
Chapter 144

"So, you're now part of the Security Division?"

Sitting in his office, Kaito looked amusingly at Nara Yaneko in front of him, who had an expression of utter resignation.

In truth, Kaito was somewhat surprised by Yaneko's arrival, but he also knew it was to be expected, considering the unique relationship they shared.

They had once been classmates and later became teammates. Even after the dissolution of their squad and their paths diverging, there remained a certain connection between them.

Before Kaito became the clan leader and changed the Uchiha's fate, the Nara clan's warnings to the Uchiha were greatly facilitated by their relationship.

Otherwise, even if the Nara clan wanted to warn the Uchiha about their current situation, there wouldn't be anyone able to deliver the message.

Now that Kaito had changed the Uchiha and was even preparing to confront the Hokage, the Nara clan, being secret allies and partners of the Uchiha, were essentially on the same battlefront. Naturally, they would consider people with closer relationships to Kaito to lend personnel support.

At the same time, the expansion and remodeling of the Security Division fully demonstrated Kaito's understanding of the Division and his own ambitions.

The beast-like organization that is the Security Division was unleashed under Kaito's command, and naturally, numerous positions were vacant, considering the Uchiha's limited numbers.

At this time, Yaneko, who was both capable and had a good relationship with Kaito, joining the Security Division seemed perfectly logical.

"Yes, although I didn't want to come at all. After all, it's much more comfortable staying at home every day, but I have no say once my uncle decided," Yaneko sighed helplessly. She genuinely did not want to come, but she had no choice but to comply.

But she was curious as to what her family and the Uchiha were up to and why their connection suddenly became so deep.

"Speaking of which, can you tell me what is going on? Just a while ago, my uncle said he needed to observe the situation, and now I have been sent here. Not only me, but quite a few others from the clan were also brought over. This doesn't look like simple cooperation."

The Nara clan had brought quite a few people over, adding up to around twenty.

However, most of these twenty people were genin, with few chunin, and only Yaneko as a jounin.

But Kaito was truly delighted with their arrival because they were all administrative talents!

Nara Shikaku was indeed astute enough. After seeing Kaito's plans, he immediately analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of his own clan.

From Shikaku's perspective, although the Security Division appeared to be divided into three major departments on the surface, there were still many intricate workings within.

The most straightforward point was that Kaito had divided all the personnel in the Security Division into two categories, one being field personnel or so-called outdoor staff.

The other naturally handled various internal affairs and even constructed the administrative organs of the Security Division - the indoor staff.

With such an understanding, Shikaku naturally knew what to do.

The Nara clan did have some people with remarkable combat abilities, but he knew perfectly well what their real strengths were.

Furthermore, with the Security Division expanding, there would naturally be no shortage of excellent outdoor staff, but indoor staff were truly not as easy to recruit.

"Therefore, he decisively sent those from his clan who performed well but had somewhat lacking combat abilities over here. This is for the future of his family and the clan. Likewise, this act has done a great favor for Kaito."

Kaito, gleefully thinking of the talent that Nara had sent over, replied to Yaneko with a laugh, "Indeed, it's not as simple as a mere collaboration, as this matter itself is immensely complex."

"You just arrived and are unaware of many things. This is normal. Your uncle probably wanted me to explain everything to you.

But before that, you might want to have a look at this. You'll understand a part of the situation," he continued, pulling out a scroll and handing it to Yaneko.

If Kaito were to mention the person he trusts the most in this world, it would be his teammate and mentor from his days as a mission ninja. Now, the number of people he trusts has grown, like Shisui, Fugaku, and his clan members. And of course, he still trusts Yaneko, the girl.

Although he knows his trusting nature is not exactly advantageous in this dog-eat-dog world, he isn't a cold-hearted, self-centered individual.

Yaneko quickly read through the scroll after receiving it. Her reading speed was impressively fast, and within moments, she had grasped the main content.

When she finished reading, she seemed to have a better understanding of what her uncle meant by Kaito having ambitious plans.

To be honest, her initial reaction to the content was a question: was her old classmate, her old friend, planning to wage war against Konoha?

However, she restrained herself, not voicing her thoughts immediately. After all, even her uncle, the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, supported this. That must mean Kaito's plans were justifiable.

Upon further thought, she realized, to her astonishment, that the Security Department did indeed possess such immense power!

All Kaito did was bring this latent power to the forefront, optimizing and refining it further.

Having thought this through, Yaneko looked up at Kaito, "I think I understand now. You really do have some nerve, don't you?"

"You only know part of it. I've always been audacious," Kaito grinned. He then took out two more scrolls and handed them to Yaneko. "Take a look at these. The confidentiality level of these documents is extremely high. However, they are also the basis and reason for our cooperation."

Yaneko nodded. She realized that her understanding of her old friend, her old classmate, was somewhat lacking.

Perhaps he has grown up? But after such growth, is he still the Kaito she knew?

With a soft sigh in her heart, Yaneko started seriously reading the two scrolls in her hand.

The more she read, the stranger her expression became, and the more she understood Kaito's shrewdness.

He had silently attracted her clan, the Yamanaka, and Akimichi together through beneficial means, selling weapons to the outside villages, countries, and even families!

Not only that, he also managed to persuade his uncle, who then contacted Hyuga, Aburame, and Inuzuka, ready to launch a joint impeachment against the Hokage!

Such an impeachment against the Hokage, Yan Ye had never heard or seen anything like it. But if all these families are coming together, it must mean they really believe they have a chance.

She now understood why her father suddenly went to the capital of the Land of Fire—it was indeed to prepare for the impeachment of the Hokage.

Yan Ye looked up slightly, her gaze on Kaito, who was smiling gently at her, was somewhat complicated, and she let out a deep sigh.

"It seems that Minister Kaito's achievements have far surpassed my imagination. I look forward to learning more from you in the future, Minister."

"Just call me Kaito. Of course, when others are around, you should call me Minister. Hearing those words from you does make me feel at ease."

Kaito, seemingly oblivious to Yan Ye's subtle change in emotion, casually retrieved the scrolls, then laughed.

"We will learn from each other. After all, you are Yan Ye, the brain of our old team, and have helped me so much in the past.

Now that you're here, I can relax a bit. This period has been tough, and I have truly experienced the oppressive feeling of 'work hard or die'."

Yan Ye watched Kaito, and she suddenly realized he seemed just like his old self.

He was always like this in the squad, not disturbing the arrangement unless there was a matter of life or death.

Now, he was the head of a large clan in Konoha, and also the head of the security department, yet he was still the same.

"Kaito... He doesn't seem to have changed much, only his living environment has..."


Kaito didn't know what Yan Ye was thinking, but he knew her presence would definitely be of great help to him.

However, he didn't have the time to be happy about it. Apart from Yan Ye, people from other clans would also come, and Kaito had important tasks to accomplish.

Kakuzu had been here for a few days, and he was still hiding in the forest. Kaito naturally had to deal with his issue.

In addition, Kaito also had to inform all the clans involved in this matter about Kakashi's situation. Kakashi's stance could determine a lot.

He had already agreed to cooperate and had even given him some of the evidence he had obtained. Kaito couldn't keep it from the others.

Summoning a shinobi cat, Kaito notified everyone to meet at the usual place that night, then continued to handle his own affairs.

It wasn't until dusk was about to fall that Kaito made his way towards the forest. As he was getting close to Kakuzu, he directly contacted his shadow clone.

In an instant, a wealth of information filled his mind, details of his days spent with Kakuzu.

Kaito found that Kakuzu had been rather well-behaved during this period, spending his days in the forest as if he were rejuvenating.

During the day, he would do some simple training, then go hunting. At noon, he would also do some training, then eat dinner and rest around nine o'clock.

This kind of lifestyle, in Kaito's eyes, was just like that of an old man. However, considering Kakuzu's actual age, it seemed quite natural.

"But why does it still feel so strange?"

Kaito rubbed his temple. He felt something was amiss, but was too lazy to overthink. In the blink of an eye, he had arrived before Kakuzu.

"Prepare yourself. We are going to a place," he said, facing Kakuzu with the calm of a tranquil lake.

"You've been in Konoha for a while now, I suppose you're curious about what we're asking of you."

"Of course, I'm curious. After all, I've had a decent rest."

Kakuzu nodded. He knew Kaito was coming when his shadow clone vanished, so his emotions remained unchanged.

"But continuing this rest isn't good. After all, such tranquility can make me forget the reason for my existence. Once I forget that, death isn't far away."

"Your pursuit is truly unique. Others exist to protect what they yearn for or to earn approval from others," Kaito said, chuckling a bit at Kakuzu's words.

"But you've placed all your focus on money, quite unexpected. Of course, not to say that's wrong.

Have you ever considered how much you can earn from a black-market mission or a war mercenary task?

Or do you find more value in carrying out these tasks?"

Kaito was indeed curious, and this was an extremely crucial matter, as it could reveal Kakuzu's actual mental state and ideas.

In order to make a profit from his war mercenary ventures and establish some connections, Kaito had learned quite a bit before embarking.

For instance, war mercenary tasks are not as lucrative as one might think. One could only earn tens of millions per task, and if done repeatedly, possibly reaching hundreds of millions.

But money in this world isn't as powerful as one might imagine, otherwise the police department wouldn't have such a large financial deficit.

Since money isn't as valuable as imagined, and the reward for each mission isn't substantial, Kakuzu's obsession with money aroused Kaito's suspicion.

Is he truly motivated by money, or does he seek a sense of purpose in executing these money-making missions?

"You don't understand me at all, nor my experiences," Kakuzu replied solemnly after a moment of silence to Kaito's question.

"I don't care about the purpose of a ninja's power or the experience of fighting; it's more of a burden to me.

I used to serve my village and even attacked your First Hokage for its sake, almost losing my life.

If your Hokage hadn't mercifully spared me, I would probably be fodder for wild beasts or anonymous bones buried beneath the earth.

But when I returned to my village, all I received was betrayal. This betrayal shattered my faith and made me distrust everyone.

You're right. There are many things in this world worthy of trust, but for a loner like me, my options are limited."

"Money is the root of my survival, the silent yet trust-filled entity in this world.

It is my faith, it is my bond!

You told me once that for people like me, as long as there's a way to earn enough money, it's the same with anyone.

So now I follow you because you promised me more wealth."

Kakuzu's words left Kaito in silence. He found Kakuzu to be an exceptionally intriguing person.

He could even say that money is filled with trust, and this point isn't wrong; where would purchasing power come from if not from public trust in money?

And this guy seems quite law-abiding. He always uses the term 'earning money' to describe his actions, rather than expressing other means.

This implies that even if he trusts money, to get it, he wouldn't overstep boundaries but would honestly abide by the rules to earn it.

Upon careful consideration, although his tasks are villainous in the original storyline, as a ninja there seems to be no issue in carrying out these tasks.

Thinking this, Kaito gave a slight nod. He then put his hand on Kakuzu's shoulder, speaking softly.

"I think I understand your point, and I can assure you that you won't be disappointed with your decision.

After all, we're going to do big business, really big business."

"That's true, but can you remove your hand?" Kakuzu looked at the hand on his shoulder, slightly frowning. If not for the fact he was not his match, he was ready to strike.

"I'm taking you somewhere, naturally, I don't plan to use a slow method," Kaito lightly shook his head. "Prepare yourself. This won't feel great..."


At the valley on the outskirts of Konoha, Nara Shikaku and others were waiting in silence.

They had received the message from Kaito through the ninja cat. They didn't know why Kaito had summoned them, but they trusted it must be something important.

Of course, the Inuzuka clan leader wasn't too pleased about the ninja cat.

Being a dog-raising clan, they naturally didn't care much for ninja cats, but he didn't voice any objections.

Like the others, he was pondering the reason Kaito had called them.

But just as they were in thought, a sudden surge of noticeable chakra appeared before them, instantly putting everyone on high alert.

Except for Nara Shikaku, everyone's eyes were firmly on the front. Before Nara Shikaku could say anything, two figures quietly appeared before them!

"Clan Head Kaito?"

The clan heads present were taken aback at Kaito's entrance, but they all realized that Kaito must have used space-time ninjutsu!

This truly seemed unbelievable to them. Although space-time ninjutsu was not an unknown existence in Konoha, it was known that only the Second and Fourth Hokages could use it.

However, the difficulty and intimidation of space-time ninjutsu are unimaginable. To master such a technique would definitely make one a terrifying ninja.

Kaito himself was terrifying enough, being the one who had mastered the Uchiha's most potent power. And now, he has also mastered space-time ninjutsu?

"Or is it that this space-time ninjutsu is his dojutsu, just like the one-eyed Uchiha who has mastered the power of space?"

The clan leaders were somewhat bewildered by Kaito's appearance, and they couldn't help but ponder in their hearts.

At the same time, they noticed another person by Kaito's side. This person was extremely unfamiliar to all the clan leaders present.

The person was dressed in a black robe, but he wore the forehead protector of the Hidden Village in the Ridges.

But the crucial point was that there was a slash on this guy's forehead protector!

Such a practice was very uncommon, usually under two circumstances.

One was that you had such authority that even if the forehead protector was in this condition and you didn't want to replace it, the village would have to grit their teeth and accept it.

The other was even more straightforward: you were a rogue ninja who had betrayed your village!

The influential figures of the Hidden Village in the Ridges were well-known to the people present, especially to Shikaku who was all too familiar with them.

Therefore, their first reaction was that this person was likely a rogue ninja from the Hidden Village in the Ridges.

Bringing a rogue ninja here, and even sending a formal message for them to come, it seemed that the identity of this rogue ninja might not be simple.

"I apologize for my tardiness," Kaito said with a slight smile as everyone was pondering. However, his voice seemed a bit rushed.

Actually, Kaito had no choice. To give Kakuzu more awe and implicitly inform these clan leaders of his power, he simply used the Void Walk to travel.

However, rushing all the way from the eastern side of Konoha to the northwest, crossing Konoha while avoiding populated areas to prevent chakra vibrations from drawing attention, was not an easy task.

He had lost count of how many times he used the Void Walk. Thus, even his current physique was starting to feel a bit tired.

Fortunately, his recovery ability, modified by the 'Dark Scythe' and 'Divine Ascent,' was beyond what an ordinary person could imagine.

Within the time it took to say a sentence, he could already feel his state improving significantly. It probably wouldn't take much time to fully recover.

"It's alright, we all just arrived not long ago," Hyūga Hiashi said, giving Kaito a slightly complex look before speaking seriously.

"But Clan Head Kaito, is there something important tonight that made you summon us all here? And who is this person?"

Hyūga Hiashi's question could be considered the question in everyone's heart. At the moment, their minds were indeed filled with doubts.

"Today, indeed, there are some very, very important matters to discuss, and not just one.

Since everyone is interested in this fellow beside me, I suppose I should talk about him.

His name is Kakuzu, once a professional black-market ninja, and when I met him, he was a member of the same organization as Orochimaru."


The revelation of Kakuzu's identity immediately stunned the clan heads.

Being a professional black-market dealer was not a big deal; many rogue and renegade ninjas chose to become black-market ninjas.

But if he was a member of the same organization as Orochimaru, that was a whole different story.

Orochimaru was an extremely ambitious and arrogant man. He almost became the Fourth Hokage of Konoha.

However, for various reasons, he left Konoha and became a rogue ninja, which was a deeply regrettable affair.

But even if he left Konoha, his character did not change. If he joined a ninja organization, it wouldn't be a simple one.

And those within the same organization would definitely not be mediocre!

In an instant, the gazes of the clan heads present at Kakuzu changed slightly.

They were all wondering who this guy was, and what kind of abilities he had to allow him to be in the same organization as Orochimaru.

"Kakuzu is very powerful, that's the conclusion I reached after fighting him. Even I only managed to win by a small margin," Kaito said as everyone pondered. However, his words caused Kakuzu to glance at him without any visible reaction.

A small margin?

You unleashed a gigantic creature akin to Asura against me, cleaving me until I was left with just my heart.

Is that what you call winning by a small margin? Is that really winning by a small margin?

Kakuzu's mouth, hidden behind his mask, twitched a bit. Thankfully, the mask hid his expression from everyone else.

The expressions of the other six clan heads present were also a bit strange. They might not know the extent of Kaito's strength, but the power he demonstrated was already unimaginable.

Even if Kakuzu only faced the power Kaito had shown before, barely losing to him was quite terrifying!

But, was this something a normal person could achieve?

Clearly, they felt this was unlikely, almost impossible. They thought that this was probably Kaito being modest.

But regardless, this fellow called Kakuzu had received Kaito's approval, which meant his strength was definitely not weak.

But even if this guy was strong, what was his role?

"As I said earlier, Kakuzu is a competent, professional black-market bounty ninja, and his actions and motivations are quite simple."

As if reading the room, Kaito chuckled and began to speak.

"That is money. For him, all he wants is money. As long as the price is right, or extra money can be added when necessary.

Then, Kakuzu is absolutely a person you can trust. I felt and experienced this during our encounter."

At this point, Kaito paused slightly, noticing the peculiar change in everyone's gaze towards Kakuzu.

Actually, Kaito knew that those present might have never imagined, nor dared to believe, that a person like Kakuzu could be a 'money-addict'?

If Kaito hadn't read the original work, he might not have believed it either. In fact, he didn't believe it before, otherwise, he wouldn't have asked such questions.

But regardless, Kakuzu really is such a person.

"I know, maybe my description has some problems, but that's the truth."

Kaito sighed slightly, then continued with a serious tone.

"Therefore, I made a decision, to invite Mr. Kakuzu to serve as our mission manager outside the Konoha Village, for tasks we cannot publicly handle.

I understand that all of you here are full of doubts and mistrust towards a stranger, so I have another decision.

In the early stages of every mission, either I, Shisui, or elder Fugaku will accompany Mr. Kakuzu on his assignments.

Everyone, what are your thoughts?"


Inviting a stranger to participate in a mission can be hard to accept, and Kaito wasn't surprised at all.

After all, even if he understood Kakuzu's mindset, he would still maintain the necessary skepticism.

People are inherently doubtful creatures, it's not surprising at all. No one would easily offer trust without tangible results.

Kaito himself was a prime example. Before he had fully adjusted the Security Department, if they didn't trust him, then they simply didn't trust him.

It was only when the reputation of the Security Department started to turn around, that they slowly loosened up. And when they realized that Kaito truly understood the gravity of the Security Department's situation.

And only after he had thoroughly restructured and transformed the Security Department, did they quickly provide new recruits.

The remaining six people present eventually voted: three in favor, three abstaining. Essentially, there was no pressure to let Kakuzu pass.

The abstainers were naturally the three who did not participate in the sale of supplies this time. Although they will participate in the future, this time they could wait and see the actual results.

Now, Kakuzu also understood. It turns out he was brought back by Kaito not for some dangerous mission, but to help him transport and sell weapons?

But on second thought, Kakuzu immediately understood why he needed to be brought back to transport these items.

Firstly, these people definitely can't show up in person, it's highly likely that selling these things is illegal!

The second point is that the goods they are transporting are likely to enter highly guarded places.

For instance, the reason I was attacked this time is that Kaito and his group represent the Star Ninja Village!

This little village is blockaded by the major countries, and even money cannot be spent. It seems Kaito and his comrades are setting their sights on these struggling ninja villages.

Even some ninja villages have dissident families preparing for a rebellion or a coup, they could also buy weapons!

In that case, these guys representing Konoha really can't show up to handle this, and my identity is actually the most suitable.

At this point, Kakuzu only has one thing to say in his heart - Can I get extra money?

The huge profits from selling weapons, how could it compare to me doing missions diligently?

No wonder Kaito asked me whether I like money or the feeling of executing a mission, the main reason lies here!

Kakuzu really loves money. He can already imagine how much he can earn from executing a mission like this.

Even if it's only one or two percent, it definitely won't be a small amount!

Having understood these things, Kakuzu was no longer upset about being forcibly taken away by Kaito, or even about the destruction of his many hearts at once.

Because at this moment, his mind is full of money. Only money can make him feel his existence's purpose.

After settling the matter with Kakuzu, Kaito asked him to guard the main gate, and without a word, Kakuzu left.

This 'money-addict' in the ninja world is still very diligent. At least after getting what he wanted and seeing the future, his performance is professional.

"Alright, now we can talk about the second matter."

When Kakuzu had left, Kaito's expression became serious. He quickly pulled out several scrolls from his pocket and handed them over.

"Take a look. These were given to me by Kakashi."


Kaito's words instantly changed the expressions of those present. They quickly opened the scrolls and began reading.

After reading these action reports, their faces remained calm, but the anger in their eyes could not be concealed.

Indeed, the look of wanting to stab someone could never be hidden.

These action reports not only mentioned Sarutobi Hiruzen's actions against Sakumo Hatake, but also many clans and individuals were listed in this report.

And the reason for their inclusion, without exception, is all 'for the sake of Konoha'!

This lofty reason, coupled with the actual motive of doing things for oneself, is truly chilling.

After a while, they finally put down the scrolls in their hands, and all their eyes fell on Kaito.

"So it seems that Kakashi is planning to support us and cooperate with us?" Nara Shikaku calmly asked, though his emotions were a bit frazzled, he was still able to maintain control.

"If there are no surprises, he will cooperate with us," Kaito nodded lightly, yet he didn't state everything outright, as nobody could predict if there might be any unforeseen circumstances.

"I've examined these action reports. Their content matches certain events that happened earlier, so we can confirm that these are all genuine. Kakashi seems very troubled by his father's death, and he is equally dissatisfied with everything his teacher's son is currently going through. That's why he's doing these things. He sought me out immediately after getting what he wanted."

"It seems that Kakashi is still level-headed, not directly using his ANBU status to assassinate the Hokage," Hyuga Hiashi also sighed lightly. He was somewhat familiar with Kakashi's father, or rather, he grew up listening to the tales of Kakashi's father.

He especially regretted the death of this legendary swordsman, especially since such a legendary figure was killed by such a sinister petty person. Second Hokage, what kind of peculiar students have you tutored!

"Kakashi has always been level-headed. Don't forget, he is Konoha's most talented child," Nara Shikaku glanced at Hyuga Hiashi, then turned his gaze back to Kaito.

"So, did you disclose what he is now supposed to do?"

"I told him that I am not the only one planning to confront the Hokage. I alone cannot handle the dignified Third Hokage," saying this, Kaito couldn't help but show a faint smile. However, this smile appeared more like a smirk to the six clan leaders present.

If Kaito can't handle the Hokage alone, then naturally others are involved. To reassure Kakashi, they could only conclude that Kaito must have mentioned them.

Upon understanding this, they felt a bit helpless. Kaito truly shares both benefits and blame.

But it's already out there, and they are indeed in this together. According to Kaito's portrayal of Kakashi's stance, he probably won't betray them.

Just the information in their hands is enough to get Sarutobi Hiruzen in serious trouble!

"However, I did warn Kakashi. I told him that if he dares to deceive us, including him and everyone close to him, we will eliminate them," Kaito quickly continued, his tone casual, not murderous. But anyone listening would feel a chill.

"Also, doesn't Sarutobi Asuma, Sarutobi Hiruzen's son, live in the Daimyo's residence? Can we use him for something?"

"Isn't that a bit too much?"

Perhaps influenced by Kaito's previous words, Akimichi Chōza felt that Kaito seemed to imply they should target Sarutobi Asuma.

"Let's not talk about Asuma currently serving as the Daimyo's guardian ninja, and he hasn't done anything wrong. If we lay a hand on him..."

"You misunderstand, Lord Chōza."

Before Akimichi Chōza could finish speaking, Kaito interrupted with a touch of resignation.

"What I mean is, when our people meet the Daimyo, can't we utilize the assumptions previously mentioned by Elder Fugaku, incorporating Asuma into the narrative?

For instance, 'Asuma left Konoha because he couldn't accept his father's actions driven by power.'

I also heard that the guardian ninjas are quite discontented with the concept of 'Dual Gems' of the Land of Fire. They believe that the only 'Gem' should be the Daimyo.

So, can we speculate that Asuma has accepted this idea due to his disapproval of his father's actions?"

Kaito's words struck a chilling note, penetrating deep into the hearts of all present, a sensation not unlike the time they heard him speak of the 'truth' behind the Fourth Hokage's death.

They now truly perceived the depth of Kaito's cunning – he was ruthless at seizing opportunities to exploit situations.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo had been responsible for their fair share of devious maneuvers, as the reports they held testified, Kaito's schemes were far more ruthless and sinister.

They felt that if this matter were to be widely known in the village, they would inevitably face Sarutobi Hiruzen's relentless quest to clear his name. He might even commit suicide to prove his innocence if they were to lose.

"I understand. I'll immediately send a message, prepare this matter well, and use it when necessary," Nara Shikaku, after some consideration, finally spoke up. After all, it didn't matter how much mud they slung at an enemy, especially a political adversary.

"Very good. So it's settled then." Kaito nodded with a light chuckle and finally spoke with some vigor. "Gentlemen, we've prepared a comprehensive plan, now all we need to do is wait for all arrangements to be in place, and we can take action.

We are not Danzo or the Third Hokage, using the banner of Konoha for their own ends.

Everything we do is truly for Konoha!"


"Alright, and also for ourselves..."


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