
Naruto: Dragons Blade (Completed)

I’m broke, don’t assume I own anything except my child Take

Oofdiditagain · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Woah, What a big dragon

The next few weeks were fairly calm if you consider killing the 3rd son of a Noble Devil and getting bounty worth a hefty amount of 'Phoenix Tears' whether of not it was to save face couldn't be known but from the fact that they haven't pursed any farther seemed to calm Take's nerves getting pulled out his thoughts as a warmth surrounded his dragon

"*Pah* You know I honestly don't get it but your tasty...like ridiculously so..."


As if the sky fell Anko froze a obvious sadness marring her face as a tear ran done her cheek

"You wouldn't really right...(Shaking her head violently as a glint appeared in her eye)...maybe just a nibble...."

Even though Anko was barely whispering Take got a chill down his back as a pain ran up his body unlike he has ever experienced before almost punching Anko full force out of instinct instantly flickering away with clothes he disappeared into the night sky looking for a nice tree to sleep in


Once again time passed like wind on a fall day as the timer on the oven ticked down Anko could be seen with a slight sheen of sweat as she pulled a shepherds pie out of the oven, instantly hearing footsteps flying down the stairs before a thud she peeked around a corner to find Take comically sprawled out upside down against the back of a couch as a step stool was knocked over at the bottom of the steps covering her mouth with one hand as the other rested on her little belly bump attempting to hold in a laugh only for it to come out forcing Anko to the ground as she tried to catch her breath in between fits of laughter


As Take neared the ORC with Anko attempting to smack some kids in pool his blood started to boil turning to Anko with a half frown half smile

"Sorry but go home and watch over our young one... if you need me just call my name"

Cupping Anko's face with his hand he kissed her on the forehead before resting his against hers as Take did a single hand seal 'Slow Transfer' as Anko faded away she looked at him with slightly worried eyes before disappearing seeing her gone Take's face instantly went blank as the surroundings seemed to still as if nature it self felt the anger he was trying so hard to hide as he followed his instincts hoping to find the bastard who dare disturb his time with Anko doing two separate half seals 'Aura Location' sending out a series of light pulses searching for a large aura when he felt a barrier cascade over the school grounds he caught onto a strong aura and flickered in the direction


As he arrived some pointed earred shit bag was rambling on and on about some narcissistic self boasting and about 'All you weaklings' and 'Me the great Kokobiel has graced you lowly devil with my presence so kneel before your king'

Before he could go on with the migraine inducing ramblings of an apparent madman a voice filled with anger spoke

"Oi Fairy Fuck, what's up...(Turing towards Rias and co. While pointing at 'Fairy Fuck') I can delete this guy right? Anko ain't happy and I'm pushing all the blame on this this skull fucked fairy alright? Alright!"

Letting a wide smile grown on his face as he spoke in an unknown language

"Mul (Strength) Qah (Armor) Diiv (Wyrm), ( As a ethereal coat started to form around Take generating a great deal of wind pressure it instantly disappeared) Dovah (Dragon)"

As his body grew into a pitch black serpent-like dragon with pitch black scales littered with stars easily standing 200m tall he looked down on the fallen angel who was shaking from the pressure

"Rii (Essence) Vaaz (Tear) Ul (Eternity)"

Although there were no physical wounds Kokobiel just dropped to the ground like a puppet with its string cut as Take turned his head towards the sky letting loose a breath of concentrated flames looking like a pillar of deep red flames splitting the clouds


As a certain perverted Fallen watched as a dragon transformed into their real body his eyes widened from the pressure

'Easily a ultimate class being, just from his aura alone... although it seems a bit empty... KILLING INTENT, (Shaking his head as a smile imperceptibly grew on his face) he can completely hide his intent how remarkab-' "OH SHIIIIT"

Barely dodging a pillar of flames ignoring the smell of burnt feathers as a man/woman appeared in all white armor with blue orbs placed at the various joints, the middle of the chest and the back of his hands already knowing what the armored fellow what's to ask The fallen nodded as he spoke

"Simply test him find his limit if your able to"

Not even getting a nod in return as the battle manic darted towards the dragons location


Seeing the armored woman with the smell of a man standing in a crater in front of him formed with his 'Superhero landing' he cutely tilted his head (as cute as a dragon could physically do so OBVIOUSLY)

"I am the White Dragon Emperor feel my night and tremble before it"

Not getting the chance to let out the chuckle he oh so wanted to as the wo- man...man charged towards him he instantly shrunk causing the heavy right to miss as Take smiled feeling his blood boil at the thought of a potentially fun fight he broke free of all the limiters placed on his body breaking the sound barrier as he planted his fist into the face of his opponent only for "Divide" to sound out multiple times causing his punch to feel like a light tap seeing this caused his eyes to widen as he unleashed a flurry of attacks against the armor causing the same thing to happen only the light taps have turned into smacks

As Take dodged, parried, and attacked every hit losing pretty much all of its momentum he cherished this moment as one of the few he honestly was able to unleashed all of his pent up frustrations taking a deep breath his eyes narrowed as a bloody... no that's simply an understatement it was more abhorrent, revolting, cursed then bloody as this aura seeped out of his body being fueled with his chakra everyone that felt this aura only had 1 of two thoughts 'Run and Pray' or 'Millions...Millions of lives reaped, only that many can form such a depraved, murderous aura' well the last one was mainly an over sized crow floating far off in the background

But feeling this aura the white dragon seemed to have stopped working as it trembled while internally arguing with a dragon who's stuck in his soul one side is all for the 'Thrill of Battle' while the other keeps ending his rebuttal with 'Overgrown lizard'

As for a certain puppet without strings the killing intent seemed to spur him awake as his soul worked in over drive attempting to close the small tears in its container as an idea entered his head he flew off while everyone was affected

As Take manifested his sword he readied his stance and charged at The white dragon with an almost face splitting smile as they let loose respective attacks as the white dragon rose of the ground Take uttered unheard words

"Joor (Mortal) Zah (Finite) Frul (Temporary)"

As an unseen pressure tore through the white dragon forcing him into a crash landing he quickly righted himself charging towards his fellow battle manic when suddenly Take felt a disturbance on his connection with his child located within Anko freezing from the thoughts pouring into his head as a fist landed against his body he simply ignored it being to fearful at what might have happened when the source of these thoughts attempted to yell out for him

"Take...PLEASE...If not me save our child"

That very sentence seemed to flick a switch off in Takes mind as he looked up to find Kokobiel floating up with Anko in his arms with a dagger placed against her neck causing a small line of blood trickle down as he ran his tounge up Anko's neck

"My my, When I'm finished with you I'm going to ravage her insides to the point that this little one inside of her will be an unrecognizable ball of flesh when it decides to come out... oh how I'm going to love breaking you to the point the only thing you wish for is my warmth" as he reached his free hand down (Now holding her across the chest with the dagger of the opposite side) grabbing her prized possession that she swears is only for Take as he ripped her clothes failing to notice the multitude of hand signs Take was going through he heard something being yelled out as a great pressure descended onto the planet

"1 Million Folded Sheets: Lein(World) Collapse"

As he finished the world seemed to stop spinning as he tighten his grin on an invisible display of earth

"Release her and come accept your punishment as the dog you are...Gol (Earth) Hah (Mind) Dov (Dragon)"

As if he couldn't was once again a puppet, Kokobiel's body moved on its own as he cursed loudly trying every thing his mind can come up with to break free of Take's control but in the end it was impossible, as he found himself in front of Take he stood stiff as Take took Anko into his arms

Doing some hand seals 'Quick Cast: Throw Voice' pouring a ridiculous amount of energy into this his voice reached most of the supernaturals currently within the planets dimensional bounds

"This very planet is within my grasp... I welcome strong opponents in a head on battle, May it be the blood of a dragon or thirst for battle...BUT the next time those that are infinitely precious to me get dragged into it for no reason I'll repeat my past mistake of forcing my self and everyone around me into reincarnation...No... This time I will devour your souls and make you spend the rest of entirety in a cesspool called my bowels...Now I will give a demonstration..."

Dropping the invisible display of Earth as it hit the ground it cracked causing Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Volcanos to erupt, and what is now being called the "Great Divide" a massive gulf seperating Russia from any continent... unsurprisingly exactly where the crack resided on the small orb Take dropped to the ground as his body lost the majority of its heat due to using too much of his 'Dragon Spirit' ( Due to his body not completely processing Akatoshs Soul fragment & using it in a jutsu dried him out... Bullshit as it may be it's here now)

Sirzechs instantly appeared above Takes unconscious body as he shook his head mumbling on about 'Never giving me a break' or 'Your gonna be the death of me' as he neared Take's body Anko grabbed the sword nearby and spoke

"Thundersoul bless an storm within my being, Ravage the Earth, And strike down"

In a fit of rage due to her mind not fully processing the fact that Take didn't die she slashed towards Sirzechs causing a crescent moon of lighting to shoot out at him as he dodged

"Anko calm yourself he isn't hurt he is just sleeping.. Calm down and take a look for your self"


Randomly swinging the sword at Sirzechs completely destroying the surroundings as something awoke within her as if a hand was reaching out it touched Takes body and they disappeared

(A/N: I may have lied to you guys but don't mind it just enjoy)

2003 words including A/N

Oofdiditagaincreators' thoughts