
20. Kakashi’s Doubt

The atmosphere around the forest changed with the arrival of Zabuza.

Kakashi stood infront of Naruto and Sasuke in order to protect them, 'this mission reaches atleast A rank now, first I need to insure my squads safety'.

Zabuza continued to stare straight at Kakashi, he assessed his ability to kill Tazuna without engaging in a all out fight with Kakashi.

"Hiding in Mist Technique".

Heavy fog started permeating the surroundings affect Team 7's vision, Sakura panicked as she lost sight of Tazuna for a second however calmed down seeing him a few metres behind her.

She ran to him pulling out a kunai, she then looked around for any incoming attacks.

Naruto throughout all this stayed still, he looked straight into Zabuza's eyes, the fog didn't falter his vision, even if his vision was impaired, he still had the ability to sense negative emotions which would allow him to pinpoint Zabuza's location.


Zabuza attacked without delay as he appeared where Tazuna was, swinging down his Execution Blade he aimed straight for his neck, 'with this, my mission is over'.

However although he Slashed Tazuna's head off,Zabuza felt something wrong, he didn't feel the sensation of cutting through skin and looking back he saw that Tazuna wasn't standing there no more.

'I see, Kakashi rescued him before I killed him tch what a ridiculous opponent the Copy Ninja is'.

Kakashi having rescued Tazuna threw a bunch of kunai's in Zabuza's direction which were blocked rather easily.

"Water Release: Water Bullet!", many small water projectiles flashes towards Team 7, "Protect Mr.Tazuna! I'll attack him" Naruto then dashed towards Zabuza as he pulled out a kunai coated in chakra.

"NARUTO WAIT DONT ATTACK!" Kakashi shouted as his eyes widened, although he heard that Naruto was strong he has never been in a life threatening situation.

Naruto turn a blind ear to Kakashi's shout as he thrusted his kunai *shiiing* Zabuza parried it as he slashed down, "what's a idiot kid like you attacking me? Go die".

Naruto sidestepped as a black sword appeared in his left hand, he then riposted Zaubza as a large gash appeared across his stomach and chest.

"Ugh!" Feeling the pain Zabuza backed away looking down at his injury he felt an inexplicable threat attack his wound.

Kakashi watching this brief confrontation felt surprised, seeing Naruto's quick wits to take advantage of Zabuza's attack and launch an attack of his own was impressive.

Sasuke watched with stunned face, he quickly regained his composure as he sprinted towards Zabuza.

Seeing Sasuke running at Zabuza, Naruto knew he'd die, the mist was Zabuza's territory within it his skills leapt to new heights.

Playing a supportive role Naruto launched long ranged attacks, this allowed Sasuke to go all out and gain experience whilst also making sure Zabuza couldn't be fully focused on Sasuke.

After 10 minutes of battling Zabuza, Sasuke had quite a few wounds, Zabuza retreated as the mist started to fade.

'It's basically impossible to kill the target right now, this black haired is a weakling, however that orange haired kid is a pest so I can't focus on killing the black haired kid without trading a serious injury for it'.

'And the fact that the Copy Ninja is watching closely means I can't do anything to the orange haired kid without being attacked from behind by Kakashi, tch this is annoying'.

Zabuza looked at Sasuke as he felt annoyed at being stopped by kids.

"Water Release: Water Prison" Sasuke felt the air around him disappear as water trapped him in a bubble, he breathed in a mouthful of water as he banged on the edges of the Water Prison trying to break it.

'Good, the weak one is out of the way' Zabuza then let his killing intent out as he fully focused on the far away Naruto.

Naruto feeling the Killing intent attack him smiled, 'with this amount, it's no where near enough' Zabuza then appeared above him slashing down.

Naruto leapt into the sky, Zabuza cut cleanly through the branch and also used it as a trampoline.

Seeing Zabuza approaching him in the sky Naruto weaved hand signals "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough".

A large amount of air gathered in his mouth as he blew at Zabuza, Kakashi watched on as he felt rather amazed at Naruto's rational response and timed attacks.

'It's like I'm watching a seasoned fighter' *Boom* Before crashing into a tree, Zabuza used his Execution Blade as a prop to stop his momentum.

"Kakashi-sensei, I'm having a tough time with Zabuza can you help?" Hearing Naruto's voice Kakashi felt like it was enough experience and proceeded to attack Zabuza.

Kakashi had already freed Sasuke from the Water Prison however he had told him to not join in the fight from this point on.

"Water Release: Water Bullet".

"Water Release: Water Bullet".

A loud bang occurred as both Kakashi's and Zabuza's Water Bullets collided, a smoke screen appeared, this didn't deter Kakashi as he jumped towards Zabuza.

Naruto felt like it was time to help Zabuza so he secretly weaved signs.

"Wind Release: Flying Locust Wind" a small wind vortex appeared beneath Zabuza, he looked down "wha-".

Before Kakashi's Fire Ball could reach him he felt his body shoot into the forest, he looked back at the battlefield, his eyes moved around like crazy until they stopped on Naruto.

"Hmm? Is he smiling?" Something clicked in Zabuza's mind as he knew he could only use Water Style Jutsu's.

'Is he the one who created that vortex beneath me? Why? Isn't he supposed to be my enemy?'.

Kakashi saw Zabuza sprinting into the distance, looking around he felt suspicious of the situation that just happened, he knew his Fire Ball was going to connect with him but somehow he was able to escape.

'Was it an accomplice of Zabuza? but I didn't feel any chakra in the surrounding areas' as Kakashi continued to decipher what just happened, Naruto walked up to him.

"Kakashi-sensei, it looks like the Rogue Ninja escaped" snapping out of his thoughts Kakashi looked at Naruto.

"Yeah, and did you see anyone in the surroundings by any chance?"

"Someone? No, when I was preparing a Jutsu, something like a vortex appeared underneath his feet he then sprinting into the forest!".

Hearing Naruto's statement Kakashi put a hand to his chin as he thought.

'A vortex appeared underneath Zabuza's feet? Is it a sealed technique in his boots for such situations or is it something else?'.

Sakura walked over with Tazuna, "Kakashi-sensei, are you going after the Rogue Ninja?".

"Yes, you three stay together". Kakashi then body flickered to chase Zabuza.

'Good, now Zabuza should be able to go all out keeping himself alive for abit, I'll kill off Haku before then and help him escape for good this time'.

Naruto then stood around waiting for Haku to appear.

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