
Naruto: Dragons Blade (Completed)

I’m broke, don’t assume I own anything except my child Take

Oofdiditagain · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Beat down

As Dax charged forward he shifted through hand seals '4 Sheets: Gentle Lightning' lowering the charge of the lightning and giving it density with water he created a full body suit cushion (A/N: Let me have this one complete and utter bullshit...) he initiated a Taijutsu fight full tilt landing a heavy right on to Ro's face but other then a shock akin to putting a 9v battery to your tounge... not that they know what that means... alongside a light smack, Shocked that he didn't feel the hit Ro suffered two 'Strong' hits to the body but soon retaliated with 'Gentle Fist: 16 Palms' but the layer around Dax stopped the hits before they could reach the skin stopping the tenketsu from being closed seeing this he went wide eyed as a kick landed on his side forcing him to tumble and skid a few feet before he bounced back up to his feet to see Dax sidestepped a left and threw a punch at Kumon's liver sending him back a few feet

The 2v1 continued like this for 3 hours when a mist expelled from Ryu's body blanketing the whole training grounds as Dax did guerrila warfare like attacks attempting to separate the two as he shot between trees and flickered infront of them hitting them in an unfortunate spot when he suddenly felt a disturbance in the air to turn around and look up while upside down two white eyes with veins popping out around them staring at him 'Welp...'

Ro took a stance 'Gentle Fist: 64 Palms' but instead of multiple attacks on separate spots they all landed on a single spot attempting to break through Dax's defense seeing this caused him to pale as he hurriedly substituted with a log only to see it get pulverized and awkwardly chuckle as a sweat ran down his back


Looking down at his two sweat covered teammates he gave them a thumb up and a wide smile as Saya walked up

"Welcome to Team 11, Every day will be a 2 on 2 for 6 hours a 1 hour rest for lunch then 3 hours of depleting your chakra and meditating then 3 Hours of Jutsu Development, Except for the weekends when we will take D-Ranks missions until you are deemed worthy of anything higher, You are dismissed"

As both Kumon and Ro said their goodbyes and walked away watching them leave Dax's face turned into a frown

"Why is their schedule so lax compared to mine"

Earning a shrug as Saya pulled him towards the house

"Same training just less sparring"

"You mean my 'Scale Armor' Technique too?" Turning to Saya with a curious expression

"Yea, That is of you don't mind, we can just make sure they don't tell anyone"

"Yeah... Maybe but I won't tell them how to move it around... that's my secret..." letting a goofy smile grow on his face as they closed in on the house

"How far are you with that now? You finish it yet?"

"Almost... Maybe a hundred or so more too add and I'll be done after they all earn a seal, took these off last night... Felt amazing... kinda surprised you got used to sleeping with a metal covered guy...Weird" chuckling as he entered the house as Saya blushed only to realize he broke his training for the second time as she rushed after him with a small flurry of petals following her


After a few months news arrived that Jiyaira has passed and a coded message was left behind due to Naruto, Jiyaira's disciple, not being in the village decoding the message was slowly progressing if at all during this time the patrols in konoha increased, currently Team 11 could be seen meditating while Ryu nozzles up against Dax while in his lap as Dax focused on his chakra he felt a bridge connecting outward from his chakra reserves growing curious while wondering how he missed this he slowly traced it back when he felt the end as a sent a pulse to it Ryu disappeared from his lap as a black drop of splattered ink appeared on his forehead and a heavy oppressive aura radiating from him drawing everyone's attention as Dax felt like he has gained something he never knew was missing, as he thought he realized that Ryu was simply a construct made from his reserves which were constantly supplying him and Sage Mode was the default due to Ryu being made from majority of nature chakra... he shook his head as he realized he was already in sage mode explaining why he could never enter it he smacked his head as he fell back onto the grass as he did hand seals 'Summoning Jutsu' a fraction of Ryu came out in the form of a whelp as it purred loudly while circling on top of Dax's stomach earning a round of laughs from Saya and confused looks from Kumon and Ro

"So you finally found out huh...(catching her breath) thought you'd never realize you were spending almost all of your chakra everyday"

This was followed by rattling of metal when suddenly sheets fell from his sleeves and the bottom of his shirt as he stood up letting out a heavy sigh

"Think you can drop your training just because you got a little power up?"

As the rustling of leaves sounded out from behind Saya Dax paled

"Nope, no way, definitely not... just lost control I got maybe a quarter of control I used too... gotta restart all over again..."

Slumping his shoulders as he plopped on the ground slowly placing metal sheets on his body picking them up if they fall and replacing them starting with the ones without seals as everyone else continued training


As Team 11 was leaving Konoha for their first C-Rank mission on their path they ran into a group of bandits which where quickly taken care of by Ro and Kumon leaving only one left as Dax went and had a 'talk' with him, after finding out about their hideout Dax did some hand seals 'Summoning Jutsu' and a bear sized Ryu appeared with a puff of smoke before taking to the air and headed towards the hideout while they continued escorting the merchant towards the land of waves

On their way back they made a detour to the now body littered and slightly damp cave that was the bandits hideouts other then some silver and gold in some storage scrolls and some C and B rank jutsu scrolls nothing else was found, as they neared the village they heard fighting as a voice seemed to be carried by the wind "Shinra Tensei" time seemed to slow for Dax as he watched a dense pressure flatten Konoha leaving everything pushed against the walls on the outskirts something seemed to snap as his sword appeared in his hands as a light blue liquid slowly filled the blade just as it was full Scales appeared around Dax's eyes as his pupils turned to skits and the Splattered ink like dot on his forehead spread into a band with a turquoise gem like scale grew in the center of his head, the sword seemed to mold into a great bow bigger then he was as a small tempest of water formed into a spear like arrow as lightning raced over it as the water started to give off a large amount of light jumping up into the air as a step was formed out of chakra

As Dax pulled back the bow with visible struggles as he flooded his arms, bow, and arrow with chakra as they emitted a slight glow (Except for the arrow was like a bright ass neon arrow) he saw 6 orange haired men In the distance with black robes adorned with white outlined red clouds slowly released a breath as he looses the arrow, as the arrow flew at almost the speeds of light leaving a bright streak of Light blue light it struck the one standing in the front completely obliterating his body before it exploded into a large sphere of water as violent lighting raged within breaking down the bodies stuck within as the temperature of the water rose to 3x that of the sun creating a large steam explosion that threw every close by back multiple meters as the surroundings were decimated all this happened in the blink of an eye

When Naruto looked up after the explosion he saw someone he somewhat knew personally but definitely heard of him... Konoha's 'Tempest' or 'Father Of Tailed Beasts' a boy not much younger then him a few months at most but he felt the unreasonable amount of pure nature energy wrecking havoc in his body, the nature chakra easily shadowed over his chakra by 20x if not more when Kurama spoke out from inside of him

'He's a Jinchūriki just like you brat except... he himself is the tailed beast... he is one with his Bijuu'

As Dax's body started emitting a pungent smell as a blackish tar expelled from his pores like and fell of his body like shedding shin he body slowly bulked up as his muscles were pumped full of nature chakra and his paled turquoise eyes turned grey as 3 blocks circles around the now circlular pupil as blood seeped down from his eye sockets he collapsed as his sage mode receded alongside his transformed eyes, seeing the destruction caused and konoha wiped off the map Naruto shouted in anger as he flickered away

While Saya rushed towards the center of the crater she found Dax's unconscious body with his heart slowing down ever so slightly eventually getting to the point that it couldn't circulate the blood her hands instantly covered in green chakra as she sat over his body attempting to keep him alive as she checked over his body she saw two horns stretching the skin on his forehead as a turquoise light seemed to shine through his eye lids and his heartbeat slowly returned to normal as the light seemed to die down hear loud thunderous booms in the distance Saya looked up to see what seemed to be a moon forming around a red blotch in the distance when suddenly the aura around the red blotch grew shattering the boulders holding it before unleashing a Bijuu dama effecting even them with a shockwave (Even though it felt like a light wind by the time it arrived) shielding her eyes from the dust, opening her eyes after the dust settled they instantly went wide as all the previously lifeless bodies stood up some checking themselves, others holding eachother while crying, and some asking if their relatives are okay

Lightly placing Dax's head in her lap as she used a finger to push his light brown hair out of him face a soft smile grew on her face as she whispered

"...I love you..."

The moment these words left her mouth the world seemed to freeze for her as Dax shoot up from his laying down position with heavy labored breaths... Quickly catching them feeling a light pain on his forehead he raised his hand to feel and felt small protrusions looking to his side he saw Saya similarly holding her head

"Damn dying due to chakra exhaustion SUCKS...Never trying that again...Umm where you saying something my hearing was a little fuzzy for a second"

Stuttering as a heavy blush formed on her face while she waved her hands back and forth as to say it wasn't a problem

"N-No It-It's Nothing gl-glad to see your fine"

Earning a wide smile and a kiss on the forehead from Dax as he shot up to his feet and looked around to see all the dead bodies standing pointing at them

"Uhh are they some walking dead or? I don't think death by cannibalism would be fun"

"I honestly don't know one second they were dead the next they were like this don't ask me"

Finishing with a small huff as Ro and Humon just showed up with slightly bated breaths, Saya turned to the two before giving orders and dismissing them while pulling Dax around looking for Tsunade

2045 Words... May be another chap today idk just yet

Oofdiditagaincreators' thoughts