
Naruto:Eternal Mangekyu Sharingan At The Age Of Eight

Synopsis Transmigrated in naruto , facing the threat of Itachi exterminating the clan, Ryu got the Check-in system in time! Ding~system is activated! [ clan Extermination night Check-in success! ][Receive reward, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan! What? Can I get a reward every time I Check-in in a different place? ! So cool! Hashirama Sage body, Rinnegan, Sage Mode, Kekkei Genkai... , Kekkei Tota..., Kekkei Mora... ========================================= Thiss is MTL ,Not Mine I liked it so I'm uploading it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 35

Underfoot's Daimyo also even nods, tremblingly: "Yes, yes, I never ordered those ninjas to kill you, they all did it themselves. This is a understanding."

[63.Chapter 63 One hundred billion taels!]

"Misunderstanding?" Ryumei raised her voice by one point, and crushed Daimyo with her feet. 'S face, scolded: "That person is always you found, dare you to say that it was not at me Uchiha Clan declaration of war, I will go back tomorrow and bring people to slaughter Dongjing, from now on let Land of Fire and Uchiha's surname "

The land and the land are sweating coldly, and talking to Ryumei is really scary, and will slaughter a country at every turn.

But Ryumei's words are not completely unreasonable, because Zabuza and the others were indeed found by Land of Fire Daimyo. If Daimyo does not release a bounty mission to convene these Missing-nins, then it will not The next things will happen.

Facing the extremely powerful Ryumei, Dilu can only brace oneself and say: "Little Brother, calm down, war is not a trifle."

"So Dongjing With a large population, if you do something like this on impulse, the entire Land of Fire will be paralyzed. At that time, other Four-Great Countries will come to divide our land."

At this time, Ryumei seemed to be a rogue, and said, "I don't care! It was you who rushed to me Uchiha Clan declaration of war. Now you say that you misunderstand and you misunderstand. Do you think I'm so bullied? Don't you give me this thing? This is a saying, tomorrow I will bring Uchiha's people into Dongjing!" Ryumei's resolute attitude made Dilu's eyes shine. He heard that Ryumei wanted to ask for benefits.

Although it is a bit uncomfortable to be robbed at this time, the situation is forced, as long as Ryumei can calm down and save Daimyo's life, then everything is worth it.

Di Lu immediately winked at Daimyo and reminded: "Daimyo, this is indeed something we did not do right. Must give Little Brother a satisfactory explanation, right?"


Daimyo can be considered as a reaction under the crazy hint of Dilu, he immediately shouted: "Yes, I must give Konoha, oh no! Give Uchiha a satisfactory explanation."

Ryumei's mouth showed a slight smile without a trace, but the tone was still overbearing: "Then you can talk about how to compensate us Uchiha. If you dare to perfuse, don't blame me for being unsympathetic!"

Ryumei said that there was a murderous intention in his eyes, and Daimyo was so scared that he confessed again, and Huang Baizhi went all over the place.

Dilu really can't bear to look Daimyo to continue this way, opened the mouth and said: "Little Brother, you see Daimyo has already agreed to you, it's better to let him go first, let's go slowly Negotiate."

Ryumei rolled the eyes, he still doesn't want to step on the smelly Daimyo all the time.

So Ryumei lifted his foot and Daimyo finally regained his freedom.

Before landing on the ground, Daimyo helped him up, and Daimyo rested quite a long time before he let his breath go.

"Let's talk about it, how do you plan to compensate." Ryumei asked casually, blowing the dust in his nails.

Daimyo subconscious glanced at Dilu, and then cautious and solemn said: "I, I am willing to increase from the original 20 billion taels to 40 billion taels when I allocate funds to Konoha next time. No I know how you want it."

"What? Only 40 billion taels!!" Ryumei was furious, stepping forward and grabbing Daimyo's collar.

"You're begging, who can use such a small amount of money, don't you take my words to your heart."

"Shut your mouth, let me say something Count."

"Five days later, Land of Fire needs to pay Uchiha Clan 100 billion taels. If you don't give it, we will go to war tomorrow!!"

Daimyo was scared to face deathly pale, explained bitterly: "I Land of Fire, I only collect 400 billion taels of taxes a year, most of which have to deal with daily expenses, 100 billion taels is too much."

Ryumei coldly snorted, loosening Daimyo's collar.

"Then I don't care, anyway, if you don't see the 100 billion taels, I will take someone to fight Dongjing, you look at it yourself."

Daimyo is in a dilemma, Although he is the Land of Fire Daimyo, he is very meddlesome and he can't settle it with a single blow.

Daimyo said with an ugly face: "This matter is too involved. I must also convene Land of Fire to discuss with the commissioner and give you an answer."

Pursuits and commissioners are also Daimyo's subordinates. They are responsible for specific affairs such as finance, administration, justice, and military logistics, as well as acting lord to manage the city.

Although most of the rights are in the hands of Daimyo, it is still necessary to discuss with them to see if they can agree to use a large amount of tax of 100 billion taels.

Most of them can only agree...After all, if Hidden Leaf Village is really killed, they will have nothing.

"hmph, then I will give you one day, better not let me down." Ryumei said coldly.

In fact, he is quite satisfied with 40 billion taels, but such a good opportunity to not slaughter Land of Fire is really unreasonable.

As for the elimination of Daimyo, Ryumei has not never thought about it.

But ninja is good at fighting, not good at production, let alone how to manage a country.

Some things still have to be done by an ordinary person.

After Ryumei finished his ruthless words, he took Sasuke and the others directly away from Daimyo's mansion.

The endgame here was even given to Daimyo and the others to clean up.

One day later.

Daimyo convened his subordinates to discuss the conditions put forward by Ryumei. After the fierce debate, Land of Fire agreed to grant Konoha 100 billion taels of funds for activities each year.

After hearing the news and passing it back to Konoha, Fugaku danced happily, boasting that Ryumei is a talented "negotiation expert".

And Ryumei did not stay in Dongjing for too long after completing the mission.

After getting a bounty on the black market in exchange for the five-yuan Explosive Tag production method, he left Dongjing directly.

A few days later, Land of Fire also announced that Uchiha Fugaku had legally inherited Hokage. With the approval of Land of Fire Daimyo, this Hokage of Fugaku was justified.

After a series of twists and turns, many people have discussed the upheaval that happened in Konoha.

Some organizations that are good at inquiring about information know a lot about Ryumei's information and learned about the new genius of Uchiha Clan.

Ryumei has gradually gained reputation in Ninja World.


In a dark cave.

The information looked thoughtful in the hands of Obito looked with a mask-wearing head, and beside him stands a venus flytrap.

Since Obito came back from Uchiha, he has ordered Jue to continue to collect Ryumei's information, hoping to find out through which channels Ryumei learned his identity.

Although the channel hasn't been found, the information he brings back always scares him.

Kill Danzo, fight Third-Kage, control Jiraiya, seize Hokage's Position.....

The terrifying record time and time again remind him of what he has to face How difficult this enemy is.

"It's a pity. If you can win over such people to join Akatsuki, then my Eye of the Moon plan will definitely be completed faster." Obito's tone was a little regretful.

[64. Chapter 64 Akatsuki's actions!]

After a battle between Jiraiya and Ryumei, Obito also completely mastered Ryumei's abilities, In his words, it is incomprehensible.

As Ryumei once said, he is Obito's absolute nemesis.

Because Obito simply can't touch him.

"Hehehe, if that's the case, why not try to convince him to join us?" Jue gloomily said next to him.

"You think things are too simple. Not everyone is as confusing as Nagato. From the first time I saw that guy, I knew that he was not a guy who would succumb to others. "Obito rubbed his forehead, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Where is Ryumei now?"

Absolutely replied: "Probably to the north of Land of Fire. It's not clear about the location. But it should be close to the border of the Land of Fire."

"Northern?" Obito rubbed his chin, suddenly turned his head and asked: I remember Orochimaru and Sasori, right now. "

Slightly" nod: "Yes, they have been wandering around the border of Land of Fire since they captured Five-Tails. Nagato hasn't arranged other missions for them."

Five-Tails' Jinchuriki, named Han, is the ninja of Hidden Stone Village.

Obito looked thoughtful, although he can't kill Ryumei, it doesn't mean that he will sit and wait.

Ryumei knows his true identity. As long as he thinks about this, Obito feels sleepy and sleepy.

So no matter what the price, Obito must kill Ryumei.


He certainly can't do this, but Orochimaru is proficient in many kinds of Ninjutsu, and he is also a dignified Konoha "Sannin". It shouldn't be a problem for him to deal with Ryumei.

Obito handed the information back to Jue, ordered: "Let Nagato notify Orochimaru and Sasori, and let them hunt down Ryumei! "

"Understood! "Jie Jue responded briefly, and his body slowly sank into the ground, and the whole cave once again returned to silence.

In the evening sun, the sky was red like fire.

Two Wearing a black windbreaker embroidered with red clouds, they are sitting on the stone, their heads are wearing hats with wind chimes, and their fingers are wearing rings marked with code name.

One of them has a pair of golden vertical Long pupils, purple eyeshadow extended to the nose, his face and skin are very pale, and he wears blue tomoe-shaped earrings on his ears, which feels very sinister.

The other figure is a figure. Shorter, wearing a black mask on his head can not see his face, leaving only a pair of small eyes.

These two are now Orochimaru and Sasori as partners.

After a long time, the two slowly opened the eyes.

Orochimaru licked his lips and said with a smile: "Brother Sasori, it seems we have something to be busy again, Uchiha Clan, jié jié jié , It's really looking forward to it. "

When Orochimaru spoke, his eyes were extremely greedy, and Sasori who was next to him was unhappy.

"Attention, Orochimaru, from the point of view of information, this Little demon is very tricky, and my Puppet Master Jutsu is afraid that it won't be of much use. "Sasori calmly analyzes.

Orochimaru's expression slightly converges. They have also obtained information about the various Ninjutsu that Ryumei is good at, as well as the two-eyed Mangekyo Dojutsu information.

There is no denying it, control Dojutsu of space and time, even Orochimaru feels very tricky.

"There will always be a way. Let's wait for the organization to find his exact position. Let's make some preparations in advance. "Orochimaru's golden's eyes rolled a little, not knowing what sly plan he was playing.

"What preparations do you want to do." "Sasori indifferently asked.

Orochimaru mysteriously smiled and looked to the north: "I am in Land-of-Rice Fields, and there is a certain amount of influence. There is a small base for me, we can go there first After repairing for two days, by the way, I will study how to deal with this little demon called Ryumei. "

"When did you have influence in Land-of-Rice Fields?" Really didn't expect, there will be sullen guys who follow you like you. "Sasori faced Orochimaru with frigid irony and scorching satire.

The relationship between him and Orochimaru can be said to be extremely unharmonious.

On the one hand, it is due to the two people's The concept of eternity is different. On the other hand, Orochimaru is Konoha Ninja, and Sasori's parents died at the hands of Konoha's ninja.

Orochimaru doesn't care about Sasori's ridicule, and instead replied: "Also It has just been established recently, and to be honest, it has just begun to take shape. Only a few of my loyal subordinates stay there, just to show you around, let's go. "

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he slowly moved towards the north.

Sasori coldly-snorted, followed behind him silently.

Land-of -Rice Fields is a small country bordering Konoha. There was no Ninja Village before.

According to the original work plot, after losing to Itachi, Orochimaru broke away from Akatsuki and then bribed Land-of-Rice Fields Daimyo , Hidden Sound Village established in its country.

Hidden Sound Village is not employed by Land-of-Rice Fields. After Orochimaru bribed Land-of-Rice Fields Daimyo, he occupied Land-of- Rice Fields, Land-of-Rice Fields will become Orochimaru's main base in the future.

Now, due to Ryumei's intervention, Itachi has not joined Akatsuki.

But Orochimaru is still established In Hidden Villages, it can be seen that Orochimaru has already thought of leaving the organization in his mind.


Ryumei stands on the top of the mountain and looks at the gazed Land-of-Rice The scenery of Fields.

It has been half a month since they left Dongjing. On the way, they also stop and go and train from time to time.

In comparison, Land-of-Rice Fields is like a backcountry.

There are not many business travelers or ninjas on the road, but only a few people walking on the street.

Sasuke couldn't help but questioned when he saw it: "Ryumei, does the super master you told me live in this kind of place? "

From the outside, Land-of-Rice Fields doesn't really seem to stand out. It doesn't look like where the expert should live.

According to Sasuke's idea, Ryumei gave it to The sensei I found either lived in a luxurious mansion or hidden in the deep mountains of the forest, but neither turned out to be either.

Ryumei knocked on Sasuke's head, pretending to be a profound explanation Said: "What do you know, this little hidden in the mountains, big hidden in the city, don't underestimate this place, there are a few very powerful genius ninjas here. "

"Really? "Sasuke rubbed his head with a dubious look.

Ryumei slightly smiled and did not answer.

The genius ninja he was referring to was of course Yakushi Kabuto and Kimimaro and the others.

The strength of these two is definitely better than Sasuke. They have been taken and trained by Orochimaru since childhood, performing various missions or fighting.

Especially Kimimaro, his strength Jonin, who is far beyond ordinary, is the holder of Kekkei Genkai "Shikotsumyaku".

"Well, let's go down and find a place to rest. I'll go out and inquire about information. "Ryumei took everyone into Land-of-Rice Fields.

Unlike Dongjing, the management of Land-of-Rice Fields is very lax. Whether it is a ninja or who simply, it will be released.

[65. Chapter 65 Inquiry about information]