
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 70

"Die by my sword?"

By now, Kaito had a pretty good idea of what was going through Fugaku's mind, a realization that left him somewhat amused but also somewhat helpless.

Apparently, this guy was teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown!

Fugaku Uchiha was just like Itachi Uchiha. They were both people of strong resolve, determined to put into action whatever they set their minds to.

For instance, after Shisui's death, when the spirit faction switched sides to become the bloods, he paid the price for his indecisiveness and was forced to become the leader of the bloods.

After becoming the leader, he indeed did a lot and made tangible preparations for the family coup.

However, on the night of the clan's annihilation, when he could clearly prevent Itachi Uchiha, he suddenly had another mental breakdown.

After viewing the so-called future of the village provided by Itachi, in a fit of madness, he waited for death along with his wife.

Kaito found these puzzling behaviors of Fugaku somewhat unsurprising.

And his choice this time, if Kaito wasn't mistaken, was both a blessing and a potential misfortune for him.

"Yes, let me die by your sword. It's a form of redemption for me. I led the clan to this point, and it's a state of affairs that I cannot undo, even in death."

Fugaku Uchiha could see that Kaito was deep in thought, even if his expression seemed somewhat strange, but he continued to speak regardless.

"But, Kaito, the Uchiha clan now has you, who possess such determination and strength at such a young age. You would make a qualified clan leader.

But becoming a clan leader requires prestige. Killing me would grant you the greatest prestige, enough to make those people fear you, worry about you, and most importantly, acknowledge you.

By using my death to forge a new Uchiha, I would die without regrets!"

Just as expected, it was really like this!

Kaito's mouth twitched slightly, looking at Fugaku Uchiha who was already resolved to die, and for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Perhaps this was how Fugaku dealt with the mad Itachi Uchiha, telling him 'you're a gentle child, go ahead'?

What a lunatic!

Indeed, getting rid of Fugaku Uchiha could instill fear in the Uchiha elders like Uchiha Sō and Uchiha Takechi, earning him unimaginable prestige.

He could even achieve the degree of absolute authority that Uchiha Madara had in the clan assembly. But the troubles this would bring were also unimaginable.

Openly killing a former clan leader would undoubtedly leave deep resentment in the hearts of the Uchiha elites, even Shisui might have objections.

Not to mention, attacking a member of your own clan is a thing that is deeply disliked, because everyone shares the same bloodline.

Even though Kaito always preaches 'persuade with reason', he had never actually taken a life, even if he had indeed considered getting rid of some disobedient people.

But that's always the last resort, and his very restrained targets are only those 'spiritual leaders', especially since his actions are all for the sake of the Uchiha clan.

He's not Itachi Uchiha, who could lay his hands on the entire clan for an elusive reason, even acting on behalf of outsiders without considering other methods.

Apart from that, Kaito also had to consider his forcefully bound system, wondering what kind of negative feedback it would give him if he took out Fugaku Uchiha.

"Alright, I think I've made myself clear."

Just as Kaito was inwardly complaining, Fugaku Uchiha spoke again.

"So, next...."

"Why should I listen to you?"

Kaito, having snapped back to reality, interrupted Fugaku Uchiha, then spoke up directly in the face of his startled expression.

"If I am to become a clan leader, I should do so upright and honorably. I don't need to take you down to gain prestige!

That's why I said you're not a qualified clan leader, you simply lack the conviction a clan leader should have.

Because you've made such huge mistakes that brought the clan to this point, and this isn't something you can absolve by dying after failing as a clan leader.

Why don't you think about how to help me, how to make the Uchiha rise and become great again, instead of constantly seeking death?"

At this point, Kaito paused briefly, then let out a light chuckle.

"Also, why do you think I need you to go easy on me to win? You're really underestimating me!"

As his words fell, Kaito silently activated 'Secret Technique: Steadfast Will.' At that moment, Kaito felt all his negative effects being purified.

In this moment, his mind was incredibly clear, his spirit power intensely focused.

In his eyes, he could see a world interwoven with black and white, and a still world intertwined with myriad blades and blazing flames.

Lifting his head slightly, the Sharingan in Kaito's eyes spun rapidly, terrifying chakra surging unstoppably.

Once his chakra had reached its peak, he suddenly lifted his hand!

In this instant, within this space of black and white, the sun-like moon in the sky was instantly stained red.

This blood-red sun gave this black and white interwoven space an unusual aura.

In just a moment, this blood-red sun turned into a scarlet eye, emitting endless crimson, staining the entire world in blood in an instant!

In the blood-red sun-eye, there was a strange Sharingan pattern slowly spinning.

That appearance was exactly Kaito's Sharingan!


Uchiha Fugaku, upon seeing the scene before him, was first taken aback, then his expression completely changed, as he found he had lost control of this illusionary space!


Suddenly, a sound like shattering glass instantly resounded, and this black and white interwoven space had begun to show countless cracks.

These cracks spread wildly like a spider's web, and within the crevices of the cracks, shards akin to broken glass were falling.

"Clink! Clink....."

The shattering sounds became more frequent, more piercing, and this black and white world began to emit an unusual radiance.

Until everything disappeared, the world returned once more to the starting point, Kaito's third phase of the Sword Dance in the real world had already silently swung out.

Moreover, this time, the figure of the Susano'o had already appeared on his body!


The blade harshly slammed onto Uchiha Fugaku's Susano'o, the third phase of the Sword Dance formed a sky full of sharp blades, causing more cracks to appear on his Susano'o.

And then Kaito's deep blue Susano'o also seized the opportunity to launch an attack. That no-nonsense punch, with the assistance of 'Reverse Path', seemed to possess the power to split mountains.

Under such an instantaneous outburst, the earth seemed to be wildly swaying, and Uchiha Fugaku's Susano'o was directly shattered!

Uchiha Fugaku's condition seemed very poor at this point, blood traces had already appeared at the corners of his eyes, and the moment his Susano'o was shattered, he was no longer able to resist.

Quickly controlling his Susano'o, he reached out a hand and caught the flying Uchiha Fugaku, thus preventing him from falling into the sea of fire.

Looking at the extremely weak but still lucid Uchiha Fugaku, Kaito suddenly revealed a smile.

"I told you, you underestimated me, didn't you?"

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but show a bitter smile. He didn't say anything but simply nodded firmly.

Also, at this moment, the watching members of the Uchiha clan seemed to come to their senses from this bizarre and shocking battle.

What followed was a sky full of cheers, and the shouts from Uchiha Sō and Uchiha Takechi —

"The winner, Uchiha Kaito!"


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