
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 227

A and Killer Bee leaped backward simultaneously, choosing completely different directions.

Black-and-white flames brutally struck the octopus tentacles, and immediately a scent as if something were being charred began to spread relentlessly.

After being scorched by the flames, these tentacles quickly turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared on the spot.

A was enveloped by the thick smoke, utterly oblivious to Killer Bee's current location, and similarly, he was unaware of where Kaito was.

However, he knew he must be immensely vigilant, especially given his present dire situation.

"That damn technique, its defensive power is somewhat exaggeratedly excessive."

A tightly clenched his fist, and in an instant, a heart-piercing pain surged through him.

Gazing at his slightly twisted right arm, A heaved a heavy sigh, the arm, already seemingly fractured, was now in an even more pitiable state.

Moreover, his situation was not merely confined to the right arm; his entire body had absorbed that fierce blow from Susanoo.

Under such an attack, his Lightning Release Armor was directly shattered!

Although he survived, his overall condition was far from optimal.

"Also, how did he manage to dodge B's encirclement?"

While A cautiously observed the rustling of the surrounding grass and wind, he rapidly pondered in his mind.

Under such circumstances, even if he burst forth at his fastest speed, it truly wasn't guaranteed to dodge it in time.

Yet Uchiha Kaito did it, and moreover, took the opportunity to launch an attack against them, which left A genuinely puzzled.

"Is it sheer speed, or a pre-prepared Body Replacement Technique, Clone Technique, or is it..."

When A thought up to this point, his heart began to sink continuously. Of course, he thought of a possibility, a possibility he really did not want to confront.

That is, Space-Time Ninjutsu!

The Leaf Village having Space-Time Ninjutsu was not a secret at all, even they in the Cloud had actually developed it a long time ago.

However, the Space-Time Ninjutsu they developed demanded too high a physical quality; it can be said to be entirely impractical.

However, the Leaf is different; even in single combat, their Space-Time Ninjutsu can be utilized.

Minato Namikaze in the past had used that Flying Thunder God Technique, fiercely leveling him and B.

"Could it be, it really is Space-Time Ninjutsu?"

A clenched his fist, but just then, a strong wave of chakra surged around him.

His expression shifted rapidly, subsequently making a fierce leap, but his movement was, after all, slightly too slow.


The sharp blade viciously shaved towards his body, and even though he was shielded by chakra armor, an admittedly deep gash was inevitably left.

Blood swiftly oozed from his back, his only consolation at this moment being his quick reaction and speed, otherwise, this strike would have landed on his neck!

"Quite the fast response."

Kaito's voice once again emerged by his ear, Kaito standing quietly in place as if he had always been there.

"As expected, Space-Time Ninjutsu!"

At this juncture, the Fourth Raikage was completely certain; the figure before him indeed possessed this terrifying power!

That ghost-like silhouette, truly, could not be described by speed alone.

"Uchiha Kaito, it seems the entire shinobi world has underestimated you."

"I suppose so, but not really."

Kaito gently shook his head, calmly looking at the Fourth Raikage, even allowing a faint smile to linger on his lips.

"I have never cared whether others look down upon me, after all, if possible, I prefer not to resort to violence.

However, as a ninja, especially a ninja from a village, many things are beyond our control."

Kaito's words rendered A somewhat silent; indeed, as a ninja from a village, many things truly were beyond one's control.

Especially when standing at the pinnacle of the village's power, this feeling of being beyond one's control becomes all the more evident.

Do not think that standing at the pinnacle allows you to do as you please. While you indeed can act as such, the cost is not simply being toppled over.

Standing at the zenith of the village's power also means you bear greater responsibilities, and likewise, greater chains bind you.

This demands your actions to be even more considered and cautious, lest the entire village suffers due to your misfortune!

Though Kaito is not a Kage of a village, and he modestly describes himself as a ninja of a village, A knows well that this guy is one of those at the peak of the Leaf's power.

Aren't their actions essentially also fighting for their own village in nature?

Kaito, observing some change in the Fourth Raikage's expression, couldn't help but chuckle lightly. He did not know what the Fourth Raikage thought, but he wasn't much concerned either.

The reason he was willing to waste words with the Fourth Raikage was purely out of a sense of respect.

The world of the Naruto is essentially a matter of bloodlines, and this Fourth Raikage didn't have the so-called assistance and support of bloodlines.

They purely relied on their own efforts, continuously honing and enhancing from an individual's perspective, thus obtaining the power they have today.

Truthfully, without all those pushy bloodlines, the Fourth Raikage might really be considered a top-notch individual!

Towards such a person, Kaito had some respect, albeit purely emotional respect.

Just like how countries would often offer 'all support except actual support' to each other, Kaito's regard for him was all respect aside from 'respect'.

Gently swaying the ninja blade in his hand, Kaito pointed it straight at the Fourth Raikage, speaking calmly.

"Let's get started, after all, we're both pressed for time.

Although I am going all out, I still have much power that I have not employed.

Whether I use this power or not depends on the performance of you and your brother."

"You just said confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence is arrogance, and you are now being overly arrogant!"

The Fourth Raikage's chakra surged throughout his body, he stared at Kaito and sternly shouted.

"I am the Fourth Raikage, I am the one who carries the name of Raikage, I will show you the power that belongs to the Raikage!"

No sooner had his words fallen than the Fourth Raikage erupted with unimaginable speed, his figure already appearing in front of Kaito.

"Raiton: Raiware Burst!"

A fist, focused with all his might, suddenly thrusts forward, fiercely aiming for Kaito's chest.

However, at this moment, Kaito, having already utilized Void Walking, naturally could not hide this power again.

Facing such speed, a slight smile lingered on his lips, and in the next instant, he had vanished from before the Raikage.

By the time he reappeared, he was already at the Raikage's side, and the ninja blade, imbued with deep blue chakra, plunged directly into the Fourth Raikage's chest! Yet, what caused a slight furrow in his brow was that his ninja blade had only pierced a small section before being directly lodged in place by the Raiton chakra and the Raikage's muscles.

"Didn't follow through?"

Killer Bee landed steadily on the ground, and amidst the thick smoke, he also rapidly drew several ninja blades, continuously on guard.

At this moment, like A, he had absolutely no idea where the opponent was. However, the only advantage he had over A was that he had the Eight-Tails assisting him in observing and sensing the battle.

"Your big brother is on the other side; that Uchiha guy has gone to find your big brother."

Sure enough, the voice of the Eight-Tails soon resonated in Killer Bee's mind.

Killer Bee's expression subtly shifted upon hearing this: "Where are they? I must rush to support my big brother!"

"If you could work harder normally, you wouldn't have been unable to quickly mobilize my power just now."

The Eight-Tails pointed Killer Bee in a direction, his voice then spoke, slightly reproachful.

"Here's a suggestion: Don't hesitate to transform into the Tailed Beast when necessary.

At least in this way, I can try to protect you and your big brother. You must know that what you are dealing with is not a simple character."

"Is it that dangerous?"

Killer Bee, while running in that direction, silently asked within his heart.

He was truly unfamiliar with the power of the Uchiha, and he didn't even know why Uchiha Kaito was so strong.

That intertwined black and white flame possessed tremendous power, and that deep blue chakra giant was terrifyingly fearsome.


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