let me know if you are liking it so far.

Also, we will get into 1v1 fights in a few chapters ahead, so that crispy fight you are waiting for?

It's imminent.

Now gib powerstones.

I will turn them into dust and make a statue for myself so that I can satisfy my skewed ego for 2 whole minutes. Please.

I need it.

Also gib reviews.

Thanks for reading!)

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