
Naruto : Determine Savior From Sinner

| ● Huvnn | One man's evil is another's salvation. "Death to all enemies of heaven". the story is a roller coaster of emotion if you like cold heart Naruto you're going to love this story _____________________________ | ● Huvnn |

Huvnn · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 93 : War Cometh (3)


"Are you angry?" Sakura asked her best friend and rival, Yamanaka Ino, with a questioning look. She had long since left her childish "battle for Sasuke-kun's love" behind, instead trying to prove herself to him. She loved Sasuke, she really did, and he deserved more than a game of who gets who.

Ino just sighed, picking up another stick of dango from her tray.

"No…" she said in a defeated tone. The two sat in the Dango Café, a new sweets shop that opened near the Yamanaka Flowers Shop. The blonde sighed again.

"You won, fair and square." She stated. Sakura decided not to scold her for talking about Sasuke's love like it was nothing but a fool's competition. Her face then turned mischievous. "So, have you two done it yet?" She asked while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Sakura's face went red, her mind inconveniently going "limp". She opened her mouth, but was only able to sputter out incomprehensible chunks of speech, if it could even be called as such.

"Oh, I'd very much like to hear this as well." Another voice spoke, clearly female. "How's duck-butt in the sheets?" Mitarashi Anko asked. The Snake Mistress had a stick in her mouth, which no doubt had dango skewered on it previously.

Ino just smiled at the older woman. She now had backup! "Spill, Forehead!" she urged. "You totally did it, didn't you?!"

By this time, Sakura was redder than a tomato. This wasn't fair; she was being assaulted on two fronts. She was so embarrassed she could hardly take it.

"I'll spill if you do." Anko said, giving the girls a smug, almost proud, look. At this, both Sakura and Ino were blushing, the thought of someone like Anko sleeping with someone their age a little too much for either of them. And Sakura knew that Anko was just one of Naruto's women. Unfortunately, that thought brought the image of Naruto, Anko and Mei in bed together…

Sakura's nose began to bleed.


It was late. The moon was but a sliver of its full self, the stars twinkling in the thousands. It was slightly colder in the forest they settled in than in the city. The breeze was miniscule, but enough to bring chills to their bodies. They pushed through the cold, through it all, as they slowly took deep breaths in unison.

"Can you feel it?" Naruto, Gaara, and Sasuke all said at the same time, effectively answering the question.

Their heartbeats matched, their breathing matched, their everything… it matched.

"This feeling, what is it?" Again, all three boy's asked as one.

The three of them smiled. "It's harmony." They spoke as a single being. They continued. Their very thoughts were shared between them.

Suddenly, the presence of another appeared in the small clearing they were in, all three boy's turning to face the person at the same time.

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow, slightly unnerved at the synchronized movement. "Uh, what's going on, kid?" He asked his godson.

"I discovered this about my empathy ability a long time ago." All three answered. "I can push my empathy onto others." The three of them stood simultaneously, before breaking off individually.

"I call it unity."

They still spoke as one, even though they moved separately now. "It's total understanding, total harmony." They raised their right hands before clutching them, making a fist. "We can move as three individuals, but see and feel as one entity. It's maximum battle awareness."

Jiraiya thought for a moment in total silence, his face not showing how he felt, yet…

Naruto, Sasuke, and Gaara could determine his emotions like it was the easiest thing in the world.

He was impressed.

The Sage then smirked, bending his legs slightly. "How about we test this "unity" in a real battle?" He asked before rushing at Sasuke, who still had a cloth wrapped around his eyes.

He was in striking distance before the raven-haired boy smirked. Suddenly, a wall of sand rose between them, affectively halting the Sannin. In a stunning display of speed and teamwork, Sasuke was at his back, his left hand incased in crackling light.

Jiraiya went to move, only to realize that his leg was bound to the spot by sand.

"Hari Jizo (Needle Jizo)!" The Sannin called out, his mane of grey-white hair suddenly expanding, covering his entire body before sharpening. This technique could stop a regular Chidori if enough chakra was used, and Sasuke would be skewered.

That's when the Uchiha vanished in a gilded flash, appearing next to the blond. Jiraiya widened his eyes. Naruto had used the seal on Sasuke to teleport the boy to him. A Reverse Hiraishin…

The mere seconds of shock he felt was all Naruto needed. A tri-pronged kunai was pointed at his face, the only exposed part of his body. With a single glance, he saw sand surrounding him, poised in the air in sharp, blade-like constructs, all pointed at him.

He was perfectly subdued. He had gotten used to Naruto beating him in spars long ago, but to see how easily the three of them worked together, how easily their teamwork flowed, was stunning. It was, in the only way to describe it, flawlessly graceful.

No, there was another way to describe such fluid collaboration.


The three of them hadn't known each other for very long, a few months being the longest, a few days being the shortest, and yet they fought together like they had been for years. It was absurd; it was… it was the norm for his godson.

Jiraiya shook his head.

Naruto was ridiculously talented, and he knew he was going to make his students into something like him.

He was going to make monsters.


After a considerable amount of time, which was only a few minutes for the elite ANBU squad, Team Ro had finally accepted Nezumi-Two. Namikaze Minato, the Yondaime Hokage, was back, and he took up the title of his son's previous rank.

He was very well the only shinobi they would accept as a replacement, him being just as legendary as his son. There was no doubt in his skill; he was a god-tier ninja. There was no doubt in his loyalty; he had sacrificed everything to insure the safety of the village.

There was no doubt in him at all, and he was welcomed into the fold easily.

Minato being alive was too much of an advantage for Konoha not to keep a secret. The village's enemies would be idiotic to face Naruto now, but Naruto was a very active shinobi. He never stayed in the village for long.

Konoha was by far the most powerful village of the great five, but with the rumors and information provided by the master spy Jiraiya about the Akatsuki called for certain countermeasures.

Any organization that could control the actions of Uchiha Itachi was enough for anyone to take certain cautions.

With the information of multiple Bijuu in the possession of Konoha in circulation, war was inevitable. The Akatsuki, apparently, were hunting Jinchuuriki, or would be, and now the other nations would demand the distribution of Bijuu to put the balance of power back to its previous state.

That, of course, was never going to happen. Uzumaki Naruto would never hurt the village, but he would slay all that opposed him when it came to the safety of his "family". And if anyone even looked at his newest student, the Jinchuuriki of the Ichibi, he'd do the same.

He was an overprotective person, most likely due to his "sister's" overwhelmingly overprotective personality.

So war was no longer an "if" matter, but a "when". There was only so much one person could do, and Uzumaki Naruto was only one person, he couldn't protect everyone.

That's where Minato came in. As of the moment, Minato and Naruto were the only SS-ranked shinobi in all of Hi no Kuni. People like Maito Gai and Hatake Kakashi could hold their own against a single S-ranked ninja, but multiple… Not even the Copy-nin could handle that.

Konoha was by no means totally reliant on Uzumaki's power. There were plenty of powerful ninja under her command, but the kind of storm that was on the horizon… it wouldn't be enough. Jiraiya might have been able to face two or three S-ranked ninja, but he had his invaluable spy network to keep up, and that was where he was needed the most.

Already the Akatsuki were most likely planning to besiege the great walls, and Iwa no doubt would crave for revenge. Kirigakure was definitely their ally, Naruto made sure of that, but Mizu wasn't enough. Relations with Suna were rocky at best, the sand-riddled village Kage-less and without its Jinchuuriki.

Kumo was an unknown. On one hand, the village also had multiple Jinchuuriki – two, to be exact – but they were a militaristic village to the core. Konoha having so many Bijuu in its possession would make them uneasy at the very least. And the fact that the Cloud village had ties with Iwa was disconcerting. The two villages had joined forces to annihilate Uzushiogakure in the past, after all.

So Konoha was virtually ally-less, sans Kiri. While the village had powerful shinobi, they wouldn't be enough to support an all-out war with so many enemies. With Minato back, attackers would be surprised, and quite frankly overwhelmed, to face both the original Yellow Flash, and the new one. The two SS-ranked shinobi could fall armies in mere seconds. One was terrifying, two was impossible.

Minato, now as Nezumi-Two, was currently in a four man cell made up of Ro-Han agents. Neko had informed them that the Mizukage and the genin team that made it to the finals, along with its jonin sensei, were headed back to Kiri, and Team Ro was requested to see them back safely.

A man Minato had actually been on missions with in the past, Ookami, was appointed the Buntaicho for the mission. Ookami was an older man, with long, brilliant white hair that was tied in a simple ponytail.

The wolf-masked man was someone who was revered as the greatest kenjutsu expert in all of Konoha. He was the reason the Seven Ninja Swordsman were nigh extinct. He had wished to prove himself, and the heads of five of Kiri's best swordsman was an accomplishment the likes of which was legendary. He was a man Minato had respected, his skill easily borderline S-rank.

The squad was following the small group of Kiri shinobi from the shadows, their presence known, but only because it was told to them. Minato ran in close proximity with a blonde-haired kunoichi. Risu was apparently a prodigy in the Yamanaka clan's mind walking techniques, and a genjutsu expert.

She obviously wasn't a front-liner, but if she was anything like Inoichi, she was just as valuable a teammate as he was. Someone who underestimated a mind walker was a foolish person.

The woman kept stealing glances at him, as if she wished to say something, but would quickly avert her gaze, staying her tongue. He wasn't sure, but with Neko's warning to her, he had a guess of what she wanted.

 "If you even think about flirting with him, I'll make sure you stay celibate your entire life, understand?" Apparently, Risu was a flirt.

He wasn't too worried, though. His heart belonged to one woman, and she would have it even in death. Uzumaki Kushina was like the sun to him. She lit his path, kept him warm, and was always with him. She was the only woman he had ever been with, and she was the only woman he wanted to be with.

They gave their hearts, bodies, and souls to each other, and each other alone. No one but him had touched, or even seen, her flesh, and the same was true with his. He was not an arrogant man at all, but he knew he was powerful enough now to make sure he died of old age. Even so, though, he would not betray his wife. She was waiting for him, after all.

Beside Ookami was Uma. Uma had come off as a gentle, caring woman in the time he had known her, which wasn't very long at all. He had spoken shortly with all of Ro-Han before they left for Kiri, and the horse-masked operative had been pleasantly cheery.

She had spoken about his son like he was the greatest person she had ever met, explaining the promise made to her about the Hyuuga clan. His son had promised to dissolve the distinction between the main and branch families within the Byakugan-wielding clan. That was a monumental promise, one he wasn't sure could be kept, but if anyone could, it was his son.

Ro-Han had followed the Kiri-nin for hours before they stopped to make camp, resting for a few hours before continuing the journey back to their home.

While the Kiri shinobi rested, Minato took the time to converse with his new team.

"Uma-san," he began, getting the attention of the horse-masked woman. The black-haired kunoichi turned to him. "I was wondering if you could tell me a little about an agent of Ro-Han." He was so curious about the hulking man that he couldn't quite understand, especially since he only spoke in grunts.

"Ushi," he continued, bringing up the ox-masked man, "What's his background? He wasn't a member of the ANBU when I was in command." He had never even heard of an operative codenamed Ushi before.

Uma smiled behind her mask. "Ushi is a survivor of the Blitz." When she spoke those words, Minato's whole body tensed. Seeing her newest teammate's discomfort, she continued. "He was only a genin then, but he somehow survived." Minato was silent.

"He was taken in by a Konoha medic-nin, who helped him recover. When he was able to walk again," Minato flinched, "It was obvious that something was wrong." The blond-haired man wished he never asked this question now.

"His brain processed things differently, and he lost the ability of speech." She shook her head. "He isn't brain dead, he just receives information differently. He associates authority with power." Here she giggled.

"Only Nezumi could handle him, and it's only because of his orders that Ushi listens to Neko-taicho."

Minato was still silent, lost in his thoughts. The Blitz was his "crowning achievement". That was the day he slaughtered thousands of Iwa-nin in seconds. He had thought everyone that day had died by his hand, but to hear that someone had survived…

He finally let out a long, pained breath. "So he survived the Blitz…" he replied. "And I injured him permanently. No wonder he wanted to attack me…"

Uma giggled softly. "He didn't attack you because of who you are." He faced her again. "He didn't even know who you were when he attacked you, silly." That was true… "He attacked you because of who you aren't."

That confused him. "Ushi respects Nezumi-taicho more than he respects the Hokage. He's the only person he see's worthy of any kind of recognition." Behind his mask, Minato smiled. His son had such strong bonds. "For someone to wear his mask… if it was anyone but you, you'd be dead by now."

The former Kage paused, taking a moment to process the information that was given to him. "He doesn't even remember the Blitz, does he?" He asked after a moment. "He's seen my face, but he didn't even show a sliver of hatred towards me."

Uma shook her head. "He doesn't remember anything from his life before he woke up from his coma in Konoha."

He went to reply when he noticed the Mizukage signal for him. Taking in a deep breath to calm his mind, he Shunshined (Body Flickered) to the auburn-haired woman.

"Yes, Mizukage-sama?" he asked in a respectable, politically correct fashion.

Mei raised an eyebrow. "I don't think a former Kage of your caliber should be addressing me in such a manner, Nezumi-san." She then blushed slightly. "Especially considering my relationship with your son…" She sounded unsure of herself.

"I am a Kage no longer, Mei-san." He spoke slightly less formal. "And I have no right to interfere in any relationship's my son may or may not have." He wasn't totally upset with Naruto having adult relationships with two women at the same time, partly because they knew about each other, and partly because his son was a man already. He had been a shinobi for a long time. He knew what he wanted, and he could make those decisions for himself.

"That is actually why I wished to speak with you, Nezumi-san." She began again, nervously. "I'm somewhat… traditional in the maters of the heart." She looked to the stars, and he understood the expression that marred her face. It was the look of a lover who hoped their other was looking at the same sky as them.

"And I'd like your approval in our relationship."

Minato was silent, just looking the powerful woman in the eyes, searching for something. Mei, to her credit, was unflinching in the presence of the Yellow Flash. She sat there, perfectly still, allowing the father of the man she loved gaze at her with intensity.

After a few seconds, Minato had found it. The certain look in her eyes that told him she loved his son wholeheartedly. He found that spark of love that was created when there was love between two or, in this case, three…

Mei loved him, she loved his son.

"You really love him, don't you?" He asked. He already knew the answer, but it never hurt to ask.

"He's the only man I've every loved." It was true. She had been with a couple of people before, but they had never made her feel like this. She was happy, genuinely happy. He was always on her mind, always in her dreams, everywhere. He was everywhere. She could still feel his warmth, and she wanted nothing more than to be in his arms again.

"Then I approve." Minato answered. Mei smiled. "But," he paused, the aura of happiness and acceptance vanishing, "If you ever betray my son in any way," he spoke so differently. The blond-haired man usually had such a warm, caring voice, and he always felt bright.

Now, however, as he looked at Mei like she was but an ant under his boot, living only because he let her live, he felt like Naruto did when he was angry. He felt like the scariest person alive.

"I will erase Kirigakure."

Somehow, Mei knew the man was speaking in the literal, not the figurative, and the fact that he said it with such confidence thoroughly terrified her.

She just nodded slowly. She knew she didn't really have anything to fear. She would never betray Naruto, ever. She'd die loving him, and then love him more in the afterlife. What did scare her was how powerful the father and son she was now bound to forever were.

Namikaze Minato was the original harbinger of death, his very name sending other Kage fleeing. Uzumaki Naruto was only thirteen, yet he was now being called the godslayer. These people were in a league so out of reach of normal people's that it was terrifying.

Minato turned his back, ready to walk away, before stopping. "Then I leave my son's happiness to you, Mei-san." He spoke once again in his warm tone. The woman now understood. There was no reason to scare her any further.

Mei was thankful for the warm tone, and she gained her composure quickly. "Hai, father." She said.

Minato smiled under his mask.


Three figures walked in a calm pace, the numerous trees surrounding them. These trees were everlasting in this part of the world.

"I thought we were going to Ame." Orochimaru stated suddenly, his voice defeated.

Kisame smirked. He was excited. Itachi decided to take a detour, and he couldn't wait to have some fun. "Don't worry, snake. You'll meet Leader-sama again soon. We just have a little… business to take care of." His shark-like teeth were as sharp as ever.

Orochimaru snarled silently. "I'd rather not see him again." He whispered.

"Silence, Orochimaru." Itachi finally spoke. "You should be grateful." He continued with his ever-stoic façade. "Today, we capture the one responsible for your humiliating defeat."

Orochimaru licked his lips, a sinister smile on his face.



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