
Chapter 213

"Judging by your current appearance, you seem to have formed a small team on your own, likely for a specific high-risk mission. 

"With my presence, you can be somewhat informed of the enemy's movements."

Orochimaru's words left Kaito in slight silence. If Orochimaru, as a member of the Akatsuki, provides information to Kaito,

Then it would be of immense value, both for the Leaf Village and for Kaito!

With such intelligence, many of Kaito's operations can be guaranteed. Kaito could even act on this intelligence to target valuable enemies.

Although Orochimaru, acting as a mercenary ninja, might find it challenging to access the top tiers of the Hidden Stone Village, let alone attend crucial meetings,

One shouldn't forget that this is Orochimaru we're talking about - one of the Legendary Three Ninjas of the Leaf, who has participated in several wars and even infiltrated the Root. 

For him, obtaining such intelligence might be very challenging, but not impossible.

"Moreover, Lord Kaito, your chakra at the moment doesn't seem abundant, and your aura doesn't seem very stable either."

At that moment, Orochimaru subtly licked his lips and continued,

"Of course, this might not impact your combat abilities, but given the heavy exhaustion, wouldn't it be better to recover sooner?"

Indeed, Kaito's aura was slightly disturbed at the moment, something even Kaito himself couldn't deny.

After such an intense battle, where Kaito didn't hold back using his Susano'o, 

And even unleashed a massive Fire Release, bolstering Susano'o's power and teleporting countless times through voids,

The most crucial point being, the last two maximum power void teleports directly destabilized space to grab Tobirama Senju.

This took the most substantial toll on Kaito. Even if his chakra recovers quickly, the exhaustion is immense.

Moreover, the stress on his eyes is at its peak now. It should be noted that there was a previous instance where his eyes bled.

Dealing with Orochimaru, Kaito's current state might not pose an issue, but the main problem lies in not being able to kill him. 

Wanting to capture him but failing to do so, attacking him recklessly would seem rather whimsical.

"The most crucial point being, the Hidden Stone's camp is not far from here."

Orochimaru subtly licked his lips again, reiterating the statement that made Kaito frown.

"I imagine, Lord Kaito, you wouldn't want the Hidden Stone to discover the matter of your team's arrival, would you?"

"If you say that one more time, I swear I'll cut off your tongue."

Orochimaru's words genuinely irritated Kaito.

It felt as if he had witnessed some young punk telling a woman, "You wouldn't want to upset your husband, would you?"

Though relatable—if picturing oneself as the young punk—it was utterly displeasing for the observer.

Kaito gently removed the ninja blade from Orochimaru's neck, looked at him indifferently, and slowly said,

"Indeed, Lord Orochimaru, you have a point, especially since killing you wouldn't be easy.

After all, you've left quite a bit behind in Karin's curse mark, and I'm still uncertain about how many such marks you've left."

Kaito's words caused a subtle change in Orochimaru's expression, for in an offhand manner, Kaito had exposed his biggest secret!

He had indeed hidden items within the curse marks—keys that could revive him in dire situations.

He truly hadn't expected Kaito to discover these, let alone that Kaito had researched Anko's mark!

Such revelations were unsettling for Orochimaru, indicating that one of his secrets had been exposed.

Even if this exposure seemed minor, he still had other backup plans.

But, for anyone, having one's secrets known can lead to unimaginable troubles.

"I really didn't expect that Lord Kaito would research Anko's curse mark. It's quite beyond my expectations."

Orochimaru's eyes slightly narrowed, licking his lips as he probed,

"After all, the power emitted from that curse mark is quite similar to the Sage Mode used by the Fifth. Or perhaps, saying it's a natural power would be more apt."

Kaito, smiling at Orochimaru, replied calmly and coldly,

"It seems Lord Orochimaru aims to comprehend this natural power, or perhaps seeks ways to counter the power of the Fifth?"

"Who knows? So, what does Lord Kaito think?"

Instead of answering, Orochimaru tossed the question back at Kaito.

"I don't need to think much about it. While such power can be troublesome, it's not unmanageable for me. But for others, it's a different story, isn't it?"

Kaito slowly sheathed his ninja blade, his crimson eyes impassively gazing at Orochimaru.

"Well, I think it's time we cleared things up. But I'm curious about how you plan to contact me."

"This is for you."

Orochimaru silently looked at Kaito, and after a moment of contemplation, he suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a damp scroll.

Orochimaru tossed the scroll directly towards Kaito, but Kaito deftly sidestepped to avoid it.

Orochimaru seemed unperturbed. He licked his lips and started forming hand seals, speaking as he did so.

"This is my summoning scroll; we can use snakes to exchange messages.

Moreover, I've now released the Reanimation Jutsu, so the two Hokage have returned to the afterlife."

"Quite a gesture of goodwill."

Kaito's crimson eyes fixated on Orochimaru's hands. He was taken aback that Orochimaru would form seals right in front of him.

Didn't Orochimaru know that the Sharingan could copy his hand seals?

Of course, Kaito wasn't too concerned; after all, Uchiha Madara had previously performed seals right before him.

Back then, Kaito had memorized the sequence, and Orochimaru probably still believed that it was Kaito who had released Uchiha Madara's Reanimation Jutsu.

"Well, Lord Orochimaru, you may leave now."

"Of course, I feel that the Stone ninja are getting closer."

Orochimaru licked his lips again, but his gaze sharpened quickly.

"There's one more thing I'd like to consult Lord Kaito about, if you would indulge me."

"Speak," Kaito tilted his head, replying directly.

"Have you also used the cells of Hashirama Senju?"

Licking his lips, Orochimaru finally posed such a question.

Upon hearing such a question, Kaito remained utterly calm. To him, the question held no real significance because he truly hadn't used it.

However, a thought suddenly struck him, and he looked at Orochimaru with a teasing expression.

"I haven't used Hashirama Senju's cells, but there are some things I've tried.

It's quite interesting to note that the Uchiha who saved Uchiha Itachi was also a member of your Akatsuki organization.

Yet, I haven't met him till now. But his arm, oh, it has benefited me greatly.

That arm didn't look human at all, that all-white object filled with Yang release chakra. It's indeed a rare treasure."

Orochimaru gazed at Kaito with a stern expression, suddenly seeming to recall something.

And as those memories surfaced, a sly smile unwittingly crept onto Orochimaru's lips.

Because he realized he might have uncovered another invaluable secret. Even if the price of that secret meant he might have to work for Kaito without compensation.

But for the pursuit of hidden knowledge, Orochimaru wouldn't fret over such trivial gains or losses.

Turning around, Orochimaru left without any hesitation.

Kaito stood still, and only when a series of information flashed across his eyes did he, contentedly, turn and leave as well.

Within his retina, he had already seen what he desired.


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