
Naruto FanF: Bratva

The pain was excruciating at first. Alexender had been shot and felt the worst pain that a human can feel in their body. Then, it started burning like there was a hell in his abdomen. But after a moment, there was nothing. Only numbness thanks to his adrenaline. Despite the pain, he kept fighting for the sake of his unit and the mission. Even if he was the last operative left, he would complete the mission. In his attempt to avenge his fallen comrades, he fell into a trap. There were numerous contacts waiting for him, ready to finish him off the moment he entered the perimeter. A mere second, there was a moment when he thought the mission would be successful. he thought his comrades wouldn't have died in vain, and he could finally return home to take care of his little brother. He could even start a family and close his life in peace with someone who accepted him. But it was all just an illusion. A teams of French legionaries were pointing their newly acquired HK14 rifles at him. They were shouting in a language that three years ago he would have just laughed at their accent. Alexender tried to take out his stolen Glock to fire his last bullets, but he couldn't feel his whole body. Looking down, he could see six to ten bullet holes in his abdomen. He fell backward, his vision blurring as the life began to leave his body. Even though he couldn't feel anything in his body, he felt regret, anger, and sadness that he couldn't complete the mission and return the promise that he made to his little brother. Tears streamed down his face, and closed his eyes, waiting for death to come. "Damn, that hurts." "Welcome Alexander Kuznetsov, i have a proposal to you" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realistic naruto oc fan fiction, realistic level up (even if have senju-uchiha blood) and hopefully good fights. I don't own naruto as well as the pics i will use So basically a soldier got reborn in naruto

Rejnid · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 6: Taijutsu

"...Basically, your Taijutsu training is getting started." Said Izuku with seriousness in his eyes. he continued, "The training is simple, we start with basic kata's, later on the day there is a spar between you and me, and every kata you learn, you need to use them. And the moment where you somehow got good in your kata's and the usefulness of the kata's, we will spar with everything you got, now any questions?"

Seeing no reaction from me, he nodded and said "Good, now let's get going, to master this art of taijutsu, you need 2 years of constant training and battle to get used to them and use it freely with your instinct, because sometimes having good instinct without their full usefulness get you killed with high skilled or speed based shinobi, now are you ready?"

"I have a question, why would you learn Senju and Uchiha based Taijutsu when at some point you need the Sharingan, and you said you need to keep it secret in infiltration mission?"

Izuku thought for a moment and responded "Well the sharingan is not necessary needed with our Taijutsu, and even if we need it, we can always apply Genjutsu or seal based to change the color of our eyes or just mask the Sharingan."

"But what if you are against the Hyuuga or even the Uchiha for example, they are known to be immune to the Genjutsu's"

He eyed me weirdly for a moment, then frowned , for some reason there was tenseness in the air, and finally said "Why yes it's true, but there is always other Taijutsu that you can learn, that's why the majority of our operators have at least 2 style of Taijutsu, and a 2nd taijutsu style is not needed for you right now, and like i said, there is seals that mask the eyes, so no worries, but i have to ask, how do you know about the hyuuga's? I understand that you know about the Uchiha's because of our blood, but the Hyuuga?"

I tensed, i wanted to answer that i read it in a book, and get over with, but if he also finished the entire library of the clan, then i am fucked, but i found an option, an bet, he said in our first time that his sensei was an stick-up-in-his-ass genre, and somehow long silky black hair, the perfect description of an Hyuuga, " Well, our first time in the Forest, when you spoke about your genin team, you said that there was a Hyuuga as your teacher, who ocular Dojutsu." the moment i finished, i silently prayed that he forgot everything and buy out my bullshit if the his teacher is indeed a hyuuga.

We remained silent for some time, sweat started to come in my front, my heart beating fast, at last he said "Did I? Well i don't actually remember, i guess it was a long time ago," he smirked and said " anyway, let's get started." He said as he extended an arm for me.

While i relaxed, and took his arm, i found my self in our usual training ground, so we started with the basic stuff, running in place of jogging, lifting, parkour with kunai hit, and finally we started with the shuriken.

At first, every time i use the shuriken i get injured, i really thought that it's not that bad, and easy, because you just have to throw the thing and wait for the hit, but no, with my tinny hand, i kept repeating the technic as instructed, even with the injures, i kept getting healed and continued, over over again until i get it right, but for no prevail, as expected in the first day.

While i get some bull's-eyes, i keep getting injured.

And finally, the kata's, when i saw them, i remembered the discipline of my karate master in my junior high school in my days, while karate was useless in my world, here with the physical enhancement and with chakra, it is really useful, even if i forgot everything, with this new kata's, i can see their usefulness pretty fast, after all, i was the best in street and 1v1 combat in our recruitment days, even if it was mainly some mixed box stuff.

And the spars was, to say the least, painful, him correcting my stance with punches, or twisting my arms if i hit too soon, or kicking me when it's too late, the basic stuff.

And like usual, days turned into weeks, weeks into months, until it became 6 month of constant training, in the pas 30 days, i also started to try and unlock my chakra core.

While in the past i tried to meditate, the technique was not right, i mean when he said that you need to find it by your self, and not waiting for it to come and concentrate only in your breath, i felt dumb, i actually wanted to die and take another chance to redo it, but the deed is done, and it is also for the better because apparently it can damage my chakra pathway or my core in general, but hey, he said that it will come in handy in chakra control, with my ability to full focus thanks to my meditation.

And it was 1 month from being 4 years old, finally, and apparently he said that maybe this year, we will start Kenjutsu, and getting new jutsu's with some chakra control.

But i decided against it and said that i would want to heavily train in chakra control, and when my chakra control is good enough that i can cast C-rank fire jutsu without wasting chakra, i would start to actually learn other jutsu, to say he was surprised was an statement, because no one only him and i got this serious in chakra control in my age.

1 Month later (he is now 4 years old)

Getting up and ready, i got my face washed, showered, and finally got to the kitchen, i saw my mother preparing some sort of cake, not paying attention, i hugged her and jumped to kiss her in the right cheek, and said "Morning mother."

She smiled at me while looking down at me, and kissed my front "Morning Izaku, got a good night?"

I sat in the chair, waiting for everyone to get up, i said "Well, with all of the drill that my brother is getting me into, i can't find a reason why i wont get a good one, so what're you doing?"

"Well i am preparing the cake for you birthday, wanna help me?", while when i was a baby, i got 'surprise' birthday, i now get this kind of birthday, i actually find it better because honestly i don't really like getting a birthday surprise, so i said to my parents in my 3rd birthday that surprise party is not for me and i always remember my birthday.

"Yeah, i actually don't have anything to do until Izuku wake's up and do our routine, so yeah."

She chuckled a bit, and turned to me "Well your brother won't wake up very soon, today's your birthday, so he won't actually train you, he said you need to take some rest."

I sighed and marched beside my mother "Let me help you already, i don't like to be angry this early in the morning."

The morning until noon, i spend helping my mother in preparing the cake and food, well just a bit after i helped my mother, Izuku wake's up, i decided to shut up about his non information sharing that today's not training day like every other.

Later on the afternoon, we got into the groceries, and took some meat and vegetables, while we survived with hunters and farmers, surprisingly we paid with the elemental currency, the Ryo, i don't actually see the reason because of the isolationism, but well, i guess i am too dumb to understand economy. (Take in note that a 'spy' in this clan is not only for information gathering, but also commerce, they import goods secretly from the other nation, and sells their goods to other, so when i say 'spy', i mean infiltration in every aspect of the other nations, here where this clan is supposed to not exist.)

So we got back home, in the way we kept talking, and when we arrived home, i got ready for the birthday 'party', well i can't really call that a party, because we are the only one celebrating it.

Arriving at home, i set the groceries at the table, took a shower, get dressed, and got in the saloon, at that moment i saw my brother and father as well as my mother holding the cake, and setting it in the table, 'God what a drag, an complete embarrassment.'

Izuku seeing my embarrassed face, he smirked and started chanting "Happy birthday to you~" a tick mark appeared in my face when i sat down, "Happy birthday to you~" this time my parents sang with him, an complete utter embarrassment, but good time nonetheless "Happy birthday to you Izaku~ Happy birthday to you~"

Not wanting to break the mood, i smiled a bit, and puff the candle, i got to my mother and kissed her in the cheeks as well as my father saying 'thank you', turning to my brother, i smiled, expecting me to thank him with all those training and the moment passed he waited, i got in front of him, i extended slowly my arms to his head, and double smacked him in the back of his head, he yelled "Ow, what was that for!?"

Looking at him with disinterest and responded "that was all those 2years of clapping and mockeries," i smiled a bit and made the brothers hug, and whispered "Thank you you little piece of shit."

That was my turn to get smacked, i turned to see who's done that, but seeing my very sweet mom smiling like that, i decided to shut up, i forgot that she has good sensations.

The rest of the afternoon was passed in an family like vibe, talking, laughing, stories about childhood, the basic stuff, while i didn't expect to get gifts, i got one from my father about the Uzumaki history, well he said that the Uzumaki part of history in the 3rd shinobi world war was restricted, the other stuff like the contact and establishment is allowed to me, so i just kept it in my kimono and settle for it.

For my mother part, i got an book about chakra control and all their stage of control and exercises, while i didn't get my chakra core opened, i know it will one day come in handy, and she said that she will help me in chakra control or one day if i want to practice Iryoo-nin jutsu, that information surprised me a bit, never seen my mother do medic stuff, but shrugged it off.

Finishing the birthday, we got in our own respective room, while i was going to change, my brother came to me from the window, throwing a kunai at my head, with surprisingly moderate speed, i ducked and the kunai hit the wall behind me with a *Thud* and asked "What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to sleep?" i asked with a bit of annoyance.

He scratched his head with an nervous smile, he said "Well i wanted to give you an present for your birthday."

I shrugged and said "I don't mind honestly, i actually think it is unnecessary, after all you trained me for a bit long, and for you to get rusty for me."

He chuckled a bit and said "We are modest aren't we," he stopped talking for a bit with an confused face, but turned with an annoyed face, crossing arms he said "who said that i was getting rusty for you? well even if the first year and half it was me, but the 6 month of the last training was my shadow clone, meanwhile i was training, to not get 'rusty' like you said."

I sighed and got to the window to close it, i said "Now go get some sleep, i am tired actually, so would you please get out of my room?"

He smirked and grabbed my wrist, and saw that we stopped in a point 4 times, first the street, then the gates, the forest, and finally the place where we always got to rest and talk.

5 seconds later i throw up, while he sometimes Shunshin with me, i was never this dizzy, but somehow, this caused me to throw up, i said with a weak voice "Why would you do that? we could-" i throw up a again "could just walk you know."

In his response i was met with a laugh, when i finished, i found him in the ground dying with laugher, i just rolled my eyes and smacked him, and got seated.

Finally, he stopped laughing and got beside me, "Kami, that was an sight, i really want you to see yourself when you throw up,"

I interrupted with an disgusted face "Disgusting."

"Hey! it's you who thrown up, not me!"

With an tired face i sighed and said "Just spill it already Izuku, you bough me here for a reason."

He just sighed and tool an scroll and tossed it to me, i raised an eyebrow and opened it, and remarked an strange circle and in the middle of it an kanji i couldn't read, immediately i recognized it was an storage scroll, i said "what am i supposed to do with this? i can't even use chakra."

He blinked for a moment, and scratched his back head, with an embarrassed look he said, "Well i forgot that you don't actually use chakra hehehe"

I deadpanned him and said "2 years of constant training and company, and you just forget this piece of information like that? i get hurt knowing my own brother don't know me really well," I sighed and bend the scroll to him, I continued "open it already."

He nodded, and extended an arm to the place where the kanji is, a moment later, a smoke explosion took in the scroll, when the smoke cleared, my eyes widened.

Izuku smiled and said "Glad you appreciated it, this tanto was important for me, it was a gift for my birthday from a friend of mine, i pass it to you, after all i don't use a tanto too much, maybe you would."

I took the tanto, unsheathed the blade, and inspected it, for a moment my eyes was wide, then i posed the tanto in the ground sheathed, i hugged him saying "Thank you brother, i will never forget it."

He chuckled a bit and hugged me back, "No need to be this thankful brother," we separated, him keeping an hand on my head, ruffling it, "now let's get going, mother and father will freak out when they will not sense us, let's go."

I nodded to him, and got up, this time walking with the full moon projecting our path, we ended in the ghost like street, and finally home.

He touched my shoulders, then found my self in my room, i turned to him and said "Good night brother."

"Good night Izaku." with that, he disappeared, i got dressed in night cloth, and got to bed.

Tomorrow hopefully, will start my Kenjutsu training if my guess were right, he closed his eyes, letting the melody of the night take him to the land of dreamland, he slept.


Huh finally, please if you liked don't forget to write an review and speak of any issue concerning the story, it is my first Naruto story, so please take care of me.

2479 words, noice.