
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 29

Silver moonlight illuminated the earth as Kaito leisurely walked out of Uchiha Sō's room.

As for what results the conversation with Uchiha Sō would yield, truth be told, Kaito didn't know. Even though Uchiha Sō seemed to waver now, making a final decision was not a simple matter for him.

Their faction was a whole, to put it bluntly, an interest group with a common belief. It's hard to say whether they were the ones who refused to follow when Uchiha Itachi left years ago.

Wanting them to change their beliefs was not an easy task. After all, they are not like Shisui. Shisui, at his age, still knows to rectify his errors when he's wrong.

But for them, even if they knew, there always seemed to be an invisible hand pushing them from behind, making it impossible for them to change. They could only walk further into the darkness.

Or perhaps their deep-seated beliefs did not permit them to change. They have persisted for a lifetime already. If they were to change just because of a few words, it would likely be too unrealistic.

"After all, everyone has some unyielding part within their hearts. Even if it's wrong, they still harbor a mentality of wishful thinking. Just like how I know my fondness for legs is somewhat odd, but I still can't change it."

Kaito muttered quietly in his heart, then saw Shisui waiting at the entrance, which made him reveal a smile.

"Thank you." Kaito walked over and directly began to speak, "You seem to be in a hurry. You can rest a bit before getting started."

"There's no time for rest. The clan's affairs are keeping me up at night." Shisui shook his head, his words serious. "I heard all of your conversation, Kaito. You're really amazing!"

Looking at Shisui in this state, Kaito couldn't help but find it a bit amusing. He really didn't want to get involved in this troublesome business.

You should know that if it weren't for this blasted system forcibly kidnapping him, he might have already fled from Konoha and hidden himself in a quiet place by now.

On his free days, he could bask in the sun while reading "Intimate Paradise," or perhaps go fishing by the river—wouldn't that be relaxing and satisfying?

How different it is from his current state, what with missions to eliminate Cloud and Mist ninja, and then constantly playing the role of a political teacher to explain dialectical materialism to Shisui.

Not only that, he has to act as a spiritual mentor, filling Shisui with motivational quotes and painting rosy pictures, and even playing the fortune teller to guide Shisui's prediction of the future.

In addition to all this, he has to make plans, and upon his return, he has to meet this pesky elder to discuss the future.

All these chaotic matters are so numerous and troublesome that, if it weren't for the sake of his own life, Kaito would be happy to leave them to anyone else.

"There's nothing amazing about it, it's all for the peace of the clan and the stability of the village." Even though he was unhappy inside, Kaito still knew how to say the right thing in public, "But, I'll repeat what I said earlier, one must know when to relax. Constant tension will only make you more prone to breaking and shattering. Learning to rest is the real key."

"Alright, but I might need to return to the Anbu in a few days." Shisui sighed slightly, before continuing, "After I return to the Anbu, my time will be even more limited. Even if I wanted to quit the Anbu, it would take time to go through the procedures, which is why I'm in such a rush."

Kaito had some understanding of just how busy the tasks in the Anbu were, even if he'd never been part of the Anbu himself.

Looking at the frequent disappearances of Shisui and Itachi was enough to understand. Moreover, their disappearances weren't a matter of just a few days. Sometimes it could be a week, or in longer cases, it could extend over a month.

Now is a critical period for the clan, and once he returns to the Anbu, he'll be busy.

There are many things he won't be able to handle, and he won't be able to see Kaito's actions in the coming days. You can imagine his inner anxiety.

However, this is also something that can't be helped, it was his choice in the first place, who could he blame?

In fact, Kaito had also considered using the most direct and violent means, such as using the Mangekyō Sharingan with Shisui to declare martial law within the clan.

He could take out all the disobedient people, and then force Uchiha Fugaku to abdicate.

After all, there's an inherently submissive trait in the Uchiha clan, perhaps this approach could directly solve the problem.

But the problem is, while such a method might allow him to seize power, the act of using force to make everyone submit, regardless of whether these people are willing or not, it's uncertain whether Shisui would agree.

Even if Shisui agreed, the chain reaction brought about by Kaito's action is not something he's willing to face.

A slap often has the greatest deterrent when it's being raised. Once it's actually delivered, all that's left is pain and resentment.

This is why Kaito, even knowing this method is effective, basically didn't consider it, and even his desire to act against the spiritual leaders of the various factions within the clan is low.

If time could be rewound a few years back, before the Night of the Nine Tails when Orochimaru was still in the village, Kaito would not hesitate to act against these people. After all, he could put the blame on Konoha and Orochimaru.

Moreover, back then it was during the era of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, who bore no ill will towards the Uchiha. Under his rule, the Uchiha lived fairly well.

But now everything has changed, and he naturally can't act in the same way anymore.

If Kaito were as cold, arrogant, and readily aggressive as Danzo, it would incite an instinctive resistance in everyone.

Nobody likes to live in the shadow of fear, and this is irrespective of strength; it's simply human nature.

"Besides, such an approach won't win me people's hearts. How am I to start a revolution if people aren't united? The Mangekyō Sharingan is not omnipotent after all."

Kaito sighed inwardly, this is also why he's still following the rules for now.

Of course, if the situation really evolves to a point of no return, then he won't bother about these complexities anymore.

His own life is tied up with the clan now, how could he let them act recklessly?

If they die, they die. If he dies, it's a huge loss. Rather than waiting for Konoha to act and kill everyone, Kaito would prefer to do it himself!

At least if they die by his hand, they could be considered the foundation for the future prosperity of the clan.

Thinking about this, Kaito's resolve strengthened. He had already had some thoughts previously, but after today's meeting, he had completely made up his mind.

As the old saying goes, one should use courtesy before resorting to force. If you don't heed reason, then don't blame me!

"Take care of the matters concerning the Anbu as you see fit. If you decide to leave, then go ahead," Kaito spoke after pondering for a while, "You've worked hard, Shisui."

"Mm, I know. I will handle these matters properly," Shisui earnestly nodded. Then, as he saw Kaito walking towards the outside, he couldn't help but curiously ask, "Where are you going this late?"

"Naturally, I want to test my swordsmanship and abilities. Would you like to spar with me?"

"I see, no wonder you're so strong. You've always been training diligently. No problem, I'll report back and then come."

"I'll be waiting for you at training ground three. Oh, and remember to bring a ninja sword for me."


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