
Chapter 17: The Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles IV

The next morning found Team 7 on their usual spot on the bridge. Sakura was doing her usual tripe of making googly eyes at Sasuke, who was trying to level up his brooding even further. Naruto, who only arrived a few minutes ago, had a calm smile on his face as he rested against the bridge. What his teammates didn't know was that he was in conversation with his tenant.

'So what can you tell me about the Jinchuuriki of the Ichibi?' Queried Naruto.

[I'm not sure how it affects the current Jinchuuriki, but Shukaku always had the ability to control sand along with mastery of Fuuton Ninjutsu. He is also mentally unstable and likes to incite insanity in his containers.

You saw that from the bags under the boy's eyes. He doesn't allows his host's to sleep.] Responded the Kyuubi. Naruto just nodded in agreement.

'I'll have to keep an eye on him then. I'll have to find some way to inform the Hokage without tipping my hand. Then again, I'm positive he already knows. Perhaps ignorance is the best way to go.' Pondered Naruto.


"Yo. Sorry I'm late. I got lost on the road to life." Said Kakashi. It seems as though he was slipping. He used his standard excuse without even trying to come up with anything original.

"LIAR." Came the customary screech of the resident banshee.

"Anyway, I know this is sudden, but I've elected you for the Chuunin Selection Exams. Here are your applications." Announced Kakashi. His announcement elicited different reactions from his students.

Naruto still had the customary polite smile that didn't even twitch at his announcement. Sasuke's eyes burned with hunger for a good fight to prove himself. Sakura just looked terrified.

"Well, this is just a nomination. Whether you take the exam or not is up to you." He added. "If you wish to participate, sign the application and take it to room 301 of the academy by 3PM, six days from now." He finished, before disappearing in a poof of smoke.


It was a cool afternoon as Naruto made his way to the Shinobi Academy. It was the day of the Chuunin Exams, and Naruto was ready to take it on.

He stocked up on extra supplies in the morning from kunai, shuriken, senbon, ninja wires, food and a sleeping back. Not to mention a plethora of self-made seals. He had it all sealed away into his clothes for easy access. He wasn't going to be taking any chances with this exam.

He arrived at the academy to find a brooding Sasuke and a nervous looking Sakura. They didn't say anything to each other and just walked into the building.

As the climbed the stairs they heard a commotion at the room with the sign that read '301'. Naruto recognised the Genjutsu right away as they had only climbed two flights of stairs. He knew Sasuke noticed it as well.

They saw a boy wearing a green spandex suit with a monstrous set of eyebrows get pushed to the floor. His teammate, a pretty girl wearing a Chinese top with her hair tied into two buns rushed to his aid.

"You plan to take the Chuunin Exam with that?!" Questioned guard number 1.

"You guys should quit now." Suggested guard number 2.

"You're just little kids." Commented guard number 1.

"Please let us through." Pleaded the girl with the bun hairstyle, only to receive a smack to the face from one of the guards.

"What did you say? Listen, we're being kind. The Chuunin Exams isn't easy." Said guard 1.

"Among those taking this exam, many end up quitting as shinobi. Others are unable to recover at all….We've seen it many times." Said guard 2. "You're just little kids….Besides, we're just thinning out those that will fail. What's wrong with that?" He finished.

"I agree, but…You'll let me pass through, also drop the Genjutsu. I'm going to the third floor." Sasuke said smugly as he walked up to the guard. The only sound that could be heard after that was the sound of Naruto's palm connecting with his face.

'What an idiot.' He thought to himself.

"Heh. Not bad…But all you did was see through it." Said guard 1 before he burst into action.

Sasuke saw the movement and moved to retaliate, only to be stopped by the green spandex wearing boy, who moved so quickly that most people didn't even notice him, who intercepted them both, preventing the attacks from landing.

Naruto just raised a solitary eyebrow in interest. While he looked ridiculous, Naruto could clearly see the well-defined muscles, not to mention his impressive speed. He marked him as one to look out for in the exam.

"Hey, what happened to the plan? You're the one who said we shouldn't draw attention to ourselves." Asked the third member of the strange team. With long black hair and pupil-less white eyes, it was plain to see that he was a Hyuuga.

"Well…" Answered the bushy eye-browed one as he blushed and looked towards Sakura, causing his female teammate to groan in annoyance as she watched him walk to the pink haired girl.

"My name is Rock Lee. So yours is Sakura-san…" He said causing said girl to blink in confusion. He just gave a blinding white smile and a cheesy thumbs up. "Let's go out together! I'll protect you till I die." He declared.

Sakura just looked almost physically ill. Naruto had to use all his control to supress his laughter at the situation. It was fucking hilarious.

"No….way…" She responded.

"Huh?" Lee looked like someone kicked his puppy.

"You're lame." She told him causing his head to drop.

"Hey, you…" Called out the Hyuuga boy to Sasuke. "What's your name?" He questioned pompously.

"When you want to learn someone's name, shouldn't you give yours first?" Sasuke responded, in what he thought was a cool manner. Naruto just snorted at the two arrogant boys trying to have a dick measuring contest.

"You're a rookie, right?" Countered the Hyuuga boy. "How old are you?"

"I don't have to answ-" His reply was cut off by Naruto who came over and put an arm over his shoulder in a friendly manner.

"His name is Uchiha Sasuke. He likes training, tomatoes and romantic walks on the beach. While he normally prefers more butch guys, he does have a hidden fetish for pretty boys.

If you're interested, please wait till the exams are over. All I ask it that you be gentle and not hurt my friend. He has a fragile heart after all." Said Naruto sincerely. The Hyuuga boys face just scrunched up in disgust before walking away. The girl looked to be giggling to herself at his predicament. Sasuke was fuming once again at the dobe ruining his moment and spreading lies about him.

"Come on Casanova, we don't want to be late." Said Naruto as he ignored the pitiful killing intent coming from the last Uchiha and proceeded to walk towards the real venue. Sasuke could do nothing but impotently glare at his back, promising to get vengeance on the dobe.

As Team 7 continued to walk to the venue, a voice from above called out to them as they reach an open area.

"You there, with the sharp eyes. Wait." They turned around to see Rock Lee standing on a railing.

"What now?" Asked Sasuke.

"Will you fight me right here, right now?" Was Lee's response.

"Sasuke-san, we don't have time for this. We need to get to the exam room before it's too late." Interjected Naruto.

"Don't tell me what to do, dobe." Responded Sasuke causing Naruto to sigh in disappointment.

"You are going to lose. He's far too strong for you. I guess you need your pretty little eyes to see that. Make sure it's turned on so you can remember this ass-kicking.

Hopefully it will humble you. I'm going to the exam room." Said Naruto as he walked passed a fuming Sasuke and a worried Sakura. "Oh and Rock Lee." He called out, getting the older boys attention. "Try not to injure my teammate too badly. I need him for the exam after all." He said. The boy just gave a thumbs up in response.

Naruto just kept walking to the room, having no patience to deal with their childish games. He found Kakashi waiting just outside the room.

"Naruto, you're here. And alone." He noticed.

"Sasuke and Sakura are here too. He's busy getting his ass-kicked by some dude with fuzzy eyebrows and a green spandex suit named Rock Lee." Replied Naruto as he leaned against the wall opposite his Jounin sensei. Kakashi just sweat-dropped.

"I…see…" The two just stood in silence. About 10 minutes later they heard footsteps approaching. They looked up to see a worried looking Sakura glancing at a beaten up Sasuke.

"Well, now that Mr. Personality over here is done getting his ego shat on, we can finally get on with it." Mocked Naruto. Not even trying to hide the condescension in his voice this time. Sasuke just glared in response.

"Well I'm glad you all decided to come. It would have been bad if one of you didn't show up. It would disqualify the rest of the team. I didn't mention this as I didn't want Sasuke or Naruto to pressure Sakura to take these exams.

Now that you're here though, there's no problem. Good Luck my cute little students." Said Kakashi before he disappeared in a poof of smoke. Team 7 just nodded before entering the room.


Author Note:

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

You got the first glimpse of Naruto's personality around people he doesn't really call 'precious'. He will be annoyingly polite and calm, so much so that it comes off as condescending and sarcastic, and people still won't be sure. He will make his teammates the butt of a lot of jokes, especially Sasuke because I just can't resist. Toying with him is way too amusing. He will also have crude moments were he makes crass comments to Sasuke, similar to the Sai would. I plan on those two being good buddies after the time skip.

I did a lot of Sakura perspective in this arc . I'll probably redeem her in Shippuuden. I'm actually thinking of going with a one-sided yandere-like obsession with Naruto on her part after he saves her. Nothing dangerous, just for comic relief.

I know I made a lot of jokes about being gay in this chapter but I would like it to be know that I have absolutely nothing against homosexuals. I have gay friends so I don't really have a problem with it. I just used a common stereotype here for Sasuke character. It will be a running gag. So don't be offended.

I will try to dole out the next arc in the coming week. I'm thinking of combining the first and second stages, before the prelims, into one arc.

I'm not sure if I should include the Kumo or Iwa in this one. I was going to do the original way, but let me know what you think.

I also want Naruto to be the one to rescue Karin, but I'm not sure what to do with her afterwards. Tell me your thoughts on this.


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