
Naruto : Determine Savior From Sinner

| ● Huvnn | One man's evil is another's salvation. "Death to all enemies of heaven". the story is a roller coaster of emotion if you like cold heart Naruto you're going to love this story _____________________________ | ● Huvnn |

Huvnn · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 70 : Breath of Life (3)






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Now, Naruto was fairly close with Kiba, but he had to admit, the guy was a little too cocky for his own good. That's why when he started talking down on his opponent, a boy from Kiri named Osamu, Naruto couldn't do anything but shake his head in exasperation.

Even Anko sighed in pity for, 'that mutt boy'. Osamu looked very calm, and his eyes were very analytical. He looked at the Inuzuka with his defeat in mind. He reminded the blond of a lesser Shikamaru. Lesser in the fact that Shikamaru had a tactical mind that even trumped his own.

Kiba had gone straight for the win using his family's techniques. The Gatsuga (Fang Passing Fang) he and Akamaru used had only looked very promising. In reality, he hadn't even used the technique. Osamu would become a very powerful Genjutsu user one day.

The fight ended without even a single blow.

The next fight was almost as fast. Hyuuga Neji was to fight a boy named Kohako. Now, Hinata was able to end her match against Kankuro in a matter of seconds with a single blow. That meant that the multitude of Juken (Gentle Fist) blasts her cousin quickly delivered to the Kiri Shinobi were devastating.

Neji moved with such grace, such fluidity that he looked like he was dancing rather than using the most deadly Taijutsu style ever created.

He was truly a genius the likes of which the Hyuuga haven't seen in years. It was like his clan's techniques just clicked with him. It was almost as tragic as it was poetic that he was born as a branch member.

Neji was the victor, and no-one was surprised. He was considered the strongest Genin in the Chunin Exams, right up there with Uchiha Sasuke and Gaara.

Watching Neji reminded him of his promise to Uma. He would definitely fix the Hyuuga. He would rid Konoha of all cages, and let the little birds fly free.

This was the fight Naruto really wanted to see. He already knew how Sasuke's match would end. He had made the Uchiha high Chunin-level. There was no way he would have lost. But this was probably going to be the most interesting fight they would have in these preliminaries.

Rock Lee stood with Haruki, a blond Kiri-nin. Haruki was huge, like he was from Kumo. He even had the dark skin to go with it. Naruto could feel his affinity. One guess…

One or both of his parents had to be from Kumogakure for sure. That didn't matter though, because he was a Shinobi for Kirigakure, and if his demeanor was anything to go by, he was a Taijutsu expert, just like Lee. Oh yeah, this was going to be a most interesting match.

As soon as Hayate started the fight, Haruki surprised everyone with his speed. The guy was fast, but he had nothing on Konoha's Beautiful Green Wild Beast. Lee met the man's charge, a smile on his face.

This was a most youthful match. "Konoha Reppu (Tree Leaf Gale)!" He called out. The Taijutsu maneuver was very low in rank, but when used by someone like Maito Gai and Rock Lee, it became a very useful tool.

His leg went out to sweep the large Shinobi, but was met with nothing but air when said Shinobi leapt into the air. Lee looked up to see the dark-skinned man about to slam a fist into him. Lee was able to roll to the left, narrowly dodging the obviously powerful swing.

Getting back to their feet, the two Taijutsu enthusiasts looked at each other. That's when the hulking blond smiled.

Boar, Ram, Snake, Horse, Dragon

Haruki slammed his hands onto the ground, lightning rushing from his palms. "Raiton: Jibashi (Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder)." The lightning rushed at Lee from the floor, tearing the ground apart as it went. To dodge the technique, Lee had to jump, resting on the giant ram hand-seal statue.

"Lee!" Maito Gai shouted, getting into his nice guy pose. "Take off your waits!" He gave his mini a thumb up and a giant smile.

"Really, Gai-sensei?" Lee asked in a surprised tone.

"Hai!" Gai shouted grandiosely. "Show them the white-hot flames of your youth!" Gai thought he was being very cool like his hip rival Kakashi, but the pose, coupled with his usual attire… he was very uncool. In the eyes of Rock Lee however, he was the coolest man alive.

"I won't let you down Sensei!" He shouted, sitting down to take his weights off. Everyone watching was a little confused.

"Does he think taking off a couple of weights will help him defeat Haruki?" Kasumi asked no one in particular in a sarcastic voice. "He's one of Kiri's strongest Genin. There's no way this weirdo will even land a punch on him."

Naruto smiled. Haruki did look rather strong, but they knew nothing about Lee. This 'youth' he and his Sensei spoke of wasn't as figurative as everyone thought. It was their way of expressing their dedication and Will of Fire. And for Rock Lee, he had both in bulk.

Lee let loose his ankle weights, and the smirks on everyone's faces dropped just as fast as the very, very heavy training tools. The weights shook the arena when they met the floor, two large craters being formed. Haruki's eyes widened. What the hell was this kid?

Lee smirked as he entered his Goken (Strong Fist) stance. And with speeds no Genin should possess, Lee vanished. The Genin couldn't even see him, and Sasuke had to use his Sharingan to even keep up. Naruto smiled. "Here we go…" he whispered.

Before Haruki could even react, Lee appeared right in front of him, delivering a powerful fist to his gut, and then vanishing again. This happened a few times more before the large Genin chuckled. "Is that all you've got?" And just like Lee, Haruki vanished.

How someone that big could move that fast was beyond Lee, but it didn't matter in the end. A few minutes of high speed Taijutsu later, both Genin stopped.

"So you noticed it, then." Haruki suddenly said. Lee narrowed his eyes.

"You can interpret my moves… How?" Haruki smiled.

"Maito Gai is a very famous Shinobi, and his personal creation, the Goken (Strong Fist) has been seen by many. My Sensei developed a counter for you Sensei's style. You're using an outdated form." Dissing his Sensei was probably not the smartest thing to do.

"Lee!" Naruto shouted. He didn't want the boy to show off all of his tricks yet. These were just the preliminaries after all. "I give you permission to use it." Lee knew exactly what he was talking about.

"But it's not mine to use!" Lee shouted back in a surprisingly serious voice.

"Why do you think I let you see it?" He looked to Gai. "I keep my promises, Lee." Lee looked to his Sensei as well, confused at what was going on. Nevertheless, the smile on his face was one he rarely had. He didn't think he'd ever get to use this. It was going to be so youthful.

Gai was just as confused. What had the Bringer of Hope taught his student?

Rock Lee was no Sennin- that was obvious. But with the use of his Sensei's teachings, he could use the Kamikage's creation. "Kaimon: Kai (Gate of Opening)!" The first of the Hachimon had been opened. It wasn't enough. "Kyumon: Kai (Gate of Healing)!" Once again, another of his body's limiters opened, increasing his speed and strength. This was just enough for him to use it.

"You taught him how to open the Hachimon?" Kakashi asked in surprise. "How many gates can he open?" Gai didn't even reply, too engrossed in his student. What was he going to do? What had Naruto taught him? He did remember the boy's promise, though.

"As long as take breath in this world, your students will be safe, this I promise you. I will protect them with my life, like I will protect you, because no matter what else happens, I love my village and her people."

Neji smiled. He had already seen this before. He was truly grateful to have a rival such as Lee. It was time for these people to see another kind of genius. It was time for Rock Lee to show the world what hard work could accomplish.

Lee entered a stance no-one but Kakashi had ever seen before. His eye widened and he lifted his forehead protector, focusing his Sharingan on the impossible.

Both his hands were posed in a regular enough boxing style, and his knees were bent. He was bending backward a little, and his right leg was in front of the left. It was a perfect stance. How in the hell did he learn this? This should have been impossible for anyone but Naruto. He doubted Gai could have learned it.

He looked towards Naruto. "You didn't!" He shouted incredulously. Gai snapped out of his intense focus when he heard Kakashi's shocked voice. When his eyes met the blond, all he saw was a monstrous smile.

That's when Lee began. "Kaminoikari (God's Wrath)." It was but a whisper, but Hiruzen heard it all the same.

You didn't really teach him this… did you?

Naruto just smiled. He was excited to see if he could actually pull this off without Natural Energy.

I will always help the Angels of Heaven.

The green-clad Genin took off, the ground smashing with the force of his speed. When he reappeared, he sent a sickening kick to the side of Haruki's head. As the huge Genin was sent in the direction of the arena wall, Lee disappeared once more. He suddenly appeared in front of the Kiri-nin, sending an elbow to his gut. When the elbow stopped him, a barrage of fists was sent to his ribs.

His hands were so fast that many couldn't even keep up with it. He then sent a furious back hand to his face, sending him flying again. Lee rushed after him, this time from above. Before he could crash into the wall, Lee was already spinning down. When his leg smashed into the bulky Shinobi's back, it was over.

Naruto had developed his own Taijutsu maneuver to combat people like Maito Gai. It was on the level of the Omote Renge (Front Lotus), just minus the negative drawbacks to the user's body.

And of course, it was much more devastating when the blond used it, since instead of using his bare fists, he used Natural Energy. But the fact that he was able to pull it off was incredible. It took such speed, such flexibility that someone as big as Kakashi or Maito Gai wouldn't be able to use it. It was created for the small to conquer the large.

He was very adept at the style, and Naruto might teach him the actual last blow. The kick was the finishing touch that Naruto showed him, but when Naruto used it, a blow to the heart finished the maneuver, killing the target. Naruto always made sure to kill when he was supposed to kill.

You never wound something you can't kill. It usually comes back to bite you in the ass.

"Winner, Rock Lee." Hayate announced.

Isn't that a little advanced for someone like Lee-kun? Hiruzen asked.

Naruto chuckled. That's not even his greatest technique, Jiji.

Oh? And what is?

That Genin knows the Ura Renge (Reverse Lotus).

Hiruzen didn't show it, but he was shocked. The Ura Renge (Reverse Lotus) was only something a handful of Shinobi ever born could use. It was the pinnacle of regular Taijutsu techniques. The only thing more powerful could only be done by Maito Gai. That's when a smile found its way on the Hokage's aged face.

The great tree is still strong…

Naruto smiled. As it always will be.





