
Naruto: Different Perks

Awakening his memories on the night of the Nine-Tails Incident, Kazutora lost his parents in the incident. Later, with his parents being friends of Shinku Yuhi, Kurenai, who had also lost her parents, decided to take care of Kazutora. The duo started to live together, and Kazutora, who could see a gift box in his vision, opened it in his room. Kazutora, who decided to live an ordinary life if he didn't have talent, found everything changing when he opened the gift box. Since then, Kazutora's life changed, and he decided to live as he wanted to in the cruel ninja. Kazutora, who knew that strength was needed to live in the world, decided to grind in the present so that he would have a comfortable future. On the journey, Kazutora meets various people, such as Itachi who thinks of the meaning of life, Izumi who could only live in illusion, Anko who suffers in the village because of Orochimaru, and others. With Kazutora as the changing point in the world, a new history of the Ninja world folded and changed the lives and the fate of many people. Read the story to find out how Kazutora changed the lives of many people in the world, and he provided a home to many lonely women in world. . . . Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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112 Chs

Tremble, Kumogakure!!! I

Mabui looked at Tsunade who had a frosty look on her face and she felt some pressure on her with fear rising in her heart. Raikage A had explained the situation clearly to her and she looked at Kazutora beside Tsunade.

From what she heard, Kazutora was strong enough to suppress Raikage A and B together and she wondered how someone like him could only be Hokage Advisor.

'What if Fifth Hokage is stronger than him?'

Mabui thought with some fear in her eyes and Tsunade looked at her with her eyes narrowed.

"Hokage-Sama, Advisor-Sama, Please Follow me. I will take you to your residence and will inform you when Raikage-Sama is ready to meet you." Mabui said while moving aside, and Tsunade walked forward with Kazutora behind her.

He used Sensory Perception to make a map in his mind and noticed many similar, yet different chakra signatures and he understood why Kumogakure is known for stealing the bloodlines of different Kekkai Genkai wielders.

'Heh! So this is why Kumogakure is the second strongest besides Konoha. After all, stealing, and grabbing are the fastest ways to get rich. Still, I wonder what kind of tricks they use to prevent others from committing suicide.'

'Illusion? Memory Seal? Or maybe something else. Hmm, it will be a good time pass to check this matter and I might get something good.'

Kazutora thought in his mind while following Mabui and he looked around the streets of Kumo. All kinds of men and women were there and Kazutora was amazed by the diversity in the village.

'It would have been Heaven for Orochimaru because of diversity here.'

Kazutroa looked around and his eyes fell on a little boy walking with his mother. Kazutora noticed a high Yin chakra in his brain, and he looked into his body and noticed the structure around his eyes to be the same as those who have natural Doujutsu.

Tsunade noticed Kazutora staring at a boy, and she stopped to look at him. The trio from Kumagukure stopped and they saw Kazutora moving to the boy who held his mother's hand.

Crouching down, Kazutora rubbed his head with a gentle look on his face, and the fear in the boy's eyes lessened at his touch. He rubbed his eyes gently and left a mark and seal on the boy, and his mother had a look of fear in her eyes when she noticed him touching his eyes.

Kazutora rubbed the boy's head, and he walked back to the ground. Tsunade looked at him with a curious look on her face and Kazutora said, "Well, he reminds me of someone, but I guess I was just mistaken and nostalgic."

Tsunade didn't accept his explanation as she knew that he is bullshitting but she still nodded at him and hummed in response.

Mabui felt weird in her heart, and she felt that Kazutora was hiding the truth, but she didn't have any proof, so she didn't say anything. She glanced at Samui who nodded and disappeared from the place while Karui followed them with a thoughtful look on her face.

Kazutora and Tsunade noticed Samui leaving but they didn't say anything. He knew that she wouldn't be able to find anything and soon they reached the Hotel and went into the room.

Sitting on the bed, Tsunade had a thoughtful look on her face, and she asked, "Was something wrong with him?"

"Well, that little guy has the potential to awaken a Doujutsu. As for what he will awaken, I don't know."

Kazutora said with a shrug and Tsunade nodded at his words. If it was someone from a different village, they would try to secure a potential a Doujutsu as soon as possible, but Tsunade didn't care about a 'mere' doujutsu. Her village has many people who have Doujutsu, and she knew that Kazutora could create something like Doujutsu by sealing a formation in the eye using Yin-Yang Release.

"Still, the scenery here is much better than I expected. I won't say much about people, but going on a vacation in the Mountains as regular people will be a good change of pace."

Tsunade murmured while looking outside through the window, and she thought of hiking and camping with Kazutora as regular civilians.

"Mm, camping is a good idea," Kazutora said as he thought of the turtle island that has animals evolved with natural energy, and that place can be used to make a good camp and events.

"What other plans have you made?" He asked Tsunade, whose eyes flickered at his words, and she said, "I will wait for today, and you can check around about Samui and Karui. Once I understand the situation, I will make a decision and consider any additional conditions that may be necessary."

"Do you think it will be a good choice to take them away?" With a contemplative expression, Tsunade questioned, not believing they would depart solely due to the Senju lineage within them. She had no intention of coercing them; instead, she aimed to find each one and ensure they were well cared for in Kumogakure through discussions with Raikage A.

"I don't know. They have been living in the village for past years so the sense of belonging to the village should be strong. But I think it will be good to just inform them of the situation and give them a choice for them to decide."

"If they chose to leave, then it's good and if they didn't, then it wouldn't hurt to leave them here after having some good talk with Raikage. You can make it that they won't marry anyone in Kumo, or I should say that even if they will live here, their children will be part of Konoha in future."

Kazutora said with a thoughtful look on his face and Tsunade nodded at the idea. The idea sounded good, and Tsunade decided to do this for now and talk about the matter with Kumogakure.

Soon, they heard the knocks on the door and Tsunade got up from the bed. Kazutora opened the door and saw Mabui standing there.

"Raikage-Sama and Elders are ready for the meeting," she said and Kazutora looked back at Tsunade who nodded at him. Tsunade walked outside with a flicker in her eyes, and she turned around and looked at Kazutora.

"You stay here," she said with a thoughtful look on her face and Kazutora looked at her for a moment and then shrugged. Mabui's eyes dulled for a second and Kazutora left a Wood clone in the room and left the Hotel without anyone knowing.

Tsunade smiled with the corners of her mouth curved while rubbing her cheek, which had warmth on it. She looked at the door for a second and then followed Mabui to the meeting room.

Leaving the hotel, Kazutora changed his image to a regular Kumo guy, and his eyes flickered while looking around. He walked in the direction of Samui's chakra with a smile on his face and soon he reached her house.

Sensing someone else in the house who had a similar chakra signature to Samui, he understood that it must be her brother Atsui.

He moved in the Shadows and then disappeared without anyone noticing and appeared on the roof while floating in the air. The reason he floated is because of seal formation around the house, and Kazutora looked at the formation whose script was similar to Uzumaki Fuinjutsu.

'This proves that someone in Samui's family is from the Senju clan.'

Kazutora thought while noticing the formation. He tinkered with it and changed the ownership to himself as the current formation worked on its own with no owner and when he did, he noticed a chakra sealed in the formation.

"Now that's interesting," Kazutora murmured with a look of interest in his eyes, and he stood on the roof. Looking around for a moment and noticing the how it was made, Kazutora entered the house and looked around the house with a smile on his face.

"Mm, the style is similar to the ones in Senju Estate," Kazutora said while standing beside Samui, who was in the Kitchen, and she flinched at his words. She turned around and the Sharingan symbol appeared in her eyes and Kazutora looked at the dish she was making with a thoughtful look on his face.

"It tastes good," He muttered with Samui standing beside him with a dull look on her eyes and instead of checking her memories first, Kazutora walked around the house and reached to a secret room in the house that had chakra sealed in it.

Entering inside the secret room, he looked at the formation on walls and ground and then looked at the Storage scroll kept with dust on it.

Picking up the scroll, Kazutora opened it, and he got two letters from the scroll.

On the letter, Kumo and Konoha were written, and he first opened the Kumo letter, and his eyes twitched when he was done reading the letter.

The letter had nothing but curses for Kumogakure and all of their generations and the disgust and distaste felt by the writer could be felt by reading the letter.

He then opened the Konoha letter, and it required a proper seal to open it. A chuckle escaped his lips and Kazutora opened the seal and looked at the letter with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Finally, someone in Konoha must have read this letter and if you found it, it means Kumo bastards have suffered a lot."

"If you have Senju ancestry, then it's good but if you don't then it doesn't matter much."

"I don't think I need to introduce myself because if you are reading the letter, it means you must have met the Shadow Clone chakra I sealed information."

"This letter is to just express my thanks for fulfilling the last wish of digging my grave from this wretched place's cemetery to Konoha cemetery, especially the place where other Senju are buried."

"I don't have anything to give you but if you bring the letter to Senju Estate, they will give something as thanks for bringing my ashes to the place where I belong."

"If possible, I hope you can take care of my descendants in Kumogakure. Even though I hate Kumo so much that I want to kill them all, my descendants or I should say, my child is innocent even if her other blood is from Kumogakure."

"I don't really fucking care about the husband my daughter and if possible, you can even kill him if he is alive and feed his body to dogs but take care of my little girl and let her live a good life."

"I don't know how much time has passed or even if they are alive, but you should have already talked about these matters with the Shadow clone I sealed."

"The Technique made by Second Hokage sure is special and even after my death, the clone can be sealed and live for some time. I just hope that even though I will be in Pure Land, I can get the memories of my clone and meet a member of the Konoha or Senju clan for the last time."

"Thank you for reading and fulfilling the final wish of this old woman, and I wish that you will live a good long life with your relatives."

Kazutora read the letter with a soft smile on his face, and he looked at name at last.

"Shiruko Senju, Huh! Such a sweet name but the curses she speaks can make even a sailor blush." Kazutora said with a chuckle, and he closed the letter. He decided to give the letter to Tsunade later and he understood that the chakra he found was her.

"Mm, If I just opened the formation instead of becoming the owner, her chakra must have been released. She must have placed the Shadow Clone in such a way that if someone from Kumo opened the formation instead of someone from Konoha, she would destroy the formation and bury the whole place."

"Hehe! Even after her death, she wouldn't let it go." Kazutora laughed as he thought of the workings, and he didn't release her Shadow Clone for now.

Walking outside the room, Kazutora closed the secret room and went into the Kitchen. A glint flashed in Kazutora's eyes as he looked at Samui and held the letter in his hand.

"Hehe~ It will be fun seeing their reaction and how she and her brother will react when they read the letter."

Kazutora said with a playful smile on his face, and he appeared beside Samui. But first, he decided to check the memories and see if they had been tempered or not.

Putting his hand on her head, Kazutora used Rinnegan, and he took out her soul. Then, he read the memories of Samui, and his eyes turned cold when he noticed that Samui did have some seals in mind that sealed a part of her memories

Her parents died when she was ten and it happened after her mother gave birth to her brother. In her memories, their family always has been harmonious family with parents loving each other and doting on their child.

But, unlike her, Kazutora saw something else in the memories. Because of his 'Spy' perk, and his study with Nono as Spy, he could read faces and he noticed that all the loving expressions shown by her mother were fake.

Her father was the same, but they were less fake than her mother's, but their emotions towards Samui were genuine.

He read the other memories, and his expression changed when he found a memory that showed a fight between her father and mother.

The memory had been sealed in her mind, and Kazutora looked at the whole memory with a thoughtful look on his face.


This act matches with what Kumo has done. You can remember Hinata's kidnapping, Kushina's kidnapping, and it won't be wrong to say that Kumo did kidnap people with different Bloodlines to breed them and get children for their village.

I have read about Yugito Nii in fandom, and she had Nibi sealed in her when she was two and had to go through gruesome and torturous training. Except for brainwashing and memory sealing, I don't think anything else is possible to keep her loyal to the village.

Besides, Samui has some qualities like Tsunade, the only living Senju and same for Karui who has red hair like Uzumaki. Since four villages attacked Uzushiogakure, they must have at least kidnapped one or two people to get the bloodline in the village.


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