
First day in the new family

Some time later after the meeting was over and everyone was gone Haruto woke up. When he woke up he saw Minato was doing some paperwork and Kushina was playing with Naruto. He stood up and rubbed his eyes and asked, "where is everyone Minato-Sama wer- -" before he could complete his question Minato interrupted him and said, "from now you cannot call me Minato-Sama, you will call me dad understood."" And you will call me mom" said Kushina. Haruto smiled and nodded.

Seeing this both smiled and Minato said, "the meeting is over, we should go back now." Both Kushina and Haruto nodded and came closer to Minato. Minato placed his hands on their shoulders and they teleported back to their home.

Kushina said, "since Haruto joined our family let's have a feast tonight." To this idea Minato smiled and nodded in approval.

Kushina handed Naruto to Minato and said, "ok I am going to buy stuff for tonight." Minato nodded. Haruto looked towards Kushina and pulled her clothes lightly. Feeling a tug on her clothes Kushina looked down and asked, "what happened Haruto, something you want?" Haruto said, "can I come with you mom."

Hearing him say mom Kushina got overjoyed and hugged him tightly and said, "of course you can come." Haruto was hugged tightly and was unable to breathe. Seeing this Minato made a wry smile and said, " Kushina I think you are choking him." Hearing this Kushina immediately released him. Haruto was taking deep breaths and looked at Minato and said, "thank you for help dad." Minato had the same reaction as Kushina but instead of hugging him he just rubbed his head lightly.

When Haruto and Kushina were about to leave Minato suddenly asked, "is it okay to call Kakashi and his friends." Kushina smiled and said, "it's okay you can call them" and left the house.

In the streets of Konoha:

Haruto along with Kushina was walking on the streets enjoying the sights seeing his delighted expression Kushina was also happy and was giving him some information about various places they visited.

Kushina was shopping a lot as all the things they bought were stored in Haruto's dimension. When Haruto was storing some of the stuff a boy wearing black clothes and had black hair was looking at him he was little older than Haruto. When he was done he looked towards the boy and then moved his gaze towards Kushina who looked at someone and started moving in the direction in which she was looking. Seeing her mom move Haruto followed her.

"How have you been Mikoto" asked Kushina looking towards a beautiful lady with black hair holding a baby in her hands, the boy who was previously looking at Haruto was also with her.

Haruto now observed the boy, he looked slightly older than him and had a mature expression on his face. The boy also observed Haruto carefully.

"Hello Kushina I have been fine, how is the baby you were looking forward to?" asked Mikoto with a smile on her face. "Naruto is fine and is healthy, thanks for asking" sad Kushina. Haruto was now looking at the lady who talking to Kushina.

Mikoto noticed him and looked towards Haruto and smiled. Haruto got startled and bowed towards her immediately. Seeing this both Kushina and Mikoto laughed.

Kushina said, "introduce yourself to them" pushing him slightly at the back. Haruto bowed and said, "nice to meet you I am Haruto Uchiha Uzumaki." Hearing his name Mikoto opened her eyes widely and looked at Kushina.

Kushina noticed her gaze and said, "He was my nephew who came to the village after his parents' death and we adopted him as our child."

Hearing his middle name the boy with Mikoto got surprised and said, "nice to meet you too my name is Itachi Uchiha, hope we get along well." Itachi moved his hand forward and Haruto grabbed his and and said, "I hope so as well Itachi-san."

Seeing their reactions both Mikoto and Kushina smiled in unison. Mikoto came forward and said, we "nice to meet you Haruto-chan Mikoto Uchiha, Itachi's mother hope we can get along." Haruto smiled and nodded and then tried to peek at the baby in her hands.

Seeing this she bent a little so that Haruto can see him. "His name is Sasuke, be nice to him as well." Haruto nodded. Sasuke opened his eyes and looked at Haruto. He observed Haruto for sometime and then moved his hands towards him. Seeing this everyone smiled except Itachi who was feeling envious of Haruto.

Haruto moved his hand towards him and Sasuke instantly grabbed his finger. Seeing this Haruto got surprised but smiled when he saw Sasuke playing with his finger.

Itachi came near him and said, " I will not lose to you" and went back to his position. Seeing this Mikoto laughed and said, "no need to get envious over it Itachi you can all be like brothers." Hearing this Haruto made a big smile and said, "then I will call you Itachi-ni san."

Hearing this Itachi smiled and said, " then it's okay I will allow it." Hearing itachi's comment the two mothers laughed loudly making Haruto and Itachi look at them with a confused expression.

Mikoto asked, "so what are you doing here today." "We were shopping and I was guiding Haruto around the village" said Kushina. Hearing her answer Mikoto asked, "but I do not see you carrying anything." To her question Kushina pointed at Haruto and said, "everything is stored in his space-time jutsu."

Hearing this Haruto brought out a bag from his space and showed them making them surprised but they got shocked when they saw his eyes and asked, " he has awakened his sharingan already?" To her question Kushina nodded and said, "you can ask Fugaku more about it if you want to."

Suddenly Kushina clapped her hands and said, "hey why don't you and you family come for a dinner at our place we are having a party for Haruto joining our family." "We will come if you insist but I will help you in preparing as well." Hearing them Haruto yelled, "me too." Seeing this Itachi said, "I will help too." Seeing this both women chuckled and said okay and then went their own ways.