
First mission

After the night when Minato was beaten to pulp by Kushina several days have passed and Minato had been forgiven by Kushina much to the relief of the villagers who hear someone screaming in the night.

Right now Haruto and his squad are in the Hokage's office in their Anbu gear as they have been called by Minato for a very important mission.

Minato who was doing some paperwork stopped and looked at the four anbu standing in front of them and said, "I have just recieved a mission about being someone's bodyguard and I want your team to do it."

Kakashi was about to question him but stopped when Minato threw a scroll towards him. Kakashi caught the scroll and then Minato said, "Read the information and you will understand why I am asking your team."

Kakashi nodded and started reading the scroll. After he read the scroll he looked towards Minato and nodded and left with his team. When they reached the anbu headquarters Kakashi looked towards them.and said, "The one who we have to guard is the daimiyo of the fire country and it looks like someone is planning an assassination attempt on him, so even if we want to we cannot refuse this mission."

They all sighed and stared to prepare for the mission. After completing their preparations they all assembled at the village gate waiting for their captain.

"My bet is on he will say that a black cat crossed his path." said Haruto and looked at the other two. "No he will say that the bridge was broken." said Itachi while nodding his head. "Nah he will say that a granny wanted his help." said Shisui with his hands on the back of his head.

Right now all three of them were waiting for Kakashi and were discussing what excuse he will give this time. They didn't had to wait for long as Kakashi came soon after that and said, "Sorry I am late a black cat crossed my path and I had to turn around and came here from the different route."

Both Itachi and Shisui looked towards Haruto who was showing them the victory sign. Both of them sighed in defeat and gave him the money which they were betting. Kakashi who was confused about what was happening here shrugged it off and then they all started to move.

After traveling and stopping some bandits on the way they reached their destination after a day's travel.

When they entered the city Kakashi went directly to the daimiyo's castle while the rest of them went to find an inn for themselves.

After a few hours Kakashi came to the Inn and gave them the details about the mission. They will be travelling from the land of fire to the land of wind and the four of them along with their other guards will be there for protection of the daimiyo.

When the morning arrived the four of them readied themselves and immediately arrived at the castle.

During the journey many bandits and rouge shinobi tried to attack them but were stopped by the four of them. They made several stops during the journey during the journey much to the dissapointment of the four of them as they wanted to go back to the village sooner.

As they crossed the border of the land of fire the number of attacks and sandy terrain made them more tired out then usual. Just when they thought that they could rest a bit the strongest enemy they had yet faced attacked them.

A man with a slightly tanned skin and his face covered in a black mask blocked their path. He asked in a cold voice, "Is this the caravan carrying the daimiyo?" The one to answer him was a royal guard and he said, "Yes it is now bow Infront of him."

Hearing him the other guard looked proud but the four anbu gave the man a look which said 'really' under their mask. They thought that how can he be so stupid to give their identity like that.

The man who heard the guard snorted and said, "Control yourself trash or you might die before you know it."