

The next day~~ In the Hokage's building!~~

Konoha's high-level people, and the patriarchs of the major families, all looked solemn.

The meeting room was silent for a while.

"Hyuga Seiji, tell me in detail what happened yesterday night"

Third Hokage, who was sitting at the top, bite his pipe and said.



A young boy with eyes as bright as a bright moon answered calmly.

Hyuga Seiji was his name, "I turned on the Byakugan yesterday night when I was practicing, but I saw a figure holding a child running out of the house of Patriarch Hiashi. I suspect that someone wanted to kidnap Hinata sama from the main clan"

"I followed, and when the other party didn't pay attention, I hit his acupuncture points and rescued Hinata sama"

"After taking off the other party's mask, I discovered that the other party was the head of the Kumo's team of this mission who arrived in Konoha on a peace treaty"

"Unexpectedly, there was a suicide seal on his body. He directly bit off his tongue and triggered the seal using his blood"

After Hyuga Seiji finished speaking, Shimura Danzō, the root leader sitting next to the Third Hokage, spoke gloomily, "The body of the cloud shinobi you are talking about, has blown up completely; so what you just said are yours, and your words only"

Hyuga Seiji's expression remained unchanged, and he said flatly, "I have said everything that should be said. The other party destroyed his own body using suspicious methods. If you think there is no problem with that. Perhaps you should have a doctor check on you..!!"

"Whatever you say won't change the fact that these are merely your words without any basis!!!", Danzo said in an autonomous tone, "Also, do not forget your limits, you are talking to a dignified elder of the council"

Hyuga Seiji chuckled lightly. As for Hyuga Hiashi, he looked at the young man beside him with complexity.

The truth of the incident is that he is the one who killed the Cloud shinobi. What did he do wrong there? If they weren't dealt with at that time, they would have taken Hinata. As long as there is even one person who wanted Byakugan in their midst, she would be ra..p...ed and made a breeding machine before even reaching adulthood.

And now Konoha is taking the cloud's side. Is this why the peace is won? Is this the peace they all desperately prayed for?

Feeling betrayed Hiashi was going for the meeting when suddenly a young man from the branch family came and asked Hiashi to put the blame on him for the sake of the clan. The elders were happy that it was an insignificant branch member that was taking the blame and not their clan leader.

Hiashi shook his head and said no. But under the elders' pressure, and the young man's persuasion he crumbled.

But here is the problem, Hyuga Seiji, who is he?

Everyone in this meeting could be fooled because there are way too many people under the Hyuga clan and no one will suspect anything as long as they don't do the background check, but he, as a clan leader, has never ever seen this young man in his life. Is he even a Hyuga?

But there was no time to find the truth for now. The meeting is underway and he could only let the boy do whatever he wants to do. As the said originator of this incident. Hyuga Seiji was supposed to be here.

"Hokage sama", Hyuga Seiji did not respond to Danzo, but asked the Third Hokage, "Is there any rule in Konoha Shinobi that says Konoha Shinobi must be humble to the advisor elder?"

Third Hokage remained stoic. Of course, there is no such regulation. However, how could he let the elder's dignity crumble just like that?

"Right now, It's not important weather there is such regulation or not!!!", Third Hokage sighed, "The focus now is how to resolve the killing of the head of the Cloud Shinobi of this mission"

"Hokage sama, is there anything wrong with this incident?", Nara Shikaku, the patriarch of the Nara family, interjected.

Third Hokage, Shimura Danzō, Mitokado Homura, and Utatane Koharu looked at each other and said. "Raikage made a request, asking us to surrender the murderer who killed their diplomat"

Silence. After the voice fell, the entire conference room fell into deathly silence! The patriarchs of the major families scanned each other's eyes, and no one spoke.

Hyuga Seiji made the same shocking face like everyone else.

Hyuga Hiashi never saw him. In fact, no one ever saw him. They all just assumed he is an insignificant member of the Hyuga's side branch.

But the truth is, Hyuga Seiji does not even exist in this world.


~2 Hours Ago~~

A waiter could feel the brims of his fearful eyes as he begins to tear up a bit, but he forced the tears away. He was just the unlucky one to serve these rowdy Kumo shinobis in the hotel.

The Kumo shinobi spit on his face with a disgusted face, "You call this food, do you think we are not even worthy of a decent meal or something. Huh?"

"S-Sir I-", The waiter hoped that Konoha shinobis will save or at least intervene but his hope was crushed by the muscular hand that swiftly wormed its way up to the collar and slammed him into the wall, "I asked you a question punk. Do you think this garbage is food? Do we look like trashes to you?"

"Answer me you useless sh*t!", The hand holding him against the wall pulled him away before harshly slamming him even harder against the hard surface. The waiter let out an unconscious whimper no matter how hard he fought to hold it in.

Ghost stood at the top of the building watching the rowdy bunch of Kumo shinobis.

"What we do leader?", asked the kneeling Anbu

Ghost continues staring at the Kumo shinobis, acting like Konohagakure is beneath them, after a while, he sighed, "We will side with the Hyuga clan on this one"

The kneeling Anbu looks at the Kumo envoys from the higher building before he turns to Ghost again, "Higher-ups won't be happy if we do this. They put a lot of face on the line for the Hyuga clan's suppression"

"They won't find anything", Ghost said calmly

The Anbu lowered his head, "Understood. Please give orders sir"


~~Back at the meeting~~

No one spoke in the conference room. Everyone understood that if they are on the Hyuga's side and refused to hand over the murderer. Their family will be forced to go to the battlefield. Meanwhile, they will also offend the third Hokage and the three advisory elders.

Obviously, everyone can see these guys are planning to abandon the Hyuga clan. Well, that's to be expected, Hyuga clan is gaining too much momentum these days. Third Hokage saw that no one spoke, he took a deep breath and looked at Konoha's street outside the window.

"The village has been in the war for too long, and everyone is exhausted"

"It's been almost 40 years since Tobirama sensei gave the village to me. I can't let the village ruin, and watch the village companions die one by one"

With that said, the Third Hokage talked about the usual things, "As long as Konoha stands, the fire will continue to grow. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and let the new leaves germinate"

"The withered leaves will not really die, they will become the nourishment of the big tree and will be passed on forever"

"For the sake of the future of the village, we should be determined to dedicate ourselves to Konoha at any time, even if it is life", With that said, Third Hokage turned his attention to Hyuga Seiji

"Seiji, I have been following you since I started at Ninja School"

Hyuga Seiji was startled, 'What the...'

Third Hokage said gently. "You have been an excellent kid since you were a kid, Konoha has been in the war for too long, and if war breaks out again, more people will die"

"Seiji," Third Hokage bowed a little, "The future of the village, war and peace, rest between your shoulders"

Hyuga Seiji's complexion did not change, but his eyes were just staring at the old man in confusion. Hokage has been following him since he started school? What a con artist.

Seeing Third Hokage speak, Mitokado Homura also spoke, "This incident was originally due to the Hyuga clan. It started because of you. For Konoha's peace, I have to wrong you a bit"

Utatane Koharu also said, "Yes, Please understand, We don't want to abandon you, it's all for the future of the two villages"

Hyuga Seiji turned his gaze to Danzo but found that Danzo did not mean to speak.

"We don't want to abandon you, but Konoha needs peace now", Third Hokage spoke again.

"I won't have the slightest hesitation if I can hand over my head in exchange for peace!", Third Hokage categorically cut into the line.

Hyuga Seiji was startled once again. Does this old man think of him as a 2-year-old or something?

It is utterly impossible for Kumogakure to make such an outrageous request. Asking a village to surrender the other's Kage, no village will agree to this utterly ridiculous demand! Not to mention, this is Konohagakure no Sato. The strongest of the five nations since its founding.

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen dares to speak such big words.

"If this happened because of me, I am willing to exchange my life for Konoha's peace"

Someone spoke again.

"If I sacrifice my peace that can be exchanged for Konoha, in exchange for a stable life for my companions in the village, I am willing to give my life!"

Soon, many people spoke up again.

"Yeah, if my death can be exchanged for peace, I will definitely not hesitate!"

Hyuga Hiashi's eyes were burning with anger and betrayal. He looked at Hyuga Seiji with complex emotions, he sighed and was about to stand up. He would tell the truth to everyone, and just accept whatever was to come.

Just as he was trying to stand, His eyes shook, because he could not move. He looked at Hyuga Seiji in shock. A mere hand on his shoulder is capable of completely stopping him by force.

'This strength, who is this boy?'

"Hokage sama, I don't quite understand", Hyuga Seiji spoke slowly.

"Since so many of us have the determination to die for peace, why don't we have the determination to fight to the death on the battlefield?"

Silence! The voice fell, and all the people who spoke just now stopped talking.

"…", Third Hokage was silent for a while, and said, "The village has no ninja who can serve as chief in command"

"Cloud Village not only has two perfect Jinchūriki, two tails, and Eight-Tails, but Eight-Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee and Fourth Raikage are also well-known AB combinations in the Ninja world"

"We can't come up with the combat power that can stop all three of them at the same time"

"If there is a war, even if the village is victorious, it will definitely suffer heavy casualties!"

"The village doesn't have enough high-level combat power right now"

'What are you talking about?', Hyuga Seiji thought

The chapter was copied and pasted from another novel on the webnovel called "CLOUD SHINOBI CONSPIRACY, SARUTOBI HIRUZEN PERSUADED ME TO DIE..."

DaoistSA8fR2creators' thoughts