
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 26

"You, didn't I tell you? It's best not to get involved with him."

After leaving the Ichiraku Ramen Shop, Nara Yaneko gave Kaito a very dissatisfied glare. Apparently, she had not expected Kaito to do such a thing.

In Yaneko's memory, Kaito had always been a very, very intelligent person, and he was also very kind to people, always calm in his actions.

It was hard to see that he was a member of the Uchiha clan. His insight and judgment even earned the admiration of Yaneko from the Nara clan.

Only after a few years of not seeing him, she met Kaito today, and she found that he was still the same as before, but his mind seemed to have changed.

He had become stupid!

Who was that little brat just now?

Although it was not allowed to be discussed in the village, and the villagers took the rumors as fact, considering Naruto to be the incarnation of the Nine-Tails.

But the reality was not far from that, because Naruto was the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails. Inside him was sealed a Nine-Tails!

And on the night of the Nine-Tails incident, the involved ninja all saw the reflection of a pair of scarlet Sharingan patterns in the eyes of the Nine-Tails.

What did this imply? It implied that the Nine-Tails was being controlled, and the one controlling the Nine-Tails was an Uchiha!

Even though many years have passed, the scene of the Nine-Tails rampaging through Konoha and causing the death of the Fourth Hokage and his wife is still vivid in the memory of all the villagers.

The destruction caused by the Nine-Tails can be said to be the first time the village of Konoha suffered such a severe attack.

Even if ordinary people didn't know that the Nine-Tails was being controlled, would the high-ranking officials of Konoha not know about these things? What does it mean for you, an Uchiha, to interact with the Nine-Tails?

Such behavior is hardly different from courting death!

"I know, I know, rest assured, I'm aware of what I'm doing."

Facing the nagging Nara Yaneko, Kaito shook his head somewhat helplessly. He wasn't angry because he knew this was Yaneko's way of showing concern for him.

When others showed kindness towards him, Kaito would not find it troublesome or annoying.

The sage once said: Repay resentment with justice, and repay kindness with virtue.

Although Kaito knew the original meaning, he preferred to understand it as: 'If others are good to you, be good to them in return. If others are not, deal with it accordingly.'

Even though it was somewhat twisting the sage's words, Kaito still adhered to his own understanding when he acted.

Moreover, he was not unfamiliar with the ancient family teaching of 'repay a drop of kindness with a spring, repay a broken tooth with a skull'.

The Nara clan was quite interesting, once you get to know them and gain their approval, even if they complain about the trouble, they will still find ways to help you.

This was the case with Naruto and Shikamaru in the original work, although every time Shikamaru was dragged into trouble by Naruto, he would do his best to help Naruto.

And the quality of the Nara clan's shinobi has always been commendable. During the Chunin exam, when Shikamaru stayed behind alone, he had prepared himself for the possibility of death.

Fortunately, Asuma arrived in time, otherwise Shikamaru might have really been done for.

"Actually, don't start with me. Have you forgotten that your Shikamaru and that brat from the Akimichi clan are skipping classes together?"

Kaito didn't want to linger on this topic and quickly shifted the conversation to matters concerning Yaneko's family.

"Ah, in our school days, we didn't dare to skip classes. Your younger cousin is quite something."

"Humph, Shikamaru is my cousin, not my little brother. Why should I care about his family's affairs, troublesome or not?"

However, what Kaito didn't expect was that Yaneko didn't bite, leaving him somewhat at a loss.

Thankfully, Nara Yaneko is not the type who insists on having her advice taken to heart. She was simply kindly reminding Kaito.

If Kaito really didn't listen, she wouldn't bother nagging any further. After all, it's not her business, and if she said too much, everyone would be unhappy.

"Alright, alright, it's your business. Handle it as you see fit. But still, consider this a friendly reminder."

Nara Yaneko halted her steps and, after glancing at the surroundings, lowered her voice to the minimum when speaking to Kaito, even covering her mouth with her hand.

"I've heard some rumors, and I can also see for myself that the relationship between your clan and the village has been getting worse and worse.

If possible, I suggest you avoid getting involved in your clan's affairs and find a long-term mission outside the village.

Wait until then to see how things are before making some decisions."

The words of Nara Yaneko were quite cryptic, but Kaito, not being a fool, naturally understood what this young girl was implying.

He hadn't expected Nara Yaneko to give him such advice, but it has to be said that it was a very friendly suggestion indeed.

As for the rumors Yaneko had heard, they were probably based on a combination of some of Nara Shikaku's actions, and an analysis of the current internal environment of the village.

Someone like Nara Shikaku would not easily leak information, of course, it's also possible he wanted to do a favor for the Uchiha.

But Kaito leaned more towards this being something Nara Yaneko had analyzed herself. Being former teammates, he was aware of this young girl's capabilities.

It has to be said that this analysis was very accurate, and her advice was also quite good.

But the key problem is that Kaito can't just run away.

"Your suggestion, are you telling me, if possible, to leave the Konoha?"

Perhaps feeling the topic was too heavy, or perhaps because Kaito himself had plans and wasn't willing to take this up, he said in a joking tone to Yaneko.

"It's up to you. After all, this is just a friendly suggestion of mine. You can take it or leave it. No one is forcing you."

Nara Yaneko glanced at Kaito, then continued walking forward without looking back.

"Hey, if you tell me this kind of thing, can I report you for inciting me to defect?" Kaito caught up with her, chuckling as he asked quietly.

"Besides you and me, did anyone else hear?" Nara Yaneko raised an eyebrow, then looked at Kaito with a puzzled face. "And what are you talking about? Something about defecting?"

After saying this, she continued walking forward, casually waving her hand at Kaito. "I'm going, I'm going home. Hope to see you again next time."

Kaito watched the young girl's retreating figure, a slight smile appearing on his face. After a moment of thought, he suddenly shouted, "Thank you, Yaneko."

Then he too turned and walked towards the Uchiha clan grounds. Originally, his plan was to train, but now he felt a bit of urgency.

He was more interested in returning to the clan to see how Shisui and the elder behind him were doing in their conversation.

And as for training, Kaito thought it was better done with two people, especially considering his training partner could not be weak.

What Kaito did not expect, however, was that when he just arrived at the entrance of the Uchiha clan, Shisui was already waiting there.

"Kaito, come with me. The elder wants to see you."

"Alright, I understand."


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