
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 229

Before Kaito's Susanoo could fully deploy, it was impossible for him to defend against this punch.

However, Kaito's temper was now also aroused; he was not Uchiha Madara, maintaining a playful attitude while his Susanoo was shattered over and over again.

Of course, if he had Uchiha Madara's strength, perhaps he would play that way, but he was neither reanimated through the Impure World Reincarnation.

"So be it."

In this instant, 'The Grand Extinguisher' silently activated, and Kaito's chakra became especially terrifying.

And his Susanoo, almost in the instant when the Fourth Raikage approached, unleashed a gigantic fist, breaking free from the entwining tendrils.


Killer Bee's face drastically changed because he felt Kaito's power erupt once again, even though he had almost fully utilized the Eight-Tails' power, he couldn't restrain Kaito.

The massive fist, devoid of any fanciness, aimed directly at the Fourth Raikage's fist.


The fists collided, a formidable shockwave frenziedly spread from the point of impact.

At this moment, the tendrils beside Kaito were destroyed by the chakra aftershock, while Kaito's figure remained motionless. In contrast, the Fourth Raikage was instantly blasted away.

With a thunderous sound, his figure hit the ground, and a huge crater appeared as a result.

At such a speed, even Killer Bee had no way to protect him with the tendrils; he hastily turned his head and yelled.

"Big brother."

"You better take good care of yourself, Eight-Tails!"

Kaito snorted coldly, and his Susanoo suddenly began to grow wildly.

During the enlargement process, Kaito and his Susanoo simultaneously formed hand signs, and vast chakra filled the sky.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation!"

A fireball, akin to a meteor, was directly expelled from the mouth of Susanoo, which was continuously rising, almost reaching forty meters.

The fireball swiftly fell to the ground, and the next second, the earth was instantly ignited, a vast sea of fire frenziedly spreading in all directions, and a scorching breath enveloped everyone.

"Damn it. Bee!"

Killer Bee was truly out of options at this moment, and all he could do now was to utilize his most potent power.

He had already discussed this with the Eight-Tails and had long been prepared. The moment the Eight-Tails' somber voice echoed in his mind, a massive transformation occurred throughout his body.

"This is."

The chakra, rampant and filled with destructive power, suddenly erupted. Even Kaito, when facing such power, felt a slight unease.

The moment the colossal Eight-Tails appeared in Kaito's eyes, Killer Bee, without hesitation, controlled the Eight-Tails to launch an attack.

"Tailed Beast Bombardment!"

The Eight-Tails let out a roar, and then its tendrils enveloped itself. The keen-eyed Kaito noticed that one of its tendrils also conveniently scooped up the Fourth Raikage from the ground.

Subsequently, the entire tailed beast began to spin at high speed. Its chakra, in conjunction with its unparalleled power, quickly formed a gigantic storm.

Kaito dared not test the power of such a storm, for he remembered that this technique, in the original story, directly obliterated a large forest.


A massive roar reverberated through heaven and earth, and the substantial dust and smoke even blotted out the sky and sun.

Kaito landed steadily in the distance; under the power of 'The Grand Extinguisher', his mobility was assured.

At this moment, his Susanoo had also fully undergone transformation, reaching an unprecedented height even without achieving the fourth stage.

Standing there was a fifty-meter-tall giant covered in armor, with two faces and four hands, like an Ashura, its cold, and destruction-filled chakra soul-stirring.

Kaito stood on the ground, somewhat sighing at this moment because the Susanoo was too tall, and he couldn't reach its head at all.

It would be decent if he could pilot a Gundam to enter the central area, but obviously, he couldn't.

Before reaching the fourth stage, Kaito could only control Susanoo in this posture.

However, he was only slightly sentimental. After dealing with these two, and waiting for the last mark, he could complete the final metamorphosis.

By that time, he will be able to possess the fourth stage of Susanoo!

Besides, battling these two was also a way to enhance and hone Kaito's own combat experience, which he himself quite enjoyed.

However, no matter how much he enjoyed it, he gave it his all. Under his control, all four arms of the Susanoo manifested gigantic chakra ninja blades.

And he himself began to slowly ferment and accumulate natural power, bound to employ Sage Mode at the necessary moment!

After all, neither of the two guys in front of him was easy to deal with.

"Kaito, this guy, how do I get involved in such a fight..."

Far from the battle between Kaito and the Raikage brothers, Shisui, leading Killer Bee's three disciples, and Yaneko, arrived atop a mountain.

Witnessing the distant battle, Shisui was truly filled with emotions as the intense combat once again erupted between Kaito's fully unleashed Susanoo and Killer Bee's full Eight-Tails transformation.

At this point, the battle had somewhat gone beyond Shisui and Yaneko's comprehension, let alone the extent to which those three disciples of Killer Bee were astonished.

Although Yaneko and Shisui had seen Kaito's such battles before, he had almost always been overwhelmingly dominant.

Now, encountering a Tailed Beast, Kaito still seemed so effortless, which was indeed somewhat unbelievable.

For those three disciples of Killer Bee, their bodies couldn't help but shudder at this moment.

Watching the two colossal figures in the distance continuously collide, feeling the terrifying storm each punch brought, seeing each sword swing could tear the earth.

They seriously doubted now whether they had become fake ninjas.

Or perhaps, were the battling parties truly transcending the limits of what ninjas should have, reaching another level?

However, just as this thought emerged, they involuntarily shook their heads.

Even as Cloud ninjas, they had to admit one thing at this point, which was that their teacher was now using the power of the Eight-Tails in battle.

It was natural for a Tailed Beast to erupt with such power, after all, Tailed Beasts were the greatest weapons within the village, the ultimate trump card of each village.

Although ninjas were not without the ability to defeat Tailed Beasts, all of these people were outstanding figures in the ninja world.

And that Uchiha Kaito, he once again raised the upper limit of these people!

He exploded with a strategic capability not inferior to the Tailed Beast, the power he exerted was truly jaw-dropping!

"This truly isn't a power that humans should have."

At this moment, they could only sigh silently in their hearts.

And above the distant forest, the pinnacle duel of the ninjas continued.

This place is for the time being called a forest, after all, it genuinely was one before.

Only now have the trees in this area completely disappeared, with a scorching breath accompanying a constant spread of burnt scent.

The originally flat earth is now full of giant pits and cracks; no matter how you look at it, calling this place hell now would be most appropriate.

Kaito and Killer Bee are now earnestly engaged in battle, with body technique, ninjutsu, and sword technique continually intertwining and continually being countered by each other.

The fast-moving figures of each crossed, the Susanoo's massive swipe came through, bringing infinite might as if to sever everything.

And at the instant the Eight-Tails, controlled by Killer Bee, sidestepped, its eight tails immediately lifted to block this strike harshly.

Simultaneously, its fist also mercilessly smashed towards Susanoo's chest.

The massive wave of energy wildly spread, direct fractures appeared in the ribs at Susanoo's chest, and likewise, the tentacle blocking the ninja blade was directly severed in entirety by Susanoo!

"It hurts, damn guy!"

The Eight-Tails' painful voice echoed in Killer Bee's mind. Although the tentacle can recover, it takes a very long time.

Killer Bee is also helpless, facing such an offensive, he really cannot guarantee not being injured.

But he doesn't have the time to pay full attention to Killer Bee's situation now; seizing this close-up opportunity, he immediately manipulates the tentacle towards Susanoo's other arms.

However, at this moment, after experiencing such a long battle, Kaito has essentially become familiar with the Eight-Tails' combat mode.

He snorted coldly and, without hesitation, turned around, taking the impact of the Eight-Tails' attack to withdraw, while the other three arms swiftly swung the blade, not letting the Eight-Tails' tentacles touch him.

"But fighting like this, it's no way to go."

Controlling Susanoo to swiftly exit the center of the battle circle, Kaito couldn't help but softly sigh in his heart.

Although at this moment, his defense and attack power when facing the Eight-Tails wouldn't be weak, it is very difficult for him to deliver a fatal blow to the Eight-Tails.


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