
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · Anime & Comics
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Sorry for the late update, Uni! ,and thank you very much for the power stones. →(° ۝ °)┗


Days passed after the massacre as quickly as they came, and in a blink five years had passed, Sasuke had always disturb Naruto to train him no matter how many times Naruto refuses and hit him he won't stop till he falls unconscious. Naruto had matured a lot, he had a calm and noble temperament which he unlocked after reaching the Count level.


His crimson hair caught a lot of people by surprise, as his golden hair had built a reputation for him because he looked like an angel but with his crimson hair he looked fierce. When he got to school no doubt that they were all curious about what happened to his hair but as one of them was about to ask Sasuke came in, they were feeling considerate for him so instead everyone sent their best wishes well everyone except Naruto as he didnt care.

When Iruka came in, he first wished Sasuke well then he turned to Naruto and asked him why his hair changed colour, he then explained that the Hokage told him it's because of his bloodline from his clan, alot of students were surprised that Uzumaki was a clan but Iruka understood immediately as it also explains how his chakra quantity is also low jounin at the gate of eight.


Today was a pretty important day for all the students as it would be the end of their student life, and the starting point for their Ninja life."All right class I know you are pretty excited but settle down, you have to pass the graduation ceremony first, as I call your name you come out and take the test by performing the three body techniques. Midoriya Shiga" after Iruka stated that immediately the kid he called came out and did it, he scored 69 points which was pass.

Like that he called everyone finally it was Naruto turn which he easily topped them all as he had been doing for years with a perfect score. Alot of people knew him by his genius reputation, which made things easier for him as they stopped trying to talk to him, well except Sasuke. "Okay that's all remember to come early tomorrow as you be getting a jonin teacher and be placed in a team. GOOD LUCK." Iruka said and left the class.

"Ahh so burdensome" stated Naruto as he entered his house which was looking shaggier by the day, as he opened the fridge to dispose of all food there, he's been going to buy food stuffs once in a while so as not to draw attention to himself. ' I need new clothes this ones are old' he thought to himself as he opened the store and bought a full piece black suit, a black hairband, an expensive gold and diamond studded wristwatch, a pair of black socks and shoe.

He kept it aside as he decided to wear them tommorow, Although his is currently 14 he looked 17 and taller than all the students in the class. "System"


NAME: Uzumaki Naruto (Elisha)

AGE: 14




BP: 406


Day walker

Infinite Evolution


Energy absorption



Familiar - Bats, Blood wolves, Fire demons (imps)

Noble temperament (New) - Get away from me you filthy commoners.


"phew all this years and only the level of a count, I swear it gets hard to rank up this days", "okay let's check the effect of the new clothes, this shit cost a ton of BP" He said that as he walked towards the clothes laying on his bed, "Effects"


Suit blazer - +20% persuasion < People will be willing to trust and take your suggestions on matter , Who doesn't trust a man in suit"

Suit trousers - +5% persuasion

Tie - Charisma +30% < I may not be Dio but you can't deny that I have the swag, So follow me and be my subordinate>

Shirt - +5% charm <ain't I handsome>

wristwatch - +5% charm, +25% reaction and movement speed

Socks and shoe - +5% movement speed

Leather gloves - +5% strength <rewritable>

Hair band - Just an hairband

Cologne - +30% noble aura, +12% cold aura < I smell good don't I >



Should he buy a pistol? Quick I need to know for the next chapter

And love interest Hinata or Karin?


One chapter a day, but I'll post another one later today since I missed yesterday and maybe another one for apologies.