
Naruto: Flames of Causality

War, conflict, death - the world of Naruto was not the sunshine and rainbows the anime had deceptively portrayed, as Izuna got to find out first hand. At least he was not born an orphan. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, this work is fan-made fiction. Please support the official release.

Dionysus7 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 4 - Resolve

Konohagakure - 31st Year of Founding, Early Spring

Uchiha Clan Grounds

Izuna was born with a major Yin imbalance due to his large amount of Spiritual Energy, as a result of his past life and memories, as well-being from the Uchiha clan who inherited the mental aspect of Hagoromo's bloodline.

And the only way to correct his chakra imbalance was by increasing his Physical Energy, which is done through extremely harsh training, as he had to put his body through near torture to increase his Yang affinity to balance out his chakra, and even then it's a never-ending cycle as his Yin Chakra continues to grow rapidly.

When his training had begun, his parents had been delighted at his resolve at training, as most other children often neglected training in favour of more leisurely activities, both of his parents remained proud and encouraged him, while providing what help they could, although his mother couldn't help but worry, as she observed the intensity of his gruelling training, and the effect it had upon his body.

Thus, shortly after when his training had become more and more intensive, and he had been coming home daily covered in bruises, cuts and the occasional fracture, his mother had been devastated to witness her precious little boy in such as state, and thus had signed up at the Konoha Hospital, in order to learn medical Ninjutsu as to help him with his training and help lessen the pain, fatigue and exhaustion he experienced.

After the fire dispersed into the air, he let out a sigh of relief, as the anxiety was lifted from his chest. He was under no illusions the future path would be easy. This was merely the first step on his journey, but he still felt relief over his progress.

Even when his body cried out for him to stop, he had kept moving forward, for this singular moment. It's almost comical. This accomplishment may seem small in the grand scheme of themes, but for him, it would define his path. His encounter with Masaru was only the first sign of vultures circling.

Izuna had considered whether or not to hide his talent, and remain under the radar within the shadows, but he had decided against it. The Uchiha clan, for all its petty squabbles, infighting and faults, doubtlessly would do their utmost to nurture and protect someone who they could see as the future of their clan. 

And for all the disunity within the clan, he knew it would promptly vanish in the threat of a foe, or external threat. So he did not have to fear being persecuted within the village by someone like Danzo just yet.

That is not to say he will not take precautions, but at the very least he doesn't have to fear being coerced or kidnapped and inducted into the Foundation, like countless talented shinobi, civilians and clan alike, or have direct action taken against him.

The situation in Konoha had not yet deteriorated to the extent that it had by the time of the Third Shinobi War, but even still Danzo was a very dangerous adversary, with the Foundation at his command, alongside his own power and sway within the village combined with Hiruzen's seemingly endless trust, it did not bode well given he had inherited the Second Hokage's hatred and distrust of the Uchiha Clan.

And unlike Senju Tobirama, who did not allow the distaste to cloud his judgement, Danzo's judgement has always seemed flawed from what he remembered. 

With one final glance at the lake's shimmering blue surface, he exited the pier and felt the countless gazes from the crowd upon him. Making his way towards the other children who participated in the ceremony, who were huddled around the elders of the clan for the final address and end of the ceremony. 

Izuna had come to realise the Uchiha were extremists. They simply did not do things in moderation. They either loved completely or hated decisively, but most of all they revered the strong.

He had become the centre of attention as he made his way towards the group, and he saw that the children who had looked at him with loathing, envy or disgust earlier now gazed at him with expressions of pride, reverence, curiosity or surprise.

Even many of the elders who doubtlessly had held reservations towards his talent now stood convinced, and changed their faces, most likely throwing their support behind the new clan genius.

It did amuse him to see a few who looked as if they swallowed a lemon, though. Amongst the crowd of proud gazes, he assumed they were not on good terms with his father.

His gaze finally landed upon Masaru, the Clan Head, and he was rather taken aback when he saw the genuine smile upon his face and the curiosity brimming within his dark irises.

This Masaru was… well, even more scary than the monster from yesterday.

"Why is he looking at me like that?" he whispered into Mikoto's ear.

"How would I know?" she hissed back.

"You're his daughter, or did you forget?"

She replied with the signature Uchiha: "Hmph!" and turned her attention away, ignoring him.

Masaru put his hand in the air to signify quiet before walking in front of the group of children as he began his address.

"The rite of passage is a tradition we have adhered to since ancient times. Only by passing this rite can one be considered a true member of our clan. We proudly wear our clan symbol upon our backs because it represents the fan that rouses the flames of our will. When one wears the clan symbol, they represent not only themselves, but the Uchiha as a whole in front of others.

And now you who stand before me are those who are deemed worthy enough to have passed the ritual, and now stand proud members of the Uchiha Clan, with the right to wear the clan symbol upon your back with pride. You have achieved this right not through the circumstances of your birth, but through your own hard work and effort."


Afterwards much of the crowd had begun to trickle away as people returned to go about their daily lives, he had interacted with a few other clansmen who were eager to leave an impression. There had also been seven children who had declared him their rival, before hurriedly leaving to go train presumably, it was an interesting experience to say the least.

Mikoto had begun to open up as they chatted away, while the others departed and, as he had expected, she was lonely and isolated within the clan similar to himself. He could tell she was eager to make a friend behind her icy facade.

Izuna found her amusing, and he lacked a sparring partner his age, so perhaps against his better judgement he had asked her if she wanted to be his friend and if so, to train together some time, to which she readily agreed.

He would have to take special care that his father didn't find out, though. The last thing he needed was a lecture about consorting with those his father deemed unworthy. He loved his father, but honestly, the man was galling sometimes.

The Uchiha clan was divided into many factions over ideologies and self interests. His own father, Setsuna, is the leader of one of the largest factions within the clan, and they are hardliners whose ideology inherently prioritises the clan over the village and dislikes the Senju establishment, overall it is more in line with Madara's original doctrine of thought. 

Although this may appeal to a lot of the older shinobi with grudges or hatred and the younger generation filled with arrogance and pride, or those who wish for the good old days, it also causes them to be regarded with disdain, suspicion and distrust by those whose ideology is opposed.

He is often treated as the heir to his father's faction, guilty by association, thus this label directly affects how he will be treated and perceived within and outside the clan. Unless he is able to make a reputation for himself and pave his own path, he will forever be limited by petty squabbles and old grudges. 

His father complains about his lack of friends, then seems to forget he is a big reason for the lack of options. Outside of Naori, most of the other kids he was introduced to were dumb as stone and extremely irritating, blabbering about their own superiority, or the clan, the clan, the clan. 

Honestly, he began to sympathise with Itachi at this point. Izuna thought that if he was forced to interact with these people daily, he couldn't say what he would do.

Eventually, his parents, alongside his uncle and Naori, arrived. Thankfully, most of the people had already left because his mother almost immediately started to embarrass him as she loudly boasted about her little genius and how proud she was, while smothering him with affection. Honestly, sometimes he couldn't believe she was an Uchiha. Aren't they meant to be a bunch of Tsundere's or something?


After a while they arrived back at their home, his mother had planned a celebratory dinner, and his uncle had agreed to come, as he hadn't had much time to catch up with his sister or brother-in-law, and he saw it as a way for Naori to make a friend her age.

Naori and Izuna also became closer as they engaged in conversation most of the journey home, while the adults talked to each other. While occasionally his father ruffled his hair, when there was a lull in the conversation. His smile was ever present on his face the whole trip home.

Eventually they arrived in the house, and before they sat down to eat dinner, his father emerged from his parent's room with a shirt similar to the one wearing, but the only difference was that the Uchiha crest was present on the back. 

He quickly removed his shirt before taking the new one from his father, while his parent's and uncle looked at him proudly, with a reminiscent smile upon their face, no doubt remembering their own rite of passage ceremony, after putting on his new shirt, he took a seat down between his mother and Naori, and they dug into the feast.

Izuna had only learnt the three basic techniques alongside the Fireball Jutsu, and he had been looking forward to expanding his Ninjutsu repertoire. His parents, however, had firmly refused to teach him anything else until he passed the rite of passage, to make sure he didn't split his attention.

Due to their unwavering resolve in the decision, he had been forced to acquiesce to their demands, and instead had busied himself with revising and studying the theory behind some of the techniques or brushing up on chakra theory. He would start at the Academy in a few months, and had managed to persuade his mother, by the power of puppy eyes, for her to procure him material relating to the curriculum.

  Izuna's meta knowledge may help in certain aspects, but he was woefully ignorant of the world itself, so he threw himself into his studies with a mad fervour, as the past two years he studied; The history of the shinobi since the age of the Sage of Six Paths. Alongside each nation's laws, customs, traditions. The many current and former alliances and treaties between nations and clans. 

Once he had finished with those studies, he moved onto the academy's curriculum as he began to study advanced techniques, strategies in fighting, tracking, trap making, survival techniques, recovery methods, rescue techniques and various signals alongside a few other elective topics. On top of reviewing his knowledge of mathematics, finance, literature, biology, and medicine.

And after he was done with the academy's curriculum, he had expanded his research to Ninja beasts, summoning contracts and clans. Advanced Chakra Theory, Nature Transformation, Fuinjutsu and many other topics pertinent to his future as a shinobi. 


When they had finished dinner, it was already dark, and his parents offered his uncle to stay the night, which, after some convincing, they agreed. The adults began reminiscing and drinking in the living room, while he and Naori went to his room. They continued their chat, and played a few games. They talked long into the night before falling asleep.

When Izuna awoke, he felt a strange weight on his chest and turned his head, to see Naori still asleep, using him as a body pillow. He spent the next few minutes prying her from him, while making sure not to wake her.

Silently exiting his room, he entered the living room only to see his uncle Kasai sprawled on the ground beside a couple of empty sake bottles, while his parents were asleep on the couch, with his mother curled within his father's arms, gently snoozing. 

Tip-toeing silently, he approached the couch and began to poke his father's sleeping face repeatedly, until he stirred and opened his eyes, as he was greeted by Izuna's face, staring at him expectantly.

"Training, now."

"What time is it?" his father asked, yawning.

"Training time." he replied with a blank expression.

"Do you have to do this now?" his father said, gesturing towards the sleeping people.

"No, but sooner is better, and anyway, you said you would train me after the ceremony." Izuna replied excitedly.

"Okay… give me five minutes and then meet me outside." Setsuna said in a defeated voice.