
Naruto: Flames of Causality

War, conflict, death - the world of Naruto was not the sunshine and rainbows the anime had deceptively portrayed, as Izuna got to find out first hand. At least he was not born an orphan. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, this work is fan-made fiction. Please support the official release.

Dionysus7 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 6 - Hope of The Uchiha

Konohagakure - 31st Year of Founding, Late Summer

Uchiha Clan Grounds, Former Patriarch's Manse

A look of annoyance flashed across Izuna's face, until his father placed a hand on his head ruffling his hair, before saying, "Patience son, patience."

"I know…" Izuna sighed. 

Just as he was about to respond, the front door of their house opened, and his mother Tsukihi exited the house, and body flickered towards him, lifting him from the ground in a hug.

Shortly after his uncle stumbled out the house, while holding his head still nursing a hangover, while Naori followed suit while looking up at him disapprovingly.

"Good morning, mother." he replied in a happy tone.

"Good morning, Izuna, how has your father been? He hasn't been training you too hard, has he?" she said, shooting a warning glare at Setsuna, who sighed in response, with a look of acceptance upon his face.

"No, mother, it's fine. Father has been very helpful. He even taught me two new Jutsu."

"Oh, he did now? That's good of him. So what jutsu did you get him to teach you?" 

"Body Flicker and Phoenix Flower Jutsu."

"Good choice, I expect nothing less from my little genius." She gushed, before tilting her head towards her husband, asking curiously. "So how'd it go?" 

"He mastered the basics for Body Flicker. He mainly needs to improve his physique and stamina, but that will come with time, as well as proficiency with the jutsu. 

As for the Phoenix Flower Jutsu on the other hand is something he will need to spend a lot of time practising on. Elemental Manipulation is usually only taught later in the academy or post graduation for a reason.

He's already grasped the basics of Fire Nature transformation, but unlike Fireball Jutsu which is much easier and simpler to grasp, Phoenix Flower Jutsu requires a greater degree of chakra control, which he currently lacks, alongside a much more advanced version of Fire Nature transformation. 

At the moment, outside of improving his chakra control and simply gaining proficiency with the Jutsu through usage, he can't really improve further at his current level."

Kasai had squatted nearby with his hands in his head, while he half listened to the conversation, while nursing his headache, and almost fell backwards when he heard his brother-in-law's words.

"How long have you been training him?" he asked, staring at them in disbelief.

"Hmm, we started training by dawn." Setsuna replied, with a proud smile.

"You're telling me he learnt that in less than two hours." he asked, breaking down into laughter.

"Gods, you've raised yourself a little monster, haven't you?" 

"He is the hope of the Uchiha clan, after all." Setsuna replied smugly.

Kasai then proceeded to stand up and walked towards Izuna, before squatting down to eye level.

"If anything ever happens, I hope you'll look after your cousin Naori, what do you say?"

"Of course, uncle, how could I not protect my new cute little sister." Izuna replied, as he reached out, pulling Naori into a hug, which caused her to flush scarlet.

"You're a good lad, you can come to me if you ever need anything." His uncle said, smiling, while he ruffled his hair.

His uncle stood up, before giving his sister Tsukihi a hug, and shook Setsuna's hand, before saying, "We're off now, it was good to see you again." he said nodding towards them, before turning around and waving, until he suddenly paused. "Naori, make sure to say goodbye to your big brother." he added in a teasing tone.

This caused her to pout yet again as she waved to her aunt and uncle, before she ran over and wrapped Izuna in a hug, before saying, "I'm happy I got to meet you, I hope to see you soon."

"It was lovely meeting you too, until next time." he said with a gentle smile, returning her hug.


Konohagakure - 31st Year of Founding, Mid-Winter

A few months later

Setsuna had always been a very busy man, and only occasionally did Izuna get the chance to see him, let alone receive training from him. But all of this changed after the ceremony, even despite his father's busy schedule, his father would regularly take time to train Izuna over the past few months.

His mother Tsukihi had also decided that once Izuna joined the academy she would be returning to active duty, something that worried Izuna, but she reassured him that as a medic she would be safe, and most of all she was a shinobi of the Uchiha and of the Leaf.

Although this didn't quite placate Izuna's worries, it had meant that Tsukihi had spent most of her remaining free time with him, as she helped him with his Body Flicker Jutsu, before offering to teach him Medical ninjutsu, as it was an excellent way to increase chakra control, alongside keep himself and others safe.

Izuna had always been extremely gifted at Shurikenjutsu since it did not require large amounts of chakra nor an extremely strong body, only a quick mind and fast fingers. 

Even though his chakra reserves had been advanced for his age, At the coming of age rite he had only been able to perform a single overcharged Fireball Jutsu, that had ended up leaving him drained of most of his chakra.

His father knowing this had begun to help him build up his chakra reserves alongside his stamina and strength, alongside finally beginning to teach him the Uchiha Interceptor Fist Taijutsu Style. 

A taijutsu style developed by the Uchiha after generations of stealing the best moves and fight techniques they could see.

Since Izuna's chakra reserves and stamina increased, his proficiency with Ninjutsu had also made great headway, as he could now use the Fireball Jutsu four times before running out of chakra. 

And with his increase in chakra control, he had finally increased the amount of separate Fireballs from five to twelve for the Phoenix Flower Jutsu, alongside learning how to manipulate each individual fireball, much like his father's demonstration.


Uchiha Masaru was sitting at the head of a large table, within the Military Police headquarters, surrounded by the higher-ups and leader of divisions within the Konoha Military Police Force, as he was subjected to yet more torture, in one of the weekly meetings.

Leaning back into his chair as pretends to be listening to their ceaseless bickering while droning them out, while wondering what his wife Hiyori made for lunch, he was disrupted from his important thoughts by one of his subordinates raising their voice as the discussion developed into a heated argument.

Masaru couldn't help but internally sigh, as he sat forward. 


"Yes, clan head." numerous voices echoed in unison.

"What is on the agenda for today's meeting, I'll not have yet another meeting be side tracked, over a petty squabble involving the Senju or Hyuga clan's not showing enough respect."

"Clan head, it's about this year's up-and-coming graduates and new entries into the academy." Hiiragi, the deputy head of the Konoha Military Police Force, responded.

"Go on." Masaru says, gesturing with his hand for him to continue.

"Well, we hear Setsuna's brat is enrolling in the academy." Hiiragi said with a note of animosity in his voice.

"What's the issue?" Masaru asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Surely you've not forgotten Setsuna's ambitions for your position, ever since the ceremony he's been gaining more and more supporters within the clan." 

"I am well aware of Setsuna's character, but tell me why you should fear his son Izuna. He is still a child, and they are open to change, but most importantly is he not a member of the clan, same as yourself?" Masaru responded calmly.

A few murmurers of approval sounded out around the table, while some remained stone faced and silent.

"With his father whispering poison in his ear? We don't know how he will change or what he will be like. What will happen if he starts supporting his father's ambitions, and they begin demanding the clan head position." Hiiragi responded, causing some to stir in approval.

Masaru couldn't help but inwardly sneer looking at Hiiragi, he would have to be a fool to not recognise his ambition. Hiiragi railed on and on about Setsuna's ambitions while hiding his own. Masaru knew he still wished for his son to be the one to marry Mikoto, knowing that whoever did would have the greatest chance of becoming the clan head, succeeding him.

He was too small-minded to be the clan head, and he had only become Deputy Head of the KMPF after Setsuna's resignation, and Masaru chose him to placate some of the elders. He had not forgotten Hiiragi's expression once Izuna had overshadowed his son Akari at the ceremony, nor the resentment that was carried within his eyes. 

Izuna was not his father Setsuna, he could tell that much from the small interaction he had with the boy. Although he couldn't get closer to him due to his position, he was glad to know the boy had struck up a friendship with his daughter Mikoto, no doubt behind his father's back, the thought causing the corner of his lips to curl ever so slightly.

As the sole child of the clan head, there were too many within the clan who had tried to get close to his daughter with ulterior motives, and it had been hard on her once she had realised this, he knew these past few years had been hard on her, so he couldn't help but be glad when he found out she had finally made a friend.

It didn't hurt that the boy was different… he still remembered the day he had met him, he initially had only meant to test the boy, but his talent had intrigued him, and he had continued to go further than he should have. 

He did not miss the fact that the boy had almost awakened the sharingan in their fight, but even that didn't impress him half as much as his character. Most children in his position would have broken down in tears, begging and pleading for mercy, or fought in vain.

But Izuna… he did none of these, a mere child all but laughed in his face as he calmly accepted death. He couldn't help but see himself in the boy, as he remembered his childhood fighting upon the battlefield in the warring states period. Masaru's hand briefly tracing an old scar on his torso, as he recalled the Senju clansmen who had given it to him when he was seven years old, before he gutted the man.

"I've met the boy myself, and he takes more after his mother than father." Masaru said in a firm tone, brokering no disagreement.

"Both of you have a point, but you're also forgetting the threat of the Hokage and his advisors, do you think that they will sit back idly when the boys' talent is exposed, or do you think they will try and sick their claws in like they did to Kagami?" an elder named Hikaru said impartially.

His statement caused the room to fall silent, as bloodlust seeped into the air.

"I agree, which is why I was going to extend the offer that Izuna receive training from the elders of the clan." Masaru replied, while sending Hikaru a meaningful look.

"What? And you think Setsuna would accept?" Hiiragi said laughing.

"Who are you to question the clan head?" Ichirou said accusingly, while glaring at Hiiragi.

"Hiiragi does have a point, Setsuna has long shown disdain for those not in his faction." Yashiro spat out, the white haired man being the youngest present.

"Setsuna is stubborn, but not a fool. He may have some grievances against the clan, but they're miniscule in comparison to the one he has with Tobirama's disciples. No, I think he will drag his feet on the matter and probably ask for some concessions, but he will not be ignorant of the threat posed by the Hokage and his advisors to his son." Masaru argued.